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If True, This is Clear Evidence of Obstruction

Clinton wasn't impeached for obstruction he was impeached for perjury.

The next time you know something will be the first.

Impeachment by House of Representatives
Although proceedings were delayed due to the bombing of Iraq, on the passage of H. Res. 611, Clinton was impeached on December 19, 1998, by the House of Representatives on grounds of perjury to a grand jury (by a 228–206 vote)[17] and obstruction of justice (by a 221–212 vote).[18]​


Black's Law Dictionary defines "obstruction of justice" as interfering with the orderly administration of law and justice, as by giving false information to or withholding evidence from a police officer or prosecutor, or by harming or intimidating a witness or juror. Obstruction of justice encompasses perjury.

Clinton had a Motive for committing perjury and obstruction, and was still acquitted.

As you will remember, Clinton allegedly told fibs in his depositions because he didn't want to pony up the money he owed Paula Corbin Jones for sexually harassing her.

Pure, unadulterated greed. He did his sexual harassment, and then he refused to pay the bill.

If you don't want to pay the bar bill, don't run up a tab is what I always say.
And what does this have to do with Trump's obstruction?

Prove it

LOl! These cultists have had it. They post nothing.
If you libs now have your proof that Trump obstructed, then there is no need for hearings. Just move forward with an impeachment vote
I'm fine with that. And anyone who isn't, should be labeled a traitor to this country, for supporting spies like Trump who use foreign forces to tear down our country and its Constitution.

So you have a problem with those who don't think you've met your burden of proof, and you want to label them as "traitors" just because they see the evidence differently?

Are you from North Korea or someplace?
The burden of proof has been met on multiple occasions. 900 prosecutors agree with me, and I agree with them.

900 that don't have all the facts and are just making a political statement because they hate trump?
Really? And your linked proof of that, or are you just a liar who just talks shit?
Clinton wasn't impeached for obstruction he was impeached for perjury.

The next time you know something will be the first.

Impeachment by House of Representatives
Although proceedings were delayed due to the bombing of Iraq, on the passage of H. Res. 611, Clinton was impeached on December 19, 1998, by the House of Representatives on grounds of perjury to a grand jury (by a 228–206 vote)[17] and obstruction of justice (by a 221–212 vote).[18]​


Black's Law Dictionary defines "obstruction of justice" as interfering with the orderly administration of law and justice, as by giving false information to or withholding evidence from a police officer or prosecutor, or by harming or intimidating a witness or juror. Obstruction of justice encompasses perjury.

Clinton had a Motive for committing perjury and obstruction, and was still acquitted.

As you will remember, Clinton allegedly told fibs in his depositions because he didn't want to pony up the money he owed Paula Corbin Jones for sexually harassing her.

Pure, unadulterated greed. He did his sexual harassment, and then he refused to pay the bill.

If you don't want to pay the bar bill, don't run up a tab is what I always say.
And what does this have to do with Trump's obstruction?

Prove it

You haven't legally debunked them have you? Lol! Of course not, because you know shit, and they know more than you.
What difference does it make?
If you care for this country, the rule of law, the Constitution, being a patriot to this country instead of trashing it, and you are not interested in being a Banana Republic, which millions of Republicans are promoting, then it does matter.

All that to say Hillary is a scum bag?

Hillary isn't president. The obstructionist Trump is. Any more stupid questions?
Do you know what the word obstructionist is?
The Dem congress voting all across the board the same way against anything the right votes for, not because it's a bad idea but to prevent successful governance thus HINDERING our country and obstructing Gov't from proper function.
When MSM uses the word obstruct Justice they lie to the Public, because as Mueller stated there was none, you can't obstruct what wasn't done(mueller wasn't fired neither doing so would have changed investigations, what was within his right to do
(fire people=executive priveledge) especially Muellers conflict of interest and team that had conflicts. That context is very important because When Trump asked for His McGhan to ask Rosenstein if it was a conflict that is not obstruction that is the law and proper procedure as it's
Rosenstein's call. Trump asking his lawyer Guiliani advice is normal as well, that's what lawyers are for to advise proper procedures and in this case advising on appearances even though this was about the conflicts of interest.
Now why doesn't your MSM explain this to you?
Why does your politicians lie to you?
Why do you not know this stuff?
Because they want to set up that false narrative because they can't beat Trump on
merit or policy, so they need you to be duped, then parrot their narrative all over the net.
You should be mad at the ones using you and making you look uneducated, they think you are to lazy to search out the info nor see what they are doing, and notice your puppet strings.

