If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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dirty shame that one man can make life miserable for so many and while she doesn't get as much blame imo pelosi's hands aren't clean either
I'm actually starting to admire Pelosi a little more. I liked PayGo when W was potus. And I don't see her options with Trump. I think it's clear the dems are signaling they'll consider an offer from Trump that doesn't include the Wall across Texas. Trump never won a popular mandate for it, and the dems just handed the gop their asses. If Trump can force his will through blackmailing by hurting over a million workers and negatively affecting our safety ... we both know damn well the SOB will do it over and over. There's only one way to stand up to a bully.

The Democrats are just as responsible for those 800,000 as Trump because they refuse to give in either. Trump is showing no weakness as it's the Democrats trying to get the government open with no deal. Trump is standing strong and will continue to do so.

dems won't give in to trump republican mafia tactics of blackmail Keep it up and you lose the senate and presidency in 2020

Dems were saying stuff like that before 2009, and before 2016. Funny how the Republicans gained both houses, and the presidency, after being told "If you keep it up, you'll lose!".
The gop has not gained control of either the House or Senate with Trump on the ticket. In fact they've lost seats in the senate in 16, and control of the House in 18
I see.......so what you're saying is that Trump should break his campaign promise to tens of millions of people to make 800,000 people happy that would never vote for him? Does that sound like good political advice?
No, I'm not saying he shouldn't fight for his wall. He just shouldn't hold 800,000 people hostage because he's can't cut a deal. He should allow government to start for 30 or 60 days while he tries to work a deal with Pelosi. Whose to say that Pelosi would not comprise with him on his wall and he builds just 100 miles of it this year.

Piglosi: give us what we want now and then we’ll discuss what you want later and tell you to go pound a salt bag. So you get nothing and we get back pay and work for our voters. We are hailed heroes and you will be proven a sap.

Tell me, if you were Trump, would you accept that deal? Because if you would, you’d be the biggest sucker in the country.

...are you saying that Trump is the biggest sucker in the country?

Yes he is......for now. I await to see his future actions. Trump Fd up. He should have continued this shutdown until the Democrats at least wanted to negotiate. It may be he did it to get his State of the Union speech in. Let's see what he has to say then.

I think he's trying to maneuver to get the Democrats actually blamed for the shutdown if and when it resumes. I doubt he'll be able to accomplish that with the media in their corner.

That's one of the reasons I didn't like it. The shutdown was a big deal for the media when it first happened. Then as always, it slowly died down. If it gets shutdown again, it's going to be like it didn't happen the first time.
Who cares what you think. You are just here to sexually serve some fundie guy. Go back to your bedroom. You are just a fundie chick.
lol. i don't take right wing women seriously.

Gee, Daniel...I wonder who's more intelligent...you...or say, Condi Rice? Do you take her seriously?
depends on the argument.

we should raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue.

So your "solution" to increasing tax revenue is to artificially raise wages across the board which will by necessity also increase the cost of goods and services across the board which means the average American will be no better off than they were before but many young people and those without many job skills will probably be unable to find an entry level job.

Do yourself a favor, Daniel...there is a very fine economic text book by Thomas Sowell that explains EXACTLY why a minimum wage is counter productive! Read it so you have a clue what it is that you're talking about!
inflation happens. it won't be a one to one ratio. don't worry. and, higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. only the right wing, never gets it.
Inflation DOES happen! Especially when you increase wages artificially. So explain to me what the benefit to the average American is, if you increase his wages...which not only increases the cost of all of the goods and services he buys...but also buts him into a higher tax bracket so that he owes more in taxes?

Why would THAT increase demand? You'd be decreasing spendable income and that would decrease demand. You need to seriously study this subject before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have!
lol. i don't take right wing women seriously.

Gee, Daniel...I wonder who's more intelligent...you...or say, Condi Rice? Do you take her seriously?
depends on the argument.

we should raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue.

