If The Legal System Fails Us and Trump Goes To Prison

I don't think he'll go to jail or prison either, but then again... I never thought in a million years that the 2020 election would have been rigged so I can't help but thinking what if and that bothers me.
No leftyvirus to help the commies out this time, plus overshooting their load on the Trump thing. Trump will win and these idiots will stand around scratching their empty heads.
I know why God denies you the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Yeah it's because of your corrupt party. If we don't vote for Trump now that's letting yours (AKA the spawns of Satan) win.
I will say though that I'm pretty sure that another civil war is what the democrats are pushing. They want us to hate and fight one another hence the whole entire witch hunt going on right now with Trump.
The only way for Trump out of this mess is to win the presidency and shut all the cases down. And he doesn't have enough support to do that.

Trump is making a profit off of his mugshot and selling merchandise and his true supporters are even more behind him than ever. You need to take that blindfold off. Show them JGalt.
The Corrupt Democrat Cult has made Trump into a dissident.
The Dems are dangerous totalitarian junta.

dis·si·dent [ˈdisədnt] NOUN
a person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state:
"a dissident who had been jailed by a military regime

Nelson Mandela-ish.

Mandela had a much harder time acquiring the Presendency than President Trump will have reacquiringjng it though.
This isn't our true legal system...yet....this is the Dimtards abusing their power to get the indictments applied. The real legal system is yet to be unfurled.
We get it. If he’s found guilty, then the legal system was “in on it”.

If he’s found innocent than the legal system works.

If the candidate you want is elected, the voting system works.

If not, then it’s rigged.

How convenient for you
Trump is making a profit off of his mugshot and selling merchandise and his true supporters are even more behind him than ever. You need to take that blindfold off. Show them JGalt.
Trump can only be himself. A grifter. His true supporters are not enough to put Trump over the top. Everybody else HATES him. Trump and the GOP in general are up against a demographic shift that they can't overcome.
JGalt is a conspiracy crackpot.
We get it. If he’s found guilty, then the legal system was “in on it”.

If he’s found innocent than the legal system works.

If the candidate you want is elected, the voting system works.

If not, then it’s rigged.

How convenient for you
Actually, it works like this.....
someone can be charged, no problem, but then to be convicted there must be actual evidence produced. Dimtards have none of that on Trump.
What we do have is tons of evidence being produced on someone, numerous felonies to be exact, with no action at all to charge or indict this proven felon.
How convenient for your ilk.
After saying "Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day"

McConnell also said:

"Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office. As an ordinary citizen. Unless the statute of limitations has run out, he's still liable...He did not get away with anything yet. Not yet. Live justice system in this country. We have civil litigation, and a former president is not immune from being accountable "


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