If republicans claim to be so opposed to socialism, why is it that they are so content with...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...spending trillions on defense each year?

Oh it's because they are hypocritical scumbags.
You idiot.

FY 2014 - $1.022 trillion
FY 2013 - $672 billion
FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion
FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion
FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion
FY 2009 - $253 billion

Democrats while holding majorities in both houses and having a president in the White House ran three straight trillion dollar plus deficits from 2010-12, then this year, picked up where they left off. They chose not to stop spending on defense until the sequester.

Oh and might I add, it is Obama who is recklessly killing innocent civilians with drones. Guess you're the hypocrite here buddy.
You idiot.

FY 2014 - $1.022 trillion
FY 2013 - $672 billion
FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion
FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion
FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion
FY 2009 - $253 billion

Democrats while holding majorities in both houses and having a president in the White House ran three straight trillion dollar plus deficits from 2010-12, then this year, picked up where they left off. They chose not to stop spending on defense until the sequester.

Oh and might I add, it is Obama who is recklessly killing innocent civilians with drones. Guess you're the hypocrite here buddy.
Um no you're the moron. Republicans are planning on reversing the defense cuts. That means MORE spending.

Oh and the drone program isn't what socialism is you dumbshit.
You idiot.

FY 2014 - $1.022 trillion
FY 2013 - $672 billion
FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion
FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion
FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion
FY 2009 - $253 billion

Democrats while holding majorities in both houses and having a president in the White House ran three straight trillion dollar plus deficits from 2010-12, then this year, picked up where they left off. They chose not to stop spending on defense until the sequester.

Oh and might I add, it is Obama who is recklessly killing innocent civilians with drones. Guess you're the hypocrite here buddy.
Um no you're the moron. Republicans are planning on reversing the defense cuts. That means MORE spending.

Oh and the drone program isn't what socialism is you dumbshit.
neither is defense.
You idiot.

FY 2014 - $1.022 trillion
FY 2013 - $672 billion
FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion
FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion
FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion
FY 2009 - $253 billion

Democrats while holding majorities in both houses and having a president in the White House ran three straight trillion dollar plus deficits from 2010-12, then this year, picked up where they left off. They chose not to stop spending on defense until the sequester.

Oh and might I add, it is Obama who is recklessly killing innocent civilians with drones. Guess you're the hypocrite here buddy.
Um no you're the moron. Republicans are planning on reversing the defense cuts. That means MORE spending.

Oh and the drone program isn't what socialism is you dumbshit.

And when the Democrats had supermajorities in both houses? They had plenty of chances to make those cuts permanent. What did they do? Hmm? They didn't. The chose to allow the spending. Besides, what does socialism and defense spending have to do with one another?

What a dimwit you are. How can you compare the two?

On that note, should I take your thread as a defense of socialism? If so, there are some far rightists on this board who will enjoy this thread.

You idiot.

FY 2014 - $1.022 trillion
FY 2013 - $672 billion
FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion
FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion
FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion
FY 2009 - $253 billion

Democrats while holding majorities in both houses and having a president in the White House ran three straight trillion dollar plus deficits from 2010-12, then this year, picked up where they left off. They chose not to stop spending on defense until the sequester.

Oh and might I add, it is Obama who is recklessly killing innocent civilians with drones. Guess you're the hypocrite here buddy.

Didn't Obama pull out if Iraq and try to save money only to be hammered by the right for pulling out (even though Bush signed the deal)?
You idiot.

FY 2014 - $1.022 trillion
FY 2013 - $672 billion
FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion
FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion
FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion
FY 2009 - $253 billion

Democrats while holding majorities in both houses and having a president in the White House ran three straight trillion dollar plus deficits from 2010-12, then this year, picked up where they left off. They chose not to stop spending on defense until the sequester.

Oh and might I add, it is Obama who is recklessly killing innocent civilians with drones. Guess you're the hypocrite here buddy.
Um no you're the moron. Republicans are planning on reversing the defense cuts. That means MORE spending.

Oh and the drone program isn't what socialism is you dumbshit.

And when the Democrats had supermajorities in both houses? They had plenty of chances to make those cuts permanent. What did they do? Hmm? They didn't. The chose to allow the spending. Besides, what does socialism and defense spending have to do with one another?

What a dimwit you are. How can you compare the two?

On that note, should I take your thread as a defense of socialism? If so, there are some far rightists on this board who will enjoy this thread.

TK the sooner you realize you are not all smart the sooner this board can progress intellectually without you. I never said dems didn't like defense spending. The obvious point is that dems never claimed to be against big socialist spending. Repubs have.

Big gov spending=socialism. This isn't hard to figure out.
Didn't Obama pull out if Iraq and try to save money only to be hammered by the right for pulling out (even though Bush signed the deal)?

Oh poor Obama. Yes he did, but he neglected these skeletons in his closet.

On January 13, 2005, a newly minted Senator from Illinois was questioning Condoleeza Rice in her confirmation hearing and was quoted as saying this:

"You know, all of us, I think, are rooting for your success. And I recognize not just yours personally but this administration's success.

