If The Legal System Fails Us and Trump Goes To Prison

No, I don't think we are headed for a civil war. Not because it would be illegitimate or whatever but because it wouldn't get off the ground. It takes a bit of organizing and anybody attempting it would be arrested immediately. All the right wing militia groups are under surveillance and infiltrated by law enforcement.
I wonder if they are applying equal surveillance to the lefty city burners?
Still not saying what you will do if Trump goes to prison.

That's the least of my concerns, because he never will go to prison.

Now what are you going to do when he's reelected in 2024? Carry out some kind of terrorist attack? Threaten his or his family's life?

Maybe you should be red-flagged in advance. I'd be more than willing to swear out an affidavit to your local law-enforcement agency, because I believe you're not only a threat, but you're armed.

Who the fuck is "Jessica"?

Oh wait, she's that token leftard C-word on Fucks News, right? It used to be that poor Negro Juan Williams who was the token fucktard of Fucks News, but I guess he's been replaced by a white woman.

What did Fucks News do with Juan's body? Did they bury him in the watermelon patch out back, or just feed him to the plantation dogs?
Which is what I'm sort of worried about with the democrats, do you think that we would be headed for another civil war? Would it be a legit reason to start one?
An oldie but a goodie from 2020:
K Trumpers, how far are you willing to go? You are completely wedded to the system as it is. Voting harder will get you nowhere. Playing keyboard revolutionary just makes you look silly. TEOTWAWKI is here, what is your next step?
we have had many reasons over the years to rise up and put the political class in their place, and we always fail to do so. So if Trump is jailed, sure.....we SHOULD do something. But we won't. People are too comfortable and the decades long buy off of have the population by the govt has succeeded. So basically, as a country, we are fucked.

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