If Trump OK's A FBI Investigation Will Kavanaugh Withdraw?

Consider just one possible scenario. FBI talks to Mark Judge and when asked about the alleged attack on Dr. Ford about his knowledge concerning her allegations, time after time he pleads the 5th regarding self incrimination or opens himself to. To the question he was at that house that night with Kavanaugh, he again pleads the 5th. Or any of a 100 different questions pertaining to the facts of that night in 1982, Judge does seeks Constitutional protection against self incrimination OR in some manner places Kavanaugh in that house on that night.

But, OH NO! Judge has said he will now speak to the FBI. Could he sink Kavanaugh's Battleship all by himself? And this says nothing about Deborah Ramirez's allegations or Julie Swetnick's claims when other FBI agents talk to them and others with material evidence!

What a mess this nomination has devolved into because of piss poor vetting by Trump & Company! Some sane person needs tell Brett Kavanaugh to withdraw and save his wife and daughters yet more grief and sorrow!

Brett o'kavanaugh will not withdraw his name. He now wants it more than ever to be in a position to carry out his clearly vindictive anger thru judicial actions.

Nope. That's what you would do. Makes you unfit to even be a dog catcher!
So, if in a week the FBI says it was much ado about nothing, will you then demand another investigation or will you abide by their findings?

None of it matters, not one Dem vote will be gained. This is ALL about delaying, without question. Your Constitution is under attack.

Yes it is. But this sort of thing does serve the purpose of exposing their bullshit to the light of day. If in a week they all discount the FBI findings, then we will know that politics was all that ever mattered.
If it turns out Kavanaugh has been lying, you can expect the tards to start claiming the FBI is working for George Soros. Easyt65 will start eleventy topics claiming the FBI director is working for North Korea.

So, if in a week the FBI says it was much ado about nothing, will you then demand another investigation or will you abide by their findings?
I actually want a conservative judge on the court. Very much so.

After watching Kavanaugh's behavior for the past week, he strikes me as a very weak-minded person. A follower. Christ, you could hear Trump's words coming out of his mouth when he accepted the nomination at the White House. When he said Trump had talked to more people and done more research about his nomination that had ever been done by any President in American history, I busted out laughing. You could almost see Trump's hand in the back of his suit, and Donald's lips moving! :lol:

You oddly enough keep dodging the question...So, if in a week the FBI says it was much ado about nothing, will you then demand another investigation or will you abide by their findings?
Trump orders FBI to investigate Kavanaugh amid sexual misconduct allegations

President Donald Trump on Friday ordered the FBI to conduct an additional background investigation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who faces several sexual misconduct allegations.

"I've ordered the FBI to conduct a supplemental investigation to update Judge Kavanaugh’s file," Trump said in a statement. "As the Senate has requested, this update must be limited in scope and completed in less than one week."

Trump’s action followed an extraordinary call from several key Republican senators to enlist the FBI to gather more information about the alleged incidents involving Kavanaugh when he was in high school and college before the Senate holds a vote on his confirmation.

What does "limited in scope" mean?
Doesn't matter. The FBI will go where the facts lead them.

What will happen with this investigation is that it will delay the confirmation for at least another week. It really doesn't matter if Kav is as clean as a hound's tooth, no liberals will support him.

But before there is a vote, there will be another accuser coming forward. Since the rumors are becoming crazier and crazier, the new accusation was that Kav was a pimp in high school and the matter needed investigation, and how about another week.

It really doesn't matter how untrue the bullshit stories are, the goal of Schumer, Feinstein, etc. is just to extend the process past the election.

Once we are past the election, the Democrats hope they will get a majority in the Senate and that will be the end of confirmations for the rest of Trump's First Term.
None of it matters, not one Dem vote will be gained. This is ALL about delaying, without question. Your Constitution is under attack.

Yes it is. But this sort of thing does serve the purpose of exposing their bullshit to the light of day. If in a week they all discount the FBI findings, then we will know that politics was all that ever mattered.
If it turns out Kavanaugh has been lying, you can expect the tards to start claiming the FBI is working for George Soros. Easyt65 will start eleventy topics claiming the FBI director is working for North Korea.

