Illegals all Trump's fault... Because Donald Trump thinks it's bad for him politically,

Fact: Many studies have been done. They cannot show "illegal immigration" has a net negative effect on America. Are you aware, for example, that any "illegal" who is paid with a check is contributing to a Social Security fund they are very unlikely ever to benefit from?

Fact: trump opposed the Bipartisan Border bill, captained by a Senator with impeccable conservative credentials, before he or anyone else knew what was in it. He knew a solution would be fatal to his demagoguery.

Fact: Worse than trump, every MAGAt came out against the bill simply because trump told you to. You didn't know what was in it, either. Few of you do, even now.

Fact: Murdoch's tabloids and proven liars ($750 mil worth of proof) at Faux Gnus are bombarding you easily frightened, easily suckered simps, with ANECDOTAL "EVIDENCE" (look it up, dummies) in the form of "mud people" horror stories in order to keep you trembling and obedient.

Fact: These "illegals" are coming here, because we fucked up their home countries big time. MS-13 is just one of St. Raygun's illegitimate children. They are knocking on our door, now, and selfish, unAmerican MAGAts are slamming the door shut in their faces, because you don't want Mrs. MAGAt to know what you've been up to.

One more fact: This may provoke much hissing and spitting and victim-wannabe crybabying. Not one MAGAt in all of Rightardia, however, will offer anything of substance in defense of their right to be hysterical.
You are such a perfect example of making all sorts of totally unsupported statements! Not one fact! So nothing you wrote had one link. Typical of a true idiot!
You are such a perfect example of making all sorts of totally unsupported statements! Not one fact! So nothing you wrote had one link. Typical of a true idiot!
As I predicted, lots of hissing and spitting and victim-wannabe crybabying, but no substantive rebuttal. Is there a particular bit of common knowledge you are unaware of and need a link for, or were you just throwing limp-wristed jabs out of reflex? Keep in mind, I am not credentialed in special ed.
As I predicted, lots of hissing and spitting and victim-wannabe crybabying, but no substantive rebuttal. Is there a particular bit of common knowledge you are unaware of and need a link for, or were you just throwing limp-wristed jabs out of reflex? Keep in mind, I am not credentialed in special ed.
And obviously you aren't to be trusted because you don't provide one single shred of FACTS!
Where are your links?
NOW for a FACT... Biden told all legals/illegals to :
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

For another FACT: Trump never said the word "Bleach".

But Biden did!!!
Biden said "maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay—"

Now as far as "animals" you and your fellow idiots insist Trump used the word to describe all the illegals!

Trump: ‘Animals’ comment referred to MS-13 gang members​

Democrats responded angrily to the idea that Trump would call immigrants “animals.”

“When all of our great-great-grandparents came to America they weren’t ‘animals,’ and these people aren’t either,” tweeted Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).
Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Thursday afternoon told reporters he was referring to MS-13 gang members “who enter the country illegally and whose deportations are hamstrung by our laws.”

These are FACTS something you and your dumb ilk have never provided... anything!
And obviously you aren't to be trusted because you don't provide one single shred of FACTS!
Where are your links?
NOW for a FACT... Biden told all legals/illegals to :
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

For another FACT: Trump never said the word "Bleach".

But Biden did!!!
Biden said "