If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

On our local news today, they were interviewing a woman who came to the US twenty five years ago, overstayed her six month visa, and had four kids.

She was bemoaning the fact that she was afraid she could possibly be deported.

Well, that's what the translator said she said .... she's been in the US 25 years, never held a job, been on government assistance for 25 years, and never even learned to speak English.

You get what you earn in this life.

It was a local news broadcast --- I think I said that.

Thus, no link.
They don't have a website? Fake bs.

It was just on 5 minutes ago.....
That's not a link. It's a crime if true. Fox lol
No, you low education types wouldn't understand anyway....or care....
Fake news, dupe.
It wasnt on MSM.....so it's real....
God will not be amused by your willful ignorance, dupe...

Your fascism ain't going to get you far....
2. Obama care is another reason changing a few million full time jobs to part time.

But we know you want to also ignore that

Long story: I try to be short. I know a guy. Financial Advisor for one of the big ones. After election when market went up I asked about Trump. Basically he said he has MANY small business clients. Topic went to how they feel, He said they were considering expanding hiring?

I said how many? why?
He said "ALL of them", ASAP. ObamaCare changes are biggest issue. Meaning if things work out.........there could be some jobs next year. Come on Trump. Please don't continue Obama blow up of Federal Debt. We want it all FOR FREE.
Hate to break your bubble, but congress will repeal Obamacare but nothing will change until at least 2018, after the mid term elections. This will give congress time to workout the replacement plan and avoid the fallout at midterm. No one knows what that plan will look like. It may or may not be better than Obamacare. No one has seen it so we don't. So if these businesses are going to start hiring next year because they think repealing Obamacare is going make any difference in the near future, they are making a big mistake.

It doesn't have to be repealed all at one time. It can be torn down limb by limb starting with the employer mandate. Hopefully they will eliminate the citizen mandate at the same time. Government should not be in the business of telling people what they have to buy or what benefits they have to provide to their employees. That's as un-American as it gets.
YUP, BACK TO INCREDIBLY expensive, no hope for regulation, scam GOP "system" with cutoffs, 750k bankruptcies/year- 500 k with what they thought was good insurance, no insurance for pre-existing, and 40k dying/year for no good reason. Great idea, dupe.

Luckily, Trump is not as dumb as the dupes...
That's not a link. It's a crime if true. Fox lol
No, you low education types wouldn't understand anyway....or care....
Fake news, dupe.
It wasnt on MSM.....so it's real....
God will not be amused by your willful ignorance, dupe...

Your fascism ain't going to get you far....
Fascism is RW, dupe. Read something.
From the huffpost..I got a million more examples.. If you want to try me, Quit trying to sell people short and need the nanny state will you fool?

All you need is Ambition..

From Homeless to Lawyer: One Woman’s Amazing Journey
May 25, 2010 | Updated May 25, 2011

Gina Furia Rubel Citizen journalist, attorney and publicist, a.k.a. The PR Lawyer
Nikki Johnson-Huston, Esq. has an amazing story. She has gone from being homeless to being an award-winning young attorney in Philadelphia.

Nikki grew up in a life of poverty. Having moved from Detroit to Southern California, she found herself homeless by the time she was nine years old along with her mother and brother. After living in various shelters, on the street, in motels and being fed in soup kitchens for nearly a year, Nikki was sent to live with her disabled grandmother who although poor herself, gave Nikki a chance at a normal life. By the time she was a senior in high school, it seemed like life had turned around. Nikki earned a college scholarship to St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. But like she was told on the first day of college, “Look to your left and look to your right, the person next to you won’t be here in four years.” So, true to form, Nikki failed out of college after her first year. But what is truly remarkable is that Nikki persevered - went back to St. Joe’s in their night school program and on to Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. She is now a successful lawyer who hopes to pay it forward.

Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
And don't give me that "they never got a break" bullshit.
I'm an excon.

Good for you. Not everyone has the right combination of work ethic and opportunity and breaks.
Work ethic is certainly within one's control, right?

It's the only thing that is. Many people have a great work ethic, work hard all their lives, but still die poor in financial terms.

It's the way the politicians have planned it!
Fake news, dupe.
It wasnt on MSM.....so it's real....
God will not be amused by your willful ignorance, dupe...

Your fascism ain't going to get you far....
Fascism is RW, dupe. Read something.
Your idiocy is epic.....
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...
Sometimes you need more than that. You need the right breaks at the right time. There are many people who work hard and honestly their entire lives, and still die poor.

I don't understand why people feel the need to attach a moral failing to honest work if it doesn't pay a lot.
And don't give me that "they never got a break" bullshit.
I'm an excon.

Good for you. Not everyone has the right combination of work ethic and opportunity and breaks.
Work ethic is certainly within one's control, right?

It's the only thing that is. Many people have a great work ethic, work hard all their lives, but still die poor in financial terms.

It's the way the politicians have planned it!
GOP politicians.
It wasnt on MSM.....so it's real....
God will not be amused by your willful ignorance, dupe...

Your fascism ain't going to get you far....
Fascism is RW, dupe. Read something.
Your idiocy is epic.....
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...
Can you get a refund on your on-line degree?
On our local news today, they were interviewing a woman who came to the US twenty five years ago, overstayed her six month visa, and had four kids.

She was bemoaning the fact that she was afraid she could possibly be deported.

Well, that's what the translator said she said .... she's been in the US 25 years, never held a job, been on government assistance for 25 years, and never even learned to speak English.

