If Republicans lose the 2012 Presidential election, which direction will the GOP go?

The history of America is the history of slow liberalism.
we only have to look at our history where we began and where we are today to see that. So many vast changes and always toward more rights for people. The only question we seem to have is do Democrats, at times, move too fast for the people? When people feel uncomforable with pace they vote in America's anchor, the Republican party. After a time again it's time to move forward and so back comes the Democratic party. But make no mistake our goal is always more liberalism and a better life for the people. The Repubicans would like to believe the Constitution is part of the anchor but so far it has not impeded progress.

More rights for citizens from the liberals?

Do you really expect us to take you seriously when you post BS like that? When it comes to removing people's rights, the liberals and Democrats are worse than the Republicans and the Republicans are a crappy benchmark to set in the first place.


Do Americans have more rights today than in 1789? What might those rights be? Did conservatives or liberals push for those rights?

that's a great question. for one... i couldn't have voted in 1789 because i'm female.
blacks couldn't have voted and were 3/5 of a person. only white male landowners could vote.

gee... what were they saying about those 'freedoms'. and how many of them were slaveowners again?
It is today's liberal who are pushing for more rights for gays to serve their country and to marry
It s liberals defending the rights of workers to collectively bargain

Where do conservatives stand on that?

On my own two feet,I don't need nor want anyone collectively bargaining for me,I do a fine job on my own. I don't need a crutch to earn a living.

How is that 40 hour week working out for you?

Here's another good question to ask:

Tell me how many conservatives with preexisting medical conditions are going to refuse coverage for those conditions under Obamacare? I mean, can you see them calling up their insurance companies and refusing coverage because they hate Obamacare?
I've got some news for you. The men who wrote the US Constitution and ratified it weren't the conservatives of their day.

Objecting to taxes, revolting against the government in armed conflict....I dunno, part of it sounds kinda conservative to me.

You guys really should read the Constitution.

Section 8 - Powers of Congress

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States

I think many of them stop at the 2nd Amendment.
As many people have noted, the GOP has been consistently moving further and further to the right over the last 30 years. The election of President Obama continued that trend as the 2010 midterms made clear.

During the current 2012 GOP primary season, candidates like Bachmann and Santorum routinely engaged in some pretty strident rhetoric while also bringing up the social issues continuously despite the fact that virtually everyone thought that economic issues would far and away be the focus of the election.

And finally, the primary has come down to Romney and changing conservative 'not Romney' candidates.

So, regardless of who ends up winning the GOP nomination, if the Republicans lose the general election to President Obama, which direction will the GOP ultimately go? Will they move closer to the center because they lost to President Obama? Or will they move further to the right?

If the Republican party moves toward a more Libertarian right, I say "What is the problem?"

But that is not going to happen.

The Republicans are going to find more anti-socialist fanaticals and tear at the Obama and the Democrats for now and forever. Kind of like a bad marriage.
As many people have noted, the GOP has been consistently moving further and further to the right over the last 30 years. The election of President Obama continued that trend as the 2010 midterms made clear.

During the current 2012 GOP primary season, candidates like Bachmann and Santorum routinely engaged in some pretty strident rhetoric while also bringing up the social issues continuously despite the fact that virtually everyone thought that economic issues would far and away be the focus of the election.

And finally, the primary has come down to Romney and changing conservative 'not Romney' candidates.

So, regardless of who ends up winning the GOP nomination, if the Republicans lose the general election to President Obama, which direction will the GOP ultimately go? Will they move closer to the center because they lost to President Obama? Or will they move further to the right?

If the Republican party moves toward a more Libertarian right, I say "What is the problem?"

But that is not going to happen.

The Republicans are going to find more anti-socialist fanaticals and tear at the Obama and the Democrats for now and forever. Kind of like a bad marriage.

Perhaps I should have asked which direction the Republican Party SHOULD move toward if they lose the election. Undoubtedly, anyone who suggested moving closer to the center would be denounced as a RINO.
It sure as hell was not liberals or at least not today's liberals.


It is today's liberal who are pushing for more rights for gays to serve their country and to marry
It s liberals defending the rights of workers to collectively bargain

Where do conservatives stand on that?

