If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote --

If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote in 2016, SHUT UP


If you did vote in 2016 make sure you vote in 2018.

We will have no one to blame but ourselves.

I knew this would happen from the moment Flake demanded -- with the support of Collins and Murkowski -- that the vote on Kavanaugh be delayed a week and that an FBI investigation take place during that week.

I knew this would happen when Flake, Collins, and Murkowski said "Tsk, tsk, Trump should not have said those nasty things about Ford."

Maybe Trump isn't so dumb after all. Maybe he knew this was all for show, and he could revert to form without hurting the cause. It was all a pretense to show the vote for Kavanaugh was fair and above board ... Republicans will say. Flake, Collins, and Murkowski's a$$es are covered and they will now vote for Kavanaugh's confirmation.

There will be no mention of Kavanaugh's angry, belligerent, defiant, highly emotional performance at the Senate hearing and that this kind of demeanor has no place on the Supreme Court. That will be forgotten by these three Senators and we will end up with a Trump in the Oval Office and a Trump on the Supreme Court.

That, of course, will thrill Trump's fans to no end.

Try to imagine this. We all can agree Trump's comments mocking Professor Ford at the rally in Mississippi were inappropriate at the very least. Now let us picture Justice Kavanaugh speaking at a law university on a subject near and dear to his heart. Because of this, his presentation is filled with fire and brimstone much like Trump the other night.

That is the kind of man Flake, Collins, Murkowski and the rest of the Republicans want on the Supreme Court. Because of Kavanaugh's character, the scenario I described could easily become very real. It is certainly possible that has already happened. We just don't know about it, and the White House certainly isn't going to tell us.

Kavanaugh will be appointed for life.

I'm preparing your meds now.

Gorsuch replaced Scalia. Swap-out

Kav will replace Kennedy. Swap-out

But wait till The Donald replaces Ginsburg with some hard-nosed
constitutionalist on the Court. That's when you panic, because that is
when the direction of this country takes a hard turn to the right.

Have your Doctor supply you with plenty of valium...Industrial Strength.

btw...Trump spoke facts in Mississippi. Don't get carried away with
the Lib playbook...ok? That whore has the "right" to be heard, but she
does not have the "right" to be believed. She has to have proof. She
has none.
People like you and Trump do not represent the best of the USA. The best and brightest will step up and clear the moral cloud brought on by Trump and supporters.
The old, the white, the disgusting are on their last legs.

Who do you think made America?
The best and the brightest of the young and old who were mostly white, not the disgusting old white guys that are embarrassing the founding fathers today.

The old white founders would be thoroughly disgusted with the carnival that is called america now......and would keep sailing.
If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote in 2016, SHUT UP
If you did vote in 2016 make sure you vote in 2018.
We will have no one to blame but ourselves.

This post is equally applicable to anyone,... LEFT OR RIGHT.

IMO, you Bassturds are on the LEFT
I do not disagree but the more people who vote the greater the chance Trump and his followers will be kicked to the curb.
If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote in 2016, SHUT UP


If you did vote in 2016 make sure you vote in 2018.

We will have no one to blame but ourselves.

I knew this would happen from the moment Flake demanded -- with the support of Collins and Murkowski -- that the vote on Kavanaugh be delayed a week and that an FBI investigation take place during that week.

I knew this would happen when Flake, Collins, and Murkowski said "Tsk, tsk, Trump should not have said those nasty things about Ford."

Maybe Trump isn't so dumb after all. Maybe he knew this was all for show, and he could revert to form without hurting the cause. It was all a pretense to show the vote for Kavanaugh was fair and above board ... Republicans will say. Flake, Collins, and Murkowski's a$$es are covered and they will now vote for Kavanaugh's confirmation.

There will be no mention of Kavanaugh's angry, belligerent, defiant, highly emotional performance at the Senate hearing and that this kind of demeanor has no place on the Supreme Court. That will be forgotten by these three Senators and we will end up with a Trump in the Oval Office and a Trump on the Supreme Court.

That, of course, will thrill Trump's fans to no end.

Try to imagine this. We all can agree Trump's comments mocking Professor Ford at the rally in Mississippi were inappropriate at the very least. Now let us picture Justice Kavanaugh speaking at a law university on a subject near and dear to his heart. Because of this, his presentation is filled with fire and brimstone much like Trump the other night.

