If Trump is guilty of inciting a riot it would be easy for USMB Democrats to prove it

So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
If it weren’t for Trump, there would have been no riot. Everyone agrees.
"But for" causation is not enough to convict someone of breaking the law.

Otherwise, we'd all be criminals.

Consider this:

I hail a taxi cab and it stops at the curb to pick me up.

I tell the driver where I want him to go and the driver pulls away from the curb and hits a pedestrian.

"But for" me hailing the cab and telling the driver where I want him to go, the pedestrian would not have been hit by the taxi.

Should the pedestrian be allowed to hold me legally liable for his injuries?

Funny. Impeachment is not a "criminal" process - it's a "political" process in accordance with the Constitution.
If it was according to the Constitution Trump would still be in office.

It's sadly funny just how dumb and uninformed you Trump NaziCons are. Everything that is taking place is 100% legal and in accordance with our Constitution, laws, and precedents.
He is not in office. Impeachment is to remove someone from office. Nothing could be plainer.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
If it weren’t for Trump, there would have been no riot. Everyone agrees.
"But for" causation is not enough to convict someone of breaking the law.

Otherwise, we'd all be criminals.

Consider this:

I hail a taxi cab and it stops at the curb to pick me up.

I tell the driver where I want him to go and the driver pulls away from the curb and hits a pedestrian.

"But for" me hailing the cab and telling the driver where I want him to go, the pedestrian would not have been hit by the taxi.

Should the pedestrian be allowed to hold me legally liable for his injuries?
A good analogy, however hitting a pedestrian is an unforeseen consequence.

The riot was not an unforeseen consequence or Trump’s rhetoric.

I don’t think Trump is a criminal, but his actions were so recklessly irresponsible I think he should be forbidden from holding public office again which is the point of the impeachment.
The point of impeachment is to remove someone from office. It only proves your reason means they cannot defraud him again.

Elisa Martinez

More “irregularities.” Perdue originally had 774,723 votes. A few moments later, on live TV his total drops to 742,323.

They defrauded the Republicans in that election too. Votes are never subtracted unless they are illegal. During the actual election is kind of soon to tell. Another thing your eyes can see.

So far there has been no proof offered of incitement to riot. There is just a lot of whining about their feelings. In fact everything they say is about their feelings. Feelings are not facts. The communists have no facts.
Are we united yet?

UNITY NOW!!! :twirl:

By the end of this trial, Republicans will be united in getting rid of Trump and his poison, or the party will continue to watch their base dwindle away to the lunatic fringe and become increasingly irrelevant, other than as a wedge party to divide conservatives and keep Democrats in power.

Lay off the fentanyl Canadian Commie Chink!
That is all.....
So far there has been no proof offered of incitement to riot. There is just a lot of whining about their feelings. In fact everything they say is about their feelings. Feelings are not facts. The communists have no facts.

Did that hapless Dimm Marxist Jew cry again today? :CryingCow:
The democrats did a horrible job today proving Trump is behind this. All they basically stood up there and said that they had a riot.

What was there proof that TRUMP was the one who incited it?

1. An internet meme
2. Behavior of people BEFORE Trumps' speech
3. A democrat who fucked a Chinese spy is trying to say Trump did something wrong.
4. Trump saying to PEACEFULLY go to the capital. If this was a real trial in criminal court, this alone would be an absolute defense.

Trump's got this shit hands down.
The democrats did a horrible job today proving Trump is behind this. All they basically stood up there and said that they had a riot.

What was there proof that TRUMP was the one who incited it?

1. An internet meme
2. Behavior of people BEFORE Trumps' speech
3. A democrat who fucked a Chinese spy is trying to say Trump did something wrong.
4. Trump saying to PEACEFULLY go to the capital. If this was a real trial in criminal court, this alone would be an absolute defense.

Trump's got this shit hands down.

Accurate Cliff Notes! :clap::clap:
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

Listen to the demented tRumplings shouting "take the capitol" at about 40 seconds in.

So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
Democrat's fear Trump. Why they are trying to keep him out of office in future. Pussies.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

Listen to the demented tRumplings shouting "take the capitol" at about 40 seconds in.

Too bad for you fucksticks that Trump NEVER said this!
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

Listen to the demented tRumplings shouting "take the capitol" at about 40 seconds in.

So the Congress that has an approval rating of under 15% is surprised that average Americans are pissed off at their decades old criminal activity.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.
If it weren’t for Trump, there would have been no riot. Everyone agrees.
"But for" causation is not enough to convict someone of breaking the law.

Otherwise, we'd all be criminals.

Consider this:

I hail a taxi cab and it stops at the curb to pick me up.

I tell the driver where I want him to go and the driver pulls away from the curb and hits a pedestrian.

"But for" me hailing the cab and telling the driver where I want him to go, the pedestrian would not have been hit by the taxi.

Should the pedestrian be allowed to hold me legally liable for his injuries?

Funny. Impeachment is not a "criminal" process - it's a "political" process in accordance with the Constitution.
If it was according to the Constitution Trump would still be in office.

It's sadly funny just how dumb and uninformed you Trump NaziCons are. Everything that is taking place is 100% legal and in accordance with our Constitution, laws, and precedents.
He is not in office. Impeachment is to remove someone from office. Nothing could be plainer.

Actually, nothing could be dumber! Trump was impeached while in office! McConnell refused to start the Senate trial before Trump left office! Many officials have been impeached AFTER leaving office! History and precedents speak for themselves.

So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

Listen to the demented tRumplings shouting "take the capitol" at about 40 seconds in.

Too bad for you fucksticks that Trump NEVER said this!

Doesn't matter.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

Listen to the demented tRumplings shouting "take the capitol" at about 40 seconds in.

So the Congress that has an approval rating of under 15% is surprised that average Americans are pissed off at their decades old criminal activity.

Oh look, a tRumpling excusing the assault on our democracy.

What a surprise.
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

Listen to the demented tRumplings shouting "take the capitol" at about 40 seconds in.

Too bad for you fucksticks that Trump NEVER said this!

Doesn't matter.

Great response, headbanger! :banghead:

Buy a helmet!
So, prove it.

Don't show me the heavily edited video the Democrats presented.

I want to see evidence that Trump made a statement that incited a riot.

Declaring the election was stolen is not proof Trump incited a riot.

Listen to the demented tRumplings shouting "take the capitol" at about 40 seconds in.

Too bad for you fucksticks that Trump NEVER said this!

Doesn't matter.

Great response, headbanger! :banghead:

Buy a helmet!

It doesn't matter. He knew what was happening and encouraged it.

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