It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right as to what products he will sell.

It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right to publicly express one's faith or to speak out against abortion.

As for the right to collectively bargain, it seems many unions (SEIU) are more interested in spreading violence than improving the employment conditions of workers. By the way, I have no problem with collective bargaining. I have a problem with union bosses who can't be distinquished from corrupt politicians.


Right to what products you can sell?
Right to publicly express ones faith or speak against abortion?

Total Bull Shit there Immie

Unions spreading violence? Come on...that card expired with Jimmy Hoffa
It is today's liberal who are pushing for more rights for gays to serve their country and to marry
It s liberals defending the rights of workers to collectively bargain

Where do conservatives stand on that?

It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right as to what products he will sell.

It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right to publicly express one's faith or to speak out against abortion.

As for the right to collectively bargain, it seems many unions (SEIU) are more interested in spreading violence than improving the employment conditions of workers. By the way, I have no problem with collective bargaining. I have a problem with union bosses who can't be distinquished from corrupt politicians.


Right to what products you can sell?
Right to publicly express ones faith or speak against abortion?

Total Bull Shit there Immie

Unions spreading violence? Come on...that card expired with Jimmy Hoffa

Bullshit on the violence and perhaps you have not been following the threads regarding a pharmacies right not to carry Plan B or the Texas judge's right not to perform marriages.

If, you would like I can find links to both of them. The first one is still going on and is now at about 900 posts. The second one died out a day or so ago. It seems that at least some liberals think that they have the right to require a pharmacy to carry and sell them Plan B even if the owner of the pharmacy as a problem with carrying a product that kills a human being.

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It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right as to what products he will sell.

It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right to publicly express one's faith or to speak out against abortion.

As for the right to collectively bargain, it seems many unions (SEIU) are more interested in spreading violence than improving the employment conditions of workers. By the way, I have no problem with collective bargaining. I have a problem with union bosses who can't be distinquished from corrupt politicians.


Right to what products you can sell?
Right to publicly express ones faith or speak against abortion?

Total Bull Shit there Immie

Unions spreading violence? Come on...that card expired with Jimmy Hoffa

Bullshit on the violence and perhaps you have not been following the threads regarding a pharmacies right not to carry Plan B or the Texas judge's right not to perform marriages.

If, you would like I can find links to both of them. The first one is still going on and is now at about 900 posts. The second one died out a day or so ago. It seems that at least some liberals think that they have the right to require a pharmacy to carry and sell them Plan B even if the owner of the pharmacy as a problem with carrying a product that kills a human being.


Oh god....is that really the best you got?

Your "freedoms" are so violated.

Right up there with Martin Luther King you are
Right to what products you can sell?
Right to publicly express ones faith or speak against abortion?

Total Bull Shit there Immie

Unions spreading violence? Come on...that card expired with Jimmy Hoffa

Bullshit on the violence and perhaps you have not been following the threads regarding a pharmacies right not to carry Plan B or the Texas judge's right not to perform marriages.

If, you would like I can find links to both of them. The first one is still going on and is now at about 900 posts. The second one died out a day or so ago. It seems that at least some liberals think that they have the right to require a pharmacy to carry and sell them Plan B even if the owner of the pharmacy as a problem with carrying a product that kills a human being.


Oh god....is that really the best you got?

Your "freedoms" are so violated.

Right up there with Martin Luther King you are

Rights are rights. You guys are the ones that constantly seek to inhibit them.

Bullshit on the violence and perhaps you have not been following the threads regarding a pharmacies right not to carry Plan B or the Texas judge's right not to perform marriages.

If, you would like I can find links to both of them. The first one is still going on and is now at about 900 posts. The second one died out a day or so ago. It seems that at least some liberals think that they have the right to require a pharmacy to carry and sell them Plan B even if the owner of the pharmacy as a problem with carrying a product that kills a human being.


Oh god....is that really the best you got?

Your "freedoms" are so violated.

Right up there with Martin Luther King you are

Rights are rights. You guys are the ones that constantly seek to inhibit them.


Good god

Save me your petty rightwing "my rights are violated too!"
Oh god....is that really the best you got?

