Ignorance Of The Law Is No Excuse

It is telling that not one single Trumper is saying he did not do the things he is accused of. Just that he should not be held accountable because others were not.
Trump did things he is accused of. So did Hillary, Biden, and others. One gets indicted while the other ones don't.
If I understand you correctly, you're saying that Trump had higher moral standards because in private, he didn't want to go after Hillary and put a stop to it while the left are more than willing to go after Trump for political purposes.
Don't twist my words, tard.

Read. The. Indictment.
Trump turned over 197 classified documents he had in his possession. Biden turned over ALL the classified documents he had in his possession.

The BIG YUGE MASSIVE difference, ya dumb fucks, is that Trump withheld several more boxes of documents which did not belong to him.

He hid them from the government, but then waved them around to show them off to visitors and friends who had no security clearance. He openly admitted to them, on tape, that they were classified.

Trump is not being charged for taking the 197 classified documents home with him. And Biden is not being charged with bringing home classified documents.

Trumps is being charged for the documents he DELIBERATELY hid from the government which had to be forcibly seized from his possesssion.

Try to get these facts through your dumb fat skulls. There is NO equivalence between Biden and Trump with respect to classified documents.


You can't tell anyone with a straight face that you would not be screaming for Biden's execution if he had showed off classified documents to unauthorized visitors.

False equivalence - Wikipedia

False equivalence. Read it. Learn it.

Then read the Trump classified documents indictment.

What is this bizarre mental block which is preventing you tards from reading the indictment?

Yes, I know there are different rules for Democrats than for Republicans and that Democrats have been on a campaign to weaponize government agencies for political purposes.
So, then you are good with Trump being punished, since you agree he is guilty.
I'm good with justice for all, not just one side. I am for the non abuse of power for purely political gain and the non-weaponization of government agencies for political gain. Indict Hillary and Biden and let's see how it goes with all three in a FAIR trial. I don't really give a crap if Trump is indicted and even found guilty as long as the same rules apply to everyone. They are not. But, you already know this since you claim to not represent either side.
I don't have to read the indictment. The TDS'rs have already told us what is in it and it clearly shows an abuse of power and weaponization of the DOJ for political purposes.
It shows exactly the opposite, dope.
There’s a great deal of testimony from Trump’s own lawyers.

It’s duh Dems, boff. Dey is weaponizin! :cuckoo:
I'm good with justice for all, not just one side. I am for the non abuse of power for purely political gain and the non-weaponization of government agencies for political gain. Indict Hillary and Biden and let's see how it goes with all three in a FAIR trial. I don't really give a crap if Trump is indicted and even found guilty as long as the same rules apply to everyone. They are not. But, you already know this since you claim to not represent either side.

So, since there is not justice for all, there should be no justice for anyone?
You are correct, it was and is Trump's actions that is destroying the country.
It always was, is, and will be the behaviors of its citizens that are the biggest threat to the country.
The proof is already there. He and his lawyers knew they had classified documents in New Jersey but kept it secret because they discovered it just before the 2020 election and didn't want it to get out before the election. When that was discovered they should have looked for more classified documents but didn't, with them finally admitting months later that there were more, and then after the DOJ showed up then they found even more.

What documents were found in New Jersey? Your link says nothing about that.
Then it would be easy for Trump to find lawyers to defend against that.
But Trump cant get any new lawyers, and the ones he had jumped the burning ship.
Well, that's on him because no one but an idiot wants to work for him, not because Trump is guilty (lawyers represent defendants all the time, whether they are guilty or innocent) but because Trump is Trump and an asshole who doesn't always pay his bills. BUT, Trump shouldn't be in this position in the first place if it wasn't for weaponization of government agencies for political purposes.

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