If you think government should get out of marriage completely


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
How do we settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues? Custody could probably work as is.
The government is involved in marriage in literally more than a thousand ways. From Social Security death benefits to foreign born spouses being allowed to immigrate here, from spouses being eligible for employer-provided health insurance to funeral and bereavement leave, from continuation of water rights for a spouse to lower inheritance taxes.

You wanted the government in marriage. You got it.
The government is involved in marriage in literally more than a thousand ways. From Social Security death benefits to foreign born spouses being allowed to immigrate here, from spouses being eligible for employer-provided health insurance to funeral and bereavement leave, from continuation of water rights for a spouse to lower inheritance taxes.

You wanted the government in marriage. You got it.

That really doesnt answer or even address the question I just posed.
How do we settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues? Custody could probably work as is.

We generally use that as a shorthand for saying that the government should not be defining marriage one way or another. Let people and religious institutions define marriage as they see fit.

Aside from that, let the courts handle the contractual obligations brought about by marriages.
The government is involved in marriage in literally more than a thousand ways. From Social Security death benefits to foreign born spouses being allowed to immigrate here, from spouses being eligible for employer-provided health insurance to funeral and bereavement leave, from continuation of water rights for a spouse to lower inheritance taxes.

You wanted the government in marriage. You got it.

Your concerns have far less to do with the definition of marriage and far more to do with the how the scope of government is defined.
Does getting government completely out of marriage mean a bakery can't be sued for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same sex couple?
How do we settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues? Custody could probably work as is.

We generally use that as a shorthand for saying that the government should not be defining marriage one way or another. Let people and religious institutions define marriage as they see fit.

Aside from that, let the courts handle the contractual obligations brought about by marriages.

But if there isn't a working definiton of marriage, how do they know if one exists?
Does getting government completely out of marriage mean a bakery can't be sued for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same sex couple?

Probably not. The will just claim homosexuals are a suspect class. Dont need to involve marriage.
Does getting government completely out of marriage mean a bakery can't be sued for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same sex couple?

No because its unrelated. That has to do with public accommodation laws, not marriage.
How do we settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues? Custody could probably work as is.

Could you restate your question or point more clearly? As currently stated, it is definitionally self-answering: Without marriage, there would be no divorces, and property ownership would be specified on the title document. Inheritance rules would simply omit the category of "spouse."
How do we settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues? Custody could probably work as is.

Could you restate your question or point more clearly? As currently stated, it is definitionally self-answering: Without marriage, there would be no divorces, and property ownership would be specified on the title document. Inheritance rules would simply omit the category of "spouse."

Hence the problem.

Divorces are messy. One of the reasons the state is involved is to ensure fair distribution of the wealth both parties have acquired during their marriage. That way on partner cant just syphon all the funds, kick the other out of the house, and refuse to let them see the children, etc.

How do you resolve the ugly divorces? If two spouses cant agree to divide the assets or even agree to talk to one another with the potential of murder being on the horizon, where is a couple to turn to settle their dispute? And how does the government settle said disputes without a working definition of what a marriage is?
Civil union= state sanctioned contracts

Are you saying that if one wants to marry, they must be a member of a religion/church?

Churches have no more business in my business than does government.

Yes, I know govt is indeed in my business but we need to work toward less government control instead of, as the right wants, more control.

Get government out of our private lives. The state should have the power to sanction marriages OR abortions.
How do we settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues? Custody could probably work as is.

Remove the income tax and welfare state.

Inheritance (and other monies gained through divorce) should be a private notarized contract.

K problem solved.
How do we settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues? Custody could probably work as is.

Remove the income tax and welfare state.

Inheritance (and other monies gained through divorce) should be a private notarized contract.

K problem solved.

No it really didn't solve a thing.

How do income tax and the welfare state at all impact divorce law, division of property, or anything else mentioned?

What happens when someone doesn't leave a will? Who gets the money? The government? If the parties don't agree on anything how are they supposed to create a private notarized contract to divide their property?
Civil union= state sanctioned contracts

Are you saying that if one wants to marry, they must be a member of a religion/church?

Churches have no more business in my business than does government.

Yes, I know govt is indeed in my business but we need to work toward less government control instead of, as the right wants, more control.

Get government out of our private lives. The state should have the power to sanction marriages OR abortions.

Then why the hell are you trying to get the government involved in your business so much!?
How do we settle divorce disputes, division of property, and inheritence issues? Custody could probably work as is.

We generally use that as a shorthand for saying that the government should not be defining marriage one way or another. Let people and religious institutions define marriage as they see fit.

Aside from that, let the courts handle the contractual obligations brought about by marriages.

But if there isn't a working definiton of marriage, how do they know if one exists?

Well a marriage contract either exists or it doesn't. If no contract exists then the court has nothing to say on the matter of divorce.

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