I'll blackmail my own country

the writing' s on the wall. besides - i am in the court of public opinion.... not a court of law. i gave you too much credit figuring you would know that.

oh well - now tell me how mueller's investigation is a witch hunt & a hoax... but jade helm 15 was real. :auiqs.jpg:

Poor little ignorant dumb ass. Please provide a quote where I said Jade Helm was anything more than a standard military exercise. It's amazing how you continue to insist on displaying your dumbassery. I love it. LMAO


you don't understand comparative thinking at all, do you, poor substandard schooled feline?

Of course I understand comparative thinking, how do you think I nailed you as a stone ignorant dumb ass, compared to all the other mutants in this world? You're just soooooooo good at displaying your total dumbassery for all the world to see. Like I said, I love it.


actually you don't. or you would have understood the jade helm analogy.

oh well.... you still got your meow mix.

Sorry child, you're they one buying into dumb ass fairy tales. But tell me where in Mueller's charter was there an authorization to go after 13 year old financial crimes that the statue of limitations had ran on? His authorization letter isn't that long so I'm sure with your gift of dumbassery you can find it fairly quickly. Here's a link for your convenience, I know with your gross case of dumbassery you can have problems navigating the internet.

Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel


lol.... mueller has many feds working this investigation that he has delegated duties, including those who worked on the enron case. you have clue none just how many supposed crimes fall outside any 'statue of limitations', but the publicly known facts are building a mighty case against trump & all those circle jerkers he surrounds himself with. THAT is what i mean when i says trump's real wall is about to come tumbling down......................... :popcorn:

funny how YOU think this is.... oh what is that stupid phrase again?.....

a 'nothing burger'.

anyhoo - if you think any law enforcement agent who is assigned a certain case with certain guidelines runs into new fresh leads that are criminal in nature & go outside that box... will ignore them, then you are sadly mistaken. i'll give you one really good example. phil giordano, (R) mayor waterbury, ct. google that name.

the feds were going after him for certain financial crimes & wound up with a whole pandoras box full of other ones. did they ignore those? thankfully not.

happy reading little pussy. :whipg:
Last edited:
Poor little ignorant dumb ass. Please provide a quote where I said Jade Helm was anything more than a standard military exercise. It's amazing how you continue to insist on displaying your dumbassery. I love it. LMAO


you don't understand comparative thinking at all, do you, poor substandard schooled feline?

Of course I understand comparative thinking, how do you think I nailed you as a stone ignorant dumb ass, compared to all the other mutants in this world? You're just soooooooo good at displaying your total dumbassery for all the world to see. Like I said, I love it.


actually you don't. or you would have understood the jade helm analogy.

oh well.... you still got your meow mix.
And you got zip

i gots me stock in a popcorn company...... $$$$$$ ca-ching!
Thank god for capitalism then! Right?
Poor little ignorant dumb ass. Please provide a quote where I said Jade Helm was anything more than a standard military exercise. It's amazing how you continue to insist on displaying your dumbassery. I love it. LMAO


you don't understand comparative thinking at all, do you, poor substandard schooled feline?

Of course I understand comparative thinking, how do you think I nailed you as a stone ignorant dumb ass, compared to all the other mutants in this world? You're just soooooooo good at displaying your total dumbassery for all the world to see. Like I said, I love it.


actually you don't. or you would have understood the jade helm analogy.

oh well.... you still got your meow mix.

Sorry child, you're they one buying into dumb ass fairy tales. But tell me where in Mueller's charter was there an authorization to go after 13 year old financial crimes that the statue of limitations had ran on? His authorization letter isn't that long so I'm sure with your gift of dumbassery you can find it fairly quickly. Here's a link for your convenience, I know with your gross case of dumbassery you can have problems navigating the internet.

Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel


lol.... mueller has many feds working this investigation that he has delegated duties, including those who worked on the enron case. you have clue none just how many supposed crimes fall outside any 'statue of limitations', but the publicly known facts are building a mighty case against trump & all those circle jerkers he surrounds himself with. THAT is what i mean when i says trump's real wall is about to come tumbling down......................... :popcorn:

funny how YOU think this is.... oh what is that stupid phrase again?.....

a 'nothing burger'.

anyhoo - if you think any law enforcement agent who is assigned a certain case with certain guidelines runs into new fresh leads that are criminal in nature & go outside that box... will ignore them, then you are sadly mistaken. i'll give you one really good example. phil giordano, (R) mayor waterbury, ct. google that name.

the feds were going after him for certain financial crimes & wound up with a whole pandoras box full of other ones. did they ignore those? thankfully not.

happy reading little pussy. :whipg:
Remarkable, you continue to post this nonsense! Popcorn is stale pup
What blackmail? There are no freaking secrets. Bill Clinton sold ICBM technology to China. The CIA released documents relating to WMD's that they thought would embarrass the Bush administration. The U.S. shares NASA technology with the Russians on the space station. The only things that seem to remain classified are the documents that tend to embarrass democrats.
Man Do I have a $ 50 million penthouse for you
What blackmail? There are no freaking secrets. Bill Clinton sold ICBM technology to China. The CIA released documents relating to WMD's that they thought would embarrass the Bush administration. The U.S. shares NASA technology with the Russians on the space station. The only things that seem to remain classified are the documents that tend to embarrass democrats.
Man Do I have a $ 50 million penthouse for you
What blackmail? There are no freaking secrets. Bill Clinton sold ICBM technology to China. The CIA released documents relating to WMD's that they thought would embarrass the Bush administration. The U.S. shares NASA technology with the Russians on the space station. The only things that seem to remain classified are the documents that tend to embarrass democrats.
Man Do I have a $ 50 million penthouse for you
jc I'll meet you at trump tower and we can talk about adoption lol Trumps are lying scum and if truth really mattered he's be out on his ass months ago
Lies and lying liars

By Sharon LaFraniere

  • Dec. 1, 2018
WASHINGTON — When Michael D. Cohen admitted this past week to lying to Congress about a Russian business deal, he said he had testified falsely out of loyalty to President Trump. When he admitted this summer to lying on campaign finance records about payments to cover up a sex scandal during the campaign, he said it was at Mr. Trump’s direction.

Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, former senior Trump campaign officials, lied to cover up financial fraud. George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign aide, lied in hopes of landing an administration job. And Michael T. Flynn, another adviser, lied about his interactions with a Russian official and about other matters for reasons that remain unclear.

If the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, has proved anything in his 18-month-long investigation — besides how intensely Russia meddled in an American presidential election — it is that Mr. Trump surrounded himself throughout 2016 and early 2017 with people to whom lying seemed to be second nature.

They lied to federal authorities even when they had lawyers advising them, even when the risk of getting caught was high and even when the consequences for them were dire.

you don't understand comparative thinking at all, do you, poor substandard schooled feline?

Of course I understand comparative thinking, how do you think I nailed you as a stone ignorant dumb ass, compared to all the other mutants in this world? You're just soooooooo good at displaying your total dumbassery for all the world to see. Like I said, I love it.


actually you don't. or you would have understood the jade helm analogy.

oh well.... you still got your meow mix.
And you got zip

i gots me stock in a popcorn company...... $$$$$$ ca-ching!
Thank god for capitalism then! Right?

i have no problems with a free market system.
he cant buy his way out so he will try and lie his way out.

that's called being painted into a corner, and getting desperate ..

Yes Trump and Nixon only presidents painted into a corner in the oval office
Clinton! Got sucked into the corner. Literally

& impeached for it. oh dear.... that reminds me of the initial ken starr investigation. wasn't that over some land deal called.... what was it again? oh, ya.... whitewater. & along the way, he found out about slick willy's little adventures with that woman... ms lewinsky. that's went every thing went ka-blooey & poor bubba got busted.

now.... lookey here. seems like that little scenario is playing out right now in real time. we gots a special prosecutor looking into certain crimes laid out in the okey dokey to do so authorization by the AG, then discovers a whole other area of wrong doing.... & the prez ends up getting nailed to the wall. except THIS time - there will be way too much overwhelming evidence of treasonous acts to just skate by with impeachment. hopefully the (R) senate will not turn their backs on the Constitution & carry out the responsibility of holding the 'president' accountable, because nobody is above the law.
Last edited:
you don't understand comparative thinking at all, do you, poor substandard schooled feline?