So your "solution" to increasing tax revenue is to artificially raise wages across the board which will by necessity also increase the cost of goods and services across the board which means the average American will be no better off than they were before but many young people and those without many job skills will probably be unable to find an entry level job.

Do yourself a favor, Daniel...there is a very fine economic text book by Thomas Sowell that explains EXACTLY why a minimum wage is counter productive! Read it so you have a clue what it is that you're talking about!
inflation happens. it won't be a one to one ratio. don't worry. and, higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. only the right wing, never gets it.
Inflation DOES happen! Especially when you increase wages artificially. So explain to me what the benefit to the average American is, if you increase his wages...which not only increases the cost of all of the goods and services he buys...but also buts him into a higher tax bracket so that he owes more in taxes?

Why would THAT increase demand? You'd be decreasing spendable income and that would decrease demand. You need to seriously study this subject before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have!

First off, for every dollar of minimum wage increase, the cost of producing a hamburger goes up 10 cents, so yes, prices go up but labour is only a small percentage of the total cost, and so the price shouldn't go up all that much. Our provincial minimum wage went up $3 per hour to $14 this year. I haven't noticed any huge increases in prices in restaurants or stores, but those making minimum wage are now making $480 a month more, based on a 40 hour work week.

Friends tell me that the kids making minimum wage are spending that money as fast as they make it, and those kids are now buying more consumer goods than they could afford before this raise. In order to have growth, you need both supply and demand.
Gee, Daniel...I wonder who's more intelligent...you...or say, Condi Rice? Do you take her seriously?
depends on the argument.

we should raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue.

So your "solution" to increasing tax revenue is to artificially raise wages across the board which will by necessity also increase the cost of goods and services across the board which means the average American will be no better off than they were before but many young people and those without many job skills will probably be unable to find an entry level job.

Do yourself a favor, Daniel...there is a very fine economic text book by Thomas Sowell that explains EXACTLY why a minimum wage is counter productive! Read it so you have a clue what it is that you're talking about!
inflation happens. it won't be a one to one ratio. don't worry. and, higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. only the right wing, never gets it.
Inflation DOES happen! Especially when you increase wages artificially. So explain to me what the benefit to the average American is, if you increase his wages...which not only increases the cost of all of the goods and services he buys...but also buts him into a higher tax bracket so that he owes more in taxes?

Why would THAT increase demand? You'd be decreasing spendable income and that would decrease demand. You need to seriously study this subject before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have!

First off, for every dollar of minimum wage increase, the cost of producing a hamburger goes up 10 cents, so yes, prices go up but labour is only a small percentage of the total cost, and so the price shouldn't go up all that much. Our provincial minimum wage went up $3 per hour to $14 this year. I haven't noticed any huge increases in prices in restaurants or stores, but those making minimum wage are now making $480 a month more, based on a 40 hour work week.

Friends tell me that the kids making minimum wage are spending that money as fast as they make it, and those kids are now buying more consumer goods than they could afford before this raise. In order to have growth, you need both supply and demand.
First off, for every dollar of minimum wage increase, the cost of producing a hamburger goes up 10 cents, so yes, prices go up but labour is only a small percentage of the total cost, and so the price shouldn't go up all that much.

Yes, because McDonald's sells 500 big macs a day, 900 french fries, 1,500 beverages......

But Howard's Hardware store doesn't sell 200 hammers a day, 100 saws or 20 lawnmowers a day.

I haven't noticed any huge increases in prices in restaurants or stores, but those making minimum wage are now making $480 a month more, based on a 40 hour work week.

It's the Domino Effect and doesn't happen overnight. But it will happen. It may not close down the country, but you will see changes in the near future when it finally goes around in full circle.
Gee, Daniel...I wonder who's more intelligent...you...or say, Condi Rice? Do you take her seriously?
depends on the argument.

we should raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue.