That is the kind of man Flake, Collins, Murkowski and the rest of the Republicans want on the Supreme Court. Because of Kavanaugh's character, the scenario I described could easily become very real. It is certainly possible that has already happened. We just don't know about it, and the White House certainly isn't going to tell us.

Kavanaugh will be appointed for life.

I'm preparing your meds now.

Gorsuch replaced Scalia. Swap-out

Kav will replace Kennedy. Swap-out

But wait till The Donald replaces Ginsburg with some hard-nosed
constitutionalist on the Court. That's when you panic, because that is
when the direction of this country takes a hard turn to the right.

Have your Doctor supply you with plenty of valium...Industrial Strength.

btw...Trump spoke facts in Mississippi. Don't get carried away with
the Lib playbook...ok? That whore has the "right" to be heard, but she
does not have the "right" to be believed. She has to have proof. She
has none.
People like you and Trump do not represent the best of the USA. The best and brightest will step up and clear the moral cloud brought on by Trump and supporters.
The old, the white, the disgusting are on their last legs.
The best and brightest hate you even more than the old white people do.
If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote in 2016, SHUT UP


If you did vote in 2016 make sure you vote in 2018.

We will have no one to blame but ourselves.
Too late. You suckers already lost POTUS and SCOTUS! :)
The game is not over. Most Trump supporters are losers. They do not know what to do when they are winning. They will go back to being losers.

So....we're losers because we're winning?
People like you and Trump do not represent the best of the USA. The best and brightest will step up and clear the moral cloud brought on by Trump and supporters.
The old, the white, the disgusting are on their last legs.

Yeah, because we need millions of perverted "Progressively Sick", Gay Leftist degenerate white men running around naked in public in front of our children.

You FREAK !!!!
If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote in 2016, SHUT UP


If you did vote in 2016 make sure you vote in 2018.

We will have no one to blame but ourselves.

I knew this would happen from the moment Flake demanded -- with the support of Collins and Murkowski -- that the vote on Kavanaugh be delayed a week and that an FBI investigation take place during that week.

I knew this would happen when Flake, Collins, and Murkowski said "Tsk, tsk, Trump should not have said those nasty things about Ford."

Maybe Trump isn't so dumb after all. Maybe he knew this was all for show, and he could revert to form without hurting the cause. It was all a pretense to show the vote for Kavanaugh was fair and above board ... Republicans will say. Flake, Collins, and Murkowski's a$$es are covered and they will now vote for Kavanaugh's confirmation.

There will be no mention of Kavanaugh's angry, belligerent, defiant, highly emotional performance at the Senate hearing and that this kind of demeanor has no place on the Supreme Court. That will be forgotten by these three Senators and we will end up with a Trump in the Oval Office and a Trump on the Supreme Court.

That, of course, will thrill Trump's fans to no end.

Try to imagine this. We all can agree Trump's comments mocking Professor Ford at the rally in Mississippi were inappropriate at the very least. Now let us picture Justice Kavanaugh speaking at a law university on a subject near and dear to his heart. Because of this, his presentation is filled with fire and brimstone much like Trump the other night.

That is the kind of man Flake, Collins, Murkowski and the rest of the Republicans want on the Supreme Court. Because of Kavanaugh's character, the scenario I described could easily become very real. It is certainly possible that has already happened. We just don't know about it, and the White House certainly isn't going to tell us.

Kavanaugh will be appointed for life.

I'm preparing your meds now.

Gorsuch replaced Scalia. Swap-out

Kav will replace Kennedy. Swap-out

But wait till The Donald replaces Ginsburg with some hard-nosed
constitutionalist on the Court. That's when you panic, because that is
when the direction of this country takes a hard turn to the right.

Have your Doctor supply you with plenty of valium...Industrial Strength.

btw...Trump spoke facts in Mississippi. Don't get carried away with
the Lib playbook...ok? That whore has the "right" to be heard, but she
does not have the "right" to be believed. She has to have proof. She
has none.
People like you and Trump do not represent the best of the USA. The best and brightest will step up and clear the moral cloud brought on by Trump and supporters.
The old, the white, the disgusting are on their last legs.
The best and brightest hate you even more than the old white people do.
You would not know the best and the brightest if they were right in front of you. The despicable do not understand who the best and brightest are.
If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote in 2016, SHUT UP


If you did vote in 2016 make sure you vote in 2018.

