If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Who are you talking about?
extreme liberals. anti-fa "gonna get scalps!" chic is a 98lb grade c porn star who's claim to fame is actually being face punched by one of the few white nationalists out there and then the anti-fa in general.

they hate trash cans. and almost anything not them but trash cans never make it out alive of an anti-fa rally.

Who is this? Got any names? Are they in charge?
pretty sure they don't put nametags on themselves as they wear masks but if the left likes to drum up nameless buttnuggets from the right - they need to remember they are not running low on idiots and fools themselves.

and i told you - moldylocks. the rest are wearing masks so the families trash cans can't come get 'em i suppose.

You seem to know everything about them except who they are. I'm gonna just assume that they are on your side.
that's my point. the anti-fa hides. moldylocks - i can give you her name or you can google her nickname. you'll find it. if you're at work avoid pornhub cause they're using that name for her now.

the entire anti-fa movement of WE DEMAND IT ALL BUT WON'T TELL YOU WHO WE ARE is pathetic. they seek the very violence they bemoan.

quite comical to be honest but annoying just the same.

you're asking me to tell you who the people are behind the masks, i guess i'm asking you why they're wearing them.

You don't know, then. Cool. You can stop trying to connect them to me. Asshole.
I know, tissue? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
I know too. So, again, what has trump's election gained you? Loving all that winning yet?

We certainly are.
And what has that winning accomplished for you so far?

Helped unveil the hypocrisy of the left.
Ah yes...the hypocrisy
The hypocrisy of pretending to care about family values while electing a serial adulterer with 3 wives.
The hypocrisy of pretending to be upset about the Former First Lady while electing someone whose current wife was a porno model.
The hypocrisy of pretending to support women while electing a pussy-grabber.
The hypocrisy of pretending to dislike East Coast NY elitists while electing an East Coast NYC elitist.
The hypocrisy of pretending to want to keep jobs in the U.S. while electing someone who farms jobs overseas.
The hypocrisy of pretending to hate control by banks like Goldman Sachs while electing someone who puts more Goldman Sachs alumni in his cabinet than anyone else ever has.
The hypocrisy of pretending to be bothered by how many vacations and how many rounds of golf the Former President was taking while electing someone who takes more vacations and plays even more golf.
The hypocrisy of pretending to dislike all the EOs signed by the Former President while electing and cheering on someone who has already written more EOs than any other President ever has in the same time period.

The hypocrisy.

Translation...liberal butthurt over losing.
Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.
Careful dear, the NSA is reading here, too.
Yes, They surely voted Trump, I do not imagine they could have voted for crooked Hillary :badgrin:
Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.
Go fuck yourself, youwhiny little snowflake bitch. If he gets impeached, it'll be his own fault, and it'll be perfectly constitutional.

Bring your trailer park pussy revolution to my town and you'll be pushing up daisies you fucking piece of shit

What are you going to do? Talk him to death? Libs believe in gun control, right?
Step onto my property and find out

You really hate the Constitution that much?

On one thing you are correct- just like in the case of Bill Clinton- if the electorate is not behind an impeachment- it shouldn't happen. Just like in the case of Nixon- if public sentiment shifts and the bi-partisan House and Senate agree on Impeachment and conviction- then it should.

There is no compelling cause to impeach Trump at this time. I hope there will not be a compelling cause.

But there could be a compelling cause in the future. And if that were to happen, hopefully Trump would resign before going through the whole impeachment process.
extreme liberals. anti-fa "gonna get scalps!" chic is a 98lb grade c porn star who's claim to fame is actually being face punched by one of the few white nationalists out there and then the anti-fa in general.

they hate trash cans. and almost anything not them but trash cans never make it out alive of an anti-fa rally.

Who is this? Got any names? Are they in charge?
pretty sure they don't put nametags on themselves as they wear masks but if the left likes to drum up nameless buttnuggets from the right - they need to remember they are not running low on idiots and fools themselves.

and i told you - moldylocks. the rest are wearing masks so the families trash cans can't come get 'em i suppose.

