If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

well, do you argue that their choices up to that point have something to do with where they are now?
For example, If instead of going into the navy and earning my degree when I was 18 I had decided to stay home and party like my friends did. Would I still have been retired from one good job right now, collecting a retirement that is honestly more than according to statistics the average person makes working, and working at a second career now that again pays about twice what the average national average is for yearly income. Or would I be like them and still working for the average yearly income with no expectation of retiring until social security comes along.
At the time I made that decision, any of my friends could have done the same, and ended up the same as me some 40 years later, but their decision 40 years ago is why they are not in the same position as I am.
Ive never worked harder than any of them, I dont think I have had as tough a job as some of them, but the degree and the initiative puts a lot of weight behind you during your working years.
Yes, for many their bad choices are why they are minimum wage workers today.
Just looking for bad choices a person has made as an explanation of why they are a failure is really not very helpful, to the person or to society. Only when we look for root causes of those bad decisions do learn what can be done to prevent them.

Except we do nothing to prevent them anyway.

In a way I consider myself fortunate due to my upbringing. I was raised in your typical two parent family household, went to church on Sunday, went to a Catholic school most of my life, had a stay at home mother in case I got into trouble, a situation many of us had years ago as children.

My father played the major role in teaching me how to work. He was a bricklayer and I started working with him at the age of 11 years old. During the summer evenings and all weekend, I would carry clamps of bricks to my father, mix cement, fetch necessary tools to keep the job going, and coming home a filthy mess from head to toe. He paid me one dollar per hour.

My father had a full time job as a bricklayer which is why I mostly worked with him in the evenings when he got home, had dinner, and we headed to a side job of his. As I got older, I was able to produce more work and got raises from my father, but very little raises at that. My parents seldom just handed over money. You had to do something for it in exchange.

Kids raised in single-parent households didn't have such upbringing. Yet who besides Republicans promote two parent families? In the black community, the out-of-wedlock birth rate is over 70%. Nobody seems to want to do anything about it. So of course those kids know nothing about working until they quit school or graduate and get their very first job.
If most of the failures we have been discussing had your family background, they would not be failures. Solving the problems of education, drugs, crime, mental health, unemployment, dependency, and economic growth all starts with the child and the family. Fix that and you fix it all. Unfortunately, solving social problems are the most difficult problems a nation faces. Our social welfare system is not geared to fix the problems, just maintain the status quo. The Left and Right are so far apart there really isn't much hope at the present time.

I disagree. I want to take you back to the Republican debates for the presidential nomination involving Newt Gingrich. Newt understood that not all people are college material. Our education system should teach children about manual labor--especially those who were brought up in families I just mentioned.

He was heavily criticized by the left for expressing the opinion that kids should work. They brought up slave labor, child labor, working for next to nothing, the whole ball of wax. I agreed with Newt because when I was a kid in school, we had such a program. Instead of sitting in useless study halls and gym, we were allowed to work at the various schools in the area and actually earn our first paycheck. I had to wake up extra early, go to a school, empty out trash cans, raise the US flag, burn the trash I collected, sweep the halls and so on.

It's funny you should post that my ultra Lefty friend on FBI just posted a meme today on that we need way more technical High schools..

It's like the elite democrats say no, but the Middle class democrats and republicans want that... No wonder why Hillary lost.. So out of touch.


Not only that, but we need to teach children about finances and investment. Ask a HS graduate today what they know about investments. Ask them if they know what a PE ratio is? Ask them what they know about real estate? Ask them what they know about opening their own business? Ask them if they even understand compound interest? Ask them if they even know what the commodities market is all about.

You'll be met with a blank stare.

Sure, they can go to college and learn that stuff, but what about those that won't or can't make it to college? They are left believing that the only way to the American dream is being born a certain color, being born in a certain neighborhood, being born into a certain class of family. If you were not, then you better consider getting real good at sports, real good at making rap songs, or real good at selling drugs on the street and not getting caught.

It's a real shame actually.
On our local news today, they were interviewing a woman who came to the US twenty five years ago, overstayed her six month visa, and had four kids.

She was bemoaning the fact that she was afraid she could possibly be deported.

Well, that's what the translator said she said .... she's been in the US 25 years, never held a job, been on government assistance for 25 years, and never even learned to speak English.

You get what you earn in this life.

It was a local news broadcast --- I think I said that.

Thus, no link.

BULLSHIT! What local TV news doesn't have a website?

Russian sympathizer posting.
I have no problem crediting people with success. I DO have a problem when people like you assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. Seems to me work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. Guess you Righties don't feel that way.

