If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

That's the devil creeping into your heart and mind. He wants you living in a state of hate and fear. When we help each other, we all gain. Only then can we truly call our nation 'Great.'

I watched what happens personally when you flood the job market with immigrants. Machine shops in Houston went from maybe 3% hispanic to around 80% hispanic in 25 years. As a result wages went stagnant and turned a once lucrative job you could raise a family on to what you have today.
I hear liberals crying about stagnant wages all the time yet they support the very cause of them.
Just how old are you?

You do make a valid point. But just be careful you don't allow the devil to hijack your heart and mind. You won't lose by helping your fellow Americans.

Immigrants are not my fellow Americans. My fellow Americans got priced out of the job market by them.
I got the shaft big time in the early 2000's

It amazes me that some people cant grasp the law of supply and demand.

It's demand and supply. And...that is simple.
When 1000 Americans line up to apply for 100 jobs at a new Walmart,

whose fault is that? The 900 Americans who won't get a job? It's somehow their fault that jobs are scarce?

You don't get it. They should have never been born. Their parents had them but couldn't raise them right...so they turned out to be qualified for only low skilled jobs.

Weak people always try to find someone ELSE to blame. People born into bad situations make good ALL THE TIME! One's station in life is 100% due to the choices he or she has made. Period.

Never thought I'd say this but you're right.

Of course. I was trying to be as stupid as I could be. That always gets nutbags to agree.

You should try it more often. You actually came across as sane for a change.
I watched what happens personally when you flood the job market with immigrants. Machine shops in Houston went from maybe 3% hispanic to around 80% hispanic in 25 years. As a result wages went stagnant and turned a once lucrative job you could raise a family on to what you have today.
I hear liberals crying about stagnant wages all the time yet they support the very cause of them.
Just how old are you?

You do make a valid point. But just be careful you don't allow the devil to hijack your heart and mind. You won't lose by helping your fellow Americans.

Immigrants are not my fellow Americans. My fellow Americans got priced out of the job market by them.
I got the shaft big time in the early 2000's

It amazes me that some people cant grasp the law of supply and demand.

It's demand and supply. And...that is simple.

It sure is. When the supply of workers out strips the demand wages go down.
I worked for minimum wage several decades ago. It was a good part time job at the time. I chose not to make a career doing that because I didn't make enough money.

If someone else makes a decision to continue to make minimal wage then that is their decision and I have no responsibility for them.

I sure as hell don't need the filthy ass oppressive government telling me I have to pay them more money than what the free market of labor would support.
When 1000 Americans line up to apply for 100 jobs at a new Walmart,

whose fault is that? The 900 Americans who won't get a job? It's somehow their fault that jobs are scarce?

You don't get it. They should have never been born. Their parents had them but couldn't raise them right...so they turned out to be qualified for only low skilled jobs.

Weak people always try to find someone ELSE to blame. People born into bad situations make good ALL THE TIME! One's station in life is 100% due to the choices he or she has made. Period.

Never thought I'd say this but you're right.

Of course. I was trying to be as stupid as I could be. That always gets nutbags to agree.

You should try it more often. You actually came across as sane for a change.

I can toss logic and facts out the window with ease. If I ever want to fit in at a Trump rally, I'm golden.
If your job moves to Mexico, your financial problems are yours alone.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.
When 1000 Americans line up to apply for 100 jobs at a new Walmart,

whose fault is that? The 900 Americans who won't get a job? It's somehow their fault that jobs are scarce?

You don't get it. They should have never been born. Their parents had them but couldn't raise them right...so they turned out to be qualified for only low skilled jobs.

Weak people always try to find someone ELSE to blame. People born into bad situations make good ALL THE TIME! One's station in life is 100% due to the choices he or she has made. Period.

Never thought I'd say this but you're right.

Of course. I was trying to be as stupid as I could be. That always gets nutbags to agree.

You should try it more often. You actually came across as sane for a change.

I can toss logic and facts out the window with ease. If I ever want to fit in at a Trump rally, I'm golden.
Be sure to use a heavy southern accent...
I thought you said we should help each other....then you spout off on crushing people....

Which is it?

That's the devil creeping into your heart and mind. He wants you living in a state of hate and fear. When we help each other, we all gain. Only then can we truly call our nation 'Great.'

I watched what happens personally when you flood the job market with immigrants.
Machine shops in Houston went from maybe 3% hispanic to around 80% hispanic in 25 years. As a result wages went stagnant and turned a once lucrative job you could raise a family on to what you have today.
I hear liberals crying about stagnant wages all the time yet they support the very cause of them.
Just how old are you?

You are full of shit. You don't know anything about the effect that immigrants have in our economy. You talk in talking points.

When you watch it happen it's hardly a talking point.
It was no secret that these immigrants were willing to work for far less than their American counterparts.
So let's send them back to Mexico, and let them make Carrier air conditioners and Fords and Trump ties there for $2 an hour.

