Illegal mexicans favor dems 8-1 over repubs

I've said it before. The GOP has to decide if they want to win elections or just be mean. Currently they just go with a finger in the eye of most people then wonder why no one sees them as an option
A poll shows that immigrants don't support a group which so plainly hates them?

Gee, there's a real shocker...

Sometimes G5 you just say really stupid stuff... They will never pass immigration because both sides understand it would be a disaster to do amnesty again. It's a game, Reps play the anti illegal card and Dems play the pro illegal card. It's a wash in the end as neither side dominates in elections.

Politicians need ways to divide people, this is just another way to divide people.

The answer is to crack down on people that employee illegals, problem would be solved in less than 6 months and the net cost would a massive surplus. Or we could keep doing as we are and giving welfare out to illegals that don't pay any real amount of taxes while they suck up education/healthcare.
A poll shows that immigrants don't support a group which so plainly hates them?

Gee, there's a real shocker...

What's happened to CA proves that third world immigration destroys a society. That's why repubs want to keep this illiterate unskilled welfare-loving scum out. All decent americans feel the same way.
Vote GOP they aint LBJ

You're crabby when you go to long without Purple Drank

Why wont minorties vote GOP? Its really puzzling

If the GOP and the DNC are almost 50/50 every election it begs the question... If minorities (illegals) vote for the DNC then could it be argued that the GOP votes are made up of actual citizen votes, non bought votes by way of citizenship or welfare for illegals?

Careful, you kinda stepped in your own chit. Better get back to playing stupid.

The answer is to crack down on people that employee illegals, problem would be solved in less than 6 months and the net cost would a massive surplus. Or we could keep doing as we are and giving welfare out to illegals that don't pay any real amount of taxes while they suck up education/healthcare.

Yes the illegals do suck up education and welfare and the states need to stop that. They must tell federal congress that they have no authority to force hospitals to provide free health care to illegals and tell the SCOTUS they have no authority to force schools to accept illegals.
Illegal mexicans favor dems 8-1 over repubs

so do commies, pederasses, laggards, homos, and blood suckers of all description.
Black people have been voting democratic since forever and look how that's worked out.
The Republican line is that wetbacks are coming here for a free ride. How incredibly stupid and insulting!!!

They are coming here for MONEY, honey! Jobs. Cash. Work. They understand what America is supposed to be about more than we do!


Question... How many people do you let in? Lets say you get around 12 million moving to America a year for work and opportunity, do you allow indefinite amounts in or do you become a racist, homosexual hating faux news conservative and limit the amount of people allows to rush your country?
Importing ignorance, poverty, and a collectivist culture does nothing to advance the United States unless you want a good impoverished victimized voting base in the foreseeable future.

America has been importing ignorance, poverty, and a collectivist culture for a long time now.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Those words were written before america became a welfare state. The immigrants of 200 years ago had to fend for themselves. Not so now. As rand paul said "you can't have open borders in a welfare state". think
A poll shows that immigrants don't support a group which so plainly hates them?

Gee, there's a real shocker...

Illegal Immigrants

The correct phrase is Illegal Immigrants

Or illegal aliens. Or wetbacks. It's all good, amiright?

This poll is merely reflecting a larger pattern. Drop in on any converstation faux conservatives are having about homosexuals, blacks, Muslims, immigration, or women and it is a neverending stream of hate.

Gosh. Now we have a poll that shows the targets of just a portion of all that hatred don't support the Republican party.

In other news, water is wet.

You're sounding like Starkey
Illegals of course hate the GOP, because we do not reach out to their legit needs.

81% of legal Hispanics think we are full of shit because we do not reach out to their needs.

ShootsSpeeders, no moral person wants your kind to run our government.
Illegals of course hate the GOP, because we do not reach out to their legit needs.

81% of legal Hispanics think we are full of shit because we do not reach out to their needs.

ShootsSpeeders, no moral person wants your kind to run our government.

Hey you dumb fuck, what are the Legit need of an ILLEGAL?
A poll shows that immigrants don't support a group which so plainly hates them?

Gee, there's a real shocker...

Sometimes G5 you just say really stupid stuff... They will never pass immigration because both sides understand it would be a disaster to do amnesty again. It's a game, Reps play the anti illegal card and Dems play the pro illegal card. It's a wash in the end as neither side dominates in elections.

Politicians need ways to divide people, this is just another way to divide people.

The answer is to crack down on people that employee illegals, problem would be solved in less than 6 months and the net cost would a massive surplus. Or we could keep doing as we are and giving welfare out to illegals that don't pay any real amount of taxes while they suck up education/healthcare.

Are you even paying attention to the OP you are defending?

Repubs are suicidal if they support amnesty. Hispos are the same as negros - their goal is to go on welfare and live off the white man and they will always vote for the welfare party.

The OP's problem isn't illegal immigration. It's immigration. This perception that Hispanics and blacks are leaches on society is the point. Why would minorities vote Republican when the perception about them is so low among Republicans?
Illegals of course hate the GOP, because we do not reach out to their legit needs.

81% of legal Hispanics think we are full of shit because we do not reach out to their needs.

ShootsSpeeders, no moral person wants your kind to run our government.

Hey you dumb fuck, what are the Legit need of an ILLEGAL?

Illegals are part of our society, we benefit from them, and they have a right to come out of the shadows.

Your statement was clearly a dribble down the leg statement. :lol:
A poll shows that immigrants don't support a group which so plainly hates them?

Gee, there's a real shocker...

Sometimes G5 you just say really stupid stuff... They will never pass immigration because both sides understand it would be a disaster to do amnesty again. It's a game, Reps play the anti illegal card and Dems play the pro illegal card. It's a wash in the end as neither side dominates in elections.

Politicians need ways to divide people, this is just another way to divide people.

The answer is to crack down on people that employee illegals, problem would be solved in less than 6 months and the net cost would a massive surplus. Or we could keep doing as we are and giving welfare out to illegals that don't pay any real amount of taxes while they suck up education/healthcare.

Are you even paying attention to the OP you are defending?

Repubs are suicidal if they support amnesty. Hispos are the same as negros - their goal is to go on welfare and live off the white man and they will always vote for the welfare party.

The OP's problem isn't illegal immigration. It's immigration. This perception that Hispanics and blacks are leaches on society is the point. Why would minorities vote Republican when the perception about them is so low among Republicans?

Thats the lying Left wing Narrative and its tottaly fucking bogus
No, Frank, it is the truth, and the illegals know it.

We cannot be a majority party treating minorities, women, and immigrants as we do.

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