If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

BS- The American dream is dying.
BS- The American dream is dying.

Only for those not willing to work hard enough to keep theirs alive ....
When you make it as hard as possible (college and training costs) it happens. People are just the same, dupe. see sig pp1

You get what you earn, and when you don't work hard enough to earn it, you don't get it.

Of course, your statement makes no sense ... it presumes that college should be available to all. Not everybody is college material, nor should they clog the education system while they fail. To assume that every fry cook, gas station attendant, and barista should have a college degree demeans the value of the degree, and forces the cost of college even higher.
Whoa, just cheaper, and a techy training program. A little GI bill. If Trump is smart.

Cute -- and makes a great bumper sticker ... but it doesn't solve the problem, does it? We just end up with more educated minimum wage earners.
It would definitely help. There are supposedly 3-6 billion tech jobs going begging. Or give up and vote GOP...all for the rich.
But thanks for the corrupt depression....How will Trump screw up the economy. But I hope for the best. Change!
Your still here, I thought TRUMP would be the ultimate reason for your move to greece...

αντίο :bye1:

psssst, I'm on his ignore list, tell him...
You can't move there and make any money.

Well at least you confirm your the greasy type...
I was in Spain with a the english...I'm thinking of SE Asia, moving every couple months. Are you physic or something? ("Harper")
It just devastates you lefties to give people credit for their own successes.
IE, you didn't build that. There just has to be luck in there somewhere that replaces something.

I have no problem crediting people with success. I DO have a problem when people like you assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. Seems to me work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. Guess you Righties don't feel that way.

We really don't just pointing out the flaws in liberal thinking.. Only like 2% make MW but liberals want to blur the lines like they always do (example climate change and pollution is the same, illegal and legals all equal immigrants etc.. Etc.. ) they want the same wages as a cop or fireman who makes around $15 or less an hour in most parts of the country for just flipping burgers ..

And again around 50% of working Americans make $15 or less an hour and that includes people going to college just to make that little... Liberal thinking is screwing aot of people if they ever get their way..

We need to tax the rich their fair share and train the UE and others for the jobs of the future. 3-6 million techy jobs going begging NOW. You dupes just have to save the bloated rich and carp on the poor - amazing...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I'm pretty rich, would you like to take my wealth from me?
As Hillary said, only income over 250k/year.
not sure about all other places in the country but if you live in the DC metro area and expect to have an even close to decent life, 250k a year is not exactly living rich.
But thanks for the corrupt depression....How will Trump screw up the economy. But I hope for the best. Change!
Your still here, I thought TRUMP would be the ultimate reason for your move to greece...

αντίο :bye1:

psssst, I'm on his ignore list, tell him...
You can't move there and make any money.

Well at least you confirm your the greasy type...
I was in Spain with a the english...I'm thinking of SE Asia, moving every couple months. Are you physic or something? ("Harper")
Did you really just ask if he was medicine?
WTF does that even mean? is that some sort of street code or something?
I have no problem crediting people with success. I DO have a problem when people like you assign moral/character failings to poverty or minimum wage work. Seems to me work should be valued and respected, regardless of wage. Guess you Righties don't feel that way.

We really don't just pointing out the flaws in liberal thinking.. Only like 2% make MW but liberals want to blur the lines like they always do (example climate change and pollution is the same, illegal and legals all equal immigrants etc.. Etc.. ) they want the same wages as a cop or fireman who makes around $15 or less an hour in most parts of the country for just flipping burgers ..

And again around 50% of working Americans make $15 or less an hour and that includes people going to college just to make that little... Liberal thinking is screwing aot of people if they ever get their way..

We need to tax the rich their fair share and train the UE and others for the jobs of the future. 3-6 million techy jobs going begging NOW. You dupes just have to save the bloated rich and carp on the poor - amazing...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I'm pretty rich, would you like to take my wealth from me?
As Hillary said, only income over 250k/year.
not sure about all other places in the country but if you live in the DC metro area and expect to have an even close to decent life, 250k a year is not exactly living rich.
Not exactly who they're after. And someone one making 250k wouldn't pay more.
But thanks for the corrupt depression....How will Trump screw up the economy. But I hope for the best. Change!
Your still here, I thought TRUMP would be the ultimate reason for your move to greece...

αντίο :bye1:

psssst, I'm on his ignore list, tell him...
You can't move there and make any money.

