If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Any psychiatrist that claims they can examine somebody on television and come to a prognosis is not a qualified psychiatrist.

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So observation isn't the primary method for determining someone's psychological state?

Or do you believe that the personality Trump presents publicly is not his true personality...it's just an act to sucker extremely stupid people into supporting him?
Not according to the American Psychiatric Association. It takes more than watching some one on tv and reading the newspaper.

APA Remains Committed to Supporting Goldwater Rule

There are exceptions to every rule. In this case since it's not likely that Donald Trump will agree to a psychological observation, the best alternative is to evaluate based on existing observation. At least 50,000 psychiatrists seem to think so.

Or do you agree that Donald Trump should agree to a thorough psychological evaluation?

I am sure you have a link for that ridiculous assertion.

Trump is mentally ill and must be removed

A good majority of Americans voted against Trump!

If you add up the totals of Clinton voters and Third Party voters it would show Trump was not liked and then factor is a good percentage Americans did not vote tell you that your boy is not popular at all!

So as you threaten from behind your keyboard the reality is all you will do is write about how unfair it was while worshiping the ground Pence walks on...

Around 73 million Americans voted Against Trump almost 63 million votes...

United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia

That's not how we elect the President. Did every single lib drop out of school or fail civics?

I don't think they teach that anymore, or American History, either.

I am a teacher, and I have taught both of those classes numerous times in my career.

You still have not shown where I wrote that the President is elected by the damn popular vote and just instead ran away like a sniveling coward because you knew that you were wrong with what you wrote to me.

If you taught any classes then I feel sorry for your damn students because most of them are most likely slack jaw inbreds that can not understand the difference between pointing out that Trump lost the popular vote and that show that a majority of the voters did not want him but still won the Electoral College because Trump won key swing states by a narrow margin.

Had Sanders been the Nominee he would have garner the Green vote like Obama did and would have won those Swing States that Clinton lost, but I am sure you will tell me how wrong I am and when you are shown the numbers combined in States like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that show Stein and Clinton had more votes than Trump, well then you will just deny it and scream Trump won which is the fucking truth Mr. Teacher and I have never said he did not!

Your comment was irrelevant. We don't elect the President that way, so bringing it up is pure bullshit.

You are intentionally trying to be deceitful. Voters in California and New York make up the vast majority of the popular vote difference because if you don't count them, the margin would be much smaller.

In the end, who cares?

BTw, where did you get that I ran away? Are you watching me? I left the board because my computer froze up.

So now you are going to lie even more?

Trump barley won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania and if you combine Stein totals with Clinton totals it show had green went Democratic your boy would have lost those states in a close battle.

Also you dismiss the non-voter and third party voter because it shows I am correct the majority of America did not want your boy, and you are a damn teacher?

What do you teach mentally ill rejects that their fathers are their brothers and grandfathers?

You should turn off your computer because you are full of shit as usual.

So explain if Trump only was able to mustard 63 million votes and 73 million voters voted against him does that mean majority of America wanted him?

Oh and for you he won the Electoral College and that is how the President is elected but does not change the fact a good amount of Americans did not vote and another majority voted against Trump!

I know those damn numbers hurt you and your argument America loves Trump!

If Democrats run someone the green will vote for your boy is one and out but you will argue I am full of shit because reality is not your friend!
A good majority of Americans voted against Trump!

If you add up the totals of Clinton voters and Third Party voters it would show Trump was not liked and then factor is a good percentage Americans did not vote tell you that your boy is not popular at all!

So as you threaten from behind your keyboard the reality is all you will do is write about how unfair it was while worshiping the ground Pence walks on...

Around 73 million Americans voted Against Trump almost 63 million votes...

United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia

That's not how we elect the President. Did every single lib drop out of school or fail civics?

I don't think they teach that anymore, or American History, either.

I am a teacher, and I have taught both of those classes numerous times in my career.

You still have not shown where I wrote that the President is elected by the damn popular vote and just instead ran away like a sniveling coward because you knew that you were wrong with what you wrote to me.

If you taught any classes then I feel sorry for your damn students because most of them are most likely slack jaw inbreds that can not understand the difference between pointing out that Trump lost the popular vote and that show that a majority of the voters did not want him but still won the Electoral College because Trump won key swing states by a narrow margin.