Source for conflict of interest, look it up, research, get educated: Mueller needed to recuse himself
it's the law 28 CFR Section 45.2
Jeff Sessions or Rosenstein if Sessions could not, had the right to remove him by law.
28 USC Section 528 provides:
28 CFR Section 45.2 provides in part:
Comey and Mueller have been friends for nearly 15 years. They were partners in the episode that defined Comey's professional persona more than any other in his public service, this conflict along with Hiring Clinton lawyers and
donation financers is a clear conflict of interest, the president merely asked to look into this and make sure the drawn out and suspicious harassments of staff was not conflicted or abusive.
Lastly being no crime and proving there was abuses of power in the investigation deemed a false charge (which is illegal) means he never coyld be charged with obstructing a non crime that was druned up by opposition who did comit crimes.

And finally the obstruction of justice was on the other side of the isle, just pick any blatant call to fire Barr and impeach the investigator of the crimes of the abuse and fake charges that were openly done on TV by politicians.
Obama obstructed, Schiff obstructed, the obstructionists obstructed.
If you are gonna use the word, know what happened and don't be a parrot or puppet on a string for the criminals (lawless ones).
You are ignorant beyond explanation. You are going to teach 900 prosecutors what obstruction is? Lol! Boss, give it up. You, Trump, and the rest of his band of criminal stooges have been had. I read your long post, as pain full as it was, and I could only drop my head in the amazing display of distractions, attacks with no merit, right out lies, etc., I realized the Right is at the end of their ropes. Just to give you one, and to establish just how credibly bankrupt you are, you stated that Mueller stated there was no obstruction. THAT IS A BALD FACED LIE, and no where can you prove it. So, are you credible? Hell no. You're a joke and a liar.

You can't teach 150 million Americans that baby killing is wrong
Clinton wasn't impeached for obstruction he was impeached for perjury.

The next time you know something will be the first.

Impeachment by House of Representatives
Although proceedings were delayed due to the bombing of Iraq, on the passage of H. Res. 611, Clinton was impeached on December 19, 1998, by the House of Representatives on grounds of perjury to a grand jury (by a 228–206 vote)[17] and obstruction of justice (by a 221–212 vote).[18]​


Black's Law Dictionary defines "obstruction of justice" as interfering with the orderly administration of law and justice, as by giving false information to or withholding evidence from a police officer or prosecutor, or by harming or intimidating a witness or juror. Obstruction of justice encompasses perjury.

Clinton had a Motive for committing perjury and obstruction, and was still acquitted.

As you will remember, Clinton allegedly told fibs in his depositions because he didn't want to pony up the money he owed Paula Corbin Jones for sexually harassing her.

Pure, unadulterated greed. He did his sexual harassment, and then he refused to pay the bill.

If you don't want to pay the bar bill, don't run up a tab is what I always say.
And what does this have to do with Trump's obstruction?

Prove it

You haven't legally debunked them have you? Lol! Of course not, because you know shit, and they know more than you.

Uhm proven innocent before guilty

If you libs now have your proof that Trump obstructed, then there is no need for hearings. Just move forward with an impeachment vote
I'm fine with that. And anyone who isn't, should be labeled a traitor to this country, for supporting spies like Trump who use foreign forces to tear down our country and its Constitution.

So you have a problem with those who don't think you've met your burden of proof, and you want to label them as "traitors" just because they see the evidence differently?

Are you from North Korea or someplace?
The burden of proof has been met on multiple occasions. 900 prosecutors agree with me, and I agree with them.

900 that don't have all the facts and are just making a political statement because they hate trump?
Really? And your linked proof of that, or are you just a liar who just talks shit?

Why do I need proof? they sure dont
According to you, Bill and Hillary obstructed Justice, Obama told Lynch and Rice to lie for him then changed his story about spying later proving he perjured himself, Feinstein and others did in telling Ford to lie & what to say, Adam Schiff did in telling Cohen to lie and what to say and Brennan on live TV was telling Comey to lie & what to say.
Better impeach them all, we can hire sub contractors to take their place and do nothing but obstruct the Gov't and it's function just as well.
None of what you say has ever been proven , nor can you prove it.

