If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

WTF did you just say? If I get a bunch of people that object to Nestles, the government can declare that Gerber Baby Food is no longer an approved food stamp item.

I can't believe you are actually so stupid to make that post.

Yes, people would have the right to object to Nestles if Nestles is being supported by public tax dollars.

Cutting out PP is not the same as not funding public radio. It is choosing an organization & attacking it when that organization is perfectly legal.

You little Naxi fuck.

PP is not the same as funding radio or television stations? What's the difference? Nobody ever said we should put PP out of business, we just said we don't want our tax dollars to go to the largest abortion center in the country. What if the Republicans decided to give funds to Smith & Wesson? I bet you would become a little Nazi yourself, wouldn't you?

Speaking of Nazism, you want to give tax dollars to an organization people object to, and force them against their will and vote to support them. I'm for giving voters the right to choose what kind of government (and handouts) they wish to give.
Earlier you asked, "How so?" Now I will tell you.

You, yourself, sets a bad example by talking about things you know nothing about. You don't know how I voted; you don't know my party affiliation; yet you deliberately speak as if you do.

I did not vote for Hillary and I am not a Democrat. And if there was no evidence against Trump, I would be the first one to say so. But whether you will admit it or not, Trump to, has a history.

A history of what? Do you believe everything limelight holders tell the media?

And don't tell me you're not a liberal. The good thing about people like you who are liberal is that you are too ashamed to admit it. The best part about this whole scam is how disappointed you all will be in several months when the investigation turns up nothing, and then we will be treated to all your conspiracy stories. Then we will dig up the hundreds of Russian collusion threads on this thing and rub your noses in it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Funny chit. Remember a couple of months ago it was Trump saying that he & his campaign had no Russian contact.

Now, it is you dipsticks not giving a shit about how Trump & his team have lied multiple times about Russian contacts as you ruin in circles screaming " OMG OMG No Collusion!!! No Collusion!!!>

So why did they lie about Russia contacts?

It was in response to politics and policy, not just being in the same room or shaking hands with some Russian dignitary at a party.

This may come as a shock to you on the left, but there is no law saying you can't speak to a member of any other country in the world. There is no law that an American can't do legitimate business with Russia; not that Trump has.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
But there is a law that limits you acting as an agent for a foreign government to effect the political process in the US. As long a Trump associate just says "great you got shit on Hillary", no foul. However if that Trump associates says, "how about you the release that information to the media the weekend before the election. You know Trump's position on NATO. Doing so would be beneficial to both your people and mine". He's in deep shit.
Foreign Agents Registration Unit (FARA)

Not an ounce of evidence that he (or his people) ever did anything like that. This all started out by a joke Trump made during the debates, and the Democrats created a make believe story out of it.
Far from it. Democrats typically support programs that attack the root cause of poverty, lack of job skills, poor home environment for children, drug and alcohol treatment programs, low wages, and creation of jobs for the poor all of which are vigorously opposed by conservatives.

Oh really? Then why did Democrats have a Welcome Mat on or borders during DumBama's eight years? Those immigrants took jobs away from Americans, particularly lower skilled jobs that our poor people could do. A root cause of poverty is single-parent homes, and Democrats strongly supported that in the 70's and 80's to buy votes of women libbers. Drug and alcohol programs? Do you know who leads the charge for the legalization of marijuana?

Most conservatives support programs that give the poor a good kick in ass, take away food stamps to starve them, close down government housing to put them on the streets, cut off financial support so they can't buy necessities. This reasoning is based on the erroneous believe that most people on government assistance are just lazy, ignoring the fact that most of the money goes to the elderly, sick and disabled, and single parent families.

Yeah, we did something like that in the 90's called Welfare Reform. And guess what? Nobody was out on the streets. Nobody did without necessities. In fact, the program was quite successful until it got watered down.

Yes, we need to cut down on government housing. When HUD people are getting homes in the suburbs instead of in the city where they belong, we are giving HUD way too much money. You want me to get up and go to work everyday to support you? Fine with me, but I'll support you over there--not next door to me. That's what I'm against.
The welfare reform of the 90's primarily limited the time one could be on welfare, and provided block grants to the states which has resulted in a lot more state money going into welfare. It did not cut into housing subsidies, medicaid, or food stamps. It was a minor cut compared to what Trump is proposing. However, what Trump has proposed is not going to make it through congress. Several Republicans members of congress have said it will be dead on arrive. In regard to Trump's budget, McConnell said, it looks like congress is going have to write the budget this year.

