If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Wrong. Eric Casebolt wasn't "fired". He quit after a quick soul-search. I remember the case well.
you may want to put the bong down. i hear it causes short term memory loss and i can think of a really bad time for you to remember you're not gay or something.

Miami-Dade schools remove principal after his post about police controversy
albert iber was his name.
he was fired for supporting the police with a fb statement

iber said:
"“He did nothing wrong,” Iber wrote in a comment that showed his Facebook picture, name, school and title. “He was afraid for his life. I commend him for his actions.”"

this caused an uproar among the judgemental assholes out there who demanded he get fired for not falling into social policy (yea, that's NOT nazi'ism is it?) and like i said - the officer in question had run ins before with those kids, violent ones. he knew they were not carefree kids gently misbehaving.

so yea, maybe you're talking about a very different case cause i have no idea who you are talking about.

I have no idea who the fuck "albert iber" is although I'm pretty sure we capitalize proper names in English --- but no, no answer there either.

Actually if I meant "Albert Iber" I would not have called him "Eric Casebolt". Who, far as I know, and I got to know a lot, had no prior "run-ins with those kids".

Soooo --- might want to not only put the bhong down but learn how to spell it.
ok - looked it up - i was talking the principal and you shifted to the officer. i did not realize that's who you were referring to so my bad.

apologies and if you know the officer than i'll go by what you know of the incident - i just know i read a lot about it and felt bad for the guy being put in that situation. lots of stuff was said, and no i can in no way validate it all from google.

and i have never in my life seen an "h" on bong.

google says it's a town in pakistan but i don't know who to believe anymore.

anyway - my bad as i didn't catch the gear shift so i'll own my mistake. again apologies.

still not using the shift key. :)

I'm a linguistic archconservative. It could be that there's a movement afoot to drop the H from bhong. If so I shall resist it to the bitter end, just as I persist in retaining the original form of Hallowe'en.

Eric Casebolt is the cop's name, which is where I cut the post --- he wasn't fired, he resigned.

Good luck getting that shift key fixed. Maybe eBay has one. :)
OH THEY WORK FINE. :) i'm just a huge ee cummings fan maybe.

and yes - he resigned. the principal was fired for showing support.

my main point in all this was that people are evil and will remove "h's" from perfectly good words, and that we just live in a time where OFF WITH THEIR JOB is the answer in dealing with people we don't like. i hate that mentality so i argue against that. unfortunately that makes it look like i'm arguing *for* trump when it's really he has the same rights we all do.

despite him being an asshole.

anyway - appreciate the convo.

Ah good ol' ee -- k. d. lang fan too?
Donald Trump could actually take steps to try to jail Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump said at a debate last month that he would appoint a special prosecutor to examine Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state and remarked that she would “be in jail” if he were president.
could you imagine the reality tv if they both wound up in jail.


the don would be buying his side left and right and hillary would find a way to get people to pay her to be on her side.

that would be a trip.
you may want to put the bong down. i hear it causes short term memory loss and i can think of a really bad time for you to remember you're not gay or something.

Miami-Dade schools remove principal after his post about police controversy
albert iber was his name.
he was fired for supporting the police with a fb statement

iber said:
"“He did nothing wrong,” Iber wrote in a comment that showed his Facebook picture, name, school and title. “He was afraid for his life. I commend him for his actions.”"

this caused an uproar among the judgemental assholes out there who demanded he get fired for not falling into social policy (yea, that's NOT nazi'ism is it?) and like i said - the officer in question had run ins before with those kids, violent ones. he knew they were not carefree kids gently misbehaving.

so yea, maybe you're talking about a very different case cause i have no idea who you are talking about.

I have no idea who the fuck "albert iber" is although I'm pretty sure we capitalize proper names in English --- but no, no answer there either.

Actually if I meant "Albert Iber" I would not have called him "Eric Casebolt". Who, far as I know, and I got to know a lot, had no prior "run-ins with those kids".

Soooo --- might want to not only put the bhong down but learn how to spell it.
ok - looked it up - i was talking the principal and you shifted to the officer. i did not realize that's who you were referring to so my bad.

apologies and if you know the officer than i'll go by what you know of the incident - i just know i read a lot about it and felt bad for the guy being put in that situation. lots of stuff was said, and no i can in no way validate it all from google.

and i have never in my life seen an "h" on bong.

google says it's a town in pakistan but i don't know who to believe anymore.

anyway - my bad as i didn't catch the gear shift so i'll own my mistake. again apologies.

still not using the shift key. :)

I'm a linguistic archconservative. It could be that there's a movement afoot to drop the H from bhong. If so I shall resist it to the bitter end, just as I persist in retaining the original form of Hallowe'en.

Eric Casebolt is the cop's name, which is where I cut the post --- he wasn't fired, he resigned.

