If there is no border crisis, why call in FEMA?

Because there's a pandemic and children can't take care of themselves...they're children.
That brings up a good question...where are the parents? Supposed 3000+ teenagers being housed at Dallas convention center...and nobody asks...where are the parents? Why are there 3000+ teens with no parents?
Because there's a pandemic and children can't take care of themselves...they're children.
That brings up a good question...where are the parents? Supposed 3000+ teenagers being housed at Dallas convention center...and nobody asks...where are the parents? Why are there 3000+ teens with no parents?
You're asking me where the parents are? I don't know, I live in Dallas. Sorry.
Because there's a pandemic and children can't take care of themselves...they're children.
That brings up a good question...where are the parents? Supposed 3000+ teenagers being housed at Dallas convention center...and nobody asks...where are the parents? Why are there 3000+ teens with no parents?
You're asking me where the parents are? I don't know, I live in Dallas. Sorry.
No, I'm asking why nobody else is curious as to why we have 3000 teens being housed in Dallas, with no parents.
So they get to cut in line?
Because the line takes years. They don't have years. Many are running from violence and slavery.
Then why not stop in Mexico?
Many do, apparently. More than here, last i checked. But some think it is better to live here. They are right, of course.
Compassion is not in our constitution. 65 mil are on a wait list to come here. Should we let them all in?
Jen Psaki slipped and said "crisis at the border" yesterday. Later when asked, by a member of the press about the choice of wording, she said "challenge."

Everyone knows that it is a national emergency. It's why the Biden Admin will not release photos.

I would like to know how many children are dying at at the border or while trying to make it to the border and how many women an/or children report being abused, and if there are disease outbreaks, all because of our president's misguided policies and self-made disaster.

[Edit:] After posting this, I saw on Fox this morning that at one of the detention facilities holding over 400 children, over 10% have COVID. They made the case that Biden Admin is creating Super Spreader events all over at these facilities.
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Compassion is not in our constitution.
Haha...great! Thank you for the clear demonstration of the new conservatism. Personally, i find it nauseating and embarrassing for you.
I am not a conservative. Why didn’t you address the other part of my post? You keep shrinking them to show that you’re a dishonest person.
There was no crisis on the border when pedo Joe won.
Yes, move those goalposts. But there was one every year before that for a while. I will leave you to your flailing.
QUOTE one cnn border crisis story then and now. The only difference is if this was going on during Trump's presidency. It would be reported on 24/7.
Then go whine to them.
I just don't watch them.

It is a logical question. If there is no crisis in immigration as Chairman Xiden claims, then why did he call a crisis organization like FEMA to help?


A heavy influx of childre at the border isn't a "crisis". There a logistical problems because any sort of humanity in the refugee process was utterly destroyed and demolished by the previous administration, but children crossing the Southern Border is NOT a "crisis".

It is a logical question. If there is no crisis in immigration as Chairman Xiden claims, then why did he call a crisis organization like FEMA to help?


A heavy influx of childre at the border isn't a "crisis". There a logistical problems because any sort of humanity in the refugee process was utterly destroyed and demolished by the previous administration, but children crossing the Southern Border is NOT a "crisis".
729% capacity, no sunshine, showers once a week, no phone calls.......................it's a crisis, Dumbass.

Having to ship brown kids to the Dallas Convention Center with no showers makes it a crisis, Dumbass.

Hundreds of KNOWN positive China Flu infected people just put on busses and shipped around the country makes it a crisis, Dumbass.

And trying to blame it on Trump exposes what a colossal Dumbass you are. Ask ICE and the Border Patrol what it was like under Trump vs Veggie Joe.
I just want to point out the logic of this topic really quick. Going by the Opening Poster's logic of "If there's no immediate crisis at this very second of this very day, why bother with FEMA going to help?"

- If there's no rain today, why would I ever need an umbrella?
- It's hot today, I don't need to own a jacket
- I'm not driving anywhere right now, I don't need to own a car
- I'm not having sex at this moment, no need to ever buy condoms
- I feel a bit sick but I'm not collapsed on the floor, I don't need see a doctor
- I'm collapsed on the floor but I'm still conscious, I'll go to the ER when they discover my body later and drive me there
I just want to point out the logic of this topic really quick. Going by the Opening Poster's logic of "If there's no immediate crisis at this very second of this very day, why bother with FEMA going to help?"

- If there's no rain today, why would I ever need an umbrella?
- It's hot today, I don't need to own a jacket
- I'm not driving anywhere right now, I don't need to own a car
- I'm not having sex at this moment, no need to ever buy condoms
- I feel a bit sick but I'm not collapsed on the floor, I don't need see a doctor
- I'm collapsed on the floor but I'm still conscious, I'll go to the ER when they discover my body later and drive me there
You don't send in FEMA on the off chance it might rain someday, Dumbass.

Learn how to use analogies.
Compassion is not in our constitution.
Haha...great! Thank you for the clear demonstration of the new conservatism. Personally, i find it nauseating and embarrassing for you.
I am not a conservative. Why didn’t you address the other part of my post? You keep shrinking them to show that you’re a dishonest person.

Yes, imagine that! Someone cut down YOUR post to make is say something YOU never said. I guess with you it's "Do as I say, not as I do". You still have that falsified and dishonest post in your signature line as well, you dishonest hack!

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