During the Obama administration, the number illegal immigrants in the US fell by more that a million. Obama deported more people than any president in history.

For the Republicans that don't want to make cuts, they will be held accountable at election time. Voters are already pissed that they didn't cut Planned Parenthood and other things we wanted. The RNC is walking a very fragile line, and they'd better wake up to the reality their voters are not happy with them.
Over 52 million people in the country are on some form of government assistance. That's pretty shocking but even more shocking is the number of people that would be effected if that assistance went away. That number is over twice that, brothers, sisters, parents, children, etc. When Uncle Charlie and Aunt Mary loose their housing subsidy where are they going to live? In my garage? When the no account drug addicted son in law losses his food stamps and TANF, he and his family are going to be in my living room. You don't think I would camp out on the doorsteps of my local congressmen if I thought the Trump plan had any chance of getting through congress? Don't think for a second that the people effected by Trump's plan would be just some Latinos in California. Every state, particular the Republican states in the Southeast would be hit hard which is why the Trump slashing of social welfare assistance is little more than a token jester to far right.

Well I say let's try it and find out. I would love to see the HUD people next door be forced to move back to the inner-city where they belong. They are noisy, wake people up in the middle of the night during the work week, have parties at their house........ trust me, if they had to move, I would have no sympathy whatsoever.

Kind of reminds me of a few months ago when I got off a highway ramp. Some lowlife was standing there with a sign saying money for food. He approached my truck and held the sign higher. I rolled down the window and asked if he needed food? He said "that's why I'm standing here!" So I brought up my shopping bag of treats that I have in the truck. I told him he was welcome to some snacks. I had Fritos, plain potato chips, and BBQ potato chips. I asked what he would like. He walked away to the car behind me.
WTF did you just say? If I get a bunch of people that object to Nestles, the government can declare that Gerber Baby Food is no longer an approved food stamp item.

I can't believe you are actually so stupid to make that post.

Yes, people would have the right to object to Nestles if Nestles is being supported by public tax dollars.

Cutting out PP is not the same as not funding public radio. It is choosing an organization & attacking it when that organization is perfectly legal.

You little Naxi fuck.

PP is not the same as funding radio or television stations? What's the difference? Nobody ever said we should put PP out of business, we just said we don't want our tax dollars to go to the largest abortion center in the country. What if the Republicans decided to give funds to Smith & Wesson? I bet you would become a little Nazi yourself, wouldn't you?

Speaking of Nazism, you want to give tax dollars to an organization people object to, and force them against their will and vote to support them. I'm for giving voters the right to choose what kind of government (and handouts) they wish to give.

Well, dipstick, when you defund all public radio you are looking at ending funding for a classification of radio stations.

When you defund Planned Parenthood you defund a particular organization involved in Women's health.

in defunding PP, you are saying Medicare/ Medicaid, etc will no longer reimburse them for women's health services. You are one of the fucking morons who will prevent some women from access to birth control & then cry about abortions. You do know those two things are related?

A poll says 62% of Americans are against defunding PP. So why are you lying claiming most Americans want that?
WTF did you just say? If I get a bunch of people that object to Nestles, the government can declare that Gerber Baby Food is no longer an approved food stamp item.

I can't believe you are actually so stupid to make that post.

Yes, people would have the right to object to Nestles if Nestles is being supported by public tax dollars.

Cutting out PP is not the same as not funding public radio. It is choosing an organization & attacking it when that organization is perfectly legal.

You little Naxi fuck.

PP is not the same as funding radio or television stations? What's the difference? Nobody ever said we should put PP out of business, we just said we don't want our tax dollars to go to the largest abortion center in the country. What if the Republicans decided to give funds to Smith & Wesson? I bet you would become a little Nazi yourself, wouldn't you?

Speaking of Nazism, you want to give tax dollars to an organization people object to, and force them against their will and vote to support them. I'm for giving voters the right to choose what kind of government (and handouts) they wish to give.

Well, dipstick, when you defund all public radio you are looking at ending funding for a classification of radio stations.

When you defund Planned Parenthood you defund a particular organization involved in Women's health.

in defunding PP, you are saying Medicare/ Medicaid, etc will no longer reimburse them for women's health services. You are one of the fucking morons who will prevent some women from access to birth control & then cry about abortions. You do know those two things are related?

A poll says 62% of Americans are against defunding PP. So why are you lying claiming most Americans want that?

