If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.


Imbecile, CANADA produces the sludge that would have been transported through the Keystone XL pipeline.

Are you ever not retarded, gramps?

Getting enough sleep ? "Canada" - so what ? Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline, and halted drilling on fed land, thereby effecting oil production, our energy independence, and status as #1 energy producer in the world, as I mentioned in Post # 1237.

EARTH TO FAUN - as "THE ROCK" would say > "IT DOESN'T MATTER" where the stuff comes from. What matters is where it is no longer going to go. Get it ?

This is what you get when an anti-fossil-fuel screwball highjacks the White House.
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^^^ irony from the idiot who offered links from libertynation, independentsentinel, americanthinker & washingtontimes.
I showed REASONS why PoltiFARCE is the disgrace that they are. You haven't shown anything to justify your gripe about the sources you cited.
"After 4 years of Trump", includes the time period of the pandemic >>

and after the pandemic lockdown effect, while Trump was in office, the nation had its highest GDP growth EVER - 33.1%
He also had the worst quarter on record with a drop of 31.2%. Overall for 2020 was -3.4% and for his 4 years was 1.3%.
Getting enough sleep ? "Canada" - so what ? Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline, and halted drilling on fed land, thereby effecting oil production, our energy independence, and status as #1 energy producer in the world, as I mentioned in Post # 1237.

EARTH TO FAUN - as "THE ROCK" would say > "IT DOESN'T MATTER" where the stuff comes from. What matters is where it is no longer going to go. Get it ?

This is what you get when an anti-fossil-fuel screwball highjacks the White House.

Again, moron, stopping the Keystone XL pipeline did not affect our oil drilling. We’re not drilling it, Canada is.
Getting enough sleep ? "Canada" - so what ? Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline, and halted drilling on fed land, thereby effecting oil production, our energy independence, and status as #1 energy producer in the world, as I mentioned in Post # 1237.

EARTH TO FAUN - as "THE ROCK" would say > "IT DOESN'T MATTER" where the stuff comes from. What matters is where it is no longer going to go. Get it ?

This is what you get when an anti-fossil-fuel screwball highjacks the White House.
Are you fucking retarded? Seriously? Shut down drilling on federal land? Do what? You mean land I pay for, that I use, so oil companies can profit off of, while they charge me? Say it ain't so.
Oh look .... gramps' figures are all bullshit. Who didn't see that coming?


Here are the latest figures for that period according to the BEA.

... and since gramps proved to be too dumb to figure out the labels, allow me... column E is the quarter and column F is the annualized percentage of real GDP growth.

Gramps' goes down again. And not in a good way.
"Latest" ? HA HA HA HA. The very fact that the BEA keeps changing their numbers, as they have been doing all along, (depending on WHO is th "Latest" in and out of jobs there-and what their allegiances are), we can take much of these "changes" with a grain of salt. Ho hum. Yawn**** Thought Faun would have known that obvious anomaly. Guess I overestimated.

Remember when they cut Trump's 4.2% GDP growth down to 3.5 ? BEA has the credibility of a wart hog. Yeah, I know I used them too, on the V-GRAPH, but that was so well-known the BEA buzzards couldn't mess with it, and since they've always been pro-Obama and anti-Trump, they couldn't have been lying about the V-GRAPH.
BEA is almost as bad as PolitiFARCE.
Of course, it was impacted by the pandemic - and don't ever say "during the Trump regime" unless you specify a non-pandemic time period. You know better.
Trump called it a hoax for Gods sake. That mf should be hung for treason.
I showed REASONS why PoltiFARCE is the disgrace that they are. You haven't shown anything to justify your gripe about the sources you cited.


I see, so all I have to do I post links showing your sites are garbage and you'll agree, right?


Again, moron, stopping the Keystone XL pipeline did not affect our oil drilling. We’re not drilling it, Canada is.
Are you retarded ? The point isn't about effecting drilling. It is about effecting SUPPLY and therefore PRODUCTION of refined product, (ie. QUANTITY of oil on hand), and therefore the things I mentioned >>PRICES of gas at the pump, our energy independence, and status as #1 energy producer in the world. Pheeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes: :slap:
"Latest" ? HA HA HA HA. The very fact that the BEA keeps changing their numbers, as they have been doing all along, (depending on WHO is th "Latest" in and out of jobs there-and what their allegiances are), we can take much of these "changes" with a grain of salt. Ho hum. Yawn**** Thought Faun would have known that obvious anomaly. Guess I overestimated.

