If the Republican Party were a normal party...

So what they mean is that to be normal, you have to spend 2.5 trillion in less than 2 years promising for it to create jobs "And unemployment went up to 10% from 6.5% in that time", pass a healthcare law that will sink the entire economy "And make it mandatory for people to pay into". If that's normal I'm proud to be aligned with the abnormal.
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So what they mean is that to be normal, you have to spend 2.5 trillion in less than 2 years promising for it to create jobs "And unemployment went up to 10% from 6.5% in that time", pass a healthcare law that will sink the entire economy "And make it mandatory for people to pay into". If that's normal I'm proud to be aligned with the abnormal.

You omitted also to be normal, if you can't pay the payments on $14,000,000,000,000 of debt, you need to up it to $16,000,000,000,000.
The top Obama economic advisors have all quit Kiwi. That is published fact. I try to not neg the mentally challenged. Rabbi should have been more understanding of your condition. My apologies.
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The scholars and intellectuals you talk about got us where we are today, 14.5trillion in debt and a budget that requires further borrowing to pay bills. This is a losing proposition. We sent new members to Congress to CHANGE the way business is done in Washington, and they are trying to do it. More power to them. We need to cut spending drastically. We may have to eliminate departments of government, do away with czars, bring troops home from wars we cannot afford and live within our means. They know how much income the country takes in and they need to put all those scholars and intellectuals to work on how to run the government with that amount of money. The government is starting to think they are entitled to all the money we earn and any they let us keep is a loophole. They need to stop increasing taxes and live with what they take in and make government small enough to function with what WE agree to give them.
I have rarely seen a politican or scholar who can apply theory to the real world successfully.
Democrats never agree on anything? Except money and bribes buy votes, enter Ocare.

Republicans on the otherhand are holding their leaders feet to the fire rather than conforming to his deal with O.

It is very frustrating to read comments such as you post. There is a reason for "Ocare" which was an effort to reform a broken healthcare system. Not broken in the sense actual care was poor, broken in the sense that is was too expensive & in too many cases cost familes everything they worked for over a lifetime; it also failed to cover all Americans.

The arguments you seem to accept and the opinions you hold are bought and paid for by the special interests which profit from the current system, at the expense of our fellow citizens.

Democrats argue about process and expediency, they agree on one immutable truth: The Golden Rule.

Callous conservatives which dominate the GOP today reject this rule and as we have seen put profit over people as a matter of principle.

It is equally frustrating to read your comments. Democrats seem to believe they have the God given right to reach into someone else's bank account and withdrawal funds for their needs. I'm sorry if healthcare is so expensive that it "familes everything they worked for over a lifetime" or that it "failed to cover all Americans" - truly I am. But where in the Consitution does it say that we have to "cover all American's" when it comes to healthcare? You know who believes in that? Cuba. The former U.S.S.R. North Korea. Tell me, how are things woking out for those countires that live in a perpetual state of poverty?

If healthcare "wasn't working" in your opinion and in the opinion of Democrats, then why didn't you guys fix it yourself? Not ask government to unconstutionally force me to use their system. Not ask government to take what someone else has earned. Fix it yourself. Create a CHARITY - paid for by you caring Democrats and not us "callous" conservatives to solve the problem.

But the truth is, at the end of the day, this is all about liberals getting their hands on hard working conservatives money. It's more of the same old from the gimme, gimme, gimme greedy liberals who aren't willing to take personal responsibility for themselves in life.

Hey Einstein...where is your rage over insurance corporations 'reaching into your pocket' to extract over $1,000 added to your premium per year to pay for people without insurance who show up or arrive at an Emergency Room?
The top Obama economic advisor's have all quit Kiwi. That is published fact. I try to not neg the mentally challenged. Rabbi should have been more understanding of your condition. My apologies.

And those advisor's should quit, Tim Geithner should go back to Wall Street where he belongs.
The "experts" I refer to are non-partisan economists who are mostly conservative ala The Economist Magazine/website.

"Rabbi should have been more understanding of your condition. My apologies."