Had Sanders been the Nominee he would have garner the Green vote like Obama did and would have won those Swing States that Clinton lost, but I am sure you will tell me how wrong I am and when you are shown the numbers combined in States like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that show Stein and Clinton had more votes than Trump, well then you will just deny it and scream Trump won which is the fucking truth Mr. Teacher and I have never said he did not!

In the end, who cares?

Exactly- yet Trump can't stop bringing it up.

Trump's ego demands that everyone believe that he also won the popular vote- despite the facts.
That's not how we elect the President. Did every single lib drop out of school or fail civics?

I don't think they teach that anymore, or American History, either.

I am a teacher, and I have taught both of those classes numerous times in my career.

You still have not shown where I wrote that the President is elected by the damn popular vote and just instead ran away like a sniveling coward because you knew that you were wrong with what you wrote to me.

If you taught any classes then I feel sorry for your damn students because most of them are most likely slack jaw inbreds that can not understand the difference between pointing out that Trump lost the popular vote and that show that a majority of the voters did not want him but still won the Electoral College because Trump won key swing states by a narrow margin.

Had Sanders been the Nominee he would have garner the Green vote like Obama did and would have won those Swing States that Clinton lost, but I am sure you will tell me how wrong I am and when you are shown the numbers combined in States like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that show Stein and Clinton had more votes than Trump, well then you will just deny it and scream Trump won which is the fucking truth Mr. Teacher and I have never said he did not!

Your comment was irrelevant. We don't elect the President that way, so bringing it up is pure bullshit.

You are intentionally trying to be deceitful. Voters in California and New York make up the vast majority of the popular vote difference because if you don't count them, the margin would be much smaller.

In the end, who cares?

BTw, where did you get that I ran away? Are you watching me? I left the board because my computer froze up.

So now you are going to lie even more?

Trump barley won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania and if you combine Stein totals with Clinton totals it show had green went Democratic your boy would have lost those states in a close battle.

Also you dismiss the non-voter and third party voter because it shows I am correct the majority of America did not want your boy, and you are a damn teacher?

What do you teach mentally ill rejects that their fathers are their brothers and grandfathers?

You should turn off your computer because you are full of shit as usual.

So explain if Trump only was able to mustard 63 million votes and 73 million voters voted against him does that mean majority of America wanted him?

Oh and for you he won the Electoral College and that is how the President is elected but does not change the fact a good amount of Americans did not vote and another majority voted against Trump!

I know those damn numbers hurt you and your argument America loves Trump!

If Democrats run someone the green will vote for your boy is one and out but you will argue I am full of shit because reality is not your friend!


Don't critique someone else until you learn how to write.

I say again regarding your point, who cares?

Trump was elected and will be President unless he either drops dead or gets fed up with the bullshit from the left and lets it go to Pence.
Information isn't advocacy. I merely pointed out that impeachment may not be as unpopular as the OP believes it to be.

Impeach for what? The guy hasn't done anything impeachable. That's not to mention the fact the Presidents party is in leadership of congress and senate.

My. Goodness, I've never seen such sore losers in my life. You leftists don't belong in a republic, you belong in a dictatorship where your guy wins all the time, and will provide you with free healthcare, a place to live, and where nobody has any money or guns except the government.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Right now for the appearance of obstruction justice IF all that is being reported turns out to be true. We'll have to let the investigations conclude to find out.

It has nothing to do with it. You guys have been talking about impeachment before he was even sworn in. It has to do with you on the left thinking you should never lose presidential elections. You were told Hillary would win, you were promised Hillary would win, and you didn't get your way. So now the game plan is to remove Trump from office anyway you can. It has nothing to do with what Trump did do or didn't do, your side just can't stand losing.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

It has everything to to with it. The appearance of obstruction is why there is now an independent counsel investigation.

Why it appears is:

Sally Yates fired
Preet Bharara fired
Bullshit with Nunes and House Intelligence Committee
Comey Fired
Comey Memos

This is the smoke. Let the investigators identify the source of the smoke. If there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about.

How is any of that illegal?

Go read a book and maybe you will learn the meanings of some words.. It is called a dictionary.

Which is why I said "if there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about". As single isolated incidents, each one of those is questionable...putting one right after another paints a more disturbing picture.
Impeach for what? The guy hasn't done anything impeachable. That's not to mention the fact the Presidents party is in leadership of congress and senate.

My. Goodness, I've never seen such sore losers in my life. You leftists don't belong in a republic, you belong in a dictatorship where your guy wins all the time, and will provide you with free healthcare, a place to live, and where nobody has any money or guns except the government.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Right now for the appearance of obstruction justice IF all that is being reported turns out to be true. We'll have to let the investigations conclude to find out.

