If The Legal System Fails Us and Trump Goes To Prison

We get it. If he’s found guilty, then the legal system was “in on it”.

If he’s found innocent than the legal system works.

If the candidate you want is elected, the voting system works.

If not, then it’s rigged.

How convenient for you

1.Trump hasn't committed any crimes.
2. What has Biden ever done that makes you believe that he won the election and or where are his supporters?
It would be interesting. As Trump says they aren't after him. They are after us. He's just in the way. So what happens when he's not in the way anymore?
Trump is currently a private person. A criminal defendant out on bail. How is he stopping the big bad government from coming for you now? How is Trump protecting you today? He's powerless to do anything for you.
Actually, it works like this.....
someone can be charged, no problem, but then to be convicted there must be actual evidence produced. Dimtards have none of that on Trump.
What we do have is tons of evidence being produced on someone, numerous felonies to be exact, with no action at all to charge or indict this proven felon.
How convenient for your ilk.
Then you should have absolutely no problem with Trump going to trial in any one of his indictments starting in 8 weeks or so... You say he is obviously innocent, then go to trial asap and show the nation he is innocent and found not guilty in court by the jury!

Why try to delay delay delay 3 years?
1.Trump hasn't committed any crimes.
2. What has Biden ever done that makes you believe that he won the election or where are his supporters?
It’s funny how the system jumps from working to rigged depending on whether or not the person you wants wins.

Was the system rigged when trump won in 2016?

Same exact system, same exact electoral college
Which is what I'm sort of worried about with the democrats, do you think that we would be headed for another civil war? Would it be a legit reason to start one?
Actually, it works like this.....
someone can be charged, no problem, but then to be convicted there must be actual evidence produced. Dimtards have none of that on Trump.
If that is true, he will not be convicted and there is nothing to be worried about, yes?
But I suspect all they really want is to prevent trump from being president again and would drop all charges if he agrees not to run

If they drop all of the charges tomorrow, RICO Don isn’t going to be President again. You people are more delusional than you were in 2020.
Yeah it's because of your corrupt party. If we don't vote for Trump now that's letting yours (AKA the spawns of Satan) win.
You are responsible for your relationship with God and you know it. It's pathetic that you tried to blame a political party for it. Repent and sin no more.
Which is what I'm sort of worried about with the democrats, do you think that we would be headed for another civil war? Would it be a legit reason to start one?

Should Trump go to jail for the alleged crimes he's formally accused of committing, first demonstrate that's unjust...

If The Legal System Fails Us and Trump Goes To Prison​

Which is what I'm sort of worried about with the democrats, do you think that we would be headed for another civil war? Would it be a legit reason to start one?
Y’all can vote harder, that’ll show ‘em.

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