I think the notion that we have a very real and present danger in the nihilistic ideologies of radical Islam, I think, most Americans share."

Transcript Day Two of Rice Testimony washingtonpost.com

And this little gem from Obama in 2007:

"Senator Barack Obama yesterday defended his votes on behalf of funding the Iraq war, asserting that he has always made clear that he supports funding for US troops despite his consistent opposition to the war.

"I have been very clear even as a candidate that, once we were in, that we were going to have some responsibility to make it work as best we could, and more importantly that our troops had the best resources they needed to get home safely," Obama, an Illinois Democrat, told reporters in a conference call. "So I don't think there is any contradiction there."

Obama defends votes in favor of Iraq funding - The Boston Globe

The same guy who opposed the war, but chose to vote for funding of the war, and voiced his support for the war effort, is not the same guy you see up there right now.
...spending trillions on defense each year?

Oh it's because they are hypocritical scumbags.

There is little difference between Rs and Ds. When your understand that, you will have attained a level of understanding most 12 years easily attain.

Stop being a partisan little bitch and accept the reality that both parties are near mirror images of each other.

The hypocrite here is you.
Whoa! Whoa! Just because we installed the "tyranny" of universal healthcare in Iraq (guaranteed by Iraq's constitution) doesn't mean that our bloated military budget is socialism!!!

Nor does it mean that ISIS is Iraq's Tea Party.

Wait... yeah, they totally are.
...spending trillions on defense each year?

Oh it's because they are hypocritical scumbags.

There is little difference between Rs and Ds. When your understand that, you will have attained a level of understanding most 12 years easily attain.

Stop being a partisan little bitch and accept the reality that both parties are near mirror images of each other.

The hypocrite here is you.
What sets dems apart is that they don't bitch about socialism or big spending. That's the point
...spending trillions on defense each year?

Oh it's because they are hypocritical scumbags.

There is little difference between Rs and Ds. When your understand that, you will have attained a level of understanding most 12 years easily attain.

Stop being a partisan little bitch and accept the reality that both parties are near mirror images of each other.

The hypocrite here is you.
What sets dems apart is that they don't bitch about socialism or big spending. That's the point
Then your point lacks intelligence. It does not matter what any politician says. Most of them are prolific liars and thieving criminals. What matters is what they do. How could you not know this?
...spending trillions on defense each year?

Oh it's because they are hypocritical scumbags.

If you were to actually speak or actually listen to a conservative, they would tell you that, first and foremost, the duty of the government is to protect its citizens.

So they will always push for as much military spending as possible. Try to get them to take a dollar out of the military budget and you'll have a big ol' fight, unfortunately.

I'm pretty sure that anyone who isn't crazed by their partisan ideology knows this.

I wonder why it's so important for you to be a troll. You try so dang hard.

We're supposed to spend money on defense, and a lot of it. Read the Constitution, defense is the federal government's job, not feeding every lazy bum in the country who will vote a certain way.
...spending trillions on defense each year?

Oh it's because they are hypocritical scumbags.

There is little difference between Rs and Ds. When your understand that, you will have attained a level of understanding most 12 years easily attain.

Stop being a partisan little bitch and accept the reality that both parties are near mirror images of each other.

The hypocrite here is you.
What sets dems apart is that they don't bitch about socialism or big spending. That's the point
Then your point lacks intelligence. It does not matter what any politician says. Most of them are prolific liars and thieving criminals. What matters is what they do. How could you not know this?
I don't claim to like dems. You're just making your own assumptions.
We're supposed to spend money on defense, and a lot of it. Read the Constitution, defense is the federal government's job, not feeding every lazy bum in the country who will vote a certain way.
Do you even know how much we spend on food stamps?
Somebody ask the OP how Republicans are supposed to go about erasing socialism completely from the government.
...spending trillions on defense each year?

Oh it's because they are hypocritical scumbags.

If you were to actually speak or actually listen to a conservative, they would tell you that, first and foremost, the duty of the government is to protect its citizens.

So they will always push for as much military spending as possible. Try to get them to take a dollar out of the military budget and you'll have a big ol' fight, unfortunately.

I'm pretty sure that anyone who isn't crazed by their partisan ideology knows this.

I wonder why it's so important for you to be a troll. You try so dang hard.

What is a troll to you? Is PoliticalChic a troll?
...spending trillions on defense each year?

Oh it's because they are hypocritical scumbags.

If you were to actually speak or actually listen to a conservative, they would tell you that, first and foremost, the duty of the government is to protect its citizens.

So they will always push for as much military spending as possible. Try to get them to take a dollar out of the military budget and you'll have a big ol' fight, unfortunately.

I'm pretty sure that anyone who isn't crazed by their partisan ideology knows this.

I wonder why it's so important for you to be a troll. You try so dang hard.

What is a troll to you? Is PoliticalChic a troll?

Sure. People who are more interested in flinging poo than in civil discourse.

I don't know what you think you're accomplishing. Surely you can't be attempting to stimulate civil discourse with your behavior, so it must be the poo thing.

It's probably safe to surmise, then, that you'd prefer to make divisions even worse, and I wonder why.

Your call, I was just curious. I'm fascinated by the behavior of hardcore partisan ideologues.


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