Illegal mexicans favor dems 8-1 over repubs

You seem only capable of parroting memes created just for rubes.

13 years and a lot of cash to go from illegal immigrant to legal immigrant isn't exactly what I would call amnesty. It is a hell of a hurdle which does not incentivize more illegal immigration.

We know Obama is a real law and order type guy, if he says he securing the southern border it's a done deal.

Are we talking about something else now? A second ago, you were talking about the people who are already here.

But if you want to change the subject to securing the border, let's do it. I'm all for it.

We have a broken, non-functioning government. Someone in Congress needs to affirmatively state that no further business will be conducted until we unravel the extent to which POTUS has gone off the track with NSA and IRS. How on Earth anyone thinks this is a good time to grant citizenship to illegals is beyond me. Yeah, I believe that the waiting period and the fine will stay in tact.

Uh huh

Sure it will
Stop trolling, Frank, stay on track.

Your hatred of POTUS is not the subject.
Illegals of course hate the GOP, because we do not reach out to their legit needs.

81% of legal Hispanics think we are full of shit because we do not reach out to their needs.

ShootsSpeeders, no moral person wants your kind to run our government.

Legit needs? And what legit needs would an illegal immigrant be entitled to here in America?
Fuck their needs. How about our need for them to keep there disease riddled selves out of our country?
They want to come hear? Do it the right way.

"[D]isease riddled selves". Jesus, you sound exactly like the Nativists of the early 20th century talking about European immigrants! Seriously.

Is it still a mystery why these deeply religious, hard working, family oriented people feel ill disposed toward the GOP?

Do A little research dipshit. TB,Whooping cough and of all things leprosy.
Things we beat in the US long ago are now a problem again thanks to our neighbors to the south. And that doesnt include the constant cases of E coli and other food born illness brought to you by the people who shit in the fields of mexico and the US.

More facts that liberals call racism.
hwga is describing much of the rural white South health wise.

And now we have "libertarians" saying that parents should not have to have their children vaccinated before going to public school.

Send them back to the "hollers", I say.
Legit needs? And what legit needs would an illegal immigrant be entitled to here in America?
Fuck their needs. How about our need for them to keep there disease riddled selves out of our country?
They want to come hear? Do it the right way.

"[D]isease riddled selves". Jesus, you sound exactly like the Nativists of the early 20th century talking about European immigrants! Seriously.

Is it still a mystery why these deeply religious, hard working, family oriented people feel ill disposed toward the GOP?

Do A little research dipshit. TB,Whooping cough and of all things leprosy.
Things we beat in the US long ago are now a problem again thanks to our neighbors to the south. And that doesnt include the constant cases of E coli and other food born illness brought to you by the people who shit in the fields of mexico and the US.

More facts that liberals call racism.

Like I said, you are exactly like the nativists of a hundred years ago talking about Europeans.


Ive always been told that we need to legalize them to take them out of the shadows. If they are in the shadows, how are the pollsters finding them to poll them?

You deserve an award for asking the smartest question of the day!!

They know where the illegals are and how many of them are here. They aren't taking wild guesses. They know because illegals are getting welfare benefits and tax refunds using the tax ID number issued by the IRS. The government knows that some are using fake social security numbers and IDs because they know when the number doesn't match the name or when the same identity is being used more than once. They know all this and they know that citizens may suffer as a result of having their identities stolen. They don't care.

It shouldn't matter how the illegal aliens feel about our political system because they shouldn't vote, not now or ever. One of the conditions of any amnesty should be revoking their right to vote because they illegally entered our country and broke more laws if they used a fake or stolen identity or received tax refunds illegally. The reason libs don't want voter ID has nothing to do with being unfair to minorities. It has to do with keeping illegals out of the polls, where they have no business being in the first place. If voter ID were the standard across the country, there would be electronic records, which would catch it if someone used another's identity. It would catch it if names and numbers didn't match or whether a voter was deceased. The libs don't want illegals getting caught voting or dishonest poll workers from voting more than once, using their names and other peoples. Having elections that are truly on the up and up might get undesired results for some far lefties.

The Dems probably polled the illegals just to make double sure that they would be granting amnesty to those who will vote for them. Rest assured that if the illegals would not vote Democrat, they'd drop the whole amnesty talk immediately.

Meanwhile, the legal immigrants continue to jump through hoops, paying the fees, taking tests and interviews to try and obtain citizenship. The ones who cheated will enjoy more benefits than the legal immigrants because they don't have to learn the language, pay the fees, prove they are able to take care of themselves or learn anything about our country. They come, still loyal to their home country, burn our flags, expect us to offer everything from government documents to school books in their language and they head to the welfare office to take advantage of us and then they file taxes and get big fat refunds without proving they are citizens or that they even have children.

Seems that it's far more lucrative to sneak through the border and start making demands. Doing it the right way takes time, money and an expectation that they will respect their new country. Because they go through so much to get here and stay here, they often resent those who cut in line and get rewarded for it.

Liberals get excited at the thought of being the permanent majority. Then they can use the workers in this country as slaves and take as much of our income as they want. They will live it up till the well runs dry and then will blame the workers.
Legit needs? And what legit needs would an illegal immigrant be entitled to here in America?
Fuck their needs. How about our need for them to keep there disease riddled selves out of our country?
They want to come hear? Do it the right way.

"[D]isease riddled selves". Jesus, you sound exactly like the Nativists of the early 20th century talking about European immigrants! Seriously.

Is it still a mystery why these deeply religious, hard working, family oriented people feel ill disposed toward the GOP?