Your "freedoms" are so violated.

Right up there with Martin Luther King you are

Rights are rights. You guys are the ones that constantly seek to inhibit them.


Good god

Save me your petty rightwing "my rights are violated too!"

Oh? Your rights are being violated? How so?

And for the record, my rights are not being violated. I am not a pharmacist and I don't practice in Washington state. Doesn't mean I don't like the idea of big government creeping in and taking more of our rights.

I'm surprised you have not mentioned the Patriot Act.

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Rights are rights. You guys are the ones that constantly seek to inhibit them.


Good god

Save me your petty rightwing "my rights are violated too!"

Oh? Your rights are being violated? How so?

And for the record, my rights are not being violated. I am not a pharmacist and I don't practice in Washington state. Doesn't mean I don't like the idea of big government creeping in and taking more of our rights.

I'm surprised you have not mentioned the Patriot Act.


Patriot Act sucks

But it was an overreaction to the terrorist threat
It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right as to what products he will sell.

It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right to publicly express one's faith or to speak out against abortion.

As for the right to collectively bargain, it seems many unions (SEIU) are more interested in spreading violence than improving the employment conditions of workers. By the way, I have no problem with collective bargaining. I have a problem with union bosses who can't be distinquished from corrupt politicians.


Right to what products you can sell?
Right to publicly express ones faith or speak against abortion?

Total Bull Shit there Immie

Unions spreading violence? Come on...that card expired with Jimmy Hoffa

Bullshit on the violence and perhaps you have not been following the threads regarding a pharmacies right not to carry Plan B or the Texas judge's right not to perform marriages.

If, you would like I can find links to both of them. The first one is still going on and is now at about 900 posts. The second one died out a day or so ago. It seems that at least some liberals think that they have the right to require a pharmacy to carry and sell them Plan B even if the owner of the pharmacy as a problem with carrying a product that kills a human being.


I am so tired of rightwing whimpering that their civil rights are being violated because they are being prevented from inflicting their twisted views on other people
Right to what products you can sell?
Right to publicly express ones faith or speak against abortion?

Total Bull Shit there Immie

Unions spreading violence? Come on...that card expired with Jimmy Hoffa

Bullshit on the violence and perhaps you have not been following the threads regarding a pharmacies right not to carry Plan B or the Texas judge's right not to perform marriages.

If, you would like I can find links to both of them. The first one is still going on and is now at about 900 posts. The second one died out a day or so ago. It seems that at least some liberals think that they have the right to require a pharmacy to carry and sell them Plan B even if the owner of the pharmacy as a problem with carrying a product that kills a human being.


I am so tired of rightwing whimpering that their civil rights are being violated because they are being prevented from inflicting their twisted views on other people

What bugs me is the continued desire of the left to inflict their twisted views on everyone else.

It sure as hell was not liberals or at least not today's liberals.


It is today's liberal who are pushing for more rights for gays to serve their country and to marry
It s liberals defending the rights of workers to collectively bargain

Where do conservatives stand on that?

It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right as to what products he will sell.

It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right to publicly express one's faith or to speak out against abortion.

As for the right to collectively bargain, it seems many unions (SEIU) are more interested in spreading violence than improving the employment conditions of workers. By the way, I have no problem with collective bargaining. I have a problem with union bosses who can't be distinquished from corrupt politicians.


Are you referring to the RW light bulb controversy?
It is today's liberal who are pushing for more rights for gays to serve their country and to marry
It s liberals defending the rights of workers to collectively bargain

Where do conservatives stand on that?

It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right as to what products he will sell.

It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right to publicly express one's faith or to speak out against abortion.

As for the right to collectively bargain, it seems many unions (SEIU) are more interested in spreading violence than improving the employment conditions of workers. By the way, I have no problem with collective bargaining. I have a problem with union bosses who can't be distinquished from corrupt politicians.


Are you referring to the RW light bulb controversy?



PS: I should leave my answer at that just to be mean. :lol:

No, I was referring to an ongoing (although dieing) thread going on at the moment about a law passed in the state of Washington requiring the pharmacists to distribute Plan B "emergency" contraceptives. Now, before you too go putting words in my mouth, I have not said that if I were a pharmacists I would not dispense the product. I do, however, object to the state forcing someone to carry a product.