Of course I understand comparative thinking, how do you think I nailed you as a stone ignorant dumb ass, compared to all the other mutants in this world? You're just soooooooo good at displaying your total dumbassery for all the world to see. Like I said, I love it.


actually you don't. or you would have understood the jade helm analogy.

oh well.... you still got your meow mix.

Sorry child, you're they one buying into dumb ass fairy tales. But tell me where in Mueller's charter was there an authorization to go after 13 year old financial crimes that the statue of limitations had ran on? His authorization letter isn't that long so I'm sure with your gift of dumbassery you can find it fairly quickly. Here's a link for your convenience, I know with your gross case of dumbassery you can have problems navigating the internet.

Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel


lol.... mueller has many feds working this investigation that he has delegated duties, including those who worked on the enron case. you have clue none just how many supposed crimes fall outside any 'statue of limitations', but the publicly known facts are building a mighty case against trump & all those circle jerkers he surrounds himself with. THAT is what i mean when i says trump's real wall is about to come tumbling down......................... :popcorn:

funny how YOU think this is.... oh what is that stupid phrase again?.....

a 'nothing burger'.

anyhoo - if you think any law enforcement agent who is assigned a certain case with certain guidelines runs into new fresh leads that are criminal in nature & go outside that box... will ignore them, then you are sadly mistaken. i'll give you one really good example. phil giordano, (R) mayor waterbury, ct. google that name.

the feds were going after him for certain financial crimes & wound up with a whole pandoras box full of other ones. did they ignore those? thankfully not.

happy reading little pussy. :whipg:
Remarkable, you continue to post this nonsense! Popcorn is stale pup

lol.... are you a little pussy too? you must be since you answered the post. :lmao:
Poor little ignorant dumb ass. Please provide a quote where I said Jade Helm was anything more than a standard military exercise. It's amazing how you continue to insist on displaying your dumbassery. I love it. LMAO


you don't understand comparative thinking at all, do you, poor substandard schooled feline?

Of course I understand comparative thinking, how do you think I nailed you as a stone ignorant dumb ass, compared to all the other mutants in this world? You're just soooooooo good at displaying your total dumbassery for all the world to see. Like I said, I love it.


actually you don't. or you would have understood the jade helm analogy.

oh well.... you still got your meow mix.

Sorry child, you're they one buying into dumb ass fairy tales. But tell me where in Mueller's charter was there an authorization to go after 13 year old financial crimes that the statue of limitations had ran on? His authorization letter isn't that long so I'm sure with your gift of dumbassery you can find it fairly quickly. Here's a link for your convenience, I know with your gross case of dumbassery you can have problems navigating the internet.

Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel


lol.... mueller has many feds working this investigation that he has delegated duties, including those who worked on the enron case. you have clue none just how many supposed crimes fall outside any 'statue of limitations', but the publicly known facts are building a mighty case against trump & all those circle jerkers he surrounds himself with. THAT is what i mean when i says trump's real wall is about to come tumbling down......................... :popcorn:

funny how YOU think this is.... oh what is that stupid phrase again?.....

a 'nothing burger'.

anyhoo - if you think any law enforcement agent who is assigned a certain case with certain guidelines runs into new fresh leads that are criminal in nature & go outside that box... will ignore them, then you are sadly mistaken. i'll give you one really good example. phil giordano, (R) mayor waterbury, ct. google that name.

the feds were going after him for certain financial crimes & wound up with a whole pandoras box full of other ones. did they ignore those? thankfully not.

happy reading little pussy. :whipg:

Well dumb ass, I guess you love soviet style justice, "Show me the man and I'll find you a crime'. Mueller had his team compile a list of Trump associates and had them go through old DOJ files for any leverage they might get on any of them. The DOJ passed on charges on Manafort when he was initially investigated. Once again, where did Mueller's charter give him that authority? He was charged with completing the counter intelligence investigation the FBI had started more than a year earlier, which had nothing to do with Manafort's businesses 13 years earlier. Just remember the precedents he's setting when it's your guy in the barrel.

