If The Legal System Fails Us and Trump Goes To Prison

Breaking: Trump raises $2 billion on mug shot merchandise...hires 1,000 private investigators to go after corrupt Democrats. :muahaha:
Remember when he hired the guys in Hawaii to get Obama--and you bought it? Are you going to feel as stupid in a few months as you felt when you got duped that time?
No, I don't think we are headed for a civil war. Not because it would be illegitimate or whatever but because it wouldn't get off the ground. It takes a bit of organizing and anybody attempting it would be arrested immediately. All the right wing militia groups are under surveillance and infiltrated by law enforcement.

Half of law enforcement probably belongs to one of those groups.
Which is what I'm sort of worried about with the democrats, do you think that we would be headed for another civil war? Would it be a legit reason to start one?

No, reps can't have a civil war. All it is is stupid talk. NO organization...ZERO. No funding. Plus, reps are plain stupid!

civil war LR CENSORED.jpg

America is OVER! Lock Hillary up, orange Jesus won't save us. Trump had full control of D.C. and did nothing to change America in a meaningful way. We're in some of the worst shape in our history.

You remember all the leaks from the Trump administration? How many times on the forums do people ask...who is really running Biden's America? Looks like dems run a pretty leakproof ship. Did the reps ever find out who was delivering the pallets of bricks to Antifa? Did the reps ever find out who was paying for even one brick?? Looks like dems run a pretty leakproof ship.

Once the Constitution was scrapped and the Bill of Rights trashed, America ceased to exist, bub. America only worked...when it worked. Since conservative states can't figure out how to secede and take their part of the bankrupt Social Security with them...they will have to figure out how to do an 'informal secession.'

The dems seceded long ago. You know... sanctuary cities, legal in-state weed, disregarding any federal laws they don't like. The reps should have called the dems out and kicked their asses out of the union long ago. But have you ever heard one rep say so? All reps can do is lower taxes for the rich. Now that the reps have lost permanent control of the USA with no hope to ever save it, they / you / zir had better develop a plan B.

Actually, the reps are useless POS, you need a Conservative Union Party or some such thing. The scummy reps got us in the shape we are in now...they won't save us. So, no formal secession, just do an informal one, as the dems have done. And NO, Soros funded trojan horse Swami is not your savior leader.

Now dems may do more than threaten to take away your states fed funds if you don't accept the party line. Threatening to take away fed funds was the best 'lock Hillary up' lying scumbag Trump could do. Bloodthirsty dems may use the military. So, you need to form a militia for the Conservative Union of States...just in case the dems want to rip you a new one.

As of now the reps have ZERO organization to fight any civil war. Just organizing a massive militia may be enough to send a message to the filthy dems. It is not like you would fight or win a civil war. The militia will be used if the dems attack you for doing the same thing the dems have done for ages. No, reps are too stupid, too unorganized and underfunded to win any civil war. Dems would wipe you out with the military...in a proverbial New York minute...or is it New York second? Whatever.

And even if the dems take $$ away, take $$ back from them best you can. What price will you sell off America for? Old America is gone and never to return. CA was lost and sold off to Mehico for cheap labor. There is a cost to fix any illness, so suck it up and pay the price to save 'something' of traditional America.

These dems are not your garden variety Tip O'Neil dems. These new school dems are unbeatable by your old school political games. You should realize this by now. Reps get their asses kicked up and down the street every day of the week by the dems. Reps have proven totally inept and useless at fighting the new school dems. Since you can never win...take your share of the marbles and leave -- at least informally. Nothing wrong with not being able to win, but there is a big problem if you keep playing a life-or-death game that you will always lose.

Reps are now floating the idea that if a rep gets in, the rep should pardon Biden, Hunter and all the dems...for the good of the country, so we can move on and come together. Just what we need, no consequences for the dems for destroying America. Reps are just pussified dems. You must accept you lost, as it stands you can never win and you will eventually be disarmed by the dems if you don't change course in a new direction.
Remember when he hired the guys in Hawaii to get Obama--and you bought it? Are you going to feel as stupid in a few months as you felt when you got duped that time?

Or how about the millions he spent on private research firms to find election fraud? You know, the ones he refused to mention publicly after they didn't find evidence of election fraud.
Trump is making a profit off of his mugshot and selling merchandise and his true supporters are even more behind him than ever. You need to take that blindfold off. Show them JGalt.
You all remind me of Kevin Bacon in Animal House.

Or how about the millions he spent on private research firms to find election fraud? You know, the ones he refused to mention publicly after they didn't find evidence of election fraud.
Its just like professional wrestling. They know what they are seeing and hearing from the blob is fraudulent and not real... they just don't care.🤷‍♀️

All you can do from the left is to continue injecting truth and maybe it will sink in.
Its just like professional wrestling. They know what they are seeing and hearing from the blob is fraudulent and not real... they just don't care.🤷‍♀️

All you can do from the left is to continue injecting truth and maybe it will sink in.
I prefer bouncing off the ring ropes and body slamming them, then hitting them over the head with a folding chair.
Oh you just want others to fight a civil war for Trump and you. You want others to risk their freedom and their life. You want others to ruin their families.
You yourself are just a listless vessel who lives from the sacrifices others make. You yourself won't risk anything.

I'd risk my life to get this country back.

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