We really don't just pointing out the flaws in liberal thinking.. Only like 2% make MW but liberals want to blur the lines like they always do (example climate change and pollution is the same, illegal and legals all equal immigrants etc.. Etc.. ) they want the same wages as a cop or fireman who makes around $15 or less an hour in most parts of the country for just flipping burgers ..

And again around 50% of working Americans make $15 or less an hour and that includes people going to college just to make that little... Liberal thinking is screwing aot of people if they ever get their way..

We need to tax the rich their fair share and train the UE and others for the jobs of the future. 3-6 million techy jobs going begging NOW. You dupes just have to save the bloated rich and carp on the poor - amazing...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I'm pretty rich, would you like to take my wealth from me?
As Hillary said, only income over 250k/year.

275k a year is not alot of money..

Unless you want to live Lower middle class.

Lol wut?

275k is not lower middle class
Cost of living goes up, wages go up.......cost of living goes up, wages go up...and on, and on. Both topping the other in a leap frog fashion. When does it stop?
Just looking for bad choices a person has made as an explanation of why they are a failure is really not very helpful, to the person or to society. Only when we look for root causes of those bad decisions do learn what can be done to prevent them.

Except we do nothing to prevent them anyway.

In a way I consider myself fortunate due to my upbringing. I was raised in your typical two parent family household, went to church on Sunday, went to a Catholic school most of my life, had a stay at home mother in case I got into trouble, a situation many of us had years ago as children.

My father played the major role in teaching me how to work. He was a bricklayer and I started working with him at the age of 11 years old. During the summer evenings and all weekend, I would carry clamps of bricks to my father, mix cement, fetch necessary tools to keep the job going, and coming home a filthy mess from head to toe. He paid me one dollar per hour.

My father had a full time job as a bricklayer which is why I mostly worked with him in the evenings when he got home, had dinner, and we headed to a side job of his. As I got older, I was able to produce more work and got raises from my father, but very little raises at that. My parents seldom just handed over money. You had to do something for it in exchange.

Kids raised in single-parent households didn't have such upbringing. Yet who besides Republicans promote two parent families? In the black community, the out-of-wedlock birth rate is over 70%. Nobody seems to want to do anything about it. So of course those kids know nothing about working until they quit school or graduate and get their very first job.
If most of the failures we have been discussing had your family background, they would not be failures. Solving the problems of education, drugs, crime, mental health, unemployment, dependency, and economic growth all starts with the child and the family. Fix that and you fix it all. Unfortunately, solving social problems are the most difficult problems a nation faces. Our social welfare system is not geared to fix the problems, just maintain the status quo. The Left and Right are so far apart there really isn't much hope at the present time.

I disagree. I want to take you back to the Republican debates for the presidential nomination involving Newt Gingrich. Newt understood that not all people are college material. Our education system should teach children about manual labor--especially those who were brought up in families I just mentioned.

He was heavily criticized by the left for expressing the opinion that kids should work. They brought up slave labor, child labor, working for next to nothing, the whole ball of wax. I agreed with Newt because when I was a kid in school, we had such a program. Instead of sitting in useless study halls and gym, we were allowed to work at the various schools in the area and actually earn our first paycheck. I had to wake up extra early, go to a school, empty out trash cans, raise the US flag, burn the trash I collected, sweep the halls and so on.

It's funny you should post that my ultra Lefty friend on FBI just posted a meme today on that we need way more technical High schools..

It's like the elite democrats say no, but the Middle class democrats and republicans want that... No wonder why Hillary lost.. So out of touch.


Not only that, but we need to teach children about finances and investment. Ask a HS graduate today what they know about investments. Ask them if they know what a PE ratio is? Ask them what they know about real estate? Ask them what they know about opening their own business? Ask them if they even understand compound interest? Ask them if they even know what the commodities market is all about.

You'll be met with a blank stare.

Sure, they can go to college and learn that stuff, but what about those that won't or can't make it to college? They are left believing that the only way to the American dream is being born a certain color, being born in a certain neighborhood, being born into a certain class of family. If you were not, then you better consider getting real good at sports, real good at making rap songs, or real good at selling drugs on the street and not getting caught.

It's a real shame actually.

Unfortunately that 'common core' stuff is what is being indoctrinated in public schools.....not things they need to know in life choices.
We really don't just pointing out the flaws in liberal thinking.. Only like 2% make MW but liberals want to blur the lines like they always do (example climate change and pollution is the same, illegal and legals all equal immigrants etc.. Etc.. ) they want the same wages as a cop or fireman who makes around $15 or less an hour in most parts of the country for just flipping burgers ..

