If You Don’t Suspect Deep State Provocation At The Jan. 6 Riot, Start Paying Attention


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
If You Don’t Suspect Deep State Provocation At The Jan. 6 Riot, Start Paying Attention
It's required to ask at the outset of leftists' 1/6 'Truth Commission': How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters 'storming the capitol' was a setup?
2 Aug 2021 ~~ By Joy Pullman
It’s not only reasonable but required to ask at the outset of leftists’ 1/6 “Truth Commission”: How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters “storming the capitol” was a setup?
BuzzFeed recently revealed the alleged Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping plot” was instigated and coordinated by FBI informants who collected a handful of malcontents as an apparent cover story for manufacturing a “domestic terrorism plot” to foil in front of the cameras. There’s plenty of evidence this kayfabe is not just an isolated incident but the way the security state really does business. As the un-FOIA-able DC Capitol Police establish cross-country beachheads in Florida and California and prepare to deploy U.S. military surveillance tech used on insurgents in Afghanistan, it’s well past time to start shutting this Hydra down.
It is well-established by now that U.S. intelligence agencies use informants, lies, and leaks to frame people, causes, and political opponents of the regime. This is so well-established that it would be surprising if the one Capitol riot Democrats are pursuing did not include FBI or other federal spy state provocateurs. And if that’s the case, then our country is in deep, deep sh-t.

This Is What These Agencies Do​

For readers who have been under a rock for the last five years, let’s review just the recent highlights of spy agency, Democrat, and media collusion that would lead one to suspect the Jan. 6 events as part of this pattern.
Russia-gate is the prime example. This was designed to make Americans believe that if Donald Trump won in 2016, his presidency was illicitly installed by foreign actors. It was a complete fabrication of the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, in collusion with the Obama White House, and highly successful. It dragged the nation on a five-year goose chase costing billions of dollars and hamstringing the national government — not coincidentally during a rare, ill-used, and short-lived span during which Republicans controlled both Congress and the presidency.
Top intelligence officials caught lying under oath to Congress and fabricated evidence for this operation, and none have been brought to justice. Many are getting quite comfortable pensions or post-Trump CNN sinecures. This election-rigging conspiracy included not only top national security and intelligence officials but also reached all the way up to President Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Russiagate Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg​

We have public documentation of U.S. spy agencies using their massive powers for political purposes far beyond Russiagate, without any serious retaliatory action taken by Congress. Clearly, Congress’s habit of useless showboating and taking insane Democrat allegations at face value only has encouraged graver abuses.
Since this is an article and not a book, let’s just do a non-comprehensive list to further illustrate this is a pattern of military-industrial authoritarian behavior not at all limited to Russiagate.
In addition to info ops that we know included U.S. intelligence agencies, we’ve seen propaganda operations that we don’t know included intelligence agencies but used their deceptive leaking, media-planted misinformation, and crisis construction techniques. These include the attempt at preventing Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation using wholly unsubstantiated sexual smears; the Big Tech collusion to prevent the Hunter Biden corruption scandal from reaching voters in October 2020, which statistically could have cost Biden the presidency; and the attempt to end election security from 2020 on using COVID as a pretext.

Using Spying to Frame Political Opponents Is Totalitarian​

All these tactics, of course, are hallmarks of totalitarian dictatorships. Yes, all that fear-mongering pounded into our national psyche about Donald Trump as an “authoritarian” “Fascist”? It’s clearly projection by people deploying actually authoritarian and Fascist methods of governance, like spying on political opponents, surveilling journalists, fabricating smears, and using leaks and “confidential human sources” to frame people as nefarious actors.
Republicans believe they are going to retake Congress in 2022. Maybe they will. But for what? For another two or four years of posturing on TV while taxpayer-funded spies and traitors continue to decide which of them are allowed to be in office?
If they want to stop earning contempt, Republicans must right now make strategic plans to use Congress’s budget authority to slash and burn the entire deep state so vigorously that whoever is left to actually fight terrorists instead of manufacture them will remember it 100 years from now. Thinking of this situation in less than existential terms requiring resolute, intelligent, and decisive action would be a fatal and historic mistake.
For want of such courage, the republic is fully lost.