Do A little research dipshit. TB,Whooping cough and of all things leprosy.
Things we beat in the US long ago are now a problem again thanks to our neighbors to the south. And that doesnt include the constant cases of E coli and other food born illness brought to you by the people who shit in the fields of mexico and the US.

More facts that liberals call racism.

It is racism. If you had actually done research you would know that drug resistant TB is spreading at an alarming rate in Europe. This is not just a problem in Mexico, dipshit.

And whooping cough is being spread because of retarded anti-vaxxers right here at home.
Last edited:
Stop trolling, Frank, stay on track.

Your hatred of POTUS is not the subject.

Jakeass how do you expect Obama to follow these new laws when he won't follow the old ones the ones he took an oath to uphold

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
"[D]isease riddled selves". Jesus, you sound exactly like the Nativists of the early 20th century talking about European immigrants! Seriously.

Is it still a mystery why these deeply religious, hard working, family oriented people feel ill disposed toward the GOP?

Do A little research dipshit. TB,Whooping cough and of all things leprosy.
Things we beat in the US long ago are now a problem again thanks to our neighbors to the south. And that doesnt include the constant cases of E coli and other food born illness brought to you by the people who shit in the fields of mexico and the US.

More facts that liberals call racism.

It is racism. If you had actually done research you would know that drug resistant TB is spreading at an alarming rate in Europe. This is not just a problem in Mexico, dipshit.

And whooping cough is being spread because of retarded anti-vaxxers right here at home.

except you forgot to tell in which areas is this TB mostly spreading.
But I guess, calling facts their name is "racist":

72% of TB patients are from ethnic minority backgrounds (predominantly from South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa).
Tuberculosis | Doctor |
Once again, the GOP is blowing a huge opportunity.

When you consider immigrants, legal or othewise, are deeply religious, family oriented, and hard working, you realize what a natural fit they would be for the principles the Republican Party used to stand for.


BS. Maybe asians are like that but hispos are like negros and have no goal but go on welfare and live off the white man. That's what dems are counting on . Bring in these unskilled losers and make them citizens and they'll go on welfare and vote dem the rest of their lives.
Remember, kids. They can't be freeloaders and stealing our jobs at the same time. Yet that is the schizophrenic message the faux Right is communicating these day!

HAHAHA. What an idiot. Lots of people have jobs AND collect welfare.
13 years and a lot of cash to go from illegal immigrant to legal immigrant isn't exactly what I would call amnesty. It is a hell of a hurdle which does not incentivize more illegal immigration.

You stupid jackass. Obozo will just ignore those stipulations. All the illegal will have to do is SAY he's been here 13 years and say he paid the money and he will get citizenship. No one will be vetted. That's the way it was in 1986 when that moron reagan gave amnesty to 4 million invaders. The govt just took their word on everything. "Si senor, i been here 5 years working hard peeking strawberries out of trees".

The dream amnesty obozo handed out last summer proves he has no respect for rule of law. He didn't get the law changed - he just said he's not gonna enforce the laws against illegals!!
I'm assuming the questions were spoken/written in Spanish, since they can't speak English - not even to classroom students in this country.

all the ones i know speak English....they just like to speak Spanish in front of the gringos because they know it bothers them....when they know you know what they are saying.....they speak English....its no fun anymore....
A poll shows that immigrants don't support a group which so plainly hates them?

Gee, there's a real shocker...

a hell of a lot of them dont buy the Democrat bullshit either.....they know they dont want them moving next door any more than a Republican does..... middle class and above anyway.....
A poll shows that immigrants don't support a group which so plainly hates them?

Gee, there's a real shocker...

What's happened to CA proves that third world immigration destroys a society. That's why repubs want to keep this illiterate unskilled welfare-loving scum out. All decent americans feel the same way.

they are only part of the problem.....the people running the show here are the bigger problem and always have been....
Once again, the GOP is blowing a huge opportunity.

When you consider immigrants, legal or othewise, are deeply religious, family oriented, and hard working, you realize what a natural fit they would be for the principles the Republican Party used to stand for.


BS. Maybe asians are like that but hispos are like negros and have no goal but go on welfare and live off the white man. That's what dems are counting on . Bring in these unskilled losers and make them citizens and they'll go on welfare and vote dem the rest of their lives.

you have never met a Mexican have ya?....
"[D]isease riddled selves". Jesus, you sound exactly like the Nativists of the early 20th century talking about European immigrants! Seriously.

Is it still a mystery why these deeply religious, hard working, family oriented people feel ill disposed toward the GOP?

Do A little research dipshit. TB,Whooping cough and of all things leprosy.
Things we beat in the US long ago are now a problem again thanks to our neighbors to the south. And that doesnt include the constant cases of E coli and other food born illness brought to you by the people who shit in the fields of mexico and the US.

More facts that liberals call racism.

It is racism. If you had actually done research you would know that drug resistant TB is spreading at an alarming rate in Europe. This is not just a problem in Mexico, dipshit.

And whooping cough is being spread because of retarded anti-vaxxers right here at home.

Look it up for yourself. You cant deny the origins of several outbreaks.
Ive always been told that we need to legalize them to take them out of the shadows. If they are in the shadows, how are the pollsters finding them to poll them?

San Francisco has an entire protected community for them.

They aren't really in the shadows. They're just hiding behind a Democrat wall of protection.
Of course they favor the Dems. They know which party favors dismantling our borders, and which party is ready to get them started down the road of government addiction the moment they become citizens.

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