Look, I have no intention of voting for Obama, he's a failed leader. I'm like my my avatar states, I'm a moderate. I would vote for Romney, Pawlenty or Huntsman. I would be described as a RINO since I did campaign volunteer work for Reagan, George HW and Bob Dole. Just because I'm to the left of the far right doesn't make me a liberal. I'm more so Main Street America. I see you as from the far right but doesn't mean I think you have mental issues, I just don't agree with your politics. You have every right to express those views. The last time I checked, we still have freedom of speech.
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[/QUOTE]It is equally frustrating to read your comments. Democrats seem to believe they have the God given right to reach into someone else's bank account and withdrawal funds for their needs. I'm sorry if healthcare is so expensive that it "familes everything they worked for over a lifetime" or that it "failed to cover all Americans" - truly I am. But where in the Consitution does it say that we have to "cover all American's" when it comes to healthcare? You know who believes in that? Cuba. The former U.S.S.R. North Korea. Tell me, how are things woking out for those countires that live in a perpetual state of poverty?

If healthcare "wasn't working" in your opinion and in the opinion of Democrats, then why didn't you guys fix it yourself? Not ask government to unconstutionally force me to use their system. Not ask government to take what someone else has earned. Fix it yourself. Create a CHARITY - paid for by you caring Democrats and not us "callous" conservatives to solve the problem.

But the truth is, at the end of the day, this is all about liberals getting their hands on hard working conservatives money. It's more of the same old from the gimme, gimme, gimme greedy liberals who aren't willing to take personal responsibility for themselves in life.[/QUOTE]

Hey Einstein...where is your rage over insurance corporations 'reaching into your pocket' to extract over $1,000 added to your premium per year to pay for people without insurance who show up or arrive at an Emergency Room?[/QUOTE]

Hey Einstein....insurance companies don't reach into my pocket at all. You know why? Because they can't. Because I can drop them any time I want and find a new company. That's the beauty of the private sector. They don't show up at your house with a gun like the US government does.

Furthermore, if an insurance company folds, nobody but those employees are effected. When the US collapses under the idiot Socialism your pushing (which has already created $14 trillion in debt), we're all screwed. Every last one of us. That's the other beauty of the private sector - it limits who is effected and all of us can control whether or not we are effected, unlike the US government.

Cuba offers "unlimited" healthcare to all of their citizens - how is that working out for them? The former U.S.S.R. did too - until they collapsed. You know, famine and poverty through out the country for a decade, until they turned to Capitalism and officially renamed themselves Russia. Funny how you keep avoiding that question and these undeniable facts. It's something liberals do because they refuse to learn from history. They just keep making the same mistakes over and over, all of which always ends in completely poverty for everyone. But then, I think that's what liberals want. In their angry little jealousy for those that have done better than them in life, they just want to drag everyone down to the very bottom.
It is equally frustrating to read your comments. Democrats seem to believe they have the God given right to reach into someone else's bank account and withdrawal funds for their needs. I'm sorry if healthcare is so expensive that it "familes everything they worked for over a lifetime" or that it "failed to cover all Americans" - truly I am. But where in the Consitution does it say that we have to "cover all American's" when it comes to healthcare? You know who believes in that? Cuba. The former U.S.S.R. North Korea. Tell me, how are things woking out for those countires that live in a perpetual state of poverty?

If healthcare "wasn't working" in your opinion and in the opinion of Democrats, then why didn't you guys fix it yourself? Not ask government to unconstutionally force me to use their system. Not ask government to take what someone else has earned. Fix it yourself. Create a CHARITY - paid for by you caring Democrats and not us "callous" conservatives to solve the problem.

But the truth is, at the end of the day, this is all about liberals getting their hands on hard working conservatives money. It's more of the same old from the gimme, gimme, gimme greedy liberals who aren't willing to take personal responsibility for themselves in life.

Hey Einstein...where is your rage over insurance corporations 'reaching into your pocket' to extract over $1,000 added to your premium per year to pay for people without insurance who show up or arrive at an Emergency Room?

Hey Einstein....insurance companies don't reach into my pocket at all. You know why? Because they can't. Because I can drop them any time I want and find a new company. That's the beauty of the private sector. They don't show up at your house with a gun like the US government does.

