If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

When did Americans become so fucking lazy they don't even do the upkeep on their own laws? I don't remember EVER seeing landscaping companies mowing grass on private homes back in the day.

Well, if you're as old as I am, landscape companies weren't required, because kids were the ones running up and down the streets, mowing lawns for 5 bucks. I was one of them.

Now? Kids don't seem to want to do stuff like that, and some people just don't have the ability or time. Before I moved in with my room mate, she paid people to do her lawn because she has mobility problems. Now, I'm the one that mows the lawn and saves her the money (she pays me back with good cooking though).

Jesus!! How old are you?
I was getting 20 a yard in the eighties.

I think he is a baby boomer..

That sounds about right early mid 70s


He's only one year older than me and he says he was cutting grass when he was 5 or 6 years old.
2. Obama care is another reason changing a few million full time jobs to part time.

But we know you want to also ignore that

Long story: I try to be short. I know a guy. Financial Advisor for one of the big ones. After election when market went up I asked about Trump. Basically he said he has MANY small business clients. Topic went to how they feel, He said they were considering expanding hiring?

I said how many? why?
He said "ALL of them", ASAP. ObamaCare changes are biggest issue. Meaning if things work out.........there could be some jobs next year. Come on Trump. Please don't continue Obama blow up of Federal Debt. We want it all FOR FREE.
Last edited:
People have life circumstances that sometimes leads to minimum wage jobs. And who's supposed to do these jobs? Someone has to do it. Working at a fast food job doesn't mean you have no ambition.

A lot of people work fast food jobs to put themselves through college or to take care fo family. Some people have a sick parent or sibling.

There are a lot of reasons why someone might work a fast food job. You need to pay them a reasonable wage.

Doesn't the free market dictate wages through price discovery?
We're the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to be more compassionate towards our fellow Americans. Help those in need. Very few can survive on the current Minimum Wage. Let's not curse them and just throw em away. We're a better nation than that. I truly believe that.

So where does that leave the nurse who gets paid 15 bucks an hour who had to bust their ass to get it?

We should all let go of greed, envy, and bitterness. We should help each other. We're an incredibly wealthy nation. No American should have to slog along on such a low Minimum Wage. We can definitely do better for our fellow Americans. Let's do it.

Doesn't the free market set prices through price discovery?
Put it this way if you don't posses the ambition to improve your own standard of living then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Ambition is only the first step.

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.
Put it this way if you don't posses the ambition to improve your own standard of living then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Ambition is only the first step.

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy.
How the fuck do you know?
Put it this way if you don't posses the ambition to improve your own standard of living then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Ambition is only the first step.

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy.

I beg to differ. I lived with the proverbial silver spoon in my mouth till the age of eleven.
Rents got a divorce and I learned real quick what it's like to live on the other side.
I lived in a house with a buddy with no electricity and we took cold showers in February and cooked over the fireplace when I was eighteen.
That was the indicator for me. I never stopped trying to upgrade until I retired at 46.
Put it this way if you don't posses the ambition to improve your own standard of living then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Ambition is only the first step.

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.
Put it this way if you don't posses the ambition to improve your own standard of living then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Ambition is only the first step.

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
When did Americans become so fucking lazy they don't even do the upkeep on their own laws? I don't remember EVER seeing landscaping companies mowing grass on private homes back in the day.

Well, if you're as old as I am, landscape companies weren't required, because kids were the ones running up and down the streets, mowing lawns for 5 bucks. I was one of them.

Now? Kids don't seem to want to do stuff like that, and some people just don't have the ability or time. Before I moved in with my room mate, she paid people to do her lawn because she has mobility problems. Now, I'm the one that mows the lawn and saves her the money (she pays me back with good cooking though).

Jesus!! How old are you?
I was getting 20 a yard in the eighties.

I think he is a baby boomer..

That sounds about right early mid 70s


He's only one year older than me and he says he was cutting grass when he was 5 or 6 years old.
To be fair when I do my front yard I walk it because it's so steep & my grandson follows me with his play mower. It's louder than my Honda lol
Put it this way if you don't posses the ambition to improve your own standard of living then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Ambition is only the first step.