Remember when they cut Trump's 4.2% GDP growth down to 3.5 ? BEA has the credibility of a wart hog. Yeah, I know I used them too, on the V-GRAPH, but that was so well-known the BEA buzzards couldn't mess with it, and since they've always been pro-Obama and anti-Trump, they couldn't have been lying about the V-GRAPH.
BEA is almost as bad as PolitiFARCE.
Yes, as more data comes in, their figures get revised. You know that and yet you still post bullshit numbers that you know no longer are accurate.

You lied again and got caught lying again.

I see, so all I have to do I post links showing your sites are garbage and you'll agree, right?


Washington Times and American Thinker! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I see, so all I have to do I post links showing your sites are garbage and you'll agree, right?

Wrong! You picked a QUESTIONABLE SOURCE to establish what you allege to be questionable sources. INVALID ENTRY. :laugh:

Dopey liberals don't know the goofball, so-called fact-checker are nothing but lap dogs for the left. I tore mediabiasfact check apart some years ago. They're just as much a laughingstock as SPLC. Gag!
Yes, as more data comes in, their figures get revised. You know that and yet you still post bullshit numbers that you know no longer are accurate.

You lied again and got caught lying again.
NO.... I heard that line years ago. Didn't by then. Dont buy it now. Get some fresh material.

Are you retarded ? The point isn't about effecting drilling. It is about effecting SUPPLY and therefore PRODUCTION of refined product, (ie. QUANTITY of oil on hand), and therefore the things I mentioned >>PRICES of gas at the pump, our energy independence, and status as #1 energy producer in the world. Pheeew! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes: :slap:

You were talking about production, putz. I point out the Keystone XL pipeline is not crude we're producing; and that has you running away from what you were talking about as fast a your walker will allow.

Oh, and the Keystone XL pipeline was also not about energy independence either. You're just senile to think it was.
Trump called it a hoax for Gods sake. That mf should be hung for treason.
He was right. The numbers have been a hoax all along, becasuse of the grossly inflated numbers reported by hospitals ca$$hing in on the CARES Act, which your leftist, laughingstock OMISSION media also doesn't tell you anything about so you remain ignorant.

Then there's also the lockdowns designed to take away Trump's good economic numbers.
Wrong! You picked a QUESTIONABLE SOURCE to establish what you allege to be questionable sources. INVALID ENTRY. :laugh:

Dopey liberals don't know the goofball, so-called fact-checker are nothing but lap dogs for the left. I tore mediabiasfact check apart some years ago. They're just as much a laughingstock as SPLC. Gag!


I knew you'd fall for your own stupidity. According to your nuttiness, your sources are legit and my source refuting them is not, while sources which refute you are not legit but your source criticizing those sites are legit.

Aside from the convenience of your craziness,
essentially, you just unilaterally decided what's real and what's not real -- but you're senile, so you clearly can't even recognize reality.
You were talking about production, putz. I point out the Keystone XL pipeline is not crude we're producing; and that has you running away from what you were talking about as fast a your walker will allow.

Oh, and the Keystone XL pipeline was also not about energy independence either. You're just senile to think it was.
I AM talking about production, you idiot. Production was reduced, when the pipeline and some drilling was reduced. The crude oil was going to be headed for refineries where it would have been refined, thereby increasing the SUPPLY, which would increase PRODUCTION. DUH!

This is WHY we have higher gas prices, and am no longer # 1 energy producer in the world, and am no longer energy independent. Because BOZO Biden wanted it that way. He hates fossil fuel, and he knows the less gasoline produced, the higher the price will be, and the less people will pump it and burn it, thereby polluting the air - a notion he is consumed by.

I knew you'd fall for your own stupidity. According to your nuttiness, your sources are legit and my source refuting them is not, while sources which refute you are not legit but your source criticizing those sites are legit.

Aside from the convenience of your craziness,
essentially, you just unilaterally decided what's real and what's not real -- but you're senile, so you clearly can't even recognize reality.
Not unilaterally at all. Just about everyone on the right has laughed off the left's array of so-called fact checkers, and did it years ago. Ho Hum.

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