Most of the people that voted for Trump want that, and we expect our representatives to give us what we want. Nothing wrong with that. It works the same way with your side. You people wanted government healthcare. Democrats couldn't provide you with that because if government took over healthcare, you wouldn't be able to sue your doctors or hospitals, and trial lawyers are one of the top contributors to the DNC come election time.

But they gave you Commie Care instead, and that was against our wishes. But you won fair and square, so you got to decide where our money was spent.

Don't act like there is something wrong with what we want, because we believe there are a lot of things wrong with what you want. I believe somebody on your side once said "Elections have consequences."
Earlier you asked, "How so?" Now I will tell you.

You, yourself, sets a bad example by talking about things you know nothing about. You don't know how I voted; you don't know my party affiliation; yet you deliberately speak as if you do.

I did not vote for Hillary and I am not a Democrat. And if there was no evidence against Trump, I would be the first one to say so. But whether you will admit it or not, Trump to, has a history.

A history of what? Do you believe everything limelight holders tell the media?

And don't tell me you're not a liberal. The good thing about people like you who are liberal is that you are too ashamed to admit it. The best part about this whole scam is how disappointed you all will be in several months when the investigation turns up nothing, and then we will be treated to all your conspiracy stories. Then we will dig up the hundreds of Russian collusion threads on this thing and rub your noses in it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Funny chit. Remember a couple of months ago it was Trump saying that he & his campaign had no Russian contact.

Now, it is you dipsticks not giving a shit about how Trump & his team have lied multiple times about Russian contacts as you ruin in circles screaming " OMG OMG No Collusion!!! No Collusion!!!>

So why did they lie about Russia contacts?

It was in response to politics and policy, not just being in the same room or shaking hands with some Russian dignitary at a party.

This may come as a shock to you on the left, but there is no law saying you can't speak to a member of any other country in the world. There is no law that an American can't do legitimate business with Russia; not that Trump has.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.
WTF did you just say? If I get a bunch of people that object to Nestles, the government can declare that Gerber Baby Food is no longer an approved food stamp item.

I can't believe you are actually so stupid to make that post.

Yes, people would have the right to object to Nestles if Nestles is being supported by public tax dollars.

Cutting out PP is not the same as not funding public radio. It is choosing an organization & attacking it when that organization is perfectly legal.

You little Naxi fuck.

PP is not the same as funding radio or television stations? What's the difference? Nobody ever said we should put PP out of business, we just said we don't want our tax dollars to go to the largest abortion center in the country. What if the Republicans decided to give funds to Smith & Wesson? I bet you would become a little Nazi yourself, wouldn't you?

Speaking of Nazism, you want to give tax dollars to an organization people object to, and force them against their will and vote to support them. I'm for giving voters the right to choose what kind of government (and handouts) they wish to give.

Well, dipstick, when you defund all public radio you are looking at ending funding for a classification of radio stations.

When you defund Planned Parenthood you defund a particular organization involved in Women's health.

in defunding PP, you are saying Medicare/ Medicaid, etc will no longer reimburse them for women's health services. You are one of the fucking morons who will prevent some women from access to birth control & then cry about abortions. You do know those two things are related?

A poll says 62% of Americans are against defunding PP. So why are you lying claiming most Americans want that?

Most of the people that voted for Trump want that, and we expect our representatives to give us what we want. Nothing wrong with that. It works the same way with your side. You people wanted government healthcare. Democrats couldn't provide you with that because if government took over healthcare, you wouldn't be able to sue your doctors or hospitals, and trial lawyers are one of the top contributors to the DNC come election time.

But they gave you Commie Care instead, and that was against our wishes. But you won fair and square, so you got to decide where our money was spent.

Don't act like there is something wrong with what we want, because we believe there are a lot of things wrong with what you want. I believe somebody on your side once said "Elections have consequences."
Most people did not vote for Trump.

Most people don't want PP defunded.

Single payer is like Medicare for all. It is not government healthcare.

Again for you to think it is OK for government to single out & penalize organizations that are legal just because you think it is against your pretend morality is really anti American.
WTF did you just say? If I get a bunch of people that object to Nestles, the government can declare that Gerber Baby Food is no longer an approved food stamp item.

I can't believe you are actually so stupid to make that post.

Yes, people would have the right to object to Nestles if Nestles is being supported by public tax dollars.

Cutting out PP is not the same as not funding public radio. It is choosing an organization & attacking it when that organization is perfectly legal.