Good luck getting that shift key fixed. Maybe eBay has one. :)
OH THEY WORK FINE. :) i'm just a huge ee cummings fan maybe.

and yes - he resigned. the principal was fired for showing support.

my main point in all this was that people are evil and will remove "h's" from perfectly good words, and that we just live in a time where OFF WITH THEIR JOB is the answer in dealing with people we don't like. i hate that mentality so i argue against that. unfortunately that makes it look like i'm arguing *for* trump when it's really he has the same rights we all do.

despite him being an asshole.

anyway - appreciate the convo.

Ah good ol' ee -- k. d. lang fan too?
well, not a constant craving for it or anything... (erkl voice "did i do that"?)

heh - mostly rock. classic, 80s and new. i run an internet radio station that does a lot of rock so i get to interview bands, get photo opportunities and so on. won't ever make a dime likely but i support a lot of great talent and help them get noticed and it's fun.
Whelp -- he did successfully accept the umpteem skillion dollars Daddy handed him for the accomplishment of existing. So--- there's that.

But damn, you're right, every day I wallow in the shameful fact that I never had an airline, several casinos, a water, a vodka, a steak, a board game, a travel service and a vitamin company that would have people mail in their pee, all go bankrupt.

And yet he still became a billionaire.

Bill and Hillary spent eight years in the White House; this was after his several terms as Governor not to mention both were lawyers. According to Hillary, when they left the White House, they were dead broke.

Was there a point coming with this? What, should I tune in for the sequel next week?

Acting as if Trump's companies losing money was some kind of an anomaly. That it's indicative of failure or something.

Au contraire, it wasn't an anomaly at all. It happened over and over and over.

The point being, all he did to actually MAKE the money in the first place was to stand still while Daddy plunked 150 million into his tiny little hands. Millions that were not only made by scamming the government but which would have resulted in the same level it is today* if he had simply invested it instead of yelping "ooh I need casinos, I need water brand, I need steaks, I need airline, I need board game, I need vodka**, I need a vitamin company that makes people pee in a cup and mail it in, me me me and did I mention ME?"

*Disclaimer: when I say "the same level it is today" well we don't know what that is since our only source, Rump himself, is notoriously dishonest and he won't release his taxes, so that assumes the level is somewhere near what he says it is. If it isn't then he's even worse with money than we thought, which may be a reason for the non-release of those taxes.

** (vodka.... isn't that..... Russian?)

You have no idea how much money Trump got from his father. If you have a reliable source, by all means, please post it. Because any reliable source I found stated there is no way to say how much Trump got from his father.

Did Donald Trump inherit $100 million?

According to some sources Politifact found, Trump started with about 40 million dollars. As for standing by his fathers side, his father died 18 years ago, and Trump has been active in business long after.

According to some, Trump was worth nearly 4 billion in 2016.

Here's How Much Forbes Magazine Believes Trump's Really Worth

So you do the math. How did such a failed businessman turn 40 million into 4 billion?

That's true --- nobody knows that number either. He called it, what, a "small loan", which I've seen estimated anywhere from 40 to 150 or even 200. I see you're going with the low end to try to fluff up your golden idol. Don't forget the knee pads.

Anyway whatever the number, it's been estimated that simply investing in standard investments would have returned the same level as is (thought to be but no one really knows) current, as I said. But of course that is't the point for a hopeless narcissist. The Ego can never be sated, ever. That's why you need your ME ME ME name on water bottles and steaks and buildings and golf courses and more buildings and planes and casinos and magazines and still yet more buildings in the edifice complex.


He's a sick puppy.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
I will add, if you think loosing the vote the last time was bad just wait until the 2018 elections....:D
trumps forte is self destruction. Dems are just trying to help the GOP back to reality and loyalty to their country. They have been so scared of black presidents and gay rights they ran straight into putins arms. Time for them to stop now.

Oh god the irony, you idiots lost the House, Senate, and now the White House and you talk to us about self destruction? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
How is that working out for you, having control of all three branches? Getting all your agenda done?

What's that? I can't hear you over our gloating :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
So....you can't name one thing on your agenda that your win has accomplished. Sad.

Conservative Supreme Court Justice.
So you say he's con-servative. What has he done that makes him con-servative? I understand he declared Roe v Wade as decided case law....a done deal.
Just as there are grave consequences to losing elections...get over it.

The only way the consequences of losing an election could be even close to that of losing a war is if an absolute fascism were imposed. Is that what you're anticipating from a Trump administration?

I got over the election a while ago. What I haven't gotten over is the possibility that the President and/or his staff may have committed crimes that may be as grave as treason.

Nor I am over the fact that the president seems to be completely inept (at best), and may suffer from a severe personality disorder.