Furthermore, if an insurance company folds, nobody but those employees are effected. When the US collapses under the idiot Socialism your pushing (which has already created $14 trillion in debt), we're all screwed. Every last one of us. That's the other beauty of the private sector - it limits who is effected and all of us can control whether or not we are effected, unlike the US government.

Cuba offers "unlimited" healthcare to all of their citizens - how is that working out for them? The former U.S.S.R. did too - until they collapsed. You know, famine and poverty through out the country for a decade, until they turned to Capitalism and officially renamed themselves Russia. Funny how you keep avoiding that question and these undeniable facts. It's something liberals do because they refuse to learn from history. They just keep making the same mistakes over and over, all of which always ends in completely poverty for everyone. But then, I think that's what liberals want. In their angry little jealousy for those that have done better than them in life, they just want to drag everyone down to the very bottom.

The truth is in a mirror image Einstein, conservatism since the beginning of time has and always will try to build an aristocracy. Conservatism is anti-democratic in nature. The only thing that ever changes is who the aristocrats are...today's conservatives worship the CEO's, 'captains' of industry and corporations.

You ignorantly 'claim' you can switch from one health care cartel to another...NOT if you have a pre-existing condition Einstein. At least not until the Affordable Healthcare Act passed by Congress.

There are many first world countries that provide health care for their citizens. It gives them a huge advantage in the marketplace Mr. free-market...They are kicking our asses because of it.

Ask one of your beloved CEO's...


Health Care
Health care: an issue that cries out for leadership.

Health care in this country is in shambles. At a cost of almost $12,000 a year for the average family, the system is bankrupting families and it's bankrupting companies - specifically my old industry. Take General Motors. They're currently paying out $1,525 per vehicle for health care. Compare that to the $201 Toyota is paying and it sounds even more absurd. And what about those families and individuals who can't afford insurance at all? Junior breaks his arm and all of a sudden, a fall off a bike is an $8,000 trip to the ER.

Despite all of this, none of our politicians will touch the issue. Oh sure, they'll talk about it during campaign season, but once the votes are cast, it's the forgotten issue again. The last time anyone proposed real reform was in 1993, and that plan went nowhere. Fourteen years later, Hillary Clinton's failed plan is still used as an excuse to continue ignoring the problem. That's disgraceful.

I suggest you listen carefully to the '08 candidates' "plans" for health care. Let's see if any of them have the political courage to really tackle it this time around. I don't want band-aid ideas either. I want concrete solutions - and I want to hold these guys to their promises.

David Brooks is a good neocon.

And how would that be relevant?

Because now that neo–conservatism has been proven a failure, wingnuts despise them, and discard them.

The Republican Party has always been very good at creating subsections of their party, who "rise up to restore a Republican Party that has gone astray". John Birchers, Moral Majority, Tea Party, fiscal conservatism, Neo–Conservatism, compassionate conservatism - they all "take back their party" and restore their "Brand", and then the establishment Republican Party just turns their backs on them and dismisses them, having used them for all they're worth.

We are in the midst of seeing that with the Tea Party.
Where the hell does the government get off demanding more tax dollars form us. I listened to obama's speech the other dat and was offended when he said any debt compromise WILL INCLUDE INCREASED REVENUE. WHERE DOES HE GET OFF DEMANDING MORE? IT'S OUR GOVERNMENT, It's our government not his. We already give the government 2.4 Trillion to function on and they need to live with that amount. Cut the size of government to the point it can function with that amount and pay off our debt. If we decide the government should function on 1.4 Trillion they should cut the size of the government to accommodate that. The point is IT'S OUR GOVERNMENT AND SHOULD FUNCTION ON WHAT WE DECIDE IT SHOULD FUNCTION NO. The government should NEVER borrow money. Why do we send support to half the countries in the world when we have to borrow to keep our government functioning. We are going down a path to destruction and we can't seem to give away more money fast enough. The new group of Congressmen we sent to Washington (call them tea party if you want) are there to force the government to downsize. Less spending, Less power, less involvement in our daily lives and I for one am proud they are taking a stand on increasing the debt limit and I hope they stop the increase. So they downgrade our credit ration? If we are this close to the brink our AAA rating is a farce and should be downgraded and then maybe our representatives will wake up and start living within our budget. If not, we will face a downgrade soon anyway. We can not keep spending 3.5 Trillion a year when we take in 2.4T It's a path to destruction we are going to have to face so we might as well do it now.All the fu**ing politicians care about is that they put it off till they are out of office. Well f**k them, force them to face it now. Support the new members in Congress that are trying to correct decades of out of control spending. Sorry about the rant but to hear our president DEMAND more tax dollars from the few that pay taxes just pissed me off.