And again around 50% of working Americans make $15 or less an hour and that includes people going to college just to make that little... Liberal thinking is screwing aot of people if they ever get their way..

We need to tax the rich their fair share and train the UE and others for the jobs of the future. 3-6 million techy jobs going begging NOW. You dupes just have to save the bloated rich and carp on the poor - amazing...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I'm pretty rich, would you like to take my wealth from me?
As Hillary said, only income over 250k/year.

275k a year is not alot of money..

Unless you want to live Lower middle class.

Lol wut?

275k is not lower middle class


You know make 275k, drive around in a 1998 ford pick up truck wifey has a 2004 soccer mom van, 3 bedroom house.. Kids go to public school..
Except we do nothing to prevent them anyway.

In a way I consider myself fortunate due to my upbringing. I was raised in your typical two parent family household, went to church on Sunday, went to a Catholic school most of my life, had a stay at home mother in case I got into trouble, a situation many of us had years ago as children.

My father played the major role in teaching me how to work. He was a bricklayer and I started working with him at the age of 11 years old. During the summer evenings and all weekend, I would carry clamps of bricks to my father, mix cement, fetch necessary tools to keep the job going, and coming home a filthy mess from head to toe. He paid me one dollar per hour.

My father had a full time job as a bricklayer which is why I mostly worked with him in the evenings when he got home, had dinner, and we headed to a side job of his. As I got older, I was able to produce more work and got raises from my father, but very little raises at that. My parents seldom just handed over money. You had to do something for it in exchange.

Kids raised in single-parent households didn't have such upbringing. Yet who besides Republicans promote two parent families? In the black community, the out-of-wedlock birth rate is over 70%. Nobody seems to want to do anything about it. So of course those kids know nothing about working until they quit school or graduate and get their very first job.
If most of the failures we have been discussing had your family background, they would not be failures. Solving the problems of education, drugs, crime, mental health, unemployment, dependency, and economic growth all starts with the child and the family. Fix that and you fix it all. Unfortunately, solving social problems are the most difficult problems a nation faces. Our social welfare system is not geared to fix the problems, just maintain the status quo. The Left and Right are so far apart there really isn't much hope at the present time.

I disagree. I want to take you back to the Republican debates for the presidential nomination involving Newt Gingrich. Newt understood that not all people are college material. Our education system should teach children about manual labor--especially those who were brought up in families I just mentioned.

He was heavily criticized by the left for expressing the opinion that kids should work. They brought up slave labor, child labor, working for next to nothing, the whole ball of wax. I agreed with Newt because when I was a kid in school, we had such a program. Instead of sitting in useless study halls and gym, we were allowed to work at the various schools in the area and actually earn our first paycheck. I had to wake up extra early, go to a school, empty out trash cans, raise the US flag, burn the trash I collected, sweep the halls and so on.

It's funny you should post that my ultra Lefty friend on FBI just posted a meme today on that we need way more technical High schools..

It's like the elite democrats say no, but the Middle class democrats and republicans want that... No wonder why Hillary lost.. So out of touch.


Not only that, but we need to teach children about finances and investment. Ask a HS graduate today what they know about investments. Ask them if they know what a PE ratio is? Ask them what they know about real estate? Ask them what they know about opening their own business? Ask them if they even understand compound interest? Ask them if they even know what the commodities market is all about.

You'll be met with a blank stare.

Sure, they can go to college and learn that stuff, but what about those that won't or can't make it to college? They are left believing that the only way to the American dream is being born a certain color, being born in a certain neighborhood, being born into a certain class of family. If you were not, then you better consider getting real good at sports, real good at making rap songs, or real good at selling drugs on the street and not getting caught.

It's a real shame actually.

Unfortunately that 'common core' stuff is what is being indoctrinated in public schools.....not things they need to know in life choices.

Exactly, and that's why some kids who are not successful in school feel left out. There is a way for them to be successful in life, but our schools make them feel like failures with no hope. As far as they are concerned, they just got dealt a bad hand in life.
We really don't just pointing out the flaws in liberal thinking.. Only like 2% make MW but liberals want to blur the lines like they always do (example climate change and pollution is the same, illegal and legals all equal immigrants etc.. Etc.. ) they want the same wages as a cop or fireman who makes around $15 or less an hour in most parts of the country for just flipping burgers ..

And again around 50% of working Americans make $15 or less an hour and that includes people going to college just to make that little... Liberal thinking is screwing aot of people if they ever get their way..

We need to tax the rich their fair share and train the UE and others for the jobs of the future. 3-6 million techy jobs going begging NOW. You dupes just have to save the bloated rich and carp on the poor - amazing...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I'm pretty rich, would you like to take my wealth from me?
As Hillary said, only income over 250k/year.