You seem to know everything about them except who they are. I'm gonna just assume that they are on your side.
that's my point. the anti-fa hides. moldylocks - i can give you her name or you can google her nickname. you'll find it. if you're at work avoid pornhub cause they're using that name for her now.

the entire anti-fa movement of WE DEMAND IT ALL BUT WON'T TELL YOU WHO WE ARE is pathetic. they seek the very violence they bemoan.

quite comical to be honest but annoying just the same.

you're asking me to tell you who the people are behind the masks, i guess i'm asking you why they're wearing them.

You don't know, then. Cool. You can stop trying to connect them to me. Asshole.

is this where i call you a spermburper and we all giggle at how tough we are online?
Impeach for what? The guy hasn't done anything impeachable. That's not to mention the fact the Presidents party is in leadership of congress and senate.

My. Goodness, I've never seen such sore losers in my life. You leftists don't belong in a republic, you belong in a dictatorship where your guy wins all the time, and will provide you with free healthcare, a place to live, and where nobody has any money or guns except the government.

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Right now for the appearance of obstruction justice IF all that is being reported turns out to be true. We'll have to let the investigations conclude to find out.

It has nothing to do with it. You guys have been talking about impeachment before he was even sworn in. It has to do with you on the left thinking you should never lose presidential elections. You were told Hillary would win, you were promised Hillary would win, and you didn't get your way. So now the game plan is to remove Trump from office anyway you can. It has nothing to do with what Trump did do or didn't do, your side just can't stand losing.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

It has everything to to with it. The appearance of obstruction is why there is now an independent counsel investigation.

Why it appears is:

Sally Yates fired
Preet Bharara fired
Bullshit with Nunes and House Intelligence Committee
Comey Fired
Comey Memos

This is the smoke. Let the investigators identify the source of the smoke. If there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about.

He is NOT an independent counsel. I wish you libs would learn to read.

You're right, Drumph can fire him...just like Nixon did. The man put in charge will operate independently of anyone associated with the so called President. I trust the investigation in his hands. Do you?

Actually he works for the Deputy Attorney General who appointed him, who is a member of the Executive Branch and works for Trump. Catch a clue.
Last edited:

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Millions of Americans supported Nixon, Clinton and Johnson so if Trump were to be removed from office you'll just have to live with it like it or not.

We are a nation of laws and will not be ruled by the type of mob tactics that you threaten.

In this case, it would take an awful lot of Republicans to go along with it for him to be removed - so the only way it would happen is if Trump were extremely and unquestionably guilty of a serious offense.

I do agree that as of now there does not appear to be cause for impeachment and that quite a lot of liberals are really over board. (hey - we can hope can't we?)

It's the opinion of millions of Americans that "the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types" have help build this nation into the great nation and culture that it is, and that it's the conservatives that are doing their damnedest to stop progress and to destroy this country.

If you were to try to start a civil war, it would be the shortest war in history. Once it was over there would be nothing short of absolute liberal rule. So think twice. There are grave consequences to losing a war.

Just as there are grave consequences to losing elections...get over it.

The only way the consequences of losing an election could be even close to that of losing a war is if an absolute fascism were imposed. Is that what you're anticipating from a Trump administration?

I got over the election a while ago. What I haven't gotten over is the possibility that the President and/or his staff may have committed crimes that may be as grave as treason.

Nor I am over the fact that the president seems to be completely inept (at best), and may suffer from a severe personality disorder.

Finally, I can't get over that fact that there were millions of Americans that were stupid enough to vote for Donald Trump and continue to be stupid enough to support him.

This isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative politics. This is about the possibility of grave crimes and gross incompetence.

When and where did you get your degree in psychiatry and when did you examine the President?

The president has been under public scrutiny for years. Over 50,000 qualified psychiatrists have stated that he is psychologically unfit to be President.

Really? Where is that list of names and their voter registration info?

They are probably are all liberals and as a result are suffering from a mental defect themselves.

When did Trump have time to sit down and be evaluated by 50,000 psychiatrists?

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
Trump's administration is offering concessions to the Dems. Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel. Lieberman, a former Democrat turned Independent, is in strong contention for Director of the FBI. Now if Trump himself would turn his rhetoric away from the "us vs. them" contest and just start explaining in a friendly way why he supports the policies he does without being combative about it, things would calm down.