So your "solution" to increasing tax revenue is to artificially raise wages across the board which will by necessity also increase the cost of goods and services across the board which means the average American will be no better off than they were before but many young people and those without many job skills will probably be unable to find an entry level job.

Do yourself a favor, Daniel...there is a very fine economic text book by Thomas Sowell that explains EXACTLY why a minimum wage is counter productive! Read it so you have a clue what it is that you're talking about!
inflation happens. it won't be a one to one ratio. don't worry. and, higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. only the right wing, never gets it.
Inflation DOES happen! Especially when you increase wages artificially. So explain to me what the benefit to the average American is, if you increase his wages...which not only increases the cost of all of the goods and services he buys...but also buts him into a higher tax bracket so that he owes more in taxes?

Why would THAT increase demand? You'd be decreasing spendable income and that would decrease demand. You need to seriously study this subject before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have!

First off, for every dollar of minimum wage increase, the cost of producing a hamburger goes up 10 cents, so yes, prices go up but labour is only a small percentage of the total cost, and so the price shouldn't go up all that much. Our provincial minimum wage went up $3 per hour to $14 this year. I haven't noticed any huge increases in prices in restaurants or stores, but those making minimum wage are now making $480 a month more, based on a 40 hour work week.

Friends tell me that the kids making minimum wage are spending that money as fast as they make it, and those kids are now buying more consumer goods than they could afford before this raise. In order to have growth, you need both supply and demand.

First off, for every dollar of minimum wage increase, the cost of producing a hamburger goes up 10 cents, so yes, prices go up but labour is only a small percentage of the total cost

You think labor is only 10% of the expense of a fast food restaurant?
depends on the argument.

we should raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue.

So your "solution" to increasing tax revenue is to artificially raise wages across the board which will by necessity also increase the cost of goods and services across the board which means the average American will be no better off than they were before but many young people and those without many job skills will probably be unable to find an entry level job.

Do yourself a favor, Daniel...there is a very fine economic text book by Thomas Sowell that explains EXACTLY why a minimum wage is counter productive! Read it so you have a clue what it is that you're talking about!
inflation happens. it won't be a one to one ratio. don't worry. and, higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. only the right wing, never gets it.
Inflation DOES happen! Especially when you increase wages artificially. So explain to me what the benefit to the average American is, if you increase his wages...which not only increases the cost of all of the goods and services he buys...but also buts him into a higher tax bracket so that he owes more in taxes?

Why would THAT increase demand? You'd be decreasing spendable income and that would decrease demand. You need to seriously study this subject before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have!

First off, for every dollar of minimum wage increase, the cost of producing a hamburger goes up 10 cents, so yes, prices go up but labour is only a small percentage of the total cost, and so the price shouldn't go up all that much. Our provincial minimum wage went up $3 per hour to $14 this year. I haven't noticed any huge increases in prices in restaurants or stores, but those making minimum wage are now making $480 a month more, based on a 40 hour work week.

Friends tell me that the kids making minimum wage are spending that money as fast as they make it, and those kids are now buying more consumer goods than they could afford before this raise. In order to have growth, you need both supply and demand.

First off, for every dollar of minimum wage increase, the cost of producing a hamburger goes up 10 cents, so yes, prices go up but labour is only a small percentage of the total cost

You think labor is only 10% of the expense of a fast food restaurant?

The INCREASE of the cost is less than 10% because the cost of his wage is already included his original salary. If you can't figure out the calculation, you have no business whatsoever, commenting on economics.

Raising fast-food hourly wages to $15 would raise prices by 4%, study finds
lol. i don't take right wing women seriously.

Gee, Daniel...I wonder who's more intelligent...you...or say, Condi Rice? Do you take her seriously?
depends on the argument.

we should raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue.

So your "solution" to increasing tax revenue is to artificially raise wages across the board which will by necessity also increase the cost of goods and services across the board which means the average American will be no better off than they were before but many young people and those without many job skills will probably be unable to find an entry level job.

