If you can Afford Smokes & Booze, you need to get the Fuck off of Welfare, mmmkay...

At least you right wing nuts are finally admitting that you're not REALLY for smaller government, that's just lip service bullshit. :thup:

How do you figure that shit?

because you're talking about invading people's bodies, nutter.

That's assuming you believe they consider welfare recipients to be people. We are talking about right wingers here so you have to put anything they say into context.
it's probably unfair to assume that EVERYONE who receives social security benefits is a lazy drunk. with all forms of charity, there will be people who take advantage of it, but it's unfair to punish those who benefit honestly. no one disputes that taking advantage of welfare is disgusting and unethical.
it's probably unfair to assume that EVERYONE who receives social security benefits is a lazy drunk. with all forms of charity, there will be people who take advantage of it, but it's unfair to punish those who benefit honestly. no one disputes that taking advantage of welfare is disgusting and unethical.

I dispute it. The ponzi scheme of Capitalism is a corrupt system that makes welfare an essential role of American survival.
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The spawn of the food stamps thread. :happy-1:

If the idea is to reduce the number on welfare, it would be cheaper to just lower the income requirement than to exclude via a drug testing program which would expand administrative costs and bureaucracy (re: more opportunities for mismanagement of funds).

So if it really is about reducing costs, the drug testing for nicotine and alcohol is a non-starter--it's just authoritarianism masquerading as "fiscal conservatism".
The American Worker doesn't Need to Subsidize your Habit, Early Illness and Death.

If you can Afford those things, then you don't Need Welfare...

If Welfare is Paying for those things, you need to be Punished.



LOL idiot/
Gawd Blass murka !!!
You got what you voted for
I agree.

On a related note, if you make use of Government programs (medicare/healthcare, unemployment assistance, etc..) you should not be allowed to preach about wanting "smaller" government.

Likewise, if you take advantage of Medicare, you should not be allowed to smoke, or eat fast food, or drink alcohol, since it is well known that these things casue medical problems that have to be covered by Government run healthcare (MediCare).

Just where does this train of thought/action end though?

Punishing parents for giving their child a twinkie?
The American Worker doesn't Need to Subsidize your Habit, Early Illness and Death.

If you can Afford those things, then you don't Need Welfare...

If Welfare is Paying for those things, you need to be Punished.


I'm in total agreement with this. I also think drug testing should be mandatory. I know on my job random drug testing is a condition of my receiving a paycheck. Why should this be any different?
Jillian is a loon, don't know why more don't see that; and to Mal's list I would add this. If you are on welfare, you can NOT afford a pet. End of............
Us guys wasted on Iraq?

Correct me if I am wrong....but wasnt it a bi-partisan vote to enter Iraq?

that's only partially correct.

aside from the reality that cherry-picked intel was relied upon by the admin, the resolution that congress passed required a lot of steps on the part of the admin before any military action was to be taken... including periodic reports to congress.

bush ignored all of those steps.

see text of hillary clinton's speech on voting for the measure:

Floor Speech Hillary Clinton Authorize Use US Armed Forces Against Iraq

to see the speech

Hillary Clinton Iraq War Speech
Jillian is a loon, don't know why more don't see that; and to Mal's list I would add this. If you are on welfare, you can NOT afford a pet. End of............

put yourself on mal's list.

or have you still amusing yourself bullying women?
Us guys wasted on Iraq?

Correct me if I am wrong....but wasnt it a bi-partisan vote to enter Iraq?

that's only partially correct.

aside from the reality that cherry-picked intel was relied upon by the admin, the resolution that congress passed required a lot of steps on the part of the admin before any military action was to be taken... including periodic reports to congress.

bush ignored all of those steps.

see text of hillary clinton's speech on voting for the measure:

Floor Speech Hillary Clinton Authorize Use US Armed Forces Against Iraq

to see the speech

Hillary Clinton Iraq War Speech

Incorrect, as usual. The POTUS requires NO resolution from Congress to send troops into a foreign nation. He has the sole power to do so. Declaring war is another matter, but we in fact never declared war on Iraq.
The American Worker doesn't Need to Subsidize your Habit, Early Illness and Death.

If you can Afford those things, then you don't Need Welfare...

If Welfare is Paying for those things, you need to be Punished.



Maybe I should get on welfare so I can afford smokes and booze.
  • Thanks
Reactions: mal
The American Worker doesn't Need to Subsidize your Habit, Early Illness and Death.

If you can Afford those things, then you don't Need Welfare...

If Welfare is Paying for those things, you need to be Punished.


What kind of punishment are we talking about here?

Death by prison rape...


The American Worker doesn't Need to Subsidize your Habit, Early Illness and Death.

If you can Afford those things, then you don't Need Welfare...

If Welfare is Paying for those things, you need to be Punished.


I'm in total agreement with this. I also think drug testing should be mandatory. I know on my job random drug testing is a condition of my receiving a paycheck. Why should this be any different?

How many government employees go thru drug testing? Congress?
100 Posts later and this Post:

We did this topic to death just last month.

Lame attempt at trolling.

Is a:


Yer Slippin', Ravioli!... :rofl:



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