You little Naxi fuck.

PP is not the same as funding radio or television stations? What's the difference? Nobody ever said we should put PP out of business, we just said we don't want our tax dollars to go to the largest abortion center in the country. What if the Republicans decided to give funds to Smith & Wesson? I bet you would become a little Nazi yourself, wouldn't you?

Speaking of Nazism, you want to give tax dollars to an organization people object to, and force them against their will and vote to support them. I'm for giving voters the right to choose what kind of government (and handouts) they wish to give.

Well, dipstick, when you defund all public radio you are looking at ending funding for a classification of radio stations.

When you defund Planned Parenthood you defund a particular organization involved in Women's health.

in defunding PP, you are saying Medicare/ Medicaid, etc will no longer reimburse them for women's health services. You are one of the fucking morons who will prevent some women from access to birth control & then cry about abortions. You do know those two things are related?

A poll says 62% of Americans are against defunding PP. So why are you lying claiming most Americans want that?

Most of the people that voted for Trump want that, and we expect our representatives to give us what we want. Nothing wrong with that. It works the same way with your side. You people wanted government healthcare. Democrats couldn't provide you with that because if government took over healthcare, you wouldn't be able to sue your doctors or hospitals, and trial lawyers are one of the top contributors to the DNC come election time.

But they gave you Commie Care instead, and that was against our wishes. But you won fair and square, so you got to decide where our money was spent.

Don't act like there is something wrong with what we want, because we believe there are a lot of things wrong with what you want. I believe somebody on your side once said "Elections have consequences."
Most people did not vote for Trump.

Most people don't want PP defunded.

Single payer is like Medicare for all. It is not government healthcare.

Again for you to think it is OK for government to single out & penalize organizations that are legal just because you think it is against your pretend morality is really anti American.
Because the slums should dictate who the President will be.
Why don't they just move to Red States?
Your side giving a bad example.

How so?

You wasted the country's time over a sex act. Then you look the other way when Trump talks about "grabbing pussy's". Now when faced with a growing mountain of evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, you stick your head up your ass.

Dying to see this growing amount of evidence. If the Democrats said they had a bridge for sale and you never seen it, would you still buy it?

We wasted the countries time over a sex act? You are wasting time over made up bullshit without an ounce of evidence to support it. At least with Clinton, we had a history of his inappropriateness, we had witnesses, we had a woman who sued him for his actions. Now what do you have against Trump again???

Oh, a sex act in the Oral Office is much worse than compromising our national security.

And you voted for Hillary who's server contained sensitive and classified information that a high school computer geek could have broke into. But that's fine with you because she's a Democrat, isn't it?

The woman didn't sue him for his actions. She wanted an apology for the false magazine article that she said slandered her by saying she gave Bill a blow job and she didn't.

Republicans convinced her to sue for sexual harassment and paid her legal fees. Her suit was dismissed "with prejudice" for lack of evidence. Republicans appealed the dismissal.
Your side giving a bad example.

How so?

You wasted the country's time over a sex act. Then you look the other way when Trump talks about "grabbing pussy's". Now when faced with a growing mountain of evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, you stick your head up your ass.

Dying to see this growing amount of evidence. If the Democrats said they had a bridge for sale and you never seen it, would you still buy it?

We wasted the countries time over a sex act? You are wasting time over made up bullshit without an ounce of evidence to support it. At least with Clinton, we had a history of his inappropriateness, we had witnesses, we had a woman who sued him for his actions. Now what do you have against Trump again???

Oh, a sex act in the Oral Office is much worse than compromising our national security.

And you voted for Hillary who's server contained sensitive and classified information that a high school computer geek could have broke into. But that's fine with you because she's a Democrat, isn't it?

The woman didn't sue him for his actions. She wanted an apology for the false magazine article that she said slandered her by saying she gave Bill a blow job and she didn't.

Republicans convinced her to sue for sexual harassment and paid her legal fees. Her suit was dismissed "with prejudice" for lack of evidence. Republicans appealed the dismissal.

I don't recall anything about a magazine article. She was asked what happened by a reporter from some television show, and she told him what happened. It was Clinton that denied what she said, and he sent Carver out to slander her. Bill didn't have the balls to do it himself. She demanded an apology, but Bill was too above her for that, and that's when they went to find out if this was something Bill did repeatedly. That's what led them to Lewinsky.
WTF did you just say? If I get a bunch of people that object to Nestles, the government can declare that Gerber Baby Food is no longer an approved food stamp item.