It has nothing to do with it. You guys have been talking about impeachment before he was even sworn in. It has to do with you on the left thinking you should never lose presidential elections. You were told Hillary would win, you were promised Hillary would win, and you didn't get your way. So now the game plan is to remove Trump from office anyway you can. It has nothing to do with what Trump did do or didn't do, your side just can't stand losing.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

It has everything to to with it. The appearance of obstruction is why there is now an independent counsel investigation.

Why it appears is:

Sally Yates fired
Preet Bharara fired
Bullshit with Nunes and House Intelligence Committee
Comey Fired
Comey Memos

This is the smoke. Let the investigators identify the source of the smoke. If there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about.

How is any of that illegal?

Go read a book and maybe you will learn the meanings of some words.. It is called a dictionary.

Which is why I said "if there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about". As single isolated incidents, each one of those is questionable...putting one right after another paints a more disturbing picture.

Those were all separate incidents that you decided to lump together.
That's because the South had already seceded from the Democratic Party, literally driving its convention out, before that election took place.

Incorrect. The pro-secession faction walked out of the convention, and the party split into two factions.

Democrat Party Platform 1860 -

Democratic Party Platforms: 1860 Democratic Party Platform

Breckenridge Faction -

Minor/Third Party Platforms: Democratic Party Platform (Breckinridge Faction) of 1860

No, not "incorrect" --- you just posted another version of what I just said. The South literally got the convention, originally in Charleston SC, suspended and moved to Baltimore. And when they reconvened there the Southerners were not seated, did not participate, and went their own way with their own candidate, which was Breckinridge. But the Democrats nominated Stephen Douglas, who won a total of one state and came in fourth, as I said, who upon losing the election went travelling to make the case against secession.

And we left out John Bell, of the Constitutional Union Party (an offshoot of the Whigs) who won Tennessee, Kentucky (Beckinridge's home state) and Virginia, which also stood against secession. Bell did well around this area where I am (West NC/East TN) which also voted not to secede in their state referenda, and stayed loyal to the Union. Bell was against spreading slavery even though a slaveowner himself.

All of which lays waste to the OP's ignorant claim that "the Democrats tried to overthrow an election".

To wit:

The last time Democrats tried to overthrow the results of an election, the Republican President invaded your part of the country, killed hundreds of thousands of your men, burned down your cities, wrecked your railroads, and looted your livestock and crops.

Not only gross historical ignorance but apparently the Democratic Party literally owns "part of the country", owns "cities" and "railroads", and even keeps "livestock and crops".

Partisan hacks dig themselves in these holes all the time. Then they address the hole by ---- digging another one.
Last edited:
I'm not a democrat...
I travel the world, and trust me the whole world is laughing at your poor choice.
Even if your orange man brings prosperity to every household in America....liking him and voting for him is immoral....most arrogant piece of shit, liar, narcissist, sexist..he's a dictator. And he's part of the problem he's the 1%. Failed businessman who uses the system to stay afloat while many ordinary Americans go to jail for 1% of what he did.
Wake up and educate yourself, you are an embarassement.

Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.

Gee, I wish I was as much of a failed businessman as Trump. I'm sure most liberals do too, it's just they don't have the balls to say it.

Whelp -- he did successfully accept the umpteem skillion dollars Daddy handed him for the accomplishment of existing. So--- there's that.

But damn, you're right, every day I wallow in the shameful fact that I never had an airline, several casinos, a water, a vodka, a steak, a board game, a travel service and a vitamin company that would have people mail in their pee, all go bankrupt.

And yet he still became a billionaire.

Bill and Hillary spent eight years in the White House; this was after his several terms as Governor not to mention both were lawyers. According to Hillary, when they left the White House, they were dead broke.

Was there a point coming with this? What, should I tune in for the sequel next week?

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
insanity has always been a hallmark of the extreme. right now it's just the extreme left getting all the attention. under the big O they were pretty much free to call for anyones job they didn't like and they'd more often than not, get it.

2 years ago in mckinney tx (outside of dallas) a group of black kids took over a neighborhood pool and were doing their own thing. much to the dismay and unappreciative of the people who lived there. police were called, it got out of hand and from a 10 second video (that's all people need to see anymore to tell the whole story - 140 characters on twitter or a 10 second video) a policeman lost his job. bad enough but ok.

little did people know nor care that aside from that well timed 10 second video that brought out the social warriors, this officer has run in with this group several times and at times, violently. so there was history here for the officer to go on.

all that said - great. he got fired.

