If you want Trump to be president in 2024, who would be your second choice if he does not run?

I don’t want Trump to be President in 2024. I just don’t want a senile puppet of the Far Left to be President. I also don’t want an insecure, entitled woman who thinks she’s entitled to the job because of her race. I would prefer a confident woman of color, either party.
Interesting. I thought Harris was at least confident, judging by her grilling of GOP staffers and administration officials while she was in the Senate and Trump was in the White House. While I disagree with Affirmative Action, I do like to see qualified women and people of color make good in our system, because it lends the lie to claims that our system is racist.

For example, I like Tulsi Gabbard, even though she has a (D) after her name, for her anti-war stance.

But Harris? What a train wreck she has turned out to be.
Don Jr. would be a good choice, but Melania would be a better choice if they could find her birth certificate proving she was actually born in this country but just plumb forgot.
Melania would check off the LGBTQ+ category and well as the chick category, on the basis of her famous lesbian photo shoot.
I don’t think so…the Alphabet weirdos are woke as fuck….they want to see a black chick with a dick on welfare in there.
Question is for Trumpers, but non-Trumpers please feel free to troll the thread as much as you like.
Thank you for you offer.
The choice is hypothetical. Trump will not get the bottom the GOP. They will NOT go back to trump and assist him installing a dictatorship like he tried on j6.
He can stand as an independent and will lose pure be ause he doesn't have the numbers. It will drag votes from the GOP and they will both lose to the dems purely on numbers. Hope won't get him over the line.

So appoint who you like. Appoint 10 VP s. It wont matter.
Cruz ideally. If he’s not available, DeSantis.

After that? Tough calls. Maybe Hillary?
Thank you for you offer.
The choice is hypothetical. Trump will not get the bottom the GOP. They will NOT go back to trump and assist him installing a dictatorship like he tried on j6.
He can stand as an independent and will lose pure be ause he doesn't have the numbers. It will drag votes from the GOP and they will both lose to the dems purely on numbers. Hope won't get him over the line.

So appoint who you like. Appoint 10 VP s. It wont matter.
Hahaha…Trump owns the GOP. He can pick his gig…PERIOD
Hahaha…Trump owns the GOP. He can pick his gig…PERIOD
Oh. That must be comforting. An ex POTUS linked with the every dictator on earth, orchestrated a failed coup and impeached twice.

That says a lot about the principles of the GOP.
You don't think much about what you post. Continue. I love ripping it up you.
Tucker Carlson / Stephen Miller
The absolute dream ticket…exactly what America needs right now…ain’t that right Mac1958 ?
Wow, I mean that is funny. To be a good president the nominee has to be able to pass the beer test. Or at least it used to be that way. I mean think about it. It would be nice to sit down and have a beer with Obama. He is smart, witty, it would be entertaining. But it would be a hell of a hoot to sit down and have a beer with Bush Jr. And Clinton, well he is well known for being the life of the party

But Trump, well you can't sit down and have a beer with him, he is among the teatotalling presidents, and they pretty much all sucked too. But Tucker Carlson and Stephen MIller, three beers in and I would be choking the life out of them. Carlson is about the beadiest eyed MF I have ever seen. And Miller, he is just an arrogant asshole.
I don’t want Trump to be President in 2024. I just don’t want a senile puppet of the Far Left to be President. I also don’t want an insecure, entitled woman who thinks she’s entitled to the job because of her race. I would prefer a confident woman of color, either party.
Dr. Condoleezza Rice.
Oh. That must be comforting. An ex POTUS linked with the every dictator on earth, orchestrated a failed coup and impeached twice.

That says a lot about the principles of the GOP.
You don't think much about what you post. Continue. I love ripping it up you.
True…super fucked in the head TDS’ers have definitely linked Trump to ”every dictator on earth”…..meanwhile outside of LibTardia, the worlds greatest investigator, Robert Mueller, for $50M couldn’t link him to any.
Interesting. I thought Harris was at least confident, judging by her grilling of GOP staffers and administration officials while she was in the Senate and Trump was in the White House. While I disagree with Affirmative Action, I do like to see qualified women and people of color make good in our system, because it lends the lie to claims that our system is racist.

For example, I like Tulsi Gabbard, even though she has a (D) after her name, for her anti-war stance.

But Harris? What a train wreck she has turned out to be.
Harris got destroyed by Gabbard. Condoleza Rice is very confident. She stood her ground during the 9/11 hearings when Democrats brought out their attack dogs… White men.
True…super fucked in the head TDS’ers have definitely linked Trump to ”every dictator on earth”…..meanwhile outside of LibTardia, the worlds greatest investigator, Robert Mueller, for $50M couldn’t link him to any.

Mueller had plenty, even with all the obstruction.
He was just following the OLC guidance on indicting a sitting president.

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