You get what you earn in this life.

It was a local news broadcast --- I think I said that.

Thus, no link.
They don't have a website? Fake bs.
It wasnt on MSM.....so it's real....
God will not be amused by your willful ignorance, dupe...

Your fascism ain't going to get you far....
Fascism is RW, dupe. Read something.
Your idiocy is epic.....
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...

There IS no respected media ....
God will not be amused by your willful ignorance, dupe...

Your fascism ain't going to get you far....
Fascism is RW, dupe. Read something.
Your idiocy is epic.....
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...
Can you get a refund on your on-line degree?
Hilarious , dupe. Fascism- with powerful corps and rich- is RW. The LW totalitarians are communists- no corps or rich. Get it?


That's higher taxes FOR THE RICH (Dems), and lower taxes FOR THE RICH (GOP)
On our local news today, they were interviewing a woman who came to the US twenty five years ago, overstayed her six month visa, and had four kids.

She was bemoaning the fact that she was afraid she could possibly be deported.

Well, that's what the translator said she said .... she's been in the US 25 years, never held a job, been on government assistance for 25 years, and never even learned to speak English.

You get what you earn in this life.

It was a local news broadcast --- I think I said that.

Thus, no link.
They don't have a website? Fake bs.
God will not be amused by your willful ignorance, dupe...

Your fascism ain't going to get you far....
Fascism is RW, dupe. Read something.
Your idiocy is epic.....
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...

There IS no respected media ....
Terminally duped and confused....

Your fascism ain't going to get you far....
Fascism is RW, dupe. Read something.
Your idiocy is epic.....
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...
Can you get a refund on your on-line degree?
Hilarious , dupe. Fascism- with powerful corps and rich- is RW. The LW totalitarians are communists- no corps or rich. Get it?


That's higher taxes FOR THE RICH (Dems), and lower taxes FOR THE RICH (GOP)
Well, at least your degree was worthless, so it couldn't have cost too much..:lol:
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

But the Democrats and the Democrat Media Complex have convinced the PARASITES that government owes them a living.

On our local news today, they were interviewing a woman who came to the US twenty five years ago, overstayed her six month visa, and had four kids.

She was bemoaning the fact that she was afraid she could possibly be deported.

Well, that's what the translator said she said .... she's been in the US 25 years, never held a job, been on government assistance for 25 years, and never even learned to speak English.

You get what you earn in this life.

It was a local news broadcast --- I think I said that.

Thus, no link.
They don't have a website? Fake bs.
God will not be amused by your willful ignorance, dupe...

Your fascism ain't going to get you far....
Fascism is RW, dupe. Read something.
Your idiocy is epic.....
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...

There IS no respected media ....
There IS media that we should respect.

The catch is, we don't. Somehow, we're a nation that is fully guided by confirmation bias and is ready to suck up every stupid conspiracy theory.

Somehow, we didn't just get purely partisan - we also got stupid.
Fascism is RW, dupe. Read something.
Your idiocy is epic.....
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...
Can you get a refund on your on-line degree?
Hilarious , dupe. Fascism- with powerful corps and rich- is RW. The LW totalitarians are communists- no corps or rich. Get it?


That's higher taxes FOR THE RICH (Dems), and lower taxes FOR THE RICH (GOP)
Well, at least your degree was worthless, so it couldn't have cost too much..:lol:
Just don't try your RW idiocy outside your GOP propagandized rural/blue collar dummy bubble, dupe. lol
Your idiocy is epic.....
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...
Can you get a refund on your on-line degree?
Hilarious , dupe. Fascism- with powerful corps and rich- is RW. The LW totalitarians are communists- no corps or rich. Get it?


That's higher taxes FOR THE RICH (Dems), and lower taxes FOR THE RICH (GOP)
Well, at least your degree was worthless, so it couldn't have cost too much..:lol:
Just don't try your RW idiocy outside your GOP propagandized rural/blue collar dummy bubble, dupe. lol
Hitler, an individualist....that's funny stupid....:lol:

At least it's clear why you are an idiot,,,,,
On our local news today, they were interviewing a woman who came to the US twenty five years ago, overstayed her six month visa, and had four kids.

She was bemoaning the fact that she was afraid she could possibly be deported.

Well, that's what the translator said she said .... she's been in the US 25 years, never held a job, been on government assistance for 25 years, and never even learned to speak English.

You get what you earn in this life.

It was a local news broadcast --- I think I said that.

Thus, no link.
They don't have a website? Fake bs.

Your fascism ain't going to get you far....
Fascism is RW, dupe. Read something.
Your idiocy is epic.....
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...

There IS no respected media ....
There IS media that we should respect.

The catch is, we don't. Somehow, we're a nation that is fully guided by confirmation bias and is ready to suck up every stupid conspiracy theory.

Somehow, we didn't just get purely partisan - we also got stupid.
That's the GOP nation. 25 years of total bs/hate propaganda...

It was a local news broadcast --- I think I said that.

Thus, no link.
They don't have a website? Fake bs.
Fascism is RW, dupe. Read something.
Your idiocy is epic.....
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...

There IS no respected media ....
There IS media that we should respect.

The catch is, we don't. Somehow, we're a nation that is fully guided by confirmation bias and is ready to suck up every stupid conspiracy theory.

Somehow, we didn't just get purely partisan - we also got stupid.
That's the GOP nation. 25 years of total bs/hate propaganda...
Do America a favor....don't ever leave your democrat plantation....:lol:

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