275k a year is not alot of money..

Unless you want to live Lower middle class.

Lol wut?

275k is not lower middle class
You're right it's not. It's top 5%.
On our local news today, they were interviewing a woman who came to the US twenty five years ago, overstayed her six month visa, and had four kids.

She was bemoaning the fact that she was afraid she could possibly be deported.

Well, that's what the translator said she said .... she's been in the US 25 years, never held a job, been on government assistance for 25 years, and never even learned to speak English.

You get what you earn in this life.

It was a local news broadcast --- I think I said that.

Thus, no link.

BULLSHIT! What local TV news doesn't have a website?

Russian sympathizer posting.

What ignominious bullshit. They have a website - that clip isn't loaded to the website. Get over it.

We need to tax the rich their fair share and train the UE and others for the jobs of the future. 3-6 million techy jobs going begging NOW. You dupes just have to save the bloated rich and carp on the poor - amazing...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I'm pretty rich, would you like to take my wealth from me?
As Hillary said, only income over 250k/year.

275k a year is not alot of money..

Unless you want to live Lower middle class.

Lol wut?

275k is not lower middle class
You're right it's not. It's top 5%.

This is kinda of pathetic if you ask me though.. (I guess my liberal side just came out)

I just calculated what tier I was in

Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator

How the fuck does a blue collar guy like me with minimum trade school end up in the top 16% ?

Yeah a part of me does think something is wrong.. But me knowing economics and business I don't have a clue on how to fix it...

I'm pretty rich, would you like to take my wealth from me?
As Hillary said, only income over 250k/year.

275k a year is not alot of money..

Unless you want to live Lower middle class.

Lol wut?

275k is not lower middle class
You're right it's not. It's top 5%.

This is kinda of pathetic if you ask me though.. (I guess my liberal side just came out)

I just calculated what tier I was in

Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator

How the fuck does a blue collar guy like me with minimum trade school end up in the top 16% ?

Yeah a part of me does think something is wrong.. But me knowing economics and business I don't have a clue on how to fix it...


And on a side note : this is why the Fuck I could care less about spelling and grammar...

What for?

I am in the top 16% income wise doing what I love to do fix machines...

I'm pretty rich, would you like to take my wealth from me?
As Hillary said, only income over 250k/year.

275k a year is not alot of money..

Unless you want to live Lower middle class.

Lol wut?

275k is not lower middle class
You're right it's not. It's top 5%.

This is kinda of pathetic if you ask me though.. (I guess my liberal side just came out)

I just calculated what tier I was in

Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator

How the fuck does a blue collar guy like me with minimum trade school end up in the top 16% ?

Yeah a part of me does think something is wrong.. But me knowing economics and business I don't have a clue on how to fix it...

Successful behaviors. That's how.
As Hillary said, only income over 250k/year.

275k a year is not alot of money..

Unless you want to live Lower middle class.

Lol wut?

275k is not lower middle class
You're right it's not. It's top 5%.

This is kinda of pathetic if you ask me though.. (I guess my liberal side just came out)

I just calculated what tier I was in

Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator

How the fuck does a blue collar guy like me with minimum trade school end up in the top 16% ?

Yeah a part of me does think something is wrong.. But me knowing economics and business I don't have a clue on how to fix it...


And on a side note : this is why the Fuck I could care less about spelling and grammar...

What for?

I am in the top 16% income wise doing what I love to do fix machines...


The problem is really quite simple .... guys like you and me put the lie to the liberal mantra. They don't believe a person can succeed without government intervention. And, because they don't believe it can be done, they can't do it.

Good for you!
275k a year is not alot of money..

Unless you want to live Lower middle class.

Lol wut?

275k is not lower middle class
You're right it's not. It's top 5%.

This is kinda of pathetic if you ask me though.. (I guess my liberal side just came out)

I just calculated what tier I was in

Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator

How the fuck does a blue collar guy like me with minimum trade school end up in the top 16% ?

Yeah a part of me does think something is wrong.. But me knowing economics and business I don't have a clue on how to fix it...


And on a side note : this is why the Fuck I could care less about spelling and grammar...

What for?

I am in the top 16% income wise doing what I love to do fix machines...


The problem is really quite simple .... guys like you and me put the lie to the liberal mantra. They don't believe a person can succeed without government intervention. And, because they don't believe it can be done, they can't do it.

Good for you!
That's because they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes and when they don't they have to rationalize why they didn't. Whereas guys like us know better. We know that all behaviors do not lead to equal outcomes.
275k a year is not alot of money..

Unless you want to live Lower middle class.

Lol wut?