Do yourself a favor, Daniel...there is a very fine economic text book by Thomas Sowell that explains EXACTLY why a minimum wage is counter productive! Read it so you have a clue what it is that you're talking about!
inflation happens. it won't be a one to one ratio. don't worry. and, higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. only the right wing, never gets it.
Inflation DOES happen! Especially when you increase wages artificially. So explain to me what the benefit to the average American is, if you increase his wages...which not only increases the cost of all of the goods and services he buys...but also buts him into a higher tax bracket so that he owes more in taxes?

Why would THAT increase demand? You'd be decreasing spendable income and that would decrease demand. You need to seriously study this subject before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have!
you don't know what you are talking about. it is a cost of living adjustment so that Labor can afford our First World economy. Henry Ford knew what it was about, the right wing doesn't. coincidence or conspiracy?
First off, for every dollar of minimum wage increase, the cost of producing a hamburger goes up 10 cents, so yes, prices go up but labour is only a small percentage of the total cost, and so the price shouldn't go up all that much.

Yes, because McDonald's sells 500 big macs a day, 900 french fries, 1,500 beverages......

But Howard's Hardware store doesn't sell 200 hammers a day, 100 saws or 20 lawnmowers a day.

I haven't noticed any huge increases in prices in restaurants or stores, but those making minimum wage are now making $480 a month more, based on a 40 hour work week.

It's the Domino Effect and doesn't happen overnight. But it will happen. It may not close down the country, but you will see changes in the near future when it finally goes around in full circle.
Lousy capitalism?

Gravity Payments still supports a thirty-five dollar an hour model.
To the original post.... because since the 1980's most people live beyond their means to the point of insanity.
If everyone in America got a $10 an hour pay increase magically... people would still be living paycheck to paycheck...with a newer car..bigger house...bigger TV...
To the original post.... because since the 1980's most people live beyond their means to the point of insanity.
If everyone in America got a $10 an hour pay increase magically... people would still be living paycheck to paycheck...with a newer car..bigger house...bigger TV...
it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our First World economy. The Poor tend to spend most of their income. We get the biggest bang for our buck, increasing the minimum wage to also increase tax revenue.
To the original post.... because since the 1980's most people live beyond their means to the point of insanity.
If everyone in America got a $10 an hour pay increase magically... people would still be living paycheck to paycheck...with a newer car..bigger house...bigger TV...
it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our First World economy. The Poor tend to spend most of their income. We get the biggest bang for our buck, increasing the minimum wage to also increase tax revenue.
...that also creates massive inflation.
To the original post.... because since the 1980's most people live beyond their means to the point of insanity.
If everyone in America got a $10 an hour pay increase magically... people would still be living paycheck to paycheck...with a newer car..bigger house...bigger TV...
it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our First World economy. The Poor tend to spend most of their income. We get the biggest bang for our buck, increasing the minimum wage to also increase tax revenue.
...that also creates massive inflation.
in right wing fantasy, you are always right. we have an oversupply problem not an over demand problem.

Labor needs to "soak up and circulate" QE.
To the original post.... because since the 1980's most people live beyond their means to the point of insanity.
If everyone in America got a $10 an hour pay increase magically... people would still be living paycheck to paycheck...with a newer car..bigger house...bigger TV...
it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our First World economy. The Poor tend to spend most of their income. We get the biggest bang for our buck, increasing the minimum wage to also increase tax revenue.
...that also creates massive inflation.
in right wing fantasy, you are always right. we have an oversupply problem not an over demand problem.