We will have no one to blame but ourselves.

I knew this would happen from the moment Flake demanded -- with the support of Collins and Murkowski -- that the vote on Kavanaugh be delayed a week and that an FBI investigation take place during that week.

I knew this would happen when Flake, Collins, and Murkowski said "Tsk, tsk, Trump should not have said those nasty things about Ford."

Maybe Trump isn't so dumb after all. Maybe he knew this was all for show, and he could revert to form without hurting the cause. It was all a pretense to show the vote for Kavanaugh was fair and above board ... Republicans will say. Flake, Collins, and Murkowski's a$$es are covered and they will now vote for Kavanaugh's confirmation.

There will be no mention of Kavanaugh's angry, belligerent, defiant, highly emotional performance at the Senate hearing and that this kind of demeanor has no place on the Supreme Court. That will be forgotten by these three Senators and we will end up with a Trump in the Oval Office and a Trump on the Supreme Court.

That, of course, will thrill Trump's fans to no end.

Try to imagine this. We all can agree Trump's comments mocking Professor Ford at the rally in Mississippi were inappropriate at the very least. Now let us picture Justice Kavanaugh speaking at a law university on a subject near and dear to his heart. Because of this, his presentation is filled with fire and brimstone much like Trump the other night.

That is the kind of man Flake, Collins, Murkowski and the rest of the Republicans want on the Supreme Court. Because of Kavanaugh's character, the scenario I described could easily become very real. It is certainly possible that has already happened. We just don't know about it, and the White House certainly isn't going to tell us.

Kavanaugh will be appointed for life.

I'm preparing your meds now.

Gorsuch replaced Scalia. Swap-out

Kav will replace Kennedy. Swap-out

But wait till The Donald replaces Ginsburg with some hard-nosed
constitutionalist on the Court. That's when you panic, because that is
when the direction of this country takes a hard turn to the right.

Have your Doctor supply you with plenty of valium...Industrial Strength.

btw...Trump spoke facts in Mississippi. Don't get carried away with
the Lib playbook...ok? That whore has the "right" to be heard, but she
does not have the "right" to be believed. She has to have proof. She
has none.
People like you and Trump do not represent the best of the USA. The best and brightest will step up and clear the moral cloud brought on by Trump and supporters.
The old, the white, the disgusting are on their last legs.
The best and brightest hate you even more than the old white people do.
You would not know the best and the brightest if they were right in front of you. The despicable do not understand who the best and brightest are.
Democrats can’t be the best and brightest.
If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote in 2016, SHUT UP


If you did vote in 2016 make sure you vote in 2018.

We will have no one to blame but ourselves.
Too late. You suckers already lost POTUS and SCOTUS! :)
The game is not over. Most Trump supporters are losers. They do not know what to do when they are winning. They will go back to being losers.

So....we're losers because we're winning?
You are a loser who has temporarily won one battle but you will lose the war. Once a loser, always a loser.
People like you and Trump do not represent the best of the USA. The best and brightest will step up and clear the moral cloud brought on by Trump and supporters.
The old, the white, the disgusting are on their last legs.

Yeah, because we need millions of perverted "Progressively Sick", Gay Leftist degenerate white men running around naked in public in front of our children.

You FREAK !!!!
That is a picture of Brett Kavanaugh at a Yale party.
If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote in 2016, SHUT UP


If you did vote in 2016 make sure you vote in 2018.

We will have no one to blame but ourselves.
Too late. You suckers already lost POTUS and SCOTUS! :)
The game is not over. Most Trump supporters are losers. They do not know what to do when they are winning. They will go back to being losers.

So....we're losers because we're winning?
You are a loser who has temporarily won one battle but you will lose the war. Once a loser, always a loser.

So, we're not winning....make up your fricken mind.
If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote in 2016, SHUT UP


If you did vote in 2016 make sure you vote in 2018.

We will have no one to blame but ourselves.
Too late. You suckers already lost POTUS and SCOTUS! :)
The game is not over. Most Trump supporters are losers. They do not know what to do when they are winning. They will go back to being losers.