What blackmail? There are no freaking secrets. Bill Clinton sold ICBM technology to China. The CIA released documents relating to WMD's that they thought would embarrass the Bush administration. The U.S. shares NASA technology with the Russians on the space station. The only things that seem to remain classified are the documents that tend to embarrass democrats.
Man Do I have a $ 50 million penthouse for you
You left out all the info the repub house buried in their protection of trump But bad news...That will change in Jan Even the crooks taxes might come to light
you don't understand comparative thinking at all, do you, poor substandard schooled feline?

Of course I understand comparative thinking, how do you think I nailed you as a stone ignorant dumb ass, compared to all the other mutants in this world? You're just soooooooo good at displaying your total dumbassery for all the world to see. Like I said, I love it.


actually you don't. or you would have understood the jade helm analogy.

oh well.... you still got your meow mix.

Sorry child, you're they one buying into dumb ass fairy tales. But tell me where in Mueller's charter was there an authorization to go after 13 year old financial crimes that the statue of limitations had ran on? His authorization letter isn't that long so I'm sure with your gift of dumbassery you can find it fairly quickly. Here's a link for your convenience, I know with your gross case of dumbassery you can have problems navigating the internet.

Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel


lol.... mueller has many feds working this investigation that he has delegated duties, including those who worked on the enron case. you have clue none just how many supposed crimes fall outside any 'statue of limitations', but the publicly known facts are building a mighty case against trump & all those circle jerkers he surrounds himself with. THAT is what i mean when i says trump's real wall is about to come tumbling down......................... :popcorn:

funny how YOU think this is.... oh what is that stupid phrase again?.....

a 'nothing burger'.

anyhoo - if you think any law enforcement agent who is assigned a certain case with certain guidelines runs into new fresh leads that are criminal in nature & go outside that box... will ignore them, then you are sadly mistaken. i'll give you one really good example. phil giordano, (R) mayor waterbury, ct. google that name.

the feds were going after him for certain financial crimes & wound up with a whole pandoras box full of other ones. did they ignore those? thankfully not.

happy reading little pussy. :whipg:

Well dumb ass, I guess you love soviet style justice, "Show me the man and I'll find you a crime'. Mueller had his team compile a list of Trump associates and had them go through old DOJ files for any leverage they might get on any of them. The DOJ passed on charges on Manafort when he was initially investigated. Once again, where did Mueller's charter give him that authority? He was charged with completing the counter intelligence investigation the FBI had started more than a year earlier, which had nothing to do with Manafort's businesses 13 years earlier. Just remember the precedents he's setting when it's your guy in the barrel.

Our turn ?? Our guys have been put in the barrel many times Even McConnell helped out Now lets see you get your turn
Of course I understand comparative thinking, how do you think I nailed you as a stone ignorant dumb ass, compared to all the other mutants in this world? You're just soooooooo good at displaying your total dumbassery for all the world to see. Like I said, I love it.


actually you don't. or you would have understood the jade helm analogy.

oh well.... you still got your meow mix.

Sorry child, you're they one buying into dumb ass fairy tales. But tell me where in Mueller's charter was there an authorization to go after 13 year old financial crimes that the statue of limitations had ran on? His authorization letter isn't that long so I'm sure with your gift of dumbassery you can find it fairly quickly. Here's a link for your convenience, I know with your gross case of dumbassery you can have problems navigating the internet.

Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel


lol.... mueller has many feds working this investigation that he has delegated duties, including those who worked on the enron case. you have clue none just how many supposed crimes fall outside any 'statue of limitations', but the publicly known facts are building a mighty case against trump & all those circle jerkers he surrounds himself with. THAT is what i mean when i says trump's real wall is about to come tumbling down......................... :popcorn:

funny how YOU think this is.... oh what is that stupid phrase again?.....

a 'nothing burger'.

anyhoo - if you think any law enforcement agent who is assigned a certain case with certain guidelines runs into new fresh leads that are criminal in nature & go outside that box... will ignore them, then you are sadly mistaken. i'll give you one really good example. phil giordano, (R) mayor waterbury, ct. google that name.

the feds were going after him for certain financial crimes & wound up with a whole pandoras box full of other ones. did they ignore those? thankfully not.

happy reading little pussy. :whipg:

Well dumb ass, I guess you love soviet style justice, "Show me the man and I'll find you a crime'. Mueller had his team compile a list of Trump associates and had them go through old DOJ files for any leverage they might get on any of them. The DOJ passed on charges on Manafort when he was initially investigated. Once again, where did Mueller's charter give him that authority? He was charged with completing the counter intelligence investigation the FBI had started more than a year earlier, which had nothing to do with Manafort's businesses 13 years earlier. Just remember the precedents he's setting when it's your guy in the barrel.