Ms. Pullman puts everything into historical truth and perspective.
In the end Republicans/Conservatives have to dig down deep to find the courage to rise up and stop this takeover by the extremist Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Communists that seek to change America into another failed Totalitarian Marxist Hell Hole.
When the Alphabet Agencies especially the FBI tell Americans the Whites are Supremacists and terrorist while excusing the violence that has been set upon the United States last year and continues today. Something is wrong.
Take for example the shootings in New York City, Chicago and New Orleans this week end... Were white Supremacists involved as the shooter's? Were White Supremacist responsible for the 450 plus riots that caused violence, looting, arson and murder last year... The answer is obviously No!
But to hear Chris Wray, Pelosi and Democrats in Congress this is the opposite...
The FBI must be broken down as soon as the next republican president takes office....whether its Trump or whomever....he or she must fire hundreds of people hired and appointed under Obama and Joe....or we will lose America to the globalist communists....

Why would these police officers kill themselves? What did they know about the "Insurrection"?
Dey was .... framed.

<iframe width="1212" height="633" src="YouTube" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Only easily bamboozled Democrats believe the insurrection BS. There were plenty of people from both sides that were aided by powerful politicians like Pelosi and entered the Capital building. None of these people still belong in jail now. WTF. Their continued incarceration is a liberal travesty as well as Pelosi's phony investigation..
If You Don’t Suspect Deep State Provocation At The Jan. 6 Riot, Start Paying Attention
It's required to ask at the outset of leftists' 1/6 'Truth Commission': How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters 'storming the capitol' was a setup?
2 Aug 2021 ~~ By Joy Pullman
It’s not only reasonable but required to ask at the outset of leftists’ 1/6 “Truth Commission”: How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters “storming the capitol” was a setup?
BuzzFeed recently revealed the alleged Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping plot” was instigated and coordinated by FBI informants who collected a handful of malcontents as an apparent cover story for manufacturing a “domestic terrorism plot” to foil in front of the cameras. There’s plenty of evidence this kayfabe is not just an isolated incident but the way the security state really does business. As the un-FOIA-able DC Capitol Police establish cross-country beachheads in Florida and California and prepare to deploy U.S. military surveillance tech used on insurgents in Afghanistan, it’s well past time to start shutting this Hydra down.
It is well-established by now that U.S. intelligence agencies use informants, lies, and leaks to frame people, causes, and political opponents of the regime. This is so well-established that it would be surprising if the one Capitol riot Democrats are pursuing did not include FBI or other federal spy state provocateurs. And if that’s the case, then our country is in deep, deep sh-t.

This Is What These Agencies Do​

For readers who have been under a rock for the last five years, let’s review just the recent highlights of spy agency, Democrat, and media collusion that would lead one to suspect the Jan. 6 events as part of this pattern.
Russia-gate is the prime example. This was designed to make Americans believe that if Donald Trump won in 2016, his presidency was illicitly installed by foreign actors. It was a complete fabrication of the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, in collusion with the Obama White House, and highly successful. It dragged the nation on a five-year goose chase costing billions of dollars and hamstringing the national government — not coincidentally during a rare, ill-used, and short-lived span during which Republicans controlled both Congress and the presidency.
Top intelligence officials caught lying under oath to Congress and fabricated evidence for this operation, and none have been brought to justice. Many are getting quite comfortable pensions or post-Trump CNN sinecures. This election-rigging conspiracy included not only top national security and intelligence officials but also reached all the way up to President Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Russiagate Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg​