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
They die poor because they lacked ambition.

I'm starting to think none of you know what it's like to apply yourself against odds an succeed
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.
Oh but your financial problems are the fault of the president and the economy.

You're just a bad businessman.
Ambition is only the first step.

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
They die poor because they lacked ambition.

I'm starting to think none of you know what it's like to apply yourself against odds an succeed

I'm starting to think you don't know much about people.
Put it this way if you don't posses the ambition to improve your own standard of living then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Ambition is only the first step.

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
And don't give me that "they never got a break" bullshit.
I'm an excon.
Ambition is only the first step.

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
And don't give me that "they never got a break" bullshit.
I'm an excon.

Good for you. Not everyone has the right combination of work ethic and opportunity and breaks.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.
Oh but your financial problems are the fault of the president and the economy.

You're just a bad businessman.
My business is doing fine. It struggled mightily when Obama became president and has still not fully recovered. A business/public relationship is NEVER immune to market forces. And shifting trends & needs require me to be far more flexible than a 9 to 5er
Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
And don't give me that "they never got a break" bullshit.
I'm an excon.

Good for you. Not everyone has the right combination of work ethic and opportunity and breaks.
Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
They die poor because they lacked ambition.

I'm starting to think none of you know what it's like to apply yourself against odds an succeed

I'm starting to think you don't know much about people.
I guarantee you I know more than 90% of this board. I can sell a gold plated kitchen faucet to my poorest client.
You may call that a bullshitter but I maintain that without being able to read people and understanding how to manipulate them that task would be impossible.
Put it this way if you don't posses the ambition to improve your own standard of living then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Ambition is only the first step.

Its the only step you need, everything else will fall into place if you Dont quit , get jaded or stop trying.
Pardon the language, but BULL SHIT. Someone that got hooked on drugs at 15, got dumped on the streets by their parents at 16, dropped out of school at 17, arrested and out of jail at 21, is not going to turn their life around with just ambition. Everybody at the bottom of the heap, hooked on drugs has ambition which last till their stash of drug runs low.

People make the mistake of thinking that people like this can just say no, get a good education, and job. It's so simple. If you've been taught by word and deed by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or cell mates, that you can't succeed, the chips are stacked against you, you will fail. You first have to believe in yourself and that does not come easy. It takes help and usually a lot of it and still a lot of people can't make it.

From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.

The cream always rises to the top, all you need is ambition and the breaks will come, you know how many times in my life I talked with mangers, bosses, presidents of my past and current job about people?

Heck just in the past two weeks, my managers manager talked to me about this young hard working black kid that was a temporary janitor, he asked for my advice... We hired him permanent and he will start working more closely with maintence helping out with general preventive maintenance on machinery..

Another young maintence guy (around 35) they wanted to fire...I talked them out of it and now he is working on my shift with me.


BTW what is poor coyote? Hell I would rather be poor money wise and still have my self respect, love, family , friends and freedom..

Then be a millionaire any day with out them.

When did Americans become so fucking lazy they don't even do the upkeep on their own laws? I don't remember EVER seeing landscaping companies mowing grass on private homes back in the day.

Well, if you're as old as I am, landscape companies weren't required, because kids were the ones running up and down the streets, mowing lawns for 5 bucks. I was one of them.

Now? Kids don't seem to want to do stuff like that, and some people just don't have the ability or time. Before I moved in with my room mate, she paid people to do her lawn because she has mobility problems. Now, I'm the one that mows the lawn and saves her the money (she pays me back with good cooking though).

Jesus!! How old are you?
I was getting 20 a yard in the eighties.

I think he is a baby boomer..

That sounds about right early mid 70s


He's only one year older than me and he says he was cutting grass when he was 5 or 6 years old.
To be fair when I do my front yard I walk it because it's so steep & my grandson follows me with his play mower. It's louder than my Honda lol

I've sat back and waited for a correction yet it hasn't come...

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