Our turn ?? Our guys have been put in the barrel many times Even McConnell helped out Now lets see you get your turn

Not with a guy like Mueller, but it's coming.

you don't understand comparative thinking at all, do you, poor substandard schooled feline?

Of course I understand comparative thinking, how do you think I nailed you as a stone ignorant dumb ass, compared to all the other mutants in this world? You're just soooooooo good at displaying your total dumbassery for all the world to see. Like I said, I love it.


actually you don't. or you would have understood the jade helm analogy.

oh well.... you still got your meow mix.

Sorry child, you're they one buying into dumb ass fairy tales. But tell me where in Mueller's charter was there an authorization to go after 13 year old financial crimes that the statue of limitations had ran on? His authorization letter isn't that long so I'm sure with your gift of dumbassery you can find it fairly quickly. Here's a link for your convenience, I know with your gross case of dumbassery you can have problems navigating the internet.

Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel


lol.... mueller has many feds working this investigation that he has delegated duties, including those who worked on the enron case. you have clue none just how many supposed crimes fall outside any 'statue of limitations', but the publicly known facts are building a mighty case against trump & all those circle jerkers he surrounds himself with. THAT is what i mean when i says trump's real wall is about to come tumbling down......................... :popcorn:

funny how YOU think this is.... oh what is that stupid phrase again?.....

a 'nothing burger'.

anyhoo - if you think any law enforcement agent who is assigned a certain case with certain guidelines runs into new fresh leads that are criminal in nature & go outside that box... will ignore them, then you are sadly mistaken. i'll give you one really good example. phil giordano, (R) mayor waterbury, ct. google that name.

the feds were going after him for certain financial crimes & wound up with a whole pandoras box full of other ones. did they ignore those? thankfully not.

happy reading little pussy. :whipg:

Well dumb ass, I guess you love soviet style justice, "Show me the man and I'll find you a crime'. Mueller had his team compile a list of Trump associates and had them go through old DOJ files for any leverage they might get on any of them. The DOJ passed on charges on Manafort when he was initially investigated. Once again, where did Mueller's charter give him that authority? He was charged with completing the counter intelligence investigation the FBI had started more than a year earlier, which had nothing to do with Manafort's businesses 13 years earlier. Just remember the precedents he's setting when it's your guy in the barrel.


:blahblah: you lost me after the first sentence. ridiculous & severly lacking in any reality based truth. lol... i did gloss over that last sentence though

'in the barrel'? you are quoting roger stone when he said the same thing about john podesta just b4 wikileaks dumped the hacked emails. haaaaaaa................ you know he's toast too, don'tcha? he & pauly walnuts go back decades.... & you can throw trump in there too. what a cosy threesome they make.
Last edited:
What blackmail? There are no freaking secrets. Bill Clinton sold ICBM technology to China. The CIA released documents relating to WMD's that they thought would embarrass the Bush administration. The U.S. shares NASA technology with the Russians on the space station. The only things that seem to remain classified are the documents that tend to embarrass democrats.
Man Do I have a $ 50 million penthouse for you
You left out all the info the repub house buried in their protection of trump But bad news...That will change in Jan Even the crooks taxes might come to light

donny jr, roger stone, panty waist jared, will all be called back too............ i can't wait for aunty maxine waters - who will chair the finance committee to send out that tax return subpoena.
actually you don't. or you would have understood the jade helm analogy.

oh well.... you still got your meow mix.

Sorry child, you're they one buying into dumb ass fairy tales. But tell me where in Mueller's charter was there an authorization to go after 13 year old financial crimes that the statue of limitations had ran on? His authorization letter isn't that long so I'm sure with your gift of dumbassery you can find it fairly quickly. Here's a link for your convenience, I know with your gross case of dumbassery you can have problems navigating the internet.

Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel


lol.... mueller has many feds working this investigation that he has delegated duties, including those who worked on the enron case. you have clue none just how many supposed crimes fall outside any 'statue of limitations', but the publicly known facts are building a mighty case against trump & all those circle jerkers he surrounds himself with. THAT is what i mean when i says trump's real wall is about to come tumbling down......................... :popcorn:

funny how YOU think this is.... oh what is that stupid phrase again?.....

a 'nothing burger'.

anyhoo - if you think any law enforcement agent who is assigned a certain case with certain guidelines runs into new fresh leads that are criminal in nature & go outside that box... will ignore them, then you are sadly mistaken. i'll give you one really good example. phil giordano, (R) mayor waterbury, ct. google that name.

the feds were going after him for certain financial crimes & wound up with a whole pandoras box full of other ones. did they ignore those? thankfully not.

happy reading little pussy. :whipg:

Well dumb ass, I guess you love soviet style justice, "Show me the man and I'll find you a crime'. Mueller had his team compile a list of Trump associates and had them go through old DOJ files for any leverage they might get on any of them. The DOJ passed on charges on Manafort when he was initially investigated. Once again, where did Mueller's charter give him that authority? He was charged with completing the counter intelligence investigation the FBI had started more than a year earlier, which had nothing to do with Manafort's businesses 13 years earlier. Just remember the precedents he's setting when it's your guy in the barrel.

Our turn ?? Our guys have been put in the barrel many times Even McConnell helped out Now lets see you get your turn

Not with a guy like Mueller, but it's coming.


any day now any day now any day now............... what a fucking snowflake.........
Of course I understand comparative thinking, how do you think I nailed you as a stone ignorant dumb ass, compared to all the other mutants in this world? You're just soooooooo good at displaying your total dumbassery for all the world to see. Like I said, I love it.


actually you don't. or you would have understood the jade helm analogy.

oh well.... you still got your meow mix.

Sorry child, you're they one buying into dumb ass fairy tales. But tell me where in Mueller's charter was there an authorization to go after 13 year old financial crimes that the statue of limitations had ran on? His authorization letter isn't that long so I'm sure with your gift of dumbassery you can find it fairly quickly. Here's a link for your convenience, I know with your gross case of dumbassery you can have problems navigating the internet.

Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel


lol.... mueller has many feds working this investigation that he has delegated duties, including those who worked on the enron case. you have clue none just how many supposed crimes fall outside any 'statue of limitations', but the publicly known facts are building a mighty case against trump & all those circle jerkers he surrounds himself with. THAT is what i mean when i says trump's real wall is about to come tumbling down......................... :popcorn:

funny how YOU think this is.... oh what is that stupid phrase again?.....

a 'nothing burger'.

anyhoo - if you think any law enforcement agent who is assigned a certain case with certain guidelines runs into new fresh leads that are criminal in nature & go outside that box... will ignore them, then you are sadly mistaken. i'll give you one really good example. phil giordano, (R) mayor waterbury, ct. google that name.

the feds were going after him for certain financial crimes & wound up with a whole pandoras box full of other ones. did they ignore those? thankfully not.

happy reading little pussy. :whipg:

Well dumb ass, I guess you love soviet style justice, "Show me the man and I'll find you a crime'. Mueller had his team compile a list of Trump associates and had them go through old DOJ files for any leverage they might get on any of them. The DOJ passed on charges on Manafort when he was initially investigated. Once again, where did Mueller's charter give him that authority? He was charged with completing the counter intelligence investigation the FBI had started more than a year earlier, which had nothing to do with Manafort's businesses 13 years earlier. Just remember the precedents he's setting when it's your guy in the barrel.


:blahblah: you lost me after the first sentence. ridiculous & severly lacking in any reality based truth. lol... i did gloss over that last sentence though

'in the barrel'? you are quoting roger stone when he said the same thing about john podesta just b4 wikileaks dumped the hacked emails. haaaaaaa................ you know he's toast too, don'tcha? he & pauly walnuts go back decades.... & you can throw trump in there too. what a cosy threesome they make.

I'll try to dumb it down for ya from now on, but what do you think Stone did that was illegal?


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