How the fuck did the 900 prove it now asshole?????????????
They read the report doofus.

why, Did Obama or Nancy read Obama care before they signed it???? More stupid posts by Trump toads. Give it up. You're all a bunch of losers with nothing intelligent to say.


Says the guy who doesnt know how to quote

Once again did Obama or Nancy read Obama care before they signed it?
Clinton wasn't impeached for obstruction he was impeached for perjury.

The next time you know something will be the first.

Impeachment by House of Representatives
Although proceedings were delayed due to the bombing of Iraq, on the passage of H. Res. 611, Clinton was impeached on December 19, 1998, by the House of Representatives on grounds of perjury to a grand jury (by a 228–206 vote)[17] and obstruction of justice (by a 221–212 vote).[18]​


Black's Law Dictionary defines "obstruction of justice" as interfering with the orderly administration of law and justice, as by giving false information to or withholding evidence from a police officer or prosecutor, or by harming or intimidating a witness or juror. Obstruction of justice encompasses perjury.

Clinton had a Motive for committing perjury and obstruction, and was still acquitted.

As you will remember, Clinton allegedly told fibs in his depositions because he didn't want to pony up the money he owed Paula Corbin Jones for sexually harassing her.

Pure, unadulterated greed. He did his sexual harassment, and then he refused to pay the bill.

If you don't want to pay the bar bill, don't run up a tab is what I always say.
And what does this have to do with Trump's obstruction?

Prove it

You haven't legally debunked them have you? Lol! Of course not, because you know shit, and they know more than you.

I have no idea who you are talking to, because I must have them on ignore. It is so confusing because it looks like you are arguing with yourself. :abgg2q.jpg:
If true that people in the Trump administration, including his own lawyers, tried influence Flynn to either lie or not share information with Mueller's investigation, it is clear evidence of obstruction. I wonder who the lawyer was on the voicemail. If it was McGahn, then we know why he spent so many hours with Mueller's team.

"Thursday’s memo also notes that Flynn provided a voicemail to investigators of one of those possible attempts to sway him, which was referenced in the full redacted version of Mueller’s report. A personal attorney for Trump left the message on the phone of Flynn’s lawyer.

t wouldn’t surprise me if you’ve gone on to make a deal with ... the government,” the voicemail states, according to Mueller’s office. “f ... there’s information that implicates the President, then we’ve got a national security issue, ... so, you know, ... we need some kind of heads up. Um, just for the sake of protecting all our interests if we can ... [R]emember what we’ve always said about the President and his feelings toward Flynn and, that still remains.”"

Michael Flynn: People Tied To Trump, Congress Tried To Sway What He Told Mueller
According to you, Bill and Hillary obstructed Justice, Obama told Lynch and Rice to lie for him then changed his story about spying later proving he perjured himself, Feinstein and others did in telling Ford to lie & what to say, Adam Schiff did in telling Cohen to lie and what to say and Brennan on live TV was telling Comey to lie & what to say.
Better impeach them all, we can hire sub contractors to take their place and do nothing but obstruct the Gov't and it's function just as well.
None of what you say has ever been proven , nor can you prove it.
No there is actual footage on TV of him saying he knew nothing about the spying then changed his story claiming it was Fisa approved, and Lynch threw him under the bus and admited he knew. Remember even the MSM said the notion was preposterous and paranoid then were proven failed in investigating the story, by being biased instead of honest and inquisitive. These are not journalist anymore, they are propagandist setting a narrative, they are tabloid news not real news any more and you the viewer suffer parroting what is equivalent to silly tabloid stories liken to telling people Elvis is still alive and living on Mars with Big Foot.
Do you like being made a fool parroting such nonsense?
First off, from your post before this one, it wasn' McGhan, it was Dowd. Get a clue.

Secondly, if it was FISA approved, it was not spying on the campaign. How friggin dumb do you Trump toads have to be to not understand that?
You are not talking about my post, perhaps another? McGhan has 3 versions floating around depending on who's telling the story.
Bottom line is when the President used the word conflict of interest and told him to go to Rosenstein (because him not Trump does the firing), then even if the president didn't have executive privilege, it still would not be Obstruction especially if that decision is Rosenstein. Once again MSM takes everything out of context and out of process and laws to deceive you to a narrative they need to sell the hate and untrust, if anything this is an admission they have nothingvto offer but trick the public into hating the candidate they can't challenge.
If true that people in the Trump administration, including his own lawyers, tried influence Flynn to either lie or not share information with Mueller's investigation, it is clear evidence of obstruction. I wonder who the lawyer was on the voicemail. If it was McGahn, then we know why he spent so many hours with Mueller's team.

