If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
And don't give me that "they never got a break" bullshit.
I'm an excon.

Good for you. Not everyone has the right combination of work ethic and opportunity and breaks.

You're absolutely wrong.
A lot of people dont have the wherewithal to fix their own problems.
Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
And don't give me that "they never got a break" bullshit.
I'm an excon.

Good for you. Not everyone has the right combination of work ethic and opportunity and breaks.
Work ethic is certainly within one's control, right?
2. Obama care is another reason changing a few million full time jobs to part time.

But we know you want to also ignore that

Long story: I try to be short. I know a guy. Financial Advisor for one of the big ones. After election when market went up I asked about Trump. Basically he said he has MANY small business clients. Topic went to how they feel, He said they were considering expanding hiring?

I said how many? why?
He said "ALL of them", ASAP. ObamaCare changes are biggest issue. Meaning if things work out.........there could be some jobs next year. Come on Trump. Please don't continue Obama blow up of Federal Debt. We want it all FOR FREE.
Hate to break your bubble, but congress will repeal Obamacare but nothing will change until at least 2018, after the mid term elections. This will give congress time to workout the replacement plan and avoid the fallout at midterm. No one knows what that plan will look like. It may or may not be better than Obamacare. No one has seen it so we don't. So if these businesses are going to start hiring next year because they think repealing Obamacare is going make any difference in the near future, they are making a big mistake.
Put it this way if you don't posses the ambition to improve your own standard of living then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Ambition is only the first step.

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
One man's success could be another's failure. Success is accomplishing one's purpose. That may be just doing a good job, being a good father or mother, achieving great wealth, or maybe just making life a bit better for others. Who's to say what success really is.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
And don't give me that "they never got a break" bullshit.
I'm an excon.

Good for you. Not everyone has the right combination of work ethic and opportunity and breaks.
Work ethic is certainly within one's control, right?

It's the only thing that is. Many people have a great work ethic, work hard all their lives, but still die poor in financial terms.
Right, America is only for the most capable, if you were born with limitations and you can't earn more the government shouldn't protect you. You deserve to live a life of poverty and deprivation and die penniless on the street.
Next time be born with a higher IQ or at east to rich parents, Loser!
Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
And don't give me that "they never got a break" bullshit.
I'm an excon.

Good for you. Not everyone has the right combination of work ethic and opportunity and breaks.
Most people don't.
Right, America is only for the most capable, if you were born with limitations and you can't earn more the government shouldn't protect you. You deserve to live a life of poverty and deprivation and die penniless on the street.
Next time be born with a higher IQ or at east to rich parents, Loser!
That's right out of conservative ideology.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

Your boss doesn't respect you enough to pay you a living wage.
Also, if you live in the most powerful country in the world and your skill is one that somebody in the Phillipines can do for $2 an hour, when they get your job your problems are yours alone.

The solution to that is tariffs that increase the cost of importing said goods, something the federal government actually has constitutional power to do.

They don't even have to be fair tariffs.
Yes the free market is evil and must be restrained by massive and unfair artificial controls

There is no free market. Never has been, never will be.
On our local news today, they were interviewing a woman who came to the US twenty five years ago, overstayed her six month visa, and had four kids.

She was bemoaning the fact that she was afraid she could possibly be deported.

Well, that's what the translator said she said .... she's been in the US 25 years, never held a job, been on government assistance for 25 years, and never even learned to speak English.

You get what you earn in this life.
Also, if you live in the most powerful country in the world and your skill is one that somebody in the Phillipines can do for $2 an hour, when they get your job your problems are yours alone.

No, but it's somehow different! :laugh2:
From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
And don't give me that "they never got a break" bullshit.
I'm an excon.

Good for you. Not everyone has the right combination of work ethic and opportunity and breaks.
Work ethic is certainly within one's control, right?

It's the only thing that is. Many people have a great work ethic, work hard all their lives, but still die poor in financial terms.
In your mind.....

I've seen many a wealthy poor person....and many a poor wealthy person.....but it's none of my business....
On our local news today, they were interviewing a woman who came to the US twenty five years ago, overstayed her six month visa, and had four kids.

She was bemoaning the fact that she was afraid she could possibly be deported.

Well, that's what the translator said she said .... she's been in the US 25 years, never held a job, been on government assistance for 25 years, and never even learned to speak English.

You get what you earn in this life.
I hope she is in the first wave of deportations....
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

All interesting points. However, somebody has to do these jobs. What do you do when they aren't done? no food being picked? No grass verges being mowed? No toilets being cleaned, or other premises. You get a third-world country. Nothing wrong with giving people a liveable wage. Also, don't forget that those minimum wages help keep inflation down. If everybody got paid $100,000 interest rates would go through the roof - supply and demand....everybody would have enough to buy shit, so sellers would put up prices due to scarcity..
Your missing the point. Your station in life is your responsibility irregardless of how much money you make. As to low wages on high demand jobs.....Stop filling them with illegals and the pay will go up for American workers unless the farmer is just gonna say fuck it & let his crop rot.

Untrue. We are at what is commonly known as "full employment" in this nation. Wages suck for a reason other than labor supply.

What could it be?

1. Huh? You want to ignore the over supply of cheap illegal labor that got into the construction trades over the past 30 years?

2. Obama care is another reason changing a few million full time jobs to part time.

But we know you want to also ignore that

3. Temporary jobs..they have been rising before Obama but have excelled during the recession.

4. We live in a global economy now..the only way for states to get jobs is to go to right To work..or states like Washington who rely heavily on government Defense jobs and military retires.

A lot of reasons...but CEO pay is not one of them..


Complete garbage.
Ambition is only the first step.

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
They die poor because they lacked ambition.

I'm starting to think none of you know what it's like to apply yourself against odds an succeed

Simple mindedness leads people to make false assumptions.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.
Oh but your financial problems are the fault of the president and the economy.

You're just a bad businessman.
My business is doing fine. It struggled mightily when Obama became president and has still not fully recovered. A business/public relationship is NEVER immune to market forces. And shifting trends & needs require me to be far more flexible than a 9 to 5er

This is proof that it is possible to own a small business while knowing nothing about what makes the economy work. This fool blames Obama for the dip in his business.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
They die poor because they lacked ambition.

I'm starting to think none of you know what it's like to apply yourself against odds an succeed

I'm starting to think you don't know much about people.
I guarantee you I know more than 90% of this board. I can sell a gold plated kitchen faucet to my poorest client.
You may call that a bullshitter but I maintain that without being able to read people and understanding how to manipulate them that task would be impossible.

If that is true, how did Obama hurt your business? Did he slow your roll?
On our local news today, they were interviewing a woman who came to the US twenty five years ago, overstayed her six month visa, and had four kids.

She was bemoaning the fact that she was afraid she could possibly be deported.

Well, that's what the translator said she said .... she's been in the US 25 years, never held a job, been on government assistance for 25 years, and never even learned to speak English.

You get what you earn in this life.

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