If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

When did Americans become so fucking lazy they don't even do the upkeep on their own laws? I don't remember EVER seeing landscaping companies mowing grass on private homes back in the day.

Well, if you're as old as I am, landscape companies weren't required, because kids were the ones running up and down the streets, mowing lawns for 5 bucks. I was one of them.

Now? Kids don't seem to want to do stuff like that, and some people just don't have the ability or time. Before I moved in with my room mate, she paid people to do her lawn because she has mobility problems. Now, I'm the one that mows the lawn and saves her the money (she pays me back with good cooking though).

Jesus!! How old are you?
I was getting 20 a yard in the eighties.

I'm 52. Did most of my lawn mowing in the late 60's and early 70's. And, it was small towns where things were a bit cheaper than the cities. Interesting that you were getting 20 bucks in the 80's, and 20 to 30 dollars is what the average lawn goes for now here on my street.

How much do people get per lawn where you live?

Around the burbs Chicago early 80s , $15 to $20.. $10 bucks to rake the lawn $10 to $20 hand shovel a drive way..little 1/8 to 1/4 acres.

When did Americans become so fucking lazy they don't even do the upkeep on their own laws? I don't remember EVER seeing landscaping companies mowing grass on private homes back in the day.

Well, if you're as old as I am, landscape companies weren't required, because kids were the ones running up and down the streets, mowing lawns for 5 bucks. I was one of them.

Now? Kids don't seem to want to do stuff like that, and some people just don't have the ability or time. Before I moved in with my room mate, she paid people to do her lawn because she has mobility problems. Now, I'm the one that mows the lawn and saves her the money (she pays me back with good cooking though).

Jesus!! How old are you?
I was getting 20 a yard in the eighties.

I'm 52. Did most of my lawn mowing in the late 60's and early 70's. And, it was small towns where things were a bit cheaper than the cities. Interesting that you were getting 20 bucks in the 80's, and 20 to 30 dollars is what the average lawn goes for now here on my street.

How much do people get per lawn where you live?

Around the burbs Chicago early 80s , $15 to $20.. $10 bucks to rake the lawn $10 to $20 hand shovel a drive way..little 1/8 to 1/4 acres.


Us kids did a killing though blizzard of 78...making $50 to $100 a pop /pushing sholving out cars and roofs

You know, I understand that a lot of you people are against assistance programs and think that welfare should be gotten rid of, but there ARE some places where assistance is not only needed, but it damn near required....................

That's for the people in the military who are married with children and are E5 and below. Why? They don't make that much money, and raising a family is expensive. I know, because for each of my 2 boys, I was a low enough rank (E4) to qualify for WIC, and if I didn't have that, it would have been very hard to make ends meet.

We don't pay the military enough in the lower ranks to support a family, and we should.
My first business agreement put me less than the minimum wage at the time....that's how I became a millionaire......
Unfortunately, too many Americans' hearts have turned cold. The Devil has gotten inside them. The Devil is always there, trying to get into our hearts and minds. He preys on human weaknesses like greed and hate.

I truly believe more Americans desperately need the power of prayer. God is real. God is stronger the Devil. He can keep the Devil away. We need to help our fellow Americans. And if most would just let go of their greed, bitterness, and fear, we can do that.


And thus we see the end of him who perverteth the ways of the Lord; and thus we see that the devil will not support his children at the last day, but doth speedily drag them down to hell. (Alma 30:60)
I hear ya
Most of the people that believe all it takes to be successful is ambition and the willingness to work hard, have never faced the problems of those that can't get ahead no matter how hard they work.

They comfort themselves with the belief that failure is always a personal choice so nothing can or should be done about. These are also the same people that are so shocked when the breaking news is a young mother that killed herself and her three children out of desperation and hopelessness.

“Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes”
I have walked a mile in ALL THEIR SHOES.
I've been homeless
I've been to prison
I was given over to the state at the age of 7
I've lived in the ghetto
I've lived in drug houses

There isn't much in the way of bad luck or poor decisions I haven't experienced. Yet I was able to rise above it all because of my determination to get out of that life.