How about the news media quits lying and reporting fake news?
I see you have been well trained, bought and sold and branded.

You keep providing the links proving they lied. I guess you are just an innocent bystander.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
Trump's administration is offering concessions to the Dems. Rosenstein appointed Special Counsel. Lieberman, a former Democrat turned Independent, is in strong contention for Director of the FBI. Now if Trump himself would turn his rhetoric away from the "us vs. them" contest and just start explaining in a friendly way why he supports the policies he does without being combative about it, things would calm down.

How about the news media quits lying and reporting fake news?
I see you have been well trained, bought and sold and branded.

You keep providing the links proving they lied. I guess you are just an innocent bystander.
Wow, gotta love the emuscle action hero personna. There are no grounds for impeachment, disagreeing with the left isn't illegal and the supreme court picks will ensure that for another generation. Suck it up buttercup.
Obstruction of justice is grounds for impeachment, you uber retard.

What justice has he obstructed? You libs have such overactive imaginations. You make up crimes by conservatives while ignoring the real crimes committed by your lib heroes.
Thus a Special Counsel. I will accept his findings.....will you?

You won't because there is nothing to find! You will bitch, whine and complain that he couldn't do his job or you'll be calling for his head inside of a month!
So, Miss Cleo, you already know that nothing will be found. Amazing powers....what are the next lottery numbers?

I could tell you but then I would have to kill you. I don't want to do that.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

A good majority of Americans voted against Trump!

If you add up the totals of Clinton voters and Third Party voters it would show Trump was not liked and then factor is a good percentage Americans did not vote tell you that your boy is not popular at all!

So as you threaten from behind your keyboard the reality is all you will do is write about how unfair it was while worshiping the ground Pence walks on...

Around 73 million Americans voted Against Trump almost 63 million votes...

United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia

That's not how we elect the President. Did every single lib drop out of school or fail civics?

I don't think they teach that anymore, or American History, either.

I am a teacher, and I have taught both of those classes numerous times in my career.
When and where did you get your degree in psychiatry and when did you examine the President?

The president has been under public scrutiny for years. Over 50,000 qualified psychiatrists have stated that he is psychologically unfit to be President.

Any psychiatrist that claims they can examine somebody on television and come to a prognosis is not a qualified psychiatrist.

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So observation isn't the primary method for determining someone's psychological state?

Or do you believe that the personality Trump presents publicly is not his true personality...it's just an act to sucker extremely stupid people into supporting him?
Not according to the American Psychiatric Association. It takes more than watching some one on tv and reading the newspaper.

APA Remains Committed to Supporting Goldwater Rule

There are exceptions to every rule. In this case since it's not likely that Donald Trump will agree to a psychological observation, the best alternative is to evaluate based on existing observation. At least 50,000 psychiatrists seem to think so.

Or do you agree that Donald Trump should agree to a thorough psychological evaluation?

I am sure you have a link for that ridiculous assertion.
President Trump isn't going anywhere. The talk of impeachment is just a bunch of nonsense started by butt-hurt losers. Trump will do 4 years and at the end Americans will do what they always do and will look at their economic situation and then decide if they want him for 4 more.

Keep dreamin'...

We would rather that you continue to lose sleep over your nightmares.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

A good majority of Americans voted against Trump!

If you add up the totals of Clinton voters and Third Party voters it would show Trump was not liked and then factor is a good percentage Americans did not vote tell you that your boy is not popular at all!

So as you threaten from behind your keyboard the reality is all you will do is write about how unfair it was while worshiping the ground Pence walks on...

Around 73 million Americans voted Against Trump almost 63 million votes...

United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia

That's not how we elect the President. Did every single lib drop out of school or fail civics?

I don't think they teach that anymore, or American History, either.

I am a teacher, and I have taught both of those classes numerous times in my career.

You still have not shown where I wrote that the President is elected by the damn popular vote and just instead ran away like a sniveling coward because you knew that you were wrong with what you wrote to me.