I can't believe you are actually so stupid to make that post.

Yes, people would have the right to object to Nestles if Nestles is being supported by public tax dollars.

Cutting out PP is not the same as not funding public radio. It is choosing an organization & attacking it when that organization is perfectly legal.

You little Naxi fuck.

PP is not the same as funding radio or television stations? What's the difference? Nobody ever said we should put PP out of business, we just said we don't want our tax dollars to go to the largest abortion center in the country. What if the Republicans decided to give funds to Smith & Wesson? I bet you would become a little Nazi yourself, wouldn't you?

Speaking of Nazism, you want to give tax dollars to an organization people object to, and force them against their will and vote to support them. I'm for giving voters the right to choose what kind of government (and handouts) they wish to give.

Well, dipstick, when you defund all public radio you are looking at ending funding for a classification of radio stations.

When you defund Planned Parenthood you defund a particular organization involved in Women's health.

in defunding PP, you are saying Medicare/ Medicaid, etc will no longer reimburse them for women's health services. You are one of the fucking morons who will prevent some women from access to birth control & then cry about abortions. You do know those two things are related?

A poll says 62% of Americans are against defunding PP. So why are you lying claiming most Americans want that?

Most of the people that voted for Trump want that, and we expect our representatives to give us what we want. Nothing wrong with that. It works the same way with your side. You people wanted government healthcare. Democrats couldn't provide you with that because if government took over healthcare, you wouldn't be able to sue your doctors or hospitals, and trial lawyers are one of the top contributors to the DNC come election time.

But they gave you Commie Care instead, and that was against our wishes. But you won fair and square, so you got to decide where our money was spent.

Don't act like there is something wrong with what we want, because we believe there are a lot of things wrong with what you want. I believe somebody on your side once said "Elections have consequences."
Most people did not vote for Trump.

Most people don't want PP defunded.

Single payer is like Medicare for all. It is not government healthcare.

Again for you to think it is OK for government to single out & penalize organizations that are legal just because you think it is against your pretend morality is really anti American.

Funding for PP is nothing more than vote buying in the first place. I'm against the federal government giving goodies to organizations that don't need it. Don't worry, PP will be just fine without my tax dollars and yours.

It's not a penalty, it's what Republican voters want. If we elect representatives and tell them we want X, we expect them to deliver X. Don't you believe that voters who's representatives are in leadership should get what they want? The Republicans have been giving us excuses for not defending the organization since they retook the leadership of the house back in 2010......2010!!!!!!

I think we waited long enough. Taxpayers should not be funding abortions. You want an abortion, pay for it yourself.
Earlier you asked, "How so?" Now I will tell you.

You, yourself, sets a bad example by talking about things you know nothing about. You don't know how I voted; you don't know my party affiliation; yet you deliberately speak as if you do.

I did not vote for Hillary and I am not a Democrat. And if there was no evidence against Trump, I would be the first one to say so. But whether you will admit it or not, Trump to, has a history.

A history of what? Do you believe everything limelight holders tell the media?

And don't tell me you're not a liberal. The good thing about people like you who are liberal is that you are too ashamed to admit it. The best part about this whole scam is how disappointed you all will be in several months when the investigation turns up nothing, and then we will be treated to all your conspiracy stories. Then we will dig up the hundreds of Russian collusion threads on this thing and rub your noses in it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Funny chit. Remember a couple of months ago it was Trump saying that he & his campaign had no Russian contact.

Now, it is you dipsticks not giving a shit about how Trump & his team have lied multiple times about Russian contacts as you ruin in circles screaming " OMG OMG No Collusion!!! No Collusion!!!>

So why did they lie about Russia contacts?

It was in response to politics and policy, not just being in the same room or shaking hands with some Russian dignitary at a party.

This may come as a shock to you on the left, but there is no law saying you can't speak to a member of any other country in the world. There is no law that an American can't do legitimate business with Russia; not that Trump has.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.

He wasn't negotiating anything with Russia. The act is in context of unauthorized people negotiating government policies--not private industry.
If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Most will buy tickets and get good seats.

We could sell popcorn, and soda, and raisinettes and cheese nachos and bottled water.

Afterwards, much of America will spill out into the streets in the wildest celebration since VJ Day.

A history of what? Do you believe everything limelight holders tell the media?