So, if in a week the FBI says it was much ado about nothing, will you then demand another investigation or will you abide by their findings?
I actually want a conservative judge on the court. Very much so.

After watching Kavanaugh's behavior for the past week, he strikes me as a very weak-minded person. A follower. Christ, you could hear Trump's words coming out of his mouth when he accepted the nomination at the White House. When he said Trump had talked to more people and done more research about his nomination that had ever been done by any President in American history, I busted out laughing. You could almost see Trump's hand in the back of his suit, and Donald's lips moving! :lol:

You oddly enough keep dodging the question...So, if in a week the FBI says it was much ado about nothing, will you then demand another investigation or will you abide by their findings?
No, I will not demand another investigation.

If they find Kavanaugh was lying, will you abide by their findings and demand his nomination be withdrawn?
Yes it is. But this sort of thing does serve the purpose of exposing their bullshit to the light of day. If in a week they all discount the FBI findings, then we will know that politics was all that ever mattered.
If it turns out Kavanaugh has been lying, you can expect the tards to start claiming the FBI is working for George Soros. Easyt65 will start eleventy topics claiming the FBI director is working for North Korea.

So, if in a week the FBI says it was much ado about nothing, will you then demand another investigation or will you abide by their findings?
I actually want a conservative judge on the court. Very much so.

After watching Kavanaugh's behavior for the past week, he strikes me as a very weak-minded person. A follower. Christ, you could hear Trump's words coming out of his mouth when he accepted the nomination at the White House. When he said Trump had talked to more people and done more research about his nomination that had ever been done by any President in American history, I busted out laughing. You could almost see Trump's hand in the back of his suit, and Donald's lips moving! :lol:

You oddly enough keep dodging the question...So, if in a week the FBI says it was much ado about nothing, will you then demand another investigation or will you abide by their findings?
No, I will not demand another investigation.

If they find Kavanaugh was lying, will you abide by their findings and demand his nomination be withdrawn?

Kavanaugh should withdraw for the good of the country and our Court; he should likewise resign from the court of appeals because yesterday he showed himself to be lacking in the temperament to be expected of a federal district judge, and to be obsessed with partisan hatred. He should take Don McGahn’s job instead. Kavanaugh can still have a very lucrative career as a shill for corporate America and/or working for extreme conservative Republican administrations, so I feel no pity for him. He is wholly undeserving to sit on the federal bench.
Trump laid the ground rules for the FBI

“I’ve ordered the FBI to conduct a supplemental investigation to update Judge Kavanaugh’s file. As the Senate has requested, this update must be limited in scope and completed in less than one week.”
But Trump said the FBI can’t do an investigation like this.

Oh my God!

Does that mean he LIED?
Consider just one possible scenario. FBI talks to Mark Judge and when asked about the alleged attack on Dr. Ford about his knowledge concerning her allegations, time after time he pleads the 5th regarding self incrimination or opens himself to. To the question he was at that house that night with Kavanaugh, he again pleads the 5th. Or any of a 100 different questions pertaining to the facts of that night in 1982, Judge does seeks Constitutional protection against self incrimination OR in some manner places Kavanaugh in that house on that night.

But, OH NO! Judge has said he will now speak to the FBI. Could he sink Kavanaugh's Battleship all by himself? And this says nothing about Deborah Ramirez's allegations or Julie Swetnick's claims when other FBI agents talk to them and others with material evidence!

What a mess this nomination has devolved into because of piss poor vetting by Trump & Company! Some sane person needs tell Brett Kavanaugh to withdraw and save his wife and daughters yet more grief and sorrow!

Dianne Feinstein could have had the FBI investigating this as early as August, but she and her staff waited to the last minute to bring this all up in order to try and thwart the Kavanaugh's nomination.

Mark Judge has already said he has NEVER seen Kavanaugh behave in such a way in his entire life. He would go to jail now if he retracts that.

None of the people, its either four or six people, who were alleged to have been at the house in the summer of 1982 remember this party, event, or alleged crime.

Kavanaugh has a record of what he was doing every day in the Summer of 1982. A personal diary recorded on a calander Mrs. Ford thinks this incident might of occurred in the summer of 1982 but is not positive, cannot name who's house she was at, how she got there, or how she got home. Mrs. Ford has an allegation with no evidence from anyone or anything in the year that this is alleged to have happened.