We have public documentation of U.S. spy agencies using their massive powers for political purposes far beyond Russiagate, without any serious retaliatory action taken by Congress. Clearly, Congress’s habit of useless showboating and taking insane Democrat allegations at face value only has encouraged graver abuses.
Since this is an article and not a book, let’s just do a non-comprehensive list to further illustrate this is a pattern of military-industrial authoritarian behavior not at all limited to Russiagate.
In addition to info ops that we know included U.S. intelligence agencies, we’ve seen propaganda operations that we don’t know included intelligence agencies but used their deceptive leaking, media-planted misinformation, and crisis construction techniques. These include the attempt at preventing Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation using wholly unsubstantiated sexual smears; the Big Tech collusion to prevent the Hunter Biden corruption scandal from reaching voters in October 2020, which statistically could have cost Biden the presidency; and the attempt to end election security from 2020 on using COVID as a pretext.

Using Spying to Frame Political Opponents Is Totalitarian​

All these tactics, of course, are hallmarks of totalitarian dictatorships. Yes, all that fear-mongering pounded into our national psyche about Donald Trump as an “authoritarian” “Fascist”? It’s clearly projection by people deploying actually authoritarian and Fascist methods of governance, like spying on political opponents, surveilling journalists, fabricating smears, and using leaks and “confidential human sources” to frame people as nefarious actors.
Republicans believe they are going to retake Congress in 2022. Maybe they will. But for what? For another two or four years of posturing on TV while taxpayer-funded spies and traitors continue to decide which of them are allowed to be in office?
If they want to stop earning contempt, Republicans must right now make strategic plans to use Congress’s budget authority to slash and burn the entire deep state so vigorously that whoever is left to actually fight terrorists instead of manufacture them will remember it 100 years from now. Thinking of this situation in less than existential terms requiring resolute, intelligent, and decisive action would be a fatal and historic mistake.
For want of such courage, the republic is fully lost.

Ms. Pullman puts everything into historical truth and perspective.
In the end Republicans/Conservatives have to dig down deep to find the courage to rise up and stop this takeover by the extremist Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Communists that seek to change America into another failed Totalitarian Marxist Hell Hole.
When the Alphabet Agencies especially the FBI tell Americans the Whites are Supremacists and terrorist while excusing the violence that has been set upon the United States last year and continues today. Something is wrong.
Take for example the shootings in New York City, Chicago and New Orleans this week end... Were white Supremacists involved as the shooter's? Were White Supremacist responsible for the 450 plus riots that caused violence, looting, arson and murder last year... The answer is obviously No!
But to hear Chris Wray, Pelosi and Democrats in Congress this is the opposite...

The fact that the DNC had a direct line to the FBI through PERKIS-COIE should make your head explode. It's been going on since 2012 under Clinton and Obama.. IT is a violation of ethical conduct.
How does a police agency not lock down when a riot erupts? how does that happen? Why did the FBI incite the riot? Pelosi was at the top of this mess. What CHP did violated every logical protective posture by police? Who ordered this? The police didn't do it on their own. This whole charade stinks...
If You Don’t Suspect Deep State Provocation At The Jan. 6 Riot, Start Paying Attention
It's required to ask at the outset of leftists' 1/6 'Truth Commission': How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters 'storming the capitol' was a setup?
2 Aug 2021 ~~ By Joy Pullman
It’s not only reasonable but required to ask at the outset of leftists’ 1/6 “Truth Commission”: How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters “storming the capitol” was a setup?
BuzzFeed recently revealed the alleged Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping plot” was instigated and coordinated by FBI informants who collected a handful of malcontents as an apparent cover story for manufacturing a “domestic terrorism plot” to foil in front of the cameras. There’s plenty of evidence this kayfabe is not just an isolated incident but the way the security state really does business. As the un-FOIA-able DC Capitol Police establish cross-country beachheads in Florida and California and prepare to deploy U.S. military surveillance tech used on insurgents in Afghanistan, it’s well past time to start shutting this Hydra down.
It is well-established by now that U.S. intelligence agencies use informants, lies, and leaks to frame people, causes, and political opponents of the regime. This is so well-established that it would be surprising if the one Capitol riot Democrats are pursuing did not include FBI or other federal spy state provocateurs. And if that’s the case, then our country is in deep, deep sh-t.