Excuses are just that....EXCUSES
Guess some of us are so continually knocked down and just don't have the strength or the belief things will ever get better NO MATTER WHAT they do. By this time in my life I want to raise my kids get them hopefully off to college and then just go hide in the damn woods with my books and watch the world go by without bothering me. I am not sure WHAT it is but I have practically given up thinking I can improve MY life,my wife she has been accepted to college and is working her way through the pile of bullshit to start next fall for her RN degree and I am backing her and dealing with shit work shifts and taking on more work at home to help her. I got my CDL,got injured,then tried college and it wasn't for me I was constantly antsy and scatter brained and just wanted to get away constantly. Its like I am now I HATE staying in one place for more than a month or so at a time....not a great life for a family obviously so the urge is constantly there but so is the KNOWING that my kids need stability etc. Granted both me and the wife look back and realize we REALLY fucked up. She had a bright future ahead of her she wanted to be a chef in a big hotel or eatery etc,me I realize I should NOT have ever had kids as I am just someone who wants to be on the road 24/7. I LOVE finding books,reading books,collecting books and traveling. Mix all that together and well you get what I got now. Miserable,Depressed life I can't WAIT to escape from. Youngest is 20 months so got 16 years still....I wish more than anything I had 2 things growing up. 1. parents that actually gave a shit to push me towards higher education even if it was tech school or something and 2. a mind that didn't run 24/7 and want to escape society and just enjoy freedom.

I hear ya. Just find some good hobbies to get into. Cooking is one great hobby. Nothing like cooking your own fantastic meals. Once you get into it, it can be very fun and rewarding. It's little things that often improve quality of life. Just find a couple hobbies that make you happy. They'll get ya through all the struggles.
I read. I collect books,I love going to thrift stores and looking for new books....but with christmas and wife just getting back to work and now truck being a major POS no money to do so. Don't scoped all stores near here would like to plan trip into Georgia or Tennessee or Charlotte,NC. I wish I enjoyed going to bars and drinking to get away from all the noise but I don't. I prefer being alone reading or researching etc. Not much space or time to do that here.Oh well life goes on for now...just hope shit changes soon.

It will change. I don't know if you're spiritual or not, but i feel praying really does help. Pray together with someone you trust and love. It works. And i'm not trying to sell you anything. I have a family member who's very spiritual. But he's never pushed it on anyone.

Awhile back, i had some problems. And sometimes when talking with him on the phone, he would offer for us to pray together. At first i didn't see much point, but i tried it anyway. And as the weeks and months passed, i started realizing that things were improving quite a bit. It was crazy. I don't know if you could call it a 'Miracle', but it seemed like it to me at the time. So hang in there. Find a close friend or family member you can pray with. I truly believe positive change will happen for you.
No not religious or spiritual. Oh and yeah not changing anytime soon! Alternator has gone bad and now wife can't get to work. OH BOY! Fuck My life.
I hear ya
I have walked a mile in ALL THEIR SHOES.
I've been homeless
I've been to prison
I was given over to the state at the age of 7
I've lived in the ghetto
I've lived in drug houses

There isn't much in the way of bad luck or poor decisions I haven't experienced. Yet I was able to rise above it all because of my determination to get out of that life.

Excuses are just that....EXCUSES
Guess some of us are so continually knocked down and just don't have the strength or the belief things will ever get better NO MATTER WHAT they do. By this time in my life I want to raise my kids get them hopefully off to college and then just go hide in the damn woods with my books and watch the world go by without bothering me. I am not sure WHAT it is but I have practically given up thinking I can improve MY life,my wife she has been accepted to college and is working her way through the pile of bullshit to start next fall for her RN degree and I am backing her and dealing with shit work shifts and taking on more work at home to help her. I got my CDL,got injured,then tried college and it wasn't for me I was constantly antsy and scatter brained and just wanted to get away constantly. Its like I am now I HATE staying in one place for more than a month or so at a time....not a great life for a family obviously so the urge is constantly there but so is the KNOWING that my kids need stability etc. Granted both me and the wife look back and realize we REALLY fucked up. She had a bright future ahead of her she wanted to be a chef in a big hotel or eatery etc,me I realize I should NOT have ever had kids as I am just someone who wants to be on the road 24/7. I LOVE finding books,reading books,collecting books and traveling. Mix all that together and well you get what I got now. Miserable,Depressed life I can't WAIT to escape from. Youngest is 20 months so got 16 years still....I wish more than anything I had 2 things growing up. 1. parents that actually gave a shit to push me towards higher education even if it was tech school or something and 2. a mind that didn't run 24/7 and want to escape society and just enjoy freedom.

