If republicans were actual mature adults, they wouldn’t react the way they do to the Parkland kids


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.
It’s also an unwarranted fear common to most on the right.

And when conservatives are afraid they engage in unjustified attacks.

That unwarranted fear, of course, is the ridiculous notion that the Parkland students might actually accomplish the enactment of a new Federal AWB, or similar Federal legislation.

Needless to say that will not happen as there’s no political will to do so.
It’s also an unwarranted fear common to most on the right.

And when conservatives are afraid they engage in unjustified attacks.

That unwarranted fear, of course, is the ridiculous notion that the Parkland students might actually accomplish the enactment of a new Federal AWB, or similar Federal legislation.

Needless to say that will not happen as there’s no political will to do so.
Yes exactly. Gun control of any kind rarely passes and many democrats in office love guns.
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
To me, it is childishness. They just never learned how to be adults. They are still that bigoted bully from the 8th grade.
If republicans were actual mature adults, they wouldn’t react the way they do to the Parkland kids

If democrats were actual mature adults, they wouldn't react the way they do to Trump winning the election, building a border wall just to protect national security and immigration laws, and a hundred other things.


If republicans were actual mature adults, they wouldn’t react the way they do to the Parkland kids

If democrats were actual mature adults, they wouldn't react the way they do to Trump winning the election, building a border wall just to protect national security and immigration laws, and a hundred other things.

View attachment 186826 View attachment 186827 View attachment 186828

Typical deflection and bullshit false equivalency based on pictures alone.
You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.
Your OP fails miserably, because you make an accusation, but present nothing to show and back it up, other than your own ad hominem attack.
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
You don't show any evidence either. Grade for your post >> F.
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.

Traumatized children don't get on a national stage paid for by commiecrat gun grabbers and parrot their talking points. Then the commiecrats denied the stage to a kid that actually lost a family member. I feel sorry for the kids alright, for being used as shills and human shields by the gun grabbers. Now they'll be discarded like yesterdays news, and who will be there to pick up the pieces. It damn sure won't be the loud mouthed hollywood celebs that just wrote checks.

You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.
Your OP fails miserably, because you make an accusation, but present nothing to show and back it up, other than your own ad hominem attack.
Lol you already know all of this is true. I could present you the evidence of what Laura Ingram said, but it wouldn’t make a difference.
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
To me, it is childishness. They just never learned how to be adults. They are still that bigoted bully from the 8th grade.

What do you call using these children as human shields for your propaganda? I call it sick and twisted.

Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
To me, it is childishness. They just never learned how to be adults. They are still that bigoted bully from the 8th grade.

What do you call using these children as human shields for your propaganda? I call it sick and twisted.

Human shields of propaganda? WTF??? Can you be more of an emotional drama queen than that statement?
You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.
So Republicans are smart people who properly and correctly criticize your liberal, irrational brethren, and you still find some way to use this against the Republicans?
If bed wetting liberals were decent human beings instead of fetid piles of animated rat shit, they would not exploit the tragic deaths of certain kids in certain shooting incidents while ignoring the deaths of black kids locked in democrook ghettos that happen on a regular basis.

If leftist pieces of shit like the OP wasn't delighted to exploit the stupidity of moonbat kids in order to promote the idea of civilian disarmament he wouldn't have posted the 827th thread about "republicans" being mean to stupid kids.

Remember folks. Leftist sociopaths are not interested in "public safety". They don't give a fruit fly's fuck about tragic deaths that could have been prevented had just one teacher in that building made the decision to carry and been armed when that fucker opened the door to gun down his former classmates.

We are always told "only cops should have guns", well in that case the cop wasn't enough. A teacher faced with a threat and the means to resist would have been.

Period, end of fucking discussion.

Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
To me, it is childishness. They just never learned how to be adults. They are still that bigoted bully from the 8th grade.

What do you call using these children as human shields for your propaganda? I call it sick and twisted.

Human shields of propaganda? WTF??? Can you be more of an emotional drama queen than that statement?

There was nothing said at that gun grabber rally that hasn't been said in every gun grabber speech in the last 20 years. So you ilk parades children out thinking they can't be challenged. That was a miscalculation on your part, there are no passes when people advocate taking away constitutional rights with left wing lies.

How much respect do you show the Parkland students who don't want your kind of gun control?
I don’t show them any disrespect. Why would I?

Yet you show disrespect to others who disagree with your worldview. And there are Parkland victims who do disagree with your worldview.

Florida school shooting hero blames sheriff, superintendent

You disrespect them each time you post a thread trashing conservatives and Republicans, and I doubt you're even aware of it. If there was ever a classic display of your utter cluelessness and hypocrisy, this thread--and your ensuing responses--would be it.
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
To me, it is childishness. They just never learned how to be adults. They are still that bigoted bully from the 8th grade.

What do you call using these children as human shields for your propaganda? I call it sick and twisted.

Human shields of propaganda? WTF??? Can you be more of an emotional drama queen than that statement?

Hmm, the self projection is quite strong with this one.

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