If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...
Can you get a refund on your on-line degree?
Hilarious , dupe. Fascism- with powerful corps and rich- is RW. The LW totalitarians are communists- no corps or rich. Get it?


That's higher taxes FOR THE RICH (Dems), and lower taxes FOR THE RICH (GOP)
Well, at least your degree was worthless, so it couldn't have cost too much..:lol:
Just don't try your RW idiocy outside your GOP propagandized rural/blue collar dummy bubble, dupe. lol
Hitler, an individualist....that's funny stupid....:lol:

At least it's clear why you are an idiot,,,,,
Things CHANGE when you hit totalitarianism. Duh.
Can you get a refund on your on-line degree?
Hilarious , dupe. Fascism- with powerful corps and rich- is RW. The LW totalitarians are communists- no corps or rich. Get it?


That's higher taxes FOR THE RICH (Dems), and lower taxes FOR THE RICH (GOP)
Well, at least your degree was worthless, so it couldn't have cost too much..:lol:
Just don't try your RW idiocy outside your GOP propagandized rural/blue collar dummy bubble, dupe. lol
Hitler, an individualist....that's funny stupid....:lol:

At least it's clear why you are an idiot,,,,,
Things CHANGE when you hit totalitarianism. Duh.
I am sure all your fellow fascists tell you that....:lol:
It was a local news broadcast --- I think I said that.

Thus, no link.
They don't have a website? Fake bs.
Your idiocy is epic.....
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...

There IS no respected media ....
There IS media that we should respect.

The catch is, we don't. Somehow, we're a nation that is fully guided by confirmation bias and is ready to suck up every stupid conspiracy theory.

Somehow, we didn't just get purely partisan - we also got stupid.
That's the GOP nation. 25 years of total bs/hate propaganda...
Do America a favor....don't ever leave your democrat plantation....:lol:
Which is the whole world, not your ugly American ignorance/hate nation. Only party in the world that denies MMGW, Clinton excellence, rich tax fair share, Booosh catastrophe, social justice, living wage etc etc, dupe.
Hilarious , dupe. Fascism- with powerful corps and rich- is RW. The LW totalitarians are communists- no corps or rich. Get it?


That's higher taxes FOR THE RICH (Dems), and lower taxes FOR THE RICH (GOP)
Well, at least your degree was worthless, so it couldn't have cost too much..:lol:
Just don't try your RW idiocy outside your GOP propagandized rural/blue collar dummy bubble, dupe. lol
Hitler, an individualist....that's funny stupid....:lol:

At least it's clear why you are an idiot,,,,,
Things CHANGE when you hit totalitarianism. Duh.
I am sure all your fellow fascists tell you that....:lol:
You're a serious waste of time, Mr. Kadiddlehopper.
They don't have a website? Fake bs.
You've got "Liberal Fascism" and hs grad pundits behind you, I've got the entire history of PoliSci and HISTORY with me, ignoramus. "LF" is called drivel by all respected media...

There IS no respected media ....
There IS media that we should respect.

The catch is, we don't. Somehow, we're a nation that is fully guided by confirmation bias and is ready to suck up every stupid conspiracy theory.

Somehow, we didn't just get purely partisan - we also got stupid.
That's the GOP nation. 25 years of total bs/hate propaganda...
Do America a favor....don't ever leave your democrat plantation....:lol:
Which is the whole world, not your ugly American ignorance/hate nation. Only party in the world that denies MMGW, Clinton excellence, rich tax fair share, Booosh catastrophe, social justice, living wage etc etc, dupe.
Well...you think hitler was an anarchist....:rofl:
Well, at least your degree was worthless, so it couldn't have cost too much..:lol:
Just don't try your RW idiocy outside your GOP propagandized rural/blue collar dummy bubble, dupe. lol
Hitler, an individualist....that's funny stupid....:lol:

At least it's clear why you are an idiot,,,,,
Things CHANGE when you hit totalitarianism. Duh.
I am sure all your fellow fascists tell you that....:lol:
You're a serious waste of time, Mr. Diddlehopper.

Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.
well, do you argue that their choices up to that point have something to do with where they are now?
For example, If instead of going into the navy and earning my degree when I was 18 I had decided to stay home and party like my friends did. Would I still have been retired from one good job right now, collecting a retirement that is honestly more than according to statistics the average person makes working, and working at a second career now that again pays about twice what the average national average is for yearly income. Or would I be like them and still working for the average yearly income with no expectation of retiring until social security comes along.
At the time I made that decision, any of my friends could have done the same, and ended up the same as me some 40 years later, but their decision 40 years ago is why they are not in the same position as I am.
Ive never worked harder than any of them, I dont think I have had as tough a job as some of them, but the degree and the initiative puts a lot of weight behind you during your working years.
Yes, for many their bad choices are why they are minimum wage workers today.
Just looking for bad choices a person has made as an explanation of why they are a failure is really not very helpful, to the person or to society. Only when we look for root causes of those bad decisions do learn what can be done to prevent them.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.
well, do you argue that their choices up to that point have something to do with where they are now?
For example, If instead of going into the navy and earning my degree when I was 18 I had decided to stay home and party like my friends did. Would I still have been retired from one good job right now, collecting a retirement that is honestly more than according to statistics the average person makes working, and working at a second career now that again pays about twice what the average national average is for yearly income. Or would I be like them and still working for the average yearly income with no expectation of retiring until social security comes along.
At the time I made that decision, any of my friends could have done the same, and ended up the same as me some 40 years later, but their decision 40 years ago is why they are not in the same position as I am.
Ive never worked harder than any of them, I dont think I have had as tough a job as some of them, but the degree and the initiative puts a lot of weight behind you during your working years.
Yes, for many their bad choices are why they are minimum wage workers today.
And suddenly you get disabled, sick, have an accident, dupe.
the thread is about working for minimum wage. It is not about what happens when you cant work.
Please try harder to keep up, being a liberal we all understand how hard that can be for you, but if you ask nice, someone might take pity on you and try to explain things.
oh, and lose the Dupe with every response to every person, it really does make me picture you as someone in real life with the name of corky.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.
well, do you argue that their choices up to that point have something to do with where they are now?
For example, If instead of going into the navy and earning my degree when I was 18 I had decided to stay home and party like my friends did. Would I still have been retired from one good job right now, collecting a retirement that is honestly more than according to statistics the average person makes working, and working at a second career now that again pays about twice what the average national average is for yearly income. Or would I be like them and still working for the average yearly income with no expectation of retiring until social security comes along.
At the time I made that decision, any of my friends could have done the same, and ended up the same as me some 40 years later, but their decision 40 years ago is why they are not in the same position as I am.
Ive never worked harder than any of them, I dont think I have had as tough a job as some of them, but the degree and the initiative puts a lot of weight behind you during your working years.
Yes, for many their bad choices are why they are minimum wage workers today.
Just looking for bad choices a person has made as an explanation of why they are a failure is really not very helpful, to the person or to society. Only when we look for root causes of those bad decisions do learn what can be done to prevent them.
taking away safety nets in society might light a fire under some of them.
welfare only for those that are honestly too handicap to work, assistance only for a very limited time, no handouts at all to anyone that is not a legal U.S citizen.
go ahead and give them 2 years of public funded college, but only if they maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA through High School without any points added for minority status.
There are ways to do this and save money while doing it.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.
well, do you argue that their choices up to that point have something to do with where they are now?
For example, If instead of going into the navy and earning my degree when I was 18 I had decided to stay home and party like my friends did. Would I still have been retired from one good job right now, collecting a retirement that is honestly more than according to statistics the average person makes working, and working at a second career now that again pays about twice what the average national average is for yearly income. Or would I be like them and still working for the average yearly income with no expectation of retiring until social security comes along.
At the time I made that decision, any of my friends could have done the same, and ended up the same as me some 40 years later, but their decision 40 years ago is why they are not in the same position as I am.
Ive never worked harder than any of them, I dont think I have had as tough a job as some of them, but the degree and the initiative puts a lot of weight behind you during your working years.
Yes, for many their bad choices are why they are minimum wage workers today.
Just looking for bad choices a person has made as an explanation of why they are a failure is really not very helpful, to the person or to society. Only when we look for root causes of those bad decisions do learn what can be done to prevent them.

Except we do nothing to prevent them anyway.

In a way I consider myself fortunate due to my upbringing. I was raised in your typical two parent family household, went to church on Sunday, went to a Catholic school most of my life, had a stay at home mother in case I got into trouble, a situation many of us had years ago as children.

My father played the major role in teaching me how to work. He was a bricklayer and I started working with him at the age of 11 years old. During the summer evenings and all weekend, I would carry clamps of bricks to my father, mix cement, fetch necessary tools to keep the job going, and coming home a filthy mess from head to toe. He paid me one dollar per hour.

My father had a full time job as a bricklayer which is why I mostly worked with him in the evenings when he got home, had dinner, and we headed to a side job of his. As I got older, I was able to produce more work and got raises from my father, but very little raises at that. My parents seldom just handed over money. You had to do something for it in exchange.

Kids raised in single-parent households didn't have such upbringing. Yet who besides Republicans promote two parent families? In the black community, the out-of-wedlock birth rate is over 70%. Nobody seems to want to do anything about it. So of course those kids know nothing about working until they quit school or graduate and get their very first job.
Good for you. Not everyone has the right combination of work ethic and opportunity and breaks.
Work ethic is certainly within one's control, right?

It's the only thing that is. Many people have a great work ethic, work hard all their lives, but still die poor in financial terms.
I would say a great deal more than that is in our control. Did you get to where you are because you were lucky or unlucky?
A combination of luck, circumstance and work.
It just devastates you lefties to give people credit for their own successes.
IE, you didn't build that. There just has to be luck in there somewhere that replaces something.

I have no problem crediting people with success. I DO have a problem when people like you assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. Seems to me work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. Guess you Righties don't feel that way.
Work ethic is certainly within one's control, right?