"Thursday’s memo also notes that Flynn provided a voicemail to investigators of one of those possible attempts to sway him, which was referenced in the full redacted version of Mueller’s report. A personal attorney for Trump left the message on the phone of Flynn’s lawyer.

t wouldn’t surprise me if you’ve gone on to make a deal with ... the government,” the voicemail states, according to Mueller’s office. “f ... there’s information that implicates the President, then we’ve got a national security issue, ... so, you know, ... we need some kind of heads up. Um, just for the sake of protecting all our interests if we can ... [R]emember what we’ve always said about the President and his feelings toward Flynn and, that still remains.”"

Michael Flynn: People Tied To Trump, Congress Tried To Sway What He Told Mueller
If is a mighty big word. Influence is not order or coerce. Can the president be indicted for this type thing? Not that it matters now.
What difference does it make?
If you care for this country, the rule of law, the Constitution, being a patriot to this country instead of trashing it, and you are not interested in being a Banana Republic, which millions of Republicans are promoting, then it does matter.

All that to say Hillary is a scum bag?

Hillary isn't president. The obstructionist Trump is. Any more stupid questions?
Do you know what the word obstructionist is?
The Dem congress voting all across the board the same way against anything the right votes for, not because it's a bad idea but to prevent successful governance thus HINDERING our country and obstructing Gov't from proper function.
When MSM uses the word obstruct Justice they lie to the Public, because as Mueller stated there was none, you can't obstruct what wasn't done(mueller wasn't fired neither doing so would have changed investigations, what was within his right to do
(fire people=executive priveledge) especially Muellers conflict of interest and team that had conflicts. That context is very important because When Trump asked for His McGhan to ask Rosenstein if it was a conflict that is not obstruction that is the law and proper procedure as it's
Rosenstein's call. Trump asking his lawyer Guiliani advice is normal as well, that's what lawyers are for to advise proper procedures and in this case advising on appearances even though this was about the conflicts of interest.
Now why doesn't your MSM explain this to you?
Why does your politicians lie to you?
Why do you not know this stuff?
Because they want to set up that false narrative because they can't beat Trump on
merit or policy, so they need you to be duped, then parrot their narrative all over the net.
You should be mad at the ones using you and making you look uneducated, they think you are to lazy to search out the info nor see what they are doing, and notice your puppet strings.

Source for conflict of interest, look it up, research, get educated: Mueller needed to recuse himself
it's the law 28 CFR Section 45.2
Jeff Sessions or Rosenstein if Sessions could not, had the right to remove him by law.
28 USC Section 528 provides:
28 CFR Section 45.2 provides in part:
Comey and Mueller have been friends for nearly 15 years. They were partners in the episode that defined Comey's professional persona more than any other in his public service, this conflict along with Hiring Clinton lawyers and
donation financers is a clear conflict of interest, the president merely asked to look into this and make sure the drawn out and suspicious harassments of staff was not conflicted or abusive.
Lastly being no crime and proving there was abuses of power in the investigation deemed a false charge (which is illegal) means he never coyld be charged with obstructing a non crime that was druned up by opposition who did comit crimes.

And finally the obstruction of justice was on the other side of the isle, just pick any blatant call to fire Barr and impeach the investigator of the crimes of the abuse and fake charges that were openly done on TV by politicians.
Obama obstructed, Schiff obstructed, the obstructionists obstructed.
If you are gonna use the word, know what happened and don't be a parrot or puppet on a string for the criminals (lawless ones).
You are ignorant beyond explanation. You are going to teach 900 prosecutors what obstruction is? Lol! Boss, give it up. You, Trump, and the rest of his band of criminal stooges have been had. I read your long post, as pain full as it was, and I could only drop my head in the amazing display of distractions, attacks with no merit, right out lies, etc., I realized the Right is at the end of their ropes. Just to give you one, and to establish just how credibly bankrupt you are, you stated that Mueller stated there was no obstruction. THAT IS A BALD FACED LIE, and no where can you prove it. So, are you credible? Hell no. You're a joke and a liar.
I have no idea what your imaginary 900 prosecuters mean, but are you saying they have been part of the 900 FBI agents investigation and have precedence over them?
How about Clintons own lawyers who were part of the Mueler team who declared there was no obstruction?
Name your 900 prosecuters and their 900 arguments so we can rebuttal & debate each one's ignorance and lies. PUT UP OR SHUT UP AND ADMIT you are being feed lies.
Mueller did indeed have a conflict of interest, how can any prosecuter deny that?
*expecting crickets or ad hominem replies as usual*
If you care for this country, the rule of law, the Constitution, being a patriot to this country instead of trashing it, and you are not interested in being a Banana Republic, which millions of Republicans are promoting, then it does matter.