So....we're losers because we're winning?
You are a loser who has temporarily won one battle but you will lose the war. Once a loser, always a loser.

So, we're not winning....make up your fricken mind.
You are a loser and do not understand winning, so cannot explain it to you. Just because you go to a football game and your team wins, does not make you a winner. Just because your team wins one game does not make thm a winner it is based on the whole season.
I know a loser like you, does not understand.
Why do two of my Progressive good friends ahead of me here hate all the great things happening to America? How is that good to America?

Jobless Claims Plunge by More than Expected to Near 49 Year Low
4 Oct 2018
The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits fell by more than expected last week

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 8,000 to a seasonally adjusted 207,000 for the week ended Sept. 29, the Labor Department said Thursday.

Jobless Claims Plunge by More than Expected to Near 49 Year Low | Breitbart
What does that have to do with Kavanaugh?

I thought the thread was about people being mad about Donald Trump being elected President. Is it not?

Just further proof of the great job being done by President Donald Trump!
Last edited:
Too late. You suckers already lost POTUS and SCOTUS! :)
The game is not over. Most Trump supporters are losers. They do not know what to do when they are winning. They will go back to being losers.

So....we're losers because we're winning?
You are a loser who has temporarily won one battle but you will lose the war. Once a loser, always a loser.

So, we're not winning....make up your fricken mind.
You are a loser and do not understand winning, so cannot explain it to you. Just because you go to a football game and your team wins, does not make you a winner. Just because your team wins one game does not make thm a winner it is based on the whole season.
I know a loser like you, does not understand.

Well, you could be right, although if this is losing I'm good with it. Just for the heck of it, what do you call what you libs are experiencing...winning?
If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote in 2016, SHUT UP


If you did vote in 2016 make sure you vote in 2018.

We will have no one to blame but ourselves.

I knew this would happen from the moment Flake demanded -- with the support of Collins and Murkowski -- that the vote on Kavanaugh be delayed a week and that an FBI investigation take place during that week.

I knew this would happen when Flake, Collins, and Murkowski said "Tsk, tsk, Trump should not have said those nasty things about Ford."

Maybe Trump isn't so dumb after all. Maybe he knew this was all for show, and he could revert to form without hurting the cause. It was all a pretense to show the vote for Kavanaugh was fair and above board ... Republicans will say. Flake, Collins, and Murkowski's a$$es are covered and they will now vote for Kavanaugh's confirmation.

There will be no mention of Kavanaugh's angry, belligerent, defiant, highly emotional performance at the Senate hearing and that this kind of demeanor has no place on the Supreme Court. That will be forgotten by these three Senators and we will end up with a Trump in the Oval Office and a Trump on the Supreme Court.

That, of course, will thrill Trump's fans to no end.

Try to imagine this. We all can agree Trump's comments mocking Professor Ford at the rally in Mississippi were inappropriate at the very least. Now let us picture Justice Kavanaugh speaking at a law university on a subject near and dear to his heart. Because of this, his presentation is filled with fire and brimstone much like Trump the other night.

That is the kind of man Flake, Collins, Murkowski and the rest of the Republicans want on the Supreme Court. Because of Kavanaugh's character, the scenario I described could easily become very real. It is certainly possible that has already happened. We just don't know about it, and the White House certainly isn't going to tell us.

Kavanaugh will be appointed for life.

I'm preparing your meds now.

Gorsuch replaced Scalia. Swap-out

Kav will replace Kennedy. Swap-out

But wait till The Donald replaces Ginsburg with some hard-nosed
constitutionalist on the Court. That's when you panic, because that is
when the direction of this country takes a hard turn to the right.

Have your Doctor supply you with plenty of valium...Industrial Strength.

btw...Trump spoke facts in Mississippi. Don't get carried away with
the Lib playbook...ok? That whore has the "right" to be heard, but she
does not have the "right" to be believed. She has to have proof. She
has none.
People like you and Trump do not represent the best of the USA. The best and brightest will step up and clear the moral cloud brought on by Trump and supporters.
The old, the white, the disgusting are on their last legs.

What do yo think their born old? Once again a liberal don't know science.