I hear ya. Just find some good hobbies to get into. Cooking is one great hobby. Nothing like cooking your own fantastic meals. Once you get into it, it can be very fun and rewarding. It's little things that often improve quality of life. Just find a couple hobbies that make you happy. They'll get ya through all the struggles.
I read. I collect books,I love going to thrift stores and looking for new books....but with christmas and wife just getting back to work and now truck being a major POS no money to do so. Don't scoped all stores near here would like to plan trip into Georgia or Tennessee or Charlotte,NC. I wish I enjoyed going to bars and drinking to get away from all the noise but I don't. I prefer being alone reading or researching etc. Not much space or time to do that here.Oh well life goes on for now...just hope shit changes soon.

It will change. I don't know if you're spiritual or not, but i feel praying really does help. Pray together with someone you trust and love. It works. And i'm not trying to sell you anything. I have a family member who's very spiritual. But he's never pushed it on anyone.

Awhile back, i had some problems. And sometimes when talking with him on the phone, he would offer for us to pray together. At first i didn't see much point, but i tried it anyway. And as the weeks and months passed, i started realizing that things were improving quite a bit. It was crazy. I don't know if you could call it a 'Miracle', but it seemed like it to me at the time. So hang in there. Find a close friend or family member you can pray with. I truly believe positive change will happen for you.
No not religious or spiritual. Oh and yeah not changing anytime soon! Alternator has gone bad and now wife can't get to work. OH BOY! Fuck My life.

I really do hear what you're saying. I wasn't very spiritual either. But if you know someone who is, get in contact with them. I'm serious, the power of prayer is real. You just have to put yourself in God's hands and accept his help. He is there for you. He's always there. But so is the Devil. And the Devil's always trying to get into your heart and mind. He whispers dark negativity into your ears. He feeds off your hopelessness.

But prayer will keep the Devil away. God will replace the darkness with light. And seriously, i'm not trying to sell you anything. Please find a friend or loved one who will pray with you. And maybe try going to Church this Sunday. It will truly lift your spirits. And you'll get to meet some really good people who wanna help. Just try it and let me know how it goes. I'm here on this Board all the time. God bless.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

You assume that is the only reason someone is working for minimum wage :cuckoo:

Maybe they got laid off or lost their jobs and it's the only job they can get - should they be on welfare?

Maybe it's a divorced woman who's prior career had been raising her family - is that a worthless endeavor in your eyes?

Maybe it's the only effing job in a town that's lost most of it's industry.
Put it this way if you don't posses the ambition to improve your own standard of living then you have no one to blame but yourself.
It's obvious. You are simple minded. You think there are simple solutions to complex problems. Lemme guess...you voted for Trump.

Well Well Well, look who has moved to the next stage "Acceptance". Good to have you back from your hiding and whining phase.

Common Sense..........Simple Minded? A Midwest farmer has more common sense to spare, in flyover country. Kept you and your family fed for your entire life.

Still don't see why we need DC to demand a pay level in NYC vs. Tulsa? Impossible number?
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Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.
Approximately 2% of the workers are at or below minimum wage. Regardless of their education, or ambition, we still have 2% at or below minimum wage just different people. Some one always has to be at the bottom.
And that is my problem why?
I didn't say it was your problem.
You know, I understand that a lot of you people are against assistance programs and think that welfare should be gotten rid of, but there ARE some places where assistance is not only needed, but it damn near required....................

That's for the people in the military who are married with children and are E5 and below. Why? They don't make that much money, and raising a family is expensive. I know, because for each of my 2 boys, I was a low enough rank (E4) to qualify for WIC, and if I didn't have that, it would have been very hard to make ends meet.