The Mother of All No-Brainers


Published: July 4, 2011

If the Republican Party were a normal party, it would take advantage of this amazing moment. It is being offered the deal of the century: trillions of dollars in spending cuts in exchange for a few hundred billion dollars of revenue increases.

A normal Republican Party would seize the opportunity to put a long-term limit on the growth of government. It would seize the opportunity to put the country on a sound fiscal footing. It would seize the opportunity to do these things without putting any real crimp in economic growth.

The party is not being asked to raise marginal tax rates in a way that might pervert incentives. On the contrary, Republicans are merely being asked to close loopholes and eliminate tax expenditures that are themselves distortionary.

This, as I say, is the mother of all no-brainers.

But we can have no confidence that the Republicans will seize this opportunity. That’s because the Republican Party may no longer be a normal party. Over the past few years, it has been infected by a faction that is more of a psychological protest than a practical, governing alternative.

The members of this movement do not accept the logic of compromise, no matter how sweet the terms. If you ask them to raise taxes by an inch in order to cut government by a foot, they will say no. If you ask them to raise taxes by an inch to cut government by a yard, they will still say no.

The members of this movement do not accept the legitimacy of scholars and intellectual authorities. A thousand impartial experts may tell them that a default on the debt would have calamitous effects, far worse than raising tax revenues a bit. But the members of this movement refuse to believe it.

The members of this movement have no sense of moral decency. A nation makes a sacred pledge to pay the money back when it borrows money. But the members of this movement talk blandly of default and are willing to stain their nation’s honor.

The members of this movement have no economic theory worthy of the name. Economists have identified many factors that contribute to economic growth, ranging from the productivity of the work force to the share of private savings that is available for private investment. Tax levels matter, but they are far from the only or even the most important factor.

But to members of this movement, tax levels are everything. Members of this tendency have taken a small piece of economic policy and turned it into a sacred fixation. They are willing to cut education and research to preserve tax expenditures. Manufacturing employment is cratering even as output rises, but members of this movement somehow believe such problems can be addressed so long as they continue to worship their idol.

Over the past week, Democrats have stopped making concessions. They are coming to the conclusion that if the Republicans are fanatics then they better be fanatics, too.

Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy.
Edmund Burke

I agree, it is a no brainer. The republican party should tell the democrats, let's raise taxes for everyone, make it equal. Divide up the debt among the citizens and send them a bill. Then next year, we can do the same thing, only we can bill ALL the American people for our wasteful spending and pet projects, and so on, and so forth. Those that don't pay taxes, but get a refund should have their refund reduced to match the taxes "others" are paying. Quote the President as saying the people have to pitch in and sacrifice. Make it a campaign slogan for the democrats: we are the party of sacrifice, sacrifice your children here! (in some cases, that is literal). Then the republicans could say: we are the party of slightly less sacrifice, and we will be more fair about it. Hopefully at that point we would get a conservative party that would say: this country is the best in the world, and with us, the government will get out of your way and let you "keep" what you earn (no mandated purchases, no mandated charities, no paying for unethical proceedures). It is a no brainer.
I see Rabbi neg repped me yet again! This time for Post#37! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Boy, you got me again Rabbi!!!!! :eek: It seems neg repping me is the only way Rabbi can "get me" because he lacks the intelligence to do it by debating. :eusa_whistle:

Yes, I neg repped you for downright stupidity. Claiming the economy will crumble if we don't get a debt ceiling raise based on one quoted economist who has who-knows-what kind of agenda is plain stupid. You then asked for proof that not everyone believes that. I provide it. Then you move the goal posts.
You operate off a base of knowledge that it would take spikes to stand on.
There is no debating anyone that limited in his knowledge and intelligence. Neg repping you warns others they are wasting their time to try.

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