All that to say Hillary is a scum bag?

Hillary isn't president. The obstructionist Trump is. Any more stupid questions?
Do you know what the word obstructionist is?
The Dem congress voting all across the board the same way against anything the right votes for, not because it's a bad idea but to prevent successful governance thus HINDERING our country and obstructing Gov't from proper function.
When MSM uses the word obstruct Justice they lie to the Public, because as Mueller stated there was none, you can't obstruct what wasn't done(mueller wasn't fired neither doing so would have changed investigations, what was within his right to do
(fire people=executive priveledge) especially Muellers conflict of interest and team that had conflicts. That context is very important because When Trump asked for His McGhan to ask Rosenstein if it was a conflict that is not obstruction that is the law and proper procedure as it's
Rosenstein's call. Trump asking his lawyer Guiliani advice is normal as well, that's what lawyers are for to advise proper procedures and in this case advising on appearances even though this was about the conflicts of interest.
Now why doesn't your MSM explain this to you?
Why does your politicians lie to you?
Why do you not know this stuff?
Because they want to set up that false narrative because they can't beat Trump on
merit or policy, so they need you to be duped, then parrot their narrative all over the net.
You should be mad at the ones using you and making you look uneducated, they think you are to lazy to search out the info nor see what they are doing, and notice your puppet strings.

Source for conflict of interest, look it up, research, get educated: Mueller needed to recuse himself
it's the law 28 CFR Section 45.2
Jeff Sessions or Rosenstein if Sessions could not, had the right to remove him by law.
28 USC Section 528 provides:
28 CFR Section 45.2 provides in part:
Comey and Mueller have been friends for nearly 15 years. They were partners in the episode that defined Comey's professional persona more than any other in his public service, this conflict along with Hiring Clinton lawyers and
donation financers is a clear conflict of interest, the president merely asked to look into this and make sure the drawn out and suspicious harassments of staff was not conflicted or abusive.
Lastly being no crime and proving there was abuses of power in the investigation deemed a false charge (which is illegal) means he never coyld be charged with obstructing a non crime that was druned up by opposition who did comit crimes.

And finally the obstruction of justice was on the other side of the isle, just pick any blatant call to fire Barr and impeach the investigator of the crimes of the abuse and fake charges that were openly done on TV by politicians.
Obama obstructed, Schiff obstructed, the obstructionists obstructed.
If you are gonna use the word, know what happened and don't be a parrot or puppet on a string for the criminals (lawless ones).
You are ignorant beyond explanation. You are going to teach 900 prosecutors what obstruction is? Lol! Boss, give it up. You, Trump, and the rest of his band of criminal stooges have been had. I read your long post, as pain full as it was, and I could only drop my head in the amazing display of distractions, attacks with no merit, right out lies, etc., I realized the Right is at the end of their ropes. Just to give you one, and to establish just how credibly bankrupt you are, you stated that Mueller stated there was no obstruction. THAT IS A BALD FACED LIE, and no where can you prove it. So, are you credible? Hell no. You're a joke and a liar.
I have no idea what your imaginary 900 prosecuters mean, but are you saying they have been part of the 900 FBI agents investigation and have precedence over them?
How about Clintons own lawyers who were part of the Mueler team who declared there was no obstruction?
Name your 900 prosecuters and their 900 arguments so we can rebuttal & debate each one's ignorance and lies. PUT UP OR SHUT UP AND ADMIT you are being feed lies.
Mueller did indeed have a conflict of interest, how can any prosecuter deny that?
*expecting crickets or ad hominem replies as usual*
No, but maybe you are saying that? Lol! When you ask me to name the 900, you give yourself away that you are losing. What a ridiculous question. Haven't you people got anything to debate? Of course not. You are so pitiful.