Fuck the Americans who are too stupid to compete with them, amiright?

I'd rather spend my tax dollars on tax breaks and incentives to keep American jobs here than on welfare for immigrants who send a huge portion of their wages back to mexico rather than spending it here supporting our tax base and local economies..
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

All interesting points. However, somebody has to do these jobs. What do you do when they aren't done? no food being picked? No grass verges being mowed? No toilets being cleaned, or other premises. You get a third-world country. Nothing wrong with giving people a liveable wage. Also, don't forget that those minimum wages help keep inflation down. If everybody got paid $100,000 interest rates would go through the roof - supply and demand....everybody would have enough to buy shit, so sellers would put up prices due to scarcity..
People have life circumstances that sometimes leads to minimum wage jobs. And who's supposed to do these jobs? Someone has to do it. Working at a fast food job doesn't mean you have no ambition.

A lot of people work fast food jobs to put themselves through college or to take care fo family. Some people have a sick parent or sibling.

There are a lot of reasons why someone might work a fast food job. You need to pay them a reasonable wage.

"reasonable wage" is not something that can be imposed by the government, it is decided by how much value a person adds to a service or product via their labor.

Seems to me a reasonable wage is the wage both parties agree to do work at
I think Trump supports raising the Minimum Wage. I hope it happens. If we refuse to help our struggling fellow Americans, what good are we?
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

All interesting points. However, somebody has to do these jobs. What do you do when they aren't done? no food being picked? No grass verges being mowed? No toilets being cleaned, or other premises. You get a third-world country. Nothing wrong with giving people a liveable wage. Also, don't forget that those minimum wages help keep inflation down. If everybody got paid $100,000 interest rates would go through the roof - supply and demand....everybody would have enough to buy shit, so sellers would put up prices due to scarcity..
A living wage means people getting something for doing nothing…
That's the devil creeping into your heart and mind. He wants you living in a state of hate and fear. When we help each other, we all gain. Only then can we truly call our nation 'Great.'

I watched what happens personally when you flood the job market with immigrants.
Machine shops in Houston went from maybe 3% hispanic to around 80% hispanic in 25 years. As a result wages went stagnant and turned a once lucrative job you could raise a family on to what you have today.
I hear liberals crying about stagnant wages all the time yet they support the very cause of them.
Just how old are you?

You are full of shit. You don't know anything about the effect that immigrants have in our economy. You talk in talking points.

When you watch it happen it's hardly a talking point.
It was no secret that these immigrants were willing to work for far less than their American counterparts.
So let's send them back to Mexico, and let them make Carrier air conditioners and Fords and Trump ties there for $2 an hour.

Fuck the Americans who are too stupid to compete with them, amiright?

I'd rather spend my tax dollars on tax breaks and incentives

So you're cool with bribes to save lazy assed low skill workers. Check.

Corporate welfare but not social welfare. Check.
That's the devil creeping into your heart and mind. He wants you living in a state of hate and fear. When we help each other, we all gain. Only then can we truly call our nation 'Great.'

I watched what happens personally when you flood the job market with immigrants.
Machine shops in Houston went from maybe 3% hispanic to around 80% hispanic in 25 years. As a result wages went stagnant and turned a once lucrative job you could raise a family on to what you have today.
I hear liberals crying about stagnant wages all the time yet they support the very cause of them.
Just how old are you?

You are full of shit. You don't know anything about the effect that immigrants have in our economy. You talk in talking points.

When you watch it happen it's hardly a talking point.
It was no secret that these immigrants were willing to work for far less than their American counterparts.
So let's send them back to Mexico, and let them make Carrier air conditioners and Fords and Trump ties there for $2 an hour.

Fuck the Americans who are too stupid to compete with them, amiright?

I'd rather spend my tax dollars on tax breaks and incentives to keep American jobs here than on welfare for immigrants who send a huge portion of their wages back to mexico rather than spending it here supporting our tax base and local economies..

People have life circumstances that sometimes leads to minimum wage jobs. And who's supposed to do these jobs? Someone has to do it. Working at a fast food job doesn't mean you have no ambition.

A lot of people work fast food jobs to put themselves through college or to take care fo family. Some people have a sick parent or sibling.

There are a lot of reasons why someone might work a fast food job. You need to pay them a reasonable wage.

"reasonable wage" is not something that can be imposed by the government, it is decided by how much value a person adds to a service or product via their labor.

Seems to me a reasonable wage is the wage both parties agree to do work at

Sure. And every unskilled worker has plenty of clout with which to negotiate a higher wage.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

All interesting point. However, somebody has to do these jobs. What do you do when they aren't done? no food being picked? No grass verges being mowed? No toilets being cleaned, or other premises. You get a third-world country. Nothing wrong with giving people a liveable wage. Also, don't forget that those minimum wages help keep inflation down. If everybody got paid $100,000 interest rates would go through the roof - supply and demand....everybody would have enough to buy shit, so sellers would put up prices due to scarcity..