Well at least you confirm your the greasy type...
I was in Spain with a the english...I'm thinking of SE Asia, moving every couple months. Are you physic or something? ("Harper")
Did you really just ask if he was medicine?
WTF does that even mean? is that some sort of street code or something?
It's a quote from "Harper" - Anyway, I'm all Scottish and English.
Also, if you live in the most powerful country in the world and your skill is one that somebody in the Phillipines can do for $2 an hour, when they get your job your problems are yours alone.

If that's the case, then yes, it is your fault. You need to develop skills that are needed here. It's the problem with leaches. As jobs change, you just sit there waiting for your job to come back rather than figuring out something new to do. Obama's sure created a lot of low paying jobs, there are plenty more to chose from now
When 1000 Americans line up to apply for 100 jobs at a new Walmart,

whose fault is that? The 900 Americans who won't get a job? It's somehow their fault that jobs are scarce?

You don't get it. They should have never been born. Their parents had them but couldn't raise them right...so they turned out to be qualified for only low skilled jobs.

Weak people always try to find someone ELSE to blame. People born into bad situations make good ALL THE TIME! One's station in life is 100% due to the choices he or she has made. Period.

Never thought I'd say this but you're right.

Of course. I was trying to be as stupid as I could be. That always gets nutbags to agree.

That's not a good strategy for you. Seriously ...
Also, if you live in the most powerful country in the world and your skill is one that somebody in the Phillipines can do for $2 an hour, when they get your job your problems are yours alone.

If that's the case, then yes, it is your fault. You need to develop skills that are needed here. It's the problem with leaches. As jobs change, you just sit there waiting for your job to come back rather than figuring out something new to do. Obama's sure created a lot of low paying jobs, there are plenty more to chose from now
The gov't used to help with cheaper ed. and training. Got to save those rich people....
Your still here, I thought TRUMP would be the ultimate reason for your move to greece...

αντίο :bye1:

psssst, I'm on his ignore list, tell him...
You can't move there and make any money.

Well at least you confirm your the greasy type...
I was in Spain with a the english...I'm thinking of SE Asia, moving every couple months. Are you physic or something? ("Harper")
Did you really just ask if he was medicine?
WTF does that even mean? is that some sort of street code or something?
It's a quote from "Harper" - Anyway, I'm all Scottish and English.
no clue what harper is, but if it was an intentional misuse of a word based on a quote, carry on.
Ive never heard it used that way before.
You can't move there and make any money.

Well at least you confirm your the greasy type...
I was in Spain with a the english...I'm thinking of SE Asia, moving every couple months. Are you physic or something? ("Harper")
Did you really just ask if he was medicine?
WTF does that even mean? is that some sort of street code or something?
It's a quote from "Harper" - Anyway, I'm all Scottish and English.
no clue what harper is, but if it was an intentional misuse of a word based on a quote, carry on.
Ive never heard it used that way before.
A movie. Paul Newman, being sarcastic with dumb bartender. You must be physic or something...Great movie.
When 1000 Americans line up to apply for 100 jobs at a new Walmart,

whose fault is that? The 900 Americans who won't get a job? It's somehow their fault that jobs are scarce?

You don't get it. They should have never been born. Their parents had them but couldn't raise them right...so they turned out to be qualified for only low skilled jobs.

Weak people always try to find someone ELSE to blame. People born into bad situations make good ALL THE TIME! One's station in life is 100% due to the choices he or she has made. Period.

Never thought I'd say this but you're right.

Of course. I was trying to be as stupid as I could be. That always gets nutbags to agree.

That's not a good strategy for you. Seriously ...


You'd be much better off if you'd try to learn what words mean.
A lot of the people working minimum wage jobs are disabled or older. There are a lot of things one can rise above, but if you have a psychological disorder or are disabled in some way that's not realistic.

It's easy as a psychologically normative, physically capable young white man to rise above his circumstances. Not saying that hard work and dedication aren't important, but if you were not raised in a good household with good role models and poor education, you can easily fall into the minimum wage trap.

I've suffered from and have received treatment for an anxiety disorder. Physical reactions to stress have caused panic attacks in the past. I'm working through it and have had the occasion to move up, but one lesson I've learned is that it is not a good idea to look down on those less fortunate than you and make assumptions about their ambition and work ethic. Actually, that kind of makes you an asshole.

