If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Can't do it without the Republicans. Most Democrats are hanging back until the other party realizes they have no choice but to Dump the Trump.
Yeah, that will NEVER happen. You fascists have been swearing that you'll get Trump for years. This is no different than your recounts, faithless electors, etc. Just another wet dream of the whiny snots on the left.
It's happened before, so don't count your chickens.
Can't do it without the Republicans. Most Democrats are hanging back until the other party realizes they have no choice but to Dump the Trump.

Yeah, that will NEVER happen.

You fascists have been swearing that you'll get Trump for years.

This is no different than your recounts, faithless electors, etc. Just another wet dream of the whiny snots on the left.
But if they DO...

Which would be like a dream.
From the Mayo Clinic:

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve.

DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:

(DSM-5 ("Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) means the subject needs to exhibit at least five traits from the list)
  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Five? Looks like Rump's got them all down.

"I will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created". "I'm really really rich". "They all flirt with me, that's to be expected". "Biggest in the world". "I know more than the generals". Expecting "loyalty" from the friggin' FBI Director. Etc etc etc ad nauseum.

Thanks Herr Goebbles. I guess this means you are consumed with hatred and can no longer function in normal society, right? :thup:

Which is why I said "if there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about". As single isolated incidents, each one of those is questionable...putting one right after another paints a more disturbing picture.

Clearly you fascists think that if you keep throwing those molotovs, you'll start a fire....
They will, but not where they mean to...

No psychiatrist comes to a conclusion on a persons state of mind just by reading social media. Yes, they do interview the person which none of these supposed 50,000 have ever done with Donald. And they don't interview them once, they need to talk to them dozens of times before they can conclude a person is mentally unstable.

Alleged Unabomber Puts Psychiatry on Trial | Psychiatric Times

because Kaczynski has refused to submit to an examination by the government's experts.

testimony from psychiatrists and psychologists concerning Kaczynski's mental state; testimony derived from evaluations of his writing, historical social and medical data, and from interviews with family members and acquaintances.

Psychiatrists are generally more insane than any of the people they *treat*.

The point is that psychiatrists in a death penalty case were able to evaluate somebody without personally interviewing them, and it passed judicial requirements. If it was good enough for the Unibomber case, it's good enough for Trump.
You fascists have been swearing that you'll get Trump for years. This is no different than your recounts, faithless electors, etc. Just another wet dream of the whiny snots on the left.
But if they DO...WE GET PENCE! Which would be like a dream.
See, even committed conservatives don't care if Trump makes it. The same thing happened with Nixon. They figured Ford was just fine. Of course that incident had the added LOLs of their having to get rid of Agnew first, A TWOFER!!! :laugh2:
Can't do it without the Republicans. Most Democrats are hanging back until the other party realizes they have no choice but to Dump the Trump.

Yeah, that will NEVER happen.

You fascists have been swearing that you'll get Trump for years.

This is no different than your recounts, faithless electors, etc. Just another wet dream of the whiny snots on the left.
But if they DO...

Which would be like a dream.

As Konrad said, it would take the Republicans to do it - literally zero chance of that. The fascists are just spinning out of control, as they have since November.

I simply cannot view the fascists as sane or rational people.

They ARE violent though, so should not be dismissed.
Finally, I can't get over that fact that there were millions of Americans that were stupid enough to vote for Donald Trump and continue to be stupid enough to support him.

^^^ What has been destroying the Democratic party, EVERY attack on Trump is an attack on the 60 plus million American's who voted him President.

That's got shit to do with political parties. That's just basic perception assessing a disgusting slime who belongs in a fricking mental institution.

By all means tell us how a rank amateur who never ran for office before beat Hillary, Bill, Obama, the DNC, the Democratic party, the liberal media, and Hillary's $1.2 billion dollar war chest...yes your attacks on American citizens that's how.
It has everything to to with it. The appearance of obstruction is why there is now an independent counsel investigation.

Why it appears is:

Sally Yates fired
Preet Bharara fired
Bullshit with Nunes and House Intelligence Committee
Comey Fired
Comey Memos

This is the smoke. Let the investigators identify the source of the smoke. If there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about.

How is any of that illegal?

Go read a book and maybe you will learn the meanings of some words.. It is called a dictionary.

Which is why I said "if there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about". As single isolated incidents, each one of those is questionable...putting one right after another paints a more disturbing picture.

Those were all separate incidents that you decided to lump together.

They are separate incidents that are coincidentally connected. Coincidence like that takes a lot of planning.

Yates - tells Drumph about Flynn...fired

Preet Bharara - investigating Trump financial ties - fired after being told he wouldn't be

Nunes - gets info from WH then pretends to take that info back to the WH as "new information"...must step down

Comey fired after asking for more resources for Russia investigation

Comey memos infer Drumph trying to slow or stop investigations

Der Gropenfuherer is not acting innocent.

Dishonesty is all you have. Yates was fired for a different reason. Bharara was fired for a different reason. Nunes is still in Congress. Comey did no such thing.

Lies is all you have. Let it go!

Ah the irony. Who says they were all fired for a "different reason"? The WH? The same WH that has been caught over and over and over lying about all things Russia?

Can't do it without the Republicans. Most Democrats are hanging back until the other party realizes they have no choice but to Dump the Trump.

Yeah, that will NEVER happen.

You fascists have been swearing that you'll get Trump for years.

This is no different than your recounts, faithless electors, etc. Just another wet dream of the whiny snots on the left.
But if they DO...

Which would be like a dream.

As Konrad said, it would take the Republicans to do it - literally zero chance of that. The fascists are just spinning out of control, as they have since November.

I simply cannot view the fascists as sane or rational people.

They ARE violent though, so should not be dismissed.
They are a danger to themselves and/or others, and should be lodged permanently because of it.
Oh god the irony, you idiots lost the House, Senate, and now the White House and you talk to us about self destruction? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
How is that working out for you, having control of all three branches? Getting all your agenda done?

What's that? I can't hear you over our gloating :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
So....you can't name one thing on your agenda that your win has accomplished. Sad.

Conservative Supreme Court Justice.
So you say he's con-servative. What has he done that makes him con-servative? I understand he declared Roe v Wade as decided case law....a done deal.

Trump whooped Hillary's ass!! :badgrin:
It's happened before, so don't count your chickens.

Clinton changed everything. Never again will a president face impeachment by his own party.

In 1974, the Republican had honor. Clinton and the democrats shit all over the concept of honor and showed that ONLY partisanship matters.

Enjoy your fantasy, but that is all it is, yet another flaccid fantasy.
Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.
The U.S. military is already planning for you treasonous Red State conserva-fucks. Lets see how you hill billy's withstand the drone attacks!!!!!

Red state conservatives are the retired military you moron, this fool ^^^ thinks the military would side with the left :laugh:
There would be all out war if they tried it. Just remember the rally's. We are all still with Trump. Don't even try it. The nation would be torn apart.
What are Trump's approval rates at this time? If the American people do not support Trump, will all of the Congressional Republicans support him? If the Republicans in Congress decide that to ride with Trump is the kiss of reelection voting death, then will voting impeachment save some Republicans?

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