And also, for the record, I am not saying that there have not been compelling arguments by the left as to why the state should do this. They simply have not convinced me.

It is a long thread here's the link:


And in regards to the light bulb controversy, thank you, I had forgotten about that one. More left wing stomping on our rights.
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It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right as to what products he will sell.

It is today's liberals that want to remove a person's right to publicly express one's faith or to speak out against abortion.

As for the right to collectively bargain, it seems many unions (SEIU) are more interested in spreading violence than improving the employment conditions of workers. By the way, I have no problem with collective bargaining. I have a problem with union bosses who can't be distinquished from corrupt politicians.


Are you referring to the RW light bulb controversy?



PS: I should leave my answer at that just to be mean. :lol:

No, I was referring to an ongoing (although dieing) thread going on at the moment about a law passed in the state of Washington requiring the pharmacists to distribute Plan B "emergency" contraceptives. Now, before you too go putting words in my mouth, I have not said that if I were a pharmacists I would not dispense the product. I do, however, object to the state forcing someone to carry a product.

And also, for the record, I am not saying that there have not been compelling arguments by the left as to why the state should do this. They simply have not convinced me.

It is a long thread here's the link:


And in regards to the light bulb controversy, thank you, I had forgotten about that one. More left wing stomping on our rights.

There's no controversy. The government (all governments in the world, frankly) have the authority to regulate the manufacture of products and the specifications those products must meet. It's similar to gov't being able to regulate bldg construction codes which, of course, include plumbing, and electrical, and even the span between floor joists.

As for light bulbs, I don't think manufacturing specs had been altered for years since the old incandescent bulb TRULY was old. But no manufacturer has some inherent constitutional 'right' to manufacture a particular product any damn way he pleases.
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The history of America is the history of slow liberalism.
we only have to look at our history where we began and where we are today to see that. So many vast changes and always toward more rights for people. The only question we seem to have is do Democrats, at times, move too fast for the people? When people feel uncomforable with pace they vote in America's anchor, the Republican party. After a time again it's time to move forward and so back comes the Democratic party. But make no mistake our goal is always more liberalism and a better life for the people. The Repubicans would like to believe the Constitution is part of the anchor but so far it has not impeded progress.

More rights for citizens from the liberals?

Do you really expect us to take you seriously when you post BS like that? When it comes to removing people's rights, the liberals and Democrats are worse than the Republicans and the Republicans are a crappy benchmark to set in the first place.


Actually regent is quite correct.

It’s not a matter of ‘more rights for citizens from the liberals,’ as rights are inalienable and immutable – no one can give or take away rights. But it is also true liberals have played a pivotal role in restricting government preemption, protecting citizens’ rights from abuse by state and local authorities.

One need only consider the cases reviewed by the Warren Court for proof.

Between 1953 and 1969, Chief Justice Warren presided over the most remarkable period of American jurisprudence, a time during which the original intent of the Constitution was finally realized. From segregation to discrimination, to due process rights with regard to criminal prosecution, to ensuring all American had equal access to the law, the Warren Court reaffirmed the most fundamental tenets of the Founding Document, bitterly opposed by conservatives every step of the way.

The common law genius of the Warren Court. - William and Mary Law Review | HighBeam Research

I was referring to an ongoing (although dieing) thread going on at the moment about a law passed in the state of Washington requiring the pharmacists to distribute Plan B "emergency" contraceptives. Now, before you too go putting words in my mouth, I have not said that if I were a pharmacists I would not dispense the product. I do, however, object to the state forcing someone to carry a product.

And also, for the record, I am not saying that there have not been compelling arguments by the left as to why the state should do this. They simply have not convinced me.

As we know no right is absolute, the state may preempt a right given it has a compelling reason and evidence in support.

With regard to the law requiring pharmacists to dispense Plan B, this may be the result of a concern that if too many pharmacists refuse to provide the product, it will result in a de facto ban of an otherwise legal drug, a drug women are entitled to in the context of their right to privacy. This may also bring in public accommodation issues.
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