Not to mention discrimination against minorities directly and indirectly by employers. If you get a felony, good luck getting a good job outside mcdonalds. Blacks are overwhelmingly arrested and convicted for such crimes, especially poor blacks in poor neighborhoods. Disproportionately to their crime rates. They also live in poor neighborhoods with few real jobs.
A lot of the people working minimum wage jobs are disabled or older. There are a lot of things one can rise above, but if you have a psychological disorder or are disabled in some way that's not realistic.

It's easy as a psychologically normative, physically capable young white man to rise above his circumstances. Not saying that hard work and dedication aren't important, but if you were not raised in a good household with good role models and poor education, you can easily fall into the minimum wage trap.

I've suffered from and have received treatment for an anxiety disorder. Physical reactions to stress have caused panic attacks in the past. I'm working through it and have had the occasion to move up, but one lesson I've learned is that it is not a good idea to look down on those less fortunate than you and make assumptions about their ambition and work ethic. Actually, that kind of makes you an asshole.

Not to mention discrimination against minorities directly and indirectly by employers. If you get a felony, good luck getting a good job outside mcdonalds. Blacks are overwhelmingly arrested and convicted for such crimes, especially poor blacks in poor neighborhoods. Disproportionately to their crime rates. They also live in poor neighborhoods with few real jobs.
All democrats are assholes....
A lot of the people working minimum wage jobs are disabled or older. There are a lot of things one can rise above, but if you have a psychological disorder or are disabled in some way that's not realistic.

It's easy as a psychologically normative, physically capable young white man to rise above his circumstances. Not saying that hard work and dedication aren't important, but if you were not raised in a good household with good role models and poor education, you can easily fall into the minimum wage trap.

I've suffered from and have received treatment for an anxiety disorder. Physical reactions to stress have caused panic attacks in the past. I'm working through it and have had the occasion to move up, but one lesson I've learned is that it is not a good idea to look down on those less fortunate than you and make assumptions about their ambition and work ethic. Actually, that kind of makes you an asshole.

Not to mention discrimination against minorities directly and indirectly by employers. If you get a felony, good luck getting a good job outside mcdonalds. Blacks are overwhelmingly arrested and convicted for such crimes, especially poor blacks in poor neighborhoods. Disproportionately to their crime rates. They also live in poor neighborhoods with few real jobs.

Well if you are a felon, didn't you bring that upon yourself???

I don't think we are talking about people who are physically or mentally incapable of working. There are few who would disagree those people should be taken care of.

I'll just post a personal story here: I had a tenant that moved out earlier in the year. She and her BF both worked fast food joints. They never tried to advance themselves because they both were hooked on pot. They didn't want to give it up, and that's something they would probably have to do to get better paying jobs because most places that provide good jobs drug test.

They paid the rent--usually late, but always paid. Good kids, good tenants, and they always drove around in beat up late model cars and had to buy tires once a month.

She left after living here for seven years. She left the way she came--working restaurants. It's a choice they made that nobody should take pity on. Drugs today play a huge role in people not finding financial salvation.
The drive to pay irresponsible adults 15.00 for minimum wage will destroy jobs for future teenagers via the implementation of more automation.

Illegal aliens & dumbass liberals are going to drive away all the jobs for our kids.
So if the $15 minimum wage doesn't happen there will be no more automation?

I don't know why you guys answer the same stupid question over and over again..

If you don't know take some business and economics courses..

Again we had the technology in the 1980s to automate most anything.. If money was no object (in high school I was on work release: 4 hours in high school, 4 hours working at my dads Automation company he worked for and at night's I would work a 2nd part time job at arbys )

It's all about what cost more: to automate or just pay for labor..

Is your job safe from automation? I'm happy for you that you are so much better than the rest of us.

My record is less impressive than yours. I worked my way up thru the ranks to management in the early eighties (Reagan), in retailing and then got 'downsized' along with about 300 of my co-workers. I went the same route with two jobs and even got in some ambulance volunteering in my 'spare time'. Eventually I got into data entry (in the days when it was done in America) and moved up in that Global company to analysis. I got 'downsized' from there too, but I was 71 by then so it was more like forced retirement. I'd probably still be there if they hadn't chucked me out. That was a mass firing too, BTW. So I went thru it twice, working my way up to a great fall. However, the difference is that I remember. I always knew it 'could happen to me', so I'm a little less strident in my condemnation of those forced into menial jobs. Although I admit I did draw unemployment once back in the 50s for 2 weeks, and it was a Godsend.
A lot of the people working minimum wage jobs are disabled or older. There are a lot of things one can rise above, but if you have a psychological disorder or are disabled in some way that's not realistic.