The Democrats will get a ONE WEEK of fishing for stuff on Kavanaugh. If all they have are unsubstantiated allegations at the end of that week still, then there is a good probability Kavanaugh will confirmed by the Senate in a 50 to 50 vote with the tie broken by Mike Pence. If he loses, it will be a 49 to 51 vote with Susan Collins being the deciding vote against Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh has already been accused of attempted rape and gang rape. Unless the Democrats dig up that he is also an alleged serial killer, who won't be sparing his family anything by withdrawing. His name is already forever tarnished by this unsubstantiated allegation do to the mass media coverage and his wife and daughters will be suffering anyways. As a lesson to his daughters about the importance of standing up for yourself as well as the how we value the "PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE", I don' think he will withdraw. He is going to fight. So far based on the evidence in this case, he is winning, and has a good probability of being confirmed although it is not definite.
If I were an investigator, I would be interested in talking to Judge because he was a close friend of Kavanaugh's and according to one woman, they were "joined at the hip," so while Judge may not remember the incident due to alcohol blackouts, he could have plenty to say about K's overall behavior. Yeah, he says he never knew K to jump a girl like that, trap her, pin her down, cover her mouth and try to yank off her clothes, but what DOES he remember K doing? According to the yearbook (a real one) there was both the Renate Alumni and boofing and the Five F's and oh my goodness.....it's not looking great for K if you look at that.
. . and that would disqualify a good many folks from the bench then. . . .

Youthful indiscretion and being a follower is not a reason to vote no, is it?

Quick question.....................if a senior varsity foot ball player was to grope and paw a female sophmore relative of yours, would you still call what the guy did "youthful indiscretion"?
trump has already agreed to open ‘limited’ F.B.I. investigation into accusations against Kavanaugh.
Consider just one possible scenario. FBI talks to Mark Judge and when asked about the alleged attack on Dr. Ford about his knowledge concerning her allegations, time after time he pleads the 5th regarding self incrimination or opens himself to. To the question he was at that house that night with Kavanaugh, he again pleads the 5th. Or any of a 100 different questions pertaining to the facts of that night in 1982, Judge does seeks Constitutional protection against self incrimination OR in some manner places Kavanaugh in that house on that night.

But, OH NO! Judge has said he will now speak to the FBI. Could he sink Kavanaugh's Battleship all by himself? And this says nothing about Deborah Ramirez's allegations or Julie Swetnick's claims when other FBI agents talk to them and others with material evidence!

What a mess this nomination has devolved into because of piss poor vetting by Trump & Company! Some sane person needs tell Brett Kavanaugh to withdraw and save his wife and daughters yet more grief and sorrow!

He'sa' gonna' go before the committee and cry...cry...cry again, like he did yesterday.
And martyr his sorry ass.
Saying his family has been irreversibly harmed by the lies.
His girls soccer coaching days are over.

Going to be fun to watch.
Narcissistic perp goes down in flames.

“All 51 Republican Senators support the motion to proceed to the nomination,” said McConnell.
The Committee has also thoroughly investigated the last-minute allegations that have been brought forward. The evidence that has been produced either fails to corroborate these accusations or in fact supports Judge Kavanaugh's unequivocal denial."

5:21 PM - Sep 28, 2018
Consider just one possible scenario. FBI talks to Mark Judge and when asked about the alleged attack on Dr. Ford about his knowledge concerning her allegations, time after time he pleads the 5th regarding self incrimination or opens himself to. To the question he was at that house that night with Kavanaugh, he again pleads the 5th. Or any of a 100 different questions pertaining to the facts of that night in 1982, Judge does seeks Constitutional protection against self incrimination OR in some manner places Kavanaugh in that house on that night.

But, OH NO! Judge has said he will now speak to the FBI. Could he sink Kavanaugh's Battleship all by himself? And this says nothing about Deborah Ramirez's allegations or Julie Swetnick's claims when other FBI agents talk to them and others with material evidence!

What a mess this nomination has devolved into because of piss poor vetting by Trump & Company! Some sane person needs tell Brett Kavanaugh to withdraw and save his wife and daughters yet more grief and sorrow!