Wrong. Eric Casebolt wasn't "fired". He quit after a quick soul-search. I remember the case well.
Right now for the appearance of obstruction justice IF all that is being reported turns out to be true. We'll have to let the investigations conclude to find out.

It has nothing to do with it. You guys have been talking about impeachment before he was even sworn in. It has to do with you on the left thinking you should never lose presidential elections. You were told Hillary would win, you were promised Hillary would win, and you didn't get your way. So now the game plan is to remove Trump from office anyway you can. It has nothing to do with what Trump did do or didn't do, your side just can't stand losing.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

It has everything to to with it. The appearance of obstruction is why there is now an independent counsel investigation.

Why it appears is:

Sally Yates fired
Preet Bharara fired
Bullshit with Nunes and House Intelligence Committee
Comey Fired
Comey Memos

This is the smoke. Let the investigators identify the source of the smoke. If there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about.

How is any of that illegal?

Go read a book and maybe you will learn the meanings of some words.. It is called a dictionary.

Which is why I said "if there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about". As single isolated incidents, each one of those is questionable...putting one right after another paints a more disturbing picture.

Those were all separate incidents that you decided to lump together.

They are separate incidents that are coincidentally connected. Coincidence like that takes a lot of planning.

Yates - tells Drumph about Flynn...fired

Preet Bharara - investigating Trump financial ties - fired after being told he wouldn't be

Nunes - gets info from WH then pretends to take that info back to the WH as "new information"...must step down

Comey fired after asking for more resources for Russia investigation

Comey memos infer Drumph trying to slow or stop investigations

Der Gropenfuherer is not acting innocent.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

lest we forget

It has nothing to do with it. You guys have been talking about impeachment before he was even sworn in. It has to do with you on the left thinking you should never lose presidential elections. You were told Hillary would win, you were promised Hillary would win, and you didn't get your way. So now the game plan is to remove Trump from office anyway you can. It has nothing to do with what Trump did do or didn't do, your side just can't stand losing.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

It has everything to to with it. The appearance of obstruction is why there is now an independent counsel investigation.

Why it appears is:

Sally Yates fired
Preet Bharara fired
Bullshit with Nunes and House Intelligence Committee
Comey Fired
Comey Memos

This is the smoke. Let the investigators identify the source of the smoke. If there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about.

How is any of that illegal?

Go read a book and maybe you will learn the meanings of some words.. It is called a dictionary.

Which is why I said "if there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about". As single isolated incidents, each one of those is questionable...putting one right after another paints a more disturbing picture.

Those were all separate incidents that you decided to lump together.

They are separate incidents that are coincidentally connected. Coincidence like that takes a lot of planning.

Yates - tells Drumph about Flynn...fired

Preet Bharara - investigating Trump financial ties - fired after being told he wouldn't be

Nunes - gets info from WH then pretends to take that info back to the WH as "new information"...must step down

Comey fired after asking for more resources for Russia investigation

Comey memos infer Drumph trying to slow or stop investigations

Der Gropenfuherer is not acting innocent.

Rosenstein: No evidence Comey asked for more resources for Russia probe
I'm not a democrat...
I travel the world, and trust me the whole world is laughing at your poor choice.
Even if your orange man brings prosperity to every household in America....liking him and voting for him is immoral....most arrogant piece of shit, liar, narcissist, sexist..he's a dictator. And he's part of the problem he's the 1%. Failed businessman who uses the system to stay afloat while many ordinary Americans go to jail for 1% of what he did.
Wake up and educate yourself, you are an embarassement.

Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.

Gee, I wish I was as much of a failed businessman as Trump. I'm sure most liberals do too, it's just they don't have the balls to say it.

Whelp -- he did successfully accept the umpteem skillion dollars Daddy handed him for the accomplishment of existing. So--- there's that.

But damn, you're right, every day I wallow in the shameful fact that I never had an airline, several casinos, a water, a vodka, a steak, a board game, a travel service and a vitamin company that would have people mail in their pee, all go bankrupt.

And yet he still became a billionaire.

Bill and Hillary spent eight years in the White House; this was after his several terms as Governor not to mention both were lawyers. According to Hillary, when they left the White House, they were dead broke.