275k is not lower middle class
You're right it's not. It's top 5%.

This is kinda of pathetic if you ask me though.. (I guess my liberal side just came out)

I just calculated what tier I was in

Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator

How the fuck does a blue collar guy like me with minimum trade school end up in the top 16% ?

Yeah a part of me does think something is wrong.. But me knowing economics and business I don't have a clue on how to fix it...


And on a side note : this is why the Fuck I could care less about spelling and grammar...

What for?

I am in the top 16% income wise doing what I love to do fix machines...


The problem is really quite simple .... guys like you and me put the lie to the liberal mantra. They don't believe a person can succeed without government intervention. And, because they don't believe it can be done, they can't do it.

Good for you!
When the US was successful, the rich and corps paid their fair share and investment was made in infrastructure and cheap college etc...
Lol wut?

275k is not lower middle class
You're right it's not. It's top 5%.

This is kinda of pathetic if you ask me though.. (I guess my liberal side just came out)

I just calculated what tier I was in

Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator

How the fuck does a blue collar guy like me with minimum trade school end up in the top 16% ?

Yeah a part of me does think something is wrong.. But me knowing economics and business I don't have a clue on how to fix it...


And on a side note : this is why the Fuck I could care less about spelling and grammar...

What for?

I am in the top 16% income wise doing what I love to do fix machines...


The problem is really quite simple .... guys like you and me put the lie to the liberal mantra. They don't believe a person can succeed without government intervention. And, because they don't believe it can be done, they can't do it.

Good for you!
That's because they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes and when they don't they have to rationalize why they didn't. Whereas guys like us know better. We know that all behaviors do not lead to equal outcomes.
Have you noticed the non-rich falling apart through all the Pubcrappe? NO investment,- to save the rich.
You're right it's not. It's top 5%.

This is kinda of pathetic if you ask me though.. (I guess my liberal side just came out)

I just calculated what tier I was in

Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator

How the fuck does a blue collar guy like me with minimum trade school end up in the top 16% ?

Yeah a part of me does think something is wrong.. But me knowing economics and business I don't have a clue on how to fix it...


And on a side note : this is why the Fuck I could care less about spelling and grammar...

What for?

I am in the top 16% income wise doing what I love to do fix machines...


The problem is really quite simple .... guys like you and me put the lie to the liberal mantra. They don't believe a person can succeed without government intervention. And, because they don't believe it can be done, they can't do it.

Good for you!
That's because they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes and when they don't they have to rationalize why they didn't. Whereas guys like us know better. We know that all behaviors do not lead to equal outcomes.
Have you noticed the non-rich falling apart through all the Pubcrappe? NO investment,- to save the rich.
No. I haven't noticed that at all. What I have noticed is that their standard of living is shrinking.
As Hillary said, only income over 250k/year.

275k a year is not alot of money..

Unless you want to live Lower middle class.

Lol wut?

275k is not lower middle class
You're right it's not. It's top 5%.

This is kinda of pathetic if you ask me though.. (I guess my liberal side just came out)

I just calculated what tier I was in

Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator

How the fuck does a blue collar guy like me with minimum trade school end up in the top 16% ?

Yeah a part of me does think something is wrong.. But me knowing economics and business I don't have a clue on how to fix it...


And on a side note : this is why the Fuck I could care less about spelling and grammar...

What for?

I am in the top 16% income wise doing what I love to do fix machines...

Tech jobs!! There should be a huge training program, cheap. Hopefully the Donald is smart...
This is kinda of pathetic if you ask me though.. (I guess my liberal side just came out)

I just calculated what tier I was in

Are you in the American middle class? Find out with our income calculator

How the fuck does a blue collar guy like me with minimum trade school end up in the top 16% ?

Yeah a part of me does think something is wrong.. But me knowing economics and business I don't have a clue on how to fix it...


And on a side note : this is why the Fuck I could care less about spelling and grammar...

What for?

I am in the top 16% income wise doing what I love to do fix machines...


The problem is really quite simple .... guys like you and me put the lie to the liberal mantra. They don't believe a person can succeed without government intervention. And, because they don't believe it can be done, they can't do it.

Good for you!
That's because they believe that all behaviors should lead to equal outcomes and when they don't they have to rationalize why they didn't. Whereas guys like us know better. We know that all behaviors do not lead to equal outcomes.
Have you noticed the non-rich falling apart through all the Pubcrappe? NO investment,- to save the rich.
No. I haven't noticed that at all. What I have noticed is that their standard of living is shrinking.
Why? Depression? Paying too much in taxes? No cheap training? People are supposed to change jobs every 5 years and no training? Argghh...

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