Speaking of answering questions, now that you made the claim personally, can you name the Clinton lawyers who were on Mueller's team, or was that a lie?
All that to say Hillary is a scum bag?

Hillary isn't president. The obstructionist Trump is. Any more stupid questions?
Do you know what the word obstructionist is?
The Dem congress voting all across the board the same way against anything the right votes for, not because it's a bad idea but to prevent successful governance thus HINDERING our country and obstructing Gov't from proper function.
When MSM uses the word obstruct Justice they lie to the Public, because as Mueller stated there was none, you can't obstruct what wasn't done(mueller wasn't fired neither doing so would have changed investigations, what was within his right to do
(fire people=executive priveledge) especially Muellers conflict of interest and team that had conflicts. That context is very important because When Trump asked for His McGhan to ask Rosenstein if it was a conflict that is not obstruction that is the law and proper procedure as it's
Rosenstein's call. Trump asking his lawyer Guiliani advice is normal as well, that's what lawyers are for to advise proper procedures and in this case advising on appearances even though this was about the conflicts of interest.
Now why doesn't your MSM explain this to you?
Why does your politicians lie to you?
Why do you not know this stuff?
Because they want to set up that false narrative because they can't beat Trump on
merit or policy, so they need you to be duped, then parrot their narrative all over the net.
You should be mad at the ones using you and making you look uneducated, they think you are to lazy to search out the info nor see what they are doing, and notice your puppet strings.

Source for conflict of interest, look it up, research, get educated: Mueller needed to recuse himself
it's the law 28 CFR Section 45.2
Jeff Sessions or Rosenstein if Sessions could not, had the right to remove him by law.
28 USC Section 528 provides:
28 CFR Section 45.2 provides in part:
Comey and Mueller have been friends for nearly 15 years. They were partners in the episode that defined Comey's professional persona more than any other in his public service, this conflict along with Hiring Clinton lawyers and
donation financers is a clear conflict of interest, the president merely asked to look into this and make sure the drawn out and suspicious harassments of staff was not conflicted or abusive.
Lastly being no crime and proving there was abuses of power in the investigation deemed a false charge (which is illegal) means he never coyld be charged with obstructing a non crime that was druned up by opposition who did comit crimes.

And finally the obstruction of justice was on the other side of the isle, just pick any blatant call to fire Barr and impeach the investigator of the crimes of the abuse and fake charges that were openly done on TV by politicians.
Obama obstructed, Schiff obstructed, the obstructionists obstructed.
If you are gonna use the word, know what happened and don't be a parrot or puppet on a string for the criminals (lawless ones).
You are ignorant beyond explanation. You are going to teach 900 prosecutors what obstruction is? Lol! Boss, give it up. You, Trump, and the rest of his band of criminal stooges have been had. I read your long post, as pain full as it was, and I could only drop my head in the amazing display of distractions, attacks with no merit, right out lies, etc., I realized the Right is at the end of their ropes. Just to give you one, and to establish just how credibly bankrupt you are, you stated that Mueller stated there was no obstruction. THAT IS A BALD FACED LIE, and no where can you prove it. So, are you credible? Hell no. You're a joke and a liar.
I have no idea what your imaginary 900 prosecuters mean, but are you saying they have been part of the 900 FBI agents investigation and have precedence over them?
How about Clintons own lawyers who were part of the Mueler team who declared there was no obstruction?
Name your 900 prosecuters and their 900 arguments so we can rebuttal & debate each one's ignorance and lies. PUT UP OR SHUT UP AND ADMIT you are being feed lies.
Mueller did indeed have a conflict of interest, how can any prosecuter deny that?
*expecting crickets or ad hominem replies as usual*
No, but maybe you are saying that? Lol! When you ask me to name the 900, you give yourself away that you are losing. What a ridiculous question. Haven't you people got anything to debate? Of course not. You are so pitiful.

Speaking of answering questions, now that you made the claim personally, can you name the Clinton lawyers who were on Mueller's team, or was that a lie?
So the 900 people don't exist, not one named which means not one argument validating your false charges (which is a crime by the way).
Facts are I showed sources where Mueller indeed was in conflict of interest, so even your party's attempt at mucking the image of the event doesn't hold water.
But thanks for admitting Pelosi, Nadler, Blumenthal and the rest are obstructing justice by asking to arrest and remove Barr and interupt his investigation. Doing it openly on TV with clear cut evidence no less.
Bill Engvill says: "here's your sign"
All that to say Hillary is a scum bag?