Was there a point coming with this? What, should I tune in for the sequel next week?

Acting as if Trump's companies losing money was some kind of an anomaly. That it's indicative of failure or something.
It has nothing to do with it. You guys have been talking about impeachment before he was even sworn in. It has to do with you on the left thinking you should never lose presidential elections. You were told Hillary would win, you were promised Hillary would win, and you didn't get your way. So now the game plan is to remove Trump from office anyway you can. It has nothing to do with what Trump did do or didn't do, your side just can't stand losing.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

It has everything to to with it. The appearance of obstruction is why there is now an independent counsel investigation.

Why it appears is:

Sally Yates fired
Preet Bharara fired
Bullshit with Nunes and House Intelligence Committee
Comey Fired
Comey Memos

This is the smoke. Let the investigators identify the source of the smoke. If there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about.

How is any of that illegal?

Go read a book and maybe you will learn the meanings of some words.. It is called a dictionary.

Which is why I said "if there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about". As single isolated incidents, each one of those is questionable...putting one right after another paints a more disturbing picture.

Those were all separate incidents that you decided to lump together.

They are separate incidents that are coincidentally connected. Coincidence like that takes a lot of planning.

Yates - tells Drumph about Flynn...fired

Preet Bharara - investigating Trump financial ties - fired after being told he wouldn't be

Nunes - gets info from WH then pretends to take that info back to the WH as "new information"...must step down

Comey fired after asking for more resources for Russia investigation

Comey memos infer Drumph trying to slow or stop investigations

Der Gropenfuherer is not acting innocent.

Dishonesty is all you have. Yates was fired for a different reason. Bharara was fired for a different reason. Nunes is still in Congress. Comey did no such thing.

Lies is all you have. Let it go!
I'm not a democrat...
I travel the world, and trust me the whole world is laughing at your poor choice.
Even if your orange man brings prosperity to every household in America....liking him and voting for him is immoral....most arrogant piece of shit, liar, narcissist, sexist..he's a dictator. And he's part of the problem he's the 1%. Failed businessman who uses the system to stay afloat while many ordinary Americans go to jail for 1% of what he did.
Wake up and educate yourself, you are an embarassement.

Gee, I wish I was as much of a failed businessman as Trump. I'm sure most liberals do too, it's just they don't have the balls to say it.

Whelp -- he did successfully accept the umpteem skillion dollars Daddy handed him for the accomplishment of existing. So--- there's that.

But damn, you're right, every day I wallow in the shameful fact that I never had an airline, several casinos, a water, a vodka, a steak, a board game, a travel service and a vitamin company that would have people mail in their pee, all go bankrupt.

And yet he still became a billionaire.

Bill and Hillary spent eight years in the White House; this was after his several terms as Governor not to mention both were lawyers. According to Hillary, when they left the White House, they were dead broke.

Was there a point coming with this? What, should I tune in for the sequel next week?

Acting as if Trump's companies losing money was some kind of an anomaly. That it's indicative of failure or something.

Au contraire, it wasn't an anomaly at all. It happened over and over and over.

The point being, all he did to actually MAKE the money in the first place was to stand still while Daddy plunked 150 million into his tiny little hands. Millions that were not only made by scamming the government but which would have resulted in the same level it is today* if he had simply invested it instead of yelping "ooh I need casinos, I need water brand, I need steaks, I need airline, I need board game, I need vodka**, I need a vitamin company that makes people pee in a cup and mail it in, me me me and did I mention ME?"

*Disclaimer: when I say "the same level it is today" well we don't know what that is since our only source, Rump himself, is notoriously dishonest and he won't release his taxes, so that assumes the level is somewhere near what he says it is. If it isn't then he's even worse with money than we thought, which may be a reason for the non-release of those taxes.

** (vodka.... isn't that..... Russian?)
If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Oh, they'll be standing all right. It'll be a "Standing Ovation".
That's changing China is setting up and new order. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Soon you will.....China and Russia are taking over, your cheeto hero is creating lot of enemies, Mexico and Canada are looking for new partners. And since you are ignorant of how the US economy works and it can be brought to its knees by foreign climate. I will not waste my time with you.

Oh dammit. And I did so want to kick you around a bit. :lmao:

You do realize that bringing the American economy to its knees would put the rest of the planet face down?
What Trump followers fail to understand....is that the majority of those who voted...voted against him. One gotta respect the majority.
Oh and did I mention the whole world is laughing at your clown?

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