You are born intelligent, moral and empathetic. Some, as they grow old, become immoral, selfish and disgusting. Trump thrives on that demographic.

Excuse me, we know money doesn't grow on trees and don't fall for your AGW bullshit that wants to send our power bills through the roof

If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote in 2016, SHUT UP
If you did vote in 2016 make sure you vote in 2018.
We will have no one to blame but ourselves.

This post is equally applicable to anyone,... LEFT OR RIGHT.

IMO, you Bassturds are on the LEFT
I do not disagree but the more people who vote the greater the chance Trump and his followers will be kicked to the curb.

And welcome to the United States of Detroit one nation a huge waste land of liberal cluster fuck ups.

People like you and Trump do not represent the best of the USA. The best and brightest will step up and clear the moral cloud brought on by Trump and supporters.
The old, the white, the disgusting are on their last legs.

Too late. You suckers already lost POTUS and SCOTUS! :)
The game is not over. Most Trump supporters are losers. They do not know what to do when they are winning. They will go back to being losers.

So....we're losers because we're winning?
You are a loser who has temporarily won one battle but you will lose the war. Once a loser, always a loser.

So, we're not winning....make up your fricken mind.
You are a loser and do not understand winning, so cannot explain it to you. Just because you go to a football game and your team wins, does not make you a winner. Just because your team wins one game does not make thm a winner it is based on the whole season.
I know a loser like you, does not understand.
There are several football games in a season. In the NFL, superbowl winners are champions for a year. If you win the presidency, you are a winner for 4 years. And if you get two SCOTUS justices in your first two years, with more on the horizon ... well you figure it out.

If you are complaining about Kavanaugh and did not vote in 2016, SHUT UP


If you did vote in 2016 make sure you vote in 2018.

We will have no one to blame but ourselves.

I knew this would happen from the moment Flake demanded -- with the support of Collins and Murkowski -- that the vote on Kavanaugh be delayed a week and that an FBI investigation take place during that week.

I knew this would happen when Flake, Collins, and Murkowski said "Tsk, tsk, Trump should not have said those nasty things about Ford."

Maybe Trump isn't so dumb after all. Maybe he knew this was all for show, and he could revert to form without hurting the cause. It was all a pretense to show the vote for Kavanaugh was fair and above board ... Republicans will say. Flake, Collins, and Murkowski's a$$es are covered and they will now vote for Kavanaugh's confirmation.

There will be no mention of Kavanaugh's angry, belligerent, defiant, highly emotional performance at the Senate hearing and that this kind of demeanor has no place on the Supreme Court. That will be forgotten by these three Senators and we will end up with a Trump in the Oval Office and a Trump on the Supreme Court.

That, of course, will thrill Trump's fans to no end.

Try to imagine this. We all can agree Trump's comments mocking Professor Ford at the rally in Mississippi were inappropriate at the very least. Now let us picture Justice Kavanaugh speaking at a law university on a subject near and dear to his heart. Because of this, his presentation is filled with fire and brimstone much like Trump the other night.

That is the kind of man Flake, Collins, Murkowski and the rest of the Republicans want on the Supreme Court. Because of Kavanaugh's character, the scenario I described could easily become very real. It is certainly possible that has already happened. We just don't know about it, and the White House certainly isn't going to tell us.

Kavanaugh will be appointed for life.

I'm preparing your meds now.

Gorsuch replaced Scalia. Swap-out

Kav will replace Kennedy. Swap-out

But wait till The Donald replaces Ginsburg with some hard-nosed
constitutionalist on the Court. That's when you panic, because that is
when the direction of this country takes a hard turn to the right.

Have your Doctor supply you with plenty of valium...Industrial Strength.

btw...Trump spoke facts in Mississippi. Don't get carried away with
the Lib playbook...ok? That whore has the "right" to be heard, but she
does not have the "right" to be believed. She has to have proof. She
has none.
People like you and Trump do not represent the best of the USA. The best and brightest will step up and clear the moral cloud brought on by Trump and supporters.
The old, the white, the disgusting are on their last legs.

Who do you think made America?
The best and the brightest of the young and old who were mostly white, not the disgusting old white guys that are embarrassing the founding fathers today.
Yeah, the left's love affair with socialism would warm the hearts of the FF's. :rolleyes-41:

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