It's easy as a psychologically normative, physically capable young white man to rise above his circumstances. Not saying that hard work and dedication aren't important, but if you were not raised in a good household with good role models and poor education, you can easily fall into the minimum wage trap.

I've suffered from and have received treatment for an anxiety disorder. Physical reactions to stress have caused panic attacks in the past. I'm working through it and have had the occasion to move up, but one lesson I've learned is that it is not a good idea to look down on those less fortunate than you and make assumptions about their ambition and work ethic. Actually, that kind of makes you an asshole.

Not to mention discrimination against minorities directly and indirectly by employers. If you get a felony, good luck getting a good job outside mcdonalds. Blacks are overwhelmingly arrested and convicted for such crimes, especially poor blacks in poor neighborhoods. Disproportionately to their crime rates. They also live in poor neighborhoods with few real jobs.
All democrats are assholes....

I was a Republican for the first thirty years that I voted. The reason I left the party is that the number of assholes began to exceed the number who had any good sense.
A lot of the people working minimum wage jobs are disabled or older. There are a lot of things one can rise above, but if you have a psychological disorder or are disabled in some way that's not realistic.

It's easy as a psychologically normative, physically capable young white man to rise above his circumstances. Not saying that hard work and dedication aren't important, but if you were not raised in a good household with good role models and poor education, you can easily fall into the minimum wage trap.

I've suffered from and have received treatment for an anxiety disorder. Physical reactions to stress have caused panic attacks in the past. I'm working through it and have had the occasion to move up, but one lesson I've learned is that it is not a good idea to look down on those less fortunate than you and make assumptions about their ambition and work ethic. Actually, that kind of makes you an asshole.

Not to mention discrimination against minorities directly and indirectly by employers. If you get a felony, good luck getting a good job outside mcdonalds. Blacks are overwhelmingly arrested and convicted for such crimes, especially poor blacks in poor neighborhoods. Disproportionately to their crime rates. They also live in poor neighborhoods with few real jobs.
All democrats are assholes....

I was a Republican for the first thirty years that I voted. The reason I left the party is that the number of assholes began to exceed the number who had any good sense.
A lot of the people working minimum wage jobs are disabled or older. There are a lot of things one can rise above, but if you have a psychological disorder or are disabled in some way that's not realistic.

It's easy as a psychologically normative, physically capable young white man to rise above his circumstances. Not saying that hard work and dedication aren't important, but if you were not raised in a good household with good role models and poor education, you can easily fall into the minimum wage trap.

I've suffered from and have received treatment for an anxiety disorder. Physical reactions to stress have caused panic attacks in the past. I'm working through it and have had the occasion to move up, but one lesson I've learned is that it is not a good idea to look down on those less fortunate than you and make assumptions about their ambition and work ethic. Actually, that kind of makes you an asshole.

Not to mention discrimination against minorities directly and indirectly by employers. If you get a felony, good luck getting a good job outside mcdonalds. Blacks are overwhelmingly arrested and convicted for such crimes, especially poor blacks in poor neighborhoods. Disproportionately to their crime rates. They also live in poor neighborhoods with few real jobs.
All democrats are assholes....

I was a Republican for the first thirty years that I voted. The reason I left the party is that the number of assholes began to exceed the number who had any good sense.

A lot of the people working minimum wage jobs are disabled or older. There are a lot of things one can rise above, but if you have a psychological disorder or are disabled in some way that's not realistic.

It's easy as a psychologically normative, physically capable young white man to rise above his circumstances. Not saying that hard work and dedication aren't important, but if you were not raised in a good household with good role models and poor education, you can easily fall into the minimum wage trap.

I've suffered from and have received treatment for an anxiety disorder. Physical reactions to stress have caused panic attacks in the past. I'm working through it and have had the occasion to move up, but one lesson I've learned is that it is not a good idea to look down on those less fortunate than you and make assumptions about their ambition and work ethic. Actually, that kind of makes you an asshole.

Not to mention discrimination against minorities directly and indirectly by employers. If you get a felony, good luck getting a good job outside mcdonalds. Blacks are overwhelmingly arrested and convicted for such crimes, especially poor blacks in poor neighborhoods. Disproportionately to their crime rates. They also live in poor neighborhoods with few real jobs.
The retarded & physically handicapped are not part of this discussion as they already get special assistance. And I'm sorry but anxiety is no excuse for failure.

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