Labor needs to "soak up and circulate" QE.
We have an over outsourcing problem.
If you lived anywhere outside of a major city in previous industrial/manufacturing areas all across America - you would know this.
Community after community after community has been decimated over the past 30 years.
Empty giant buildings, empty storefronts, empty dilapidated houses... all were growing/great communities to live and work in. Now...approaching ghost towns.
To the original post.... because since the 1980's most people live beyond their means to the point of insanity.
If everyone in America got a $10 an hour pay increase magically... people would still be living paycheck to paycheck...with a newer car..bigger house...bigger TV...
it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our First World economy. The Poor tend to spend most of their income. We get the biggest bang for our buck, increasing the minimum wage to also increase tax revenue.
...that also creates massive inflation.
in right wing fantasy, you are always right. we have an oversupply problem not an over demand problem.

Labor needs to "soak up and circulate" QE.
We have an over outsourcing problem.
If you lived anywhere outside of a major city in previous industrial/manufacturing areas all across America - you would know this.
Community after community after community has been decimated over the past 30 years.
Empty giant buildings, empty storefronts, empty dilapidated houses... all were growing/great communities to live and work in. Now...approaching ghost towns.
are big cities getting bigger and brighter? our entire US population can fit in the State of Texas.

Our Founding Fathers expressed No immigration clause but an Establishment clause for Naturalization, for a reason.

Tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

We should have no illegal problem with a naturalization clause.
To the original post.... because since the 1980's most people live beyond their means to the point of insanity.
If everyone in America got a $10 an hour pay increase magically... people would still be living paycheck to paycheck...with a newer car..bigger house...bigger TV...
it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our First World economy. The Poor tend to spend most of their income. We get the biggest bang for our buck, increasing the minimum wage to also increase tax revenue.
...that also creates massive inflation.
in right wing fantasy, you are always right. we have an oversupply problem not an over demand problem.

Labor needs to "soak up and circulate" QE.
We have an over outsourcing problem.
If you lived anywhere outside of a major city in previous industrial/manufacturing areas all across America - you would know this.
Community after community after community has been decimated over the past 30 years.
Empty giant buildings, empty storefronts, empty dilapidated houses... all were growing/great communities to live and work in. Now...approaching ghost towns.
are big cities getting bigger and brighter? our entire US population can fit in the State of Texas.

Our Founding Fathers expressed No immigration clause but an Establishment clause for Naturalization, for a reason.

Tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

We should have no illegal problem with a naturalization clause.
Wow...that was random.
it is a cost of living adjustment so Labor can afford our First World economy. The Poor tend to spend most of their income. We get the biggest bang for our buck, increasing the minimum wage to also increase tax revenue.
...that also creates massive inflation.
in right wing fantasy, you are always right. we have an oversupply problem not an over demand problem.

Labor needs to "soak up and circulate" QE.
We have an over outsourcing problem.
If you lived anywhere outside of a major city in previous industrial/manufacturing areas all across America - you would know this.
Community after community after community has been decimated over the past 30 years.
Empty giant buildings, empty storefronts, empty dilapidated houses... all were growing/great communities to live and work in. Now...approaching ghost towns.
are big cities getting bigger and brighter? our entire US population can fit in the State of Texas.

Our Founding Fathers expressed No immigration clause but an Establishment clause for Naturalization, for a reason.

Tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

We should have no illegal problem with a naturalization clause.
Wow...that was random.
nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics or capitalism.
...that also creates massive inflation.
in right wing fantasy, you are always right. we have an oversupply problem not an over demand problem.

Labor needs to "soak up and circulate" QE.
We have an over outsourcing problem.
If you lived anywhere outside of a major city in previous industrial/manufacturing areas all across America - you would know this.
Community after community after community has been decimated over the past 30 years.
Empty giant buildings, empty storefronts, empty dilapidated houses... all were growing/great communities to live and work in. Now...approaching ghost towns.
are big cities getting bigger and brighter? our entire US population can fit in the State of Texas.

Our Founding Fathers expressed No immigration clause but an Establishment clause for Naturalization, for a reason.

Tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States.

We should have no illegal problem with a naturalization clause.
Wow...that was random.
nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics or capitalism.
And you are telling me this...
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