We don't pay the military enough in the lower ranks to support a family, and we should.

No I never heard of republicans wanting to get rid of assistance programs, more awareness of the corruption that goes along with them, how people use and abuse them, for some reason most democrats have no problem with it because they know where their bread is buttered.

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Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

You assume that is the only reason someone is working for minimum wage :cuckoo:

Maybe they got laid off or lost their jobs and it's the only job they can get - should they be on welfare?

Maybe it's a divorced woman who's prior career had been raising her family - is that a worthless endeavor in your eyes?

Maybe it's the only effing job in a town that's lost most of it's industry.
Make it's none of your fucking business.....
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

All interesting points. However, somebody has to do these jobs. What do you do when they aren't done? no food being picked? No grass verges being mowed? No toilets being cleaned, or other premises. You get a third-world country. Nothing wrong with giving people a liveable wage. Also, don't forget that those minimum wages help keep inflation down. If everybody got paid $100,000 interest rates would go through the roof - supply and demand....everybody would have enough to buy shit, so sellers would put up prices due to scarcity..
Your missing the point. Your station in life is your responsibility irregardless of how much money you make. As to low wages on high demand jobs.....Stop filling them with illegals and the pay will go up for American workers unless the farmer is just gonna say fuck it & let his crop rot.

Untrue. We are at what is commonly known as "full employment" in this nation. Wages suck for a reason other than labor supply.

What could it be?

1. Huh? You want to ignore the over supply of cheap illegal labor that got into the construction trades over the past 30 years?

2. Obama care is another reason changing a few million full time jobs to part time.

But we know you want to also ignore that

3. Temporary jobs..they have been rising before Obama but have excelled during the recession.

4. We live in a global economy now..the only way for states to get jobs is to go to right To work..or states like Washington who rely heavily on government Defense jobs and military retires.

A lot of reasons...but CEO pay is not one of them..

Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

You assume that is the only reason someone is working for minimum wage :cuckoo:

Maybe they got laid off or lost their jobs and it's the only job they can get - should they be on welfare?

Maybe it's a divorced woman who's prior career had been raising her family - is that a worthless endeavor in your eyes?

Maybe it's the only effing job in a town that's lost most of it's industry.
Make it's none of your fucking business.....

The thread on an open messageboard makes it my fucking business.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

You assume that is the only reason someone is working for minimum wage :cuckoo:

Maybe they got laid off or lost their jobs and it's the only job they can get - should they be on welfare?

Maybe it's a divorced woman who's prior career had been raising her family - is that a worthless endeavor in your eyes?

Maybe it's the only effing job in a town that's lost most of it's industry.
Make it's none of your fucking business.....

The thread on an open messageboard makes it my fucking business.
RIF.....it's your only way out of the democrat plantation.....
When did Americans become so fucking lazy they don't even do the upkeep on their own laws? I don't remember EVER seeing landscaping companies mowing grass on private homes back in the day.

Well, if you're as old as I am, landscape companies weren't required, because kids were the ones running up and down the streets, mowing lawns for 5 bucks. I was one of them.

Now? Kids don't seem to want to do stuff like that, and some people just don't have the ability or time. Before I moved in with my room mate, she paid people to do her lawn because she has mobility problems. Now, I'm the one that mows the lawn and saves her the money (she pays me back with good cooking though).

Jesus!! How old are you?
I was getting 20 a yard in the eighties.

I'm 52. Did most of my lawn mowing in the late 60's and early 70's. And, it was small towns where things were a bit cheaper than the cities. Interesting that you were getting 20 bucks in the 80's, and 20 to 30 dollars is what the average lawn goes for now here on my street.

How much do people get per lawn where you live?

Wait a minute,you were cutting grass when you were 5 or 6 years old?
I'm in Katy Texas right outside of Houston and i'm one year younger than you.
In my youth when I was cutting grass in the very early eighties right outside Houston in the Bear Creek area and I made 20 bucks a yard to mow edge and weed eat.
I can still get that basic service for 25 bucks which is mow edge and weed eat.

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