It's the only thing that is. Many people have a great work ethic, work hard all their lives, but still die poor in financial terms.
I would say a great deal more than that is in our control. Did you get to where you are because you were lucky or unlucky?
A combination of luck, circumstance and work.
It just devastates you lefties to give people credit for their own successes.
IE, you didn't build that. There just has to be luck in there somewhere that replaces something.

I have no problem crediting people with success. I DO have a problem when people like you assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. Seems to me work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. Guess you Righties don't feel that way.
Oh contraire....that's why we stand against your minimum wage.....
Work ethic is certainly within one's control, right?

It's the only thing that is. Many people have a great work ethic, work hard all their lives, but still die poor in financial terms.
I would say a great deal more than that is in our control. Did you get to where you are because you were lucky or unlucky?
A combination of luck, circumstance and work.
It just devastates you lefties to give people credit for their own successes.
IE, you didn't build that. There just has to be luck in there somewhere that replaces something.

I have no problem crediting people with success. I DO have a problem when people like you assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. Seems to me work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. Guess you Righties don't feel that way.
No. Many do feel that work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. I never assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. I assign moral/character failings to people who exhibit an external locus of control.
Work ethic is certainly within one's control, right?

It's the only thing that is. Many people have a great work ethic, work hard all their lives, but still die poor in financial terms.
I would say a great deal more than that is in our control. Did you get to where you are because you were lucky or unlucky?
A combination of luck, circumstance and work.
It just devastates you lefties to give people credit for their own successes.
IE, you didn't build that. There just has to be luck in there somewhere that replaces something.

I have no problem crediting people with success. I DO have a problem when people like you assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. Seems to me work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. Guess you Righties don't feel that way.
Work is respected. Whining about you pay when you did nothing to earn more isn't. Get it? Get off your lazy ass and fix your problems if you have them.
It's the only thing that is. Many people have a great work ethic, work hard all their lives, but still die poor in financial terms.
I would say a great deal more than that is in our control. Did you get to where you are because you were lucky or unlucky?
A combination of luck, circumstance and work.
It just devastates you lefties to give people credit for their own successes.
IE, you didn't build that. There just has to be luck in there somewhere that replaces something.

I have no problem crediting people with success. I DO have a problem when people like you assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. Seems to me work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. Guess you Righties don't feel that way.
Work is respected. Whining about you pay when you did nothing to earn more isn't. Get it? Get off your lazy ass and fix your problems if you have them.

So people don't have a right to demand better pay? Or is that right reserved only for people making more than a certain amount?
It's the only thing that is. Many people have a great work ethic, work hard all their lives, but still die poor in financial terms.
I would say a great deal more than that is in our control. Did you get to where you are because you were lucky or unlucky?
A combination of luck, circumstance and work.
It just devastates you lefties to give people credit for their own successes.
IE, you didn't build that. There just has to be luck in there somewhere that replaces something.

I have no problem crediting people with success. I DO have a problem when people like you assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. Seems to me work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. Guess you Righties don't feel that way.
Oh contraire....that's why we stand against your minimum wage.....

You oppose any minimum wage?
I would say a great deal more than that is in our control. Did you get to where you are because you were lucky or unlucky?
A combination of luck, circumstance and work.
It just devastates you lefties to give people credit for their own successes.
IE, you didn't build that. There just has to be luck in there somewhere that replaces something.

I have no problem crediting people with success. I DO have a problem when people like you assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. Seems to me work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. Guess you Righties don't feel that way.
Work is respected. Whining about you pay when you did nothing to earn more isn't. Get it? Get off your lazy ass and fix your problems if you have them.

So people don't have a right to demand better pay? Or is that right reserved only for people making more than a certain amount?
They also have the right to be unemployed.....
I would say a great deal more than that is in our control. Did you get to where you are because you were lucky or unlucky?
A combination of luck, circumstance and work.
It just devastates you lefties to give people credit for their own successes.
IE, you didn't build that. There just has to be luck in there somewhere that replaces something.

I have no problem crediting people with success. I DO have a problem when people like you assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. Seems to me work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. Guess you Righties don't feel that way.
Oh contraire....that's why we stand against your minimum wage.....

You oppose any minimum wage?
Yes.....who am I to impose my requirements on any contract between two individuals......
I would say a great deal more than that is in our control. Did you get to where you are because you were lucky or unlucky?
A combination of luck, circumstance and work.
It just devastates you lefties to give people credit for their own successes.
IE, you didn't build that. There just has to be luck in there somewhere that replaces something.

I have no problem crediting people with success. I DO have a problem when people like you assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. Seems to me work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. Guess you Righties don't feel that way.
Work is respected. Whining about you pay when you did nothing to earn more isn't. Get it? Get off your lazy ass and fix your problems if you have them.

So people don't have a right to demand better pay? Or is that right reserved only for people making more than a certain amount?

They may have a right to demand better pay, but not a right to receive it.

A working person is only worth as much as the next person willing to take that job and perform it the same way.

It works that way if you're a french fry maker and it works that way if you're a CEO.

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