Finally, I can't get over that fact that there were millions of Americans that were stupid enough to vote for Donald Trump and continue to be stupid enough to support him.

This isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative politics. This is about the possibility of grave crimes and gross incompetence.

When and where did you get your degree in psychiatry and when did you examine the President?

The president has been under public scrutiny for years. Over 50,000 qualified psychiatrists have stated that he is psychologically unfit to be President.

Any psychiatrist that claims they can examine somebody on television and come to a prognosis is not a qualified psychiatrist.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So observation isn't the primary method for determining someone's psychological state?

Or do you believe that the personality Trump presents publicly is not his true personality...it's just an act to sucker extremely stupid people into supporting him?

A true psychiatrist cannot evaluate somebody by just listening to them on television no more than a veterinarian can tell you what's wrong with your dog by putting him on FaceBook. Anybody that would make such a claim obviously doesn't have a reputation to protect and probably has coupons in the telephone book to advance his or her business.
could you imagine the reality tv if they both wound up in jail.


They don't allow cell phones in jail. Trump wouldn't last a week.

man, they'd be owning it / running it anyway.

i still think we need to reopen alcatraz and put all the corrupt politicians and let them just own that. may be an island to be named later.

just away from us.
A true psychiatrist cannot evaluate somebody by just listening to them on television no more than a veterinarian can tell you what's wrong with your dog by putting him on FaceBook.

They make up psychological profiles of criminals all the time. Based on their posting on social media, and their other writings. Trump behavior covers his tweets, his debate performances, his interviews, his press conferences. Plus hundreds of hours from TV.
Donald Trump could actually take steps to try to jail Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump said at a debate last month that he would appoint a special prosecutor to examine Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state and remarked that she would “be in jail” if he were president.
And he hasn't.........why?

According toi Trumps own words, he doesn't believe in special prosecutors.

Horseshit. He said he was going to bring in a special prosecutor before he was even elected. And he said he was bringing one in for the sake of Hillary.

He's doing exactly what he said he was going to do..except he's getting you morons to demand it first.

Seriously, this is high comedy.
And yet he still became a billionaire.

Bill and Hillary spent eight years in the White House; this was after his several terms as Governor not to mention both were lawyers. According to Hillary, when they left the White House, they were dead broke.

Was there a point coming with this? What, should I tune in for the sequel next week?

Acting as if Trump's companies losing money was some kind of an anomaly. That it's indicative of failure or something.

Au contraire, it wasn't an anomaly at all. It happened over and over and over.

The point being, all he did to actually MAKE the money in the first place was to stand still while Daddy plunked 150 million into his tiny little hands. Millions that were not only made by scamming the government but which would have resulted in the same level it is today* if he had simply invested it instead of yelping "ooh I need casinos, I need water brand, I need steaks, I need airline, I need board game, I need vodka**, I need a vitamin company that makes people pee in a cup and mail it in, me me me and did I mention ME?"

*Disclaimer: when I say "the same level it is today" well we don't know what that is since our only source, Rump himself, is notoriously dishonest and he won't release his taxes, so that assumes the level is somewhere near what he says it is. If it isn't then he's even worse with money than we thought, which may be a reason for the non-release of those taxes.

** (vodka.... isn't that..... Russian?)

You have no idea how much money Trump got from his father. If you have a reliable source, by all means, please post it. Because any reliable source I found stated there is no way to say how much Trump got from his father.

Did Donald Trump inherit $100 million?

According to some sources Politifact found, Trump started with about 40 million dollars. As for standing by his fathers side, his father died 18 years ago, and Trump has been active in business long after.

According to some, Trump was worth nearly 4 billion in 2016.

Here's How Much Forbes Magazine Believes Trump's Really Worth

So you do the math. How did such a failed businessman turn 40 million into 4 billion?

That's true --- nobody knows that number either. He called it, what, a "small loan", which I've seen estimated anywhere from 40 to 150 or even 200. I see you're going with the low end to try to fluff up your golden idol. Don't forget the knee pads.

Anyway whatever the number, it's been estimated that simply investing in standard investments would have returned the same level as is (thought to be but no one really knows) current, as I said. But of course that is't the point for a hopeless narcissist. The Ego can never be sated, ever. That's why you need your ME ME ME name on water bottles and steaks and buildings and golf courses and more buildings and planes and casinos and magazines and still yet more buildings in the edifice complex.


He's a sick puppy.

If you read the article, I came up with the numbers they gave. Trump ran his fathers business until his father died. The business was worth 40 million when Donald took over and over 200 million when his father passed away. Unless Trump got all that money and his siblings none, that's the only way he could have started with 200 million.

But it's suspected that with the exception of one brother, the money was divided evenly in the family. That would put his starting money at 40 million if more was not handed out to the grandchildren.

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