Dianne Feinstein could have had the FBI investigating this as early as August, but she and her staff waited to the last minute to bring this all up in order to try and thwart the Kavanaugh's nomination.

Mark Judge has already said he has NEVER seen Kavanaugh behave in such a way in his entire life. He would go to jail now if he retracts that.

None of the people, its either four or six people, who were alleged to have been at the house in the summer of 1982 remember this party, event, or alleged crime.

Kavanaugh has a record of what he was doing every day in the Summer of 1982. A personal diary recorded on a calander Mrs. Ford thinks this incident might of occurred in the summer of 1982 but is not positive, cannot name who's house she was at, how she got there, or how she got home. Mrs. Ford has an allegation with no evidence from anyone or anything in the year that this is alleged to have happened.

The Democrats will get a ONE WEEK of fishing for stuff on Kavanaugh. If all they have are unsubstantiated allegations at the end of that week still, then there is a good probability Kavanaugh will confirmed by the Senate in a 50 to 50 vote with the tie broken by Mike Pence. If he loses, it will be a 49 to 51 vote with Susan Collins being the deciding vote against Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh has already been accused of attempted rape and gang rape. Unless the Democrats dig up that he is also an alleged serial killer, who won't be sparing his family anything by withdrawing. His name is already forever tarnished by this unsubstantiated allegation do to the mass media coverage and his wife and daughters will be suffering anyways. As a lesson to his daughters about the importance of standing up for yourself as well as the how we value the "PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE", I don' think he will withdraw. He is going to fight. So far based on the evidence in this case, he is winning, and has a good probability of being confirmed although it is not definite.

FALSE! Senator Feinstein could NOT have had the FBI investigating this as early as August - BECAUSE Dr. Christine Blasey Ford wanted to remain ANONYMOUS. It wasn't until her name was LEAKED that Dr. Ford went public.

Guess what, the FBI can do PRIVATE investigations. They do them all the time. The only ones who would know anything would be the FBI investigators, that's IT! No one would find out about anything. But, the Democrats smelled an opportunity and they went for it in this way.
For any of you idiots that are believing Trump's bullshit that Feinstein had the letter for several (meaning 3 or more) months before sending it to the FBI.

No, she got the letter 30 July, and it was forwarded to the FBI a month and a half later, when the rumors about the letter started to surface.

Brett Kavanaugh: A timeline of allegations against the Supreme Court nominee

July 30
Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor in California, quietly sends a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee. In the letter, she alleges that Kavanaugh physically and sexually assaulted her while they were in high school. Feinstein does not release the letter publicly, at Ford's request.

Aug. 10
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, announces that confirmation hearings for Kavanaugh will begin Sept. 4. Democrats complain that Republicans are trying to rush Kavanaugh's confirmation through the Senate without allowing them to see all the documents from Kavanaugh's tenure as an attorney in the administration of President George W. Bush.

Sept. 4-7
Kavanaugh testifies for three days at confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee. On the fourth day, legal experts and other witnesses testify about his nomination. The allegations from Ford are never raised.

Sept. 12
Feinstein sends Ford's letter to the FBI after several days of rumors about its existence leaking out from Democratic senators. The bureau puts the letter in Kavanaugh's background check file but does not launch a criminal investigation, in part because the statute of limitations on the alleged sexual assault expired years earlier.

Sept. 14
Ford's allegations against Kavanaugh first publicly surface in a story by The New Yorker magazine. The bare bones story does not include Ford's name.

"I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time," Kavanaugh says in a statement.

The White House says there are no plans to pull Kavanaugh's nomination.

Sept. 16
The Washington Post publishes an interview with Ford, who allows her name to be released publicly for the first time. She alleges in the story that a drunken Kavanaugh pinned her down on a bed at a high school house party and tried to remove her clothes while holding his hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming. Ford says she feared Kavanaugh might inadvertently kill her. Kavanaugh again denies that the incident ever took place.

ON JULY 30, 2018 she could have contacted the FBI to do a PRIVATE investigation on the issue. Most FBI investigations are PRIVATE!
Since we have a week of investigation, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see

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