This Is What These Agencies Do​

For readers who have been under a rock for the last five years, let’s review just the recent highlights of spy agency, Democrat, and media collusion that would lead one to suspect the Jan. 6 events as part of this pattern.
Russia-gate is the prime example. This was designed to make Americans believe that if Donald Trump won in 2016, his presidency was illicitly installed by foreign actors. It was a complete fabrication of the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, in collusion with the Obama White House, and highly successful. It dragged the nation on a five-year goose chase costing billions of dollars and hamstringing the national government — not coincidentally during a rare, ill-used, and short-lived span during which Republicans controlled both Congress and the presidency.
Top intelligence officials caught lying under oath to Congress and fabricated evidence for this operation, and none have been brought to justice. Many are getting quite comfortable pensions or post-Trump CNN sinecures. This election-rigging conspiracy included not only top national security and intelligence officials but also reached all the way up to President Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Russiagate Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg​

We have public documentation of U.S. spy agencies using their massive powers for political purposes far beyond Russiagate, without any serious retaliatory action taken by Congress. Clearly, Congress’s habit of useless showboating and taking insane Democrat allegations at face value only has encouraged graver abuses.
Since this is an article and not a book, let’s just do a non-comprehensive list to further illustrate this is a pattern of military-industrial authoritarian behavior not at all limited to Russiagate.
In addition to info ops that we know included U.S. intelligence agencies, we’ve seen propaganda operations that we don’t know included intelligence agencies but used their deceptive leaking, media-planted misinformation, and crisis construction techniques. These include the attempt at preventing Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation using wholly unsubstantiated sexual smears; the Big Tech collusion to prevent the Hunter Biden corruption scandal from reaching voters in October 2020, which statistically could have cost Biden the presidency; and the attempt to end election security from 2020 on using COVID as a pretext.

Using Spying to Frame Political Opponents Is Totalitarian​

All these tactics, of course, are hallmarks of totalitarian dictatorships. Yes, all that fear-mongering pounded into our national psyche about Donald Trump as an “authoritarian” “Fascist”? It’s clearly projection by people deploying actually authoritarian and Fascist methods of governance, like spying on political opponents, surveilling journalists, fabricating smears, and using leaks and “confidential human sources” to frame people as nefarious actors.
Republicans believe they are going to retake Congress in 2022. Maybe they will. But for what? For another two or four years of posturing on TV while taxpayer-funded spies and traitors continue to decide which of them are allowed to be in office?
If they want to stop earning contempt, Republicans must right now make strategic plans to use Congress’s budget authority to slash and burn the entire deep state so vigorously that whoever is left to actually fight terrorists instead of manufacture them will remember it 100 years from now. Thinking of this situation in less than existential terms requiring resolute, intelligent, and decisive action would be a fatal and historic mistake.
For want of such courage, the republic is fully lost.

Ms. Pullman puts everything into historical truth and perspective.
In the end Republicans/Conservatives have to dig down deep to find the courage to rise up and stop this takeover by the extremist Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Communists that seek to change America into another failed Totalitarian Marxist Hell Hole.
When the Alphabet Agencies especially the FBI tell Americans the Whites are Supremacists and terrorist while excusing the violence that has been set upon the United States last year and continues today. Something is wrong.
Take for example the shootings in New York City, Chicago and New Orleans this week end... Were white Supremacists involved as the shooter's? Were White Supremacist responsible for the 450 plus riots that caused violence, looting, arson and murder last year... The answer is obviously No!
But to hear Chris Wray, Pelosi and Democrats in Congress this is the opposite...
DemocRats when they vote they only see the last week of their man's action. A good example is "if you don't vote for me you ain't Black" For all those years in the Senate Joe was one of the most foul mouth racist ever in Congress. But due to uninformed voters Joe got away with his latest statement. The day he wonders off a 15 foot stage can't come soon enough.

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