And don't tell me you're not a liberal.
Do you have ADD? You know god-damn well I'm a liberal and you also know I'm not shy about admitting it. So why are you acting like I don't?

As far as these so-called "limelight holders", are you saying I shouldn't believe anything I see Trump say to the media?

The good thing about people like you who are liberal is that you are too ashamed to admit it.
Let me know when you're done with your little sitcom.

The best part about this whole scam is how disappointed you all will be in several months when the investigation turns up nothing, and then we will be treated to all your conspiracy stories. Then we will dig up the hundreds of Russian collusion threads on this thing and rub your noses in it. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
And you're going to be pretty bummed when the opposite occurs.
Not an ounce of evidence that he (or his people) ever did anything like that. This all started out by a joke Trump made during the debates, and the Democrats created a make believe story out of it.
If that was true, there wouldn't be a special prosecutor and Michael Flynn wouldn't be invoking the 5th.
Do you have ADD? You know god-damn well I'm a liberal and you also know I'm not shy about admitting it. So why are you acting like I don't?

When you said this:

You, yourself, sets a bad example by talking about things you know nothing about. You don't know how I voted; you don't know my party affiliation; yet you deliberately speak as if you do.

I did not vote for Hillary and I am not a Democrat. And if there was no evidence against Trump, I would be the first one to say so. But whether you will admit it or not, Trump to, has a history.

As far as these so-called "limelight holders", are you saying I shouldn't believe anything I see Trump say to the media?

What did Trump say to the media? Or are you talking about that stupid comment on the bus when he was secretly being recorded? That's not the media.
Not an ounce of evidence that he (or his people) ever did anything like that. This all started out by a joke Trump made during the debates, and the Democrats created a make believe story out of it.
If that was true, there wouldn't be a special prosecutor and Michael Flynn wouldn't be invoking the 5th.

Is that how it works? Then the IRS scandal was 100% accurate. After all, that's how Louis Lerner pled!!!
What did Trump say to the media?
If you have to ask that, then you're not even qualified to take part in this discussion. Recuse yourself to another thread.

Or are you talking about that stupid comment on the bus when he was secretly being recorded? That's not the media.
I'm talking about the one-on-one interview he did where he said he was thinking about the investigation when he fired Comey.
WTF did you just say? If I get a bunch of people that object to Nestles, the government can declare that Gerber Baby Food is no longer an approved food stamp item.

I can't believe you are actually so stupid to make that post.

Yes, people would have the right to object to Nestles if Nestles is being supported by public tax dollars.

Cutting out PP is not the same as not funding public radio. It is choosing an organization & attacking it when that organization is perfectly legal.

You little Naxi fuck.

PP is not the same as funding radio or television stations? What's the difference? Nobody ever said we should put PP out of business, we just said we don't want our tax dollars to go to the largest abortion center in the country. What if the Republicans decided to give funds to Smith & Wesson? I bet you would become a little Nazi yourself, wouldn't you?

Speaking of Nazism, you want to give tax dollars to an organization people object to, and force them against their will and vote to support them. I'm for giving voters the right to choose what kind of government (and handouts) they wish to give.

Well, dipstick, when you defund all public radio you are looking at ending funding for a classification of radio stations.

When you defund Planned Parenthood you defund a particular organization involved in Women's health.

in defunding PP, you are saying Medicare/ Medicaid, etc will no longer reimburse them for women's health services. You are one of the fucking morons who will prevent some women from access to birth control & then cry about abortions. You do know those two things are related?

A poll says 62% of Americans are against defunding PP. So why are you lying claiming most Americans want that?

Most of the people that voted for Trump want that, and we expect our representatives to give us what we want. Nothing wrong with that. It works the same way with your side. You people wanted government healthcare. Democrats couldn't provide you with that because if government took over healthcare, you wouldn't be able to sue your doctors or hospitals, and trial lawyers are one of the top contributors to the DNC come election time.

But they gave you Commie Care instead, and that was against our wishes. But you won fair and square, so you got to decide where our money was spent.

Don't act like there is something wrong with what we want, because we believe there are a lot of things wrong with what you want. I believe somebody on your side once said "Elections have consequences."
Most people did not vote for Trump.

Most people don't want PP defunded.

Single payer is like Medicare for all. It is not government healthcare.

Again for you to think it is OK for government to single out & penalize organizations that are legal just because you think it is against your pretend morality is really anti American.
Because the slums should dictate who the President will be.
Why don't they just move to Red States?
That's a real thing happening now....

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