If you taught any classes then I feel sorry for your damn students because most of them are most likely slack jaw inbreds that can not understand the difference between pointing out that Trump lost the popular vote and that show that a majority of the voters did not want him but still won the Electoral College because Trump won key swing states by a narrow margin.

Had Sanders been the Nominee he would have garner the Green vote like Obama did and would have won those Swing States that Clinton lost, but I am sure you will tell me how wrong I am and when you are shown the numbers combined in States like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that show Stein and Clinton had more votes than Trump, well then you will just deny it and scream Trump won which is the fucking truth Mr. Teacher and I have never said he did not!
The president has been under public scrutiny for years. Over 50,000 qualified psychiatrists have stated that he is psychologically unfit to be President.

Any psychiatrist that claims they can examine somebody on television and come to a prognosis is not a qualified psychiatrist.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So observation isn't the primary method for determining someone's psychological state?

Or do you believe that the personality Trump presents publicly is not his true personality...it's just an act to sucker extremely stupid people into supporting him?
Not according to the American Psychiatric Association. It takes more than watching some one on tv and reading the newspaper.

APA Remains Committed to Supporting Goldwater Rule

There are exceptions to every rule. In this case since it's not likely that Donald Trump will agree to a psychological observation, the best alternative is to evaluate based on existing observation. At least 50,000 psychiatrists seem to think so.

Or do you agree that Donald Trump should agree to a thorough psychological evaluation?

I am sure you have a link for that ridiculous assertion.

Trump is mentally ill and must be removed

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

A good majority of Americans voted against Trump!

If you add up the totals of Clinton voters and Third Party voters it would show Trump was not liked and then factor is a good percentage Americans did not vote tell you that your boy is not popular at all!

So as you threaten from behind your keyboard the reality is all you will do is write about how unfair it was while worshiping the ground Pence walks on...

Around 73 million Americans voted Against Trump almost 63 million votes...

United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia

That's not how we elect the President. Did every single lib drop out of school or fail civics?

I don't think they teach that anymore, or American History, either.

I am a teacher, and I have taught both of those classes numerous times in my career.

You still have not shown where I wrote that the President is elected by the damn popular vote and just instead ran away like a sniveling coward because you knew that you were wrong with what you wrote to me.

If you taught any classes then I feel sorry for your damn students because most of them are most likely slack jaw inbreds that can not understand the difference between pointing out that Trump lost the popular vote and that show that a majority of the voters did not want him but still won the Electoral College because Trump won key swing states by a narrow margin.

Had Sanders been the Nominee he would have garner the Green vote like Obama did and would have won those Swing States that Clinton lost, but I am sure you will tell me how wrong I am and when you are shown the numbers combined in States like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that show Stein and Clinton had more votes than Trump, well then you will just deny it and scream Trump won which is the fucking truth Mr. Teacher and I have never said he did not!

Your comment was irrelevant. We don't elect the President that way, so bringing it up is pure bullshit.

You are intentionally trying to be deceitful. Voters in California and New York make up the vast majority of the popular vote difference because if you don't count them, the margin would be much smaller.

In the end, who cares?

BTw, where did you get that I ran away? Are you watching me? I left the board because my computer froze up.
Any psychiatrist that claims they can examine somebody on television and come to a prognosis is not a qualified psychiatrist.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So observation isn't the primary method for determining someone's psychological state?

Or do you believe that the personality Trump presents publicly is not his true personality...it's just an act to sucker extremely stupid people into supporting him?
Not according to the American Psychiatric Association. It takes more than watching some one on tv and reading the newspaper.

APA Remains Committed to Supporting Goldwater Rule

There are exceptions to every rule. In this case since it's not likely that Donald Trump will agree to a psychological observation, the best alternative is to evaluate based on existing observation. At least 50,000 psychiatrists seem to think so.

Or do you agree that Donald Trump should agree to a thorough psychological evaluation?

I am sure you have a link for that ridiculous assertion.

Trump is mentally ill and must be removed

What if we feel that you are the one who is suffering from mental problems and we hold a vote to lock you up without as much as an examination? Would you care?

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