It's all based on demand. The going rate for basic yard service that entails mowing edging and weed eating is only five bucks more now than it was in 1980 when I did it as a kid.
Think about that.
You cant even get in the parking lot of the local Quicki Mart at lunch time due to all the trucks pulling trailers packed with lawn equipment and mexicans.
I think Trump supports raising the Minimum Wage. I hope it happens. If we refuse to help our struggling fellow Americans, what good are we?

He did. And then he didn't. Pence doesn't. His Labor Sec. doesn't. Ryan doesn't. McConnel doesn't.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

All interesting points. However, somebody has to do these jobs. What do you do when they aren't done? no food being picked? No grass verges being mowed? No toilets being cleaned, or other premises. You get a third-world country. Nothing wrong with giving people a liveable wage. Also, don't forget that those minimum wages help keep inflation down. If everybody got paid $100,000 interest rates would go through the roof - supply and demand....everybody would have enough to buy shit, so sellers would put up prices due to scarcity..
Stop welfare for the able bodied workers and those jobs would be done, just like before..
I watched what happens personally when you flood the job market with immigrants.
Machine shops in Houston went from maybe 3% hispanic to around 80% hispanic in 25 years. As a result wages went stagnant and turned a once lucrative job you could raise a family on to what you have today.
I hear liberals crying about stagnant wages all the time yet they support the very cause of them.
Just how old are you?

You are full of shit. You don't know anything about the effect that immigrants have in our economy. You talk in talking points.

When you watch it happen it's hardly a talking point.
It was no secret that these immigrants were willing to work for far less than their American counterparts.
So let's send them back to Mexico, and let them make Carrier air conditioners and Fords and Trump ties there for $2 an hour.

Fuck the Americans who are too stupid to compete with them, amiright?

I'd rather spend my tax dollars on tax breaks and incentives to keep American jobs here than on welfare for immigrants who send a huge portion of their wages back to mexico rather than spending it here supporting our tax base and local economies..

People have life circumstances that sometimes leads to minimum wage jobs. And who's supposed to do these jobs? Someone has to do it. Working at a fast food job doesn't mean you have no ambition.

A lot of people work fast food jobs to put themselves through college or to take care fo family. Some people have a sick parent or sibling.

There are a lot of reasons why someone might work a fast food job. You need to pay them a reasonable wage.

"reasonable wage" is not something that can be imposed by the government, it is decided by how much value a person adds to a service or product via their labor.

Seems to me a reasonable wage is the wage both parties agree to do work at

Sure. And every unskilled worker has plenty of clout with which to negotiate a higher wage.

Stop flooding the country with immigrants and the demand goes up along with wages.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

All interesting point. However, somebody has to do these jobs. What do you do when they aren't done? no food being picked? No grass verges being mowed? No toilets being cleaned, or other premises. You get a third-world country. Nothing wrong with giving people a liveable wage. Also, don't forget that those minimum wages help keep inflation down. If everybody got paid $100,000 interest rates would go through the roof - supply and demand....everybody would have enough to buy shit, so sellers would put up prices due to scarcity..

It's all based on demand. The going rate for basic yard service that entails mowing edging and weed eating is only five bucks more now than it was in 1980 when I did it as a kid.
Think about that.
You cant even get in the parking lot of the local Quicki Mart at lunch time due to all the trucks pulling trailers packed with lawn equipment and mexicans.
Around here they 25-70 bucks to do a lawn, as a kid I made 3 dollars..
You are full of shit. You don't know anything about the effect that immigrants have in our economy. You talk in talking points.

When you watch it happen it's hardly a talking point.
It was no secret that these immigrants were willing to work for far less than their American counterparts.
So let's send them back to Mexico, and let them make Carrier air conditioners and Fords and Trump ties there for $2 an hour.

Fuck the Americans who are too stupid to compete with them, amiright?

I'd rather spend my tax dollars on tax breaks and incentives to keep American jobs here than on welfare for immigrants who send a huge portion of their wages back to mexico rather than spending it here supporting our tax base and local economies..

People have life circumstances that sometimes leads to minimum wage jobs. And who's supposed to do these jobs? Someone has to do it. Working at a fast food job doesn't mean you have no ambition.

A lot of people work fast food jobs to put themselves through college or to take care fo family. Some people have a sick parent or sibling.

There are a lot of reasons why someone might work a fast food job. You need to pay them a reasonable wage.

"reasonable wage" is not something that can be imposed by the government, it is decided by how much value a person adds to a service or product via their labor.

Seems to me a reasonable wage is the wage both parties agree to do work at

Sure. And every unskilled worker has plenty of clout with which to negotiate a higher wage.

Stop flooding the country with immigrants and the demand goes up along with wages.
Explain how the presence of immigrants HERE caused Carrier and Ford to want to move to Mexico, and Trump to make his ties in China.

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