Hillary isn't president. The obstructionist Trump is. Any more stupid questions?
Do you know what the word obstructionist is?
The Dem congress voting all across the board the same way against anything the right votes for, not because it's a bad idea but to prevent successful governance thus HINDERING our country and obstructing Gov't from proper function.
When MSM uses the word obstruct Justice they lie to the Public, because as Mueller stated there was none, you can't obstruct what wasn't done(mueller wasn't fired neither doing so would have changed investigations, what was within his right to do
(fire people=executive priveledge) especially Muellers conflict of interest and team that had conflicts. That context is very important because When Trump asked for His McGhan to ask Rosenstein if it was a conflict that is not obstruction that is the law and proper procedure as it's
Rosenstein's call. Trump asking his lawyer Guiliani advice is normal as well, that's what lawyers are for to advise proper procedures and in this case advising on appearances even though this was about the conflicts of interest.
Now why doesn't your MSM explain this to you?
Why does your politicians lie to you?
Why do you not know this stuff?
Because they want to set up that false narrative because they can't beat Trump on
merit or policy, so they need you to be duped, then parrot their narrative all over the net.
You should be mad at the ones using you and making you look uneducated, they think you are to lazy to search out the info nor see what they are doing, and notice your puppet strings.

Source for conflict of interest, look it up, research, get educated: Mueller needed to recuse himself
it's the law 28 CFR Section 45.2
Jeff Sessions or Rosenstein if Sessions could not, had the right to remove him by law.
28 USC Section 528 provides:
28 CFR Section 45.2 provides in part:
Comey and Mueller have been friends for nearly 15 years. They were partners in the episode that defined Comey's professional persona more than any other in his public service, this conflict along with Hiring Clinton lawyers and
donation financers is a clear conflict of interest, the president merely asked to look into this and make sure the drawn out and suspicious harassments of staff was not conflicted or abusive.
Lastly being no crime and proving there was abuses of power in the investigation deemed a false charge (which is illegal) means he never coyld be charged with obstructing a non crime that was druned up by opposition who did comit crimes.

And finally the obstruction of justice was on the other side of the isle, just pick any blatant call to fire Barr and impeach the investigator of the crimes of the abuse and fake charges that were openly done on TV by politicians.
Obama obstructed, Schiff obstructed, the obstructionists obstructed.
If you are gonna use the word, know what happened and don't be a parrot or puppet on a string for the criminals (lawless ones).
You are ignorant beyond explanation. You are going to teach 900 prosecutors what obstruction is? Lol! Boss, give it up. You, Trump, and the rest of his band of criminal stooges have been had. I read your long post, as pain full as it was, and I could only drop my head in the amazing display of distractions, attacks with no merit, right out lies, etc., I realized the Right is at the end of their ropes. Just to give you one, and to establish just how credibly bankrupt you are, you stated that Mueller stated there was no obstruction. THAT IS A BALD FACED LIE, and no where can you prove it. So, are you credible? Hell no. You're a joke and a liar.
I have no idea what your imaginary 900 prosecuters mean, but are you saying they have been part of the 900 FBI agents investigation and have precedence over them?
How about Clintons own lawyers who were part of the Mueler team who declared there was no obstruction?
Name your 900 prosecuters and their 900 arguments so we can rebuttal & debate each one's ignorance and lies. PUT UP OR SHUT UP AND ADMIT you are being feed lies.
Mueller did indeed have a conflict of interest, how can any prosecuter deny that?
*expecting crickets or ad hominem replies as usual*
No, but maybe you are saying that? Lol! When you ask me to name the 900, you give yourself away that you are losing. What a ridiculous question. Haven't you people got anything to debate? Of course not. You are so pitiful.

Speaking of answering questions, now that you made the claim personally, can you name the Clinton lawyers who were on Mueller's team, or was that a lie?
Jeannie Rhee, Uzo Asonye, Kyle Freeny
to name a few. There were also Lawyers with conflicts lije the one fired by Trump, & one who worked in Russia could be deemed a conflict by either side of the Isle.
But if you dig deep (first link on Google *L*)
and notice dating on articles where it states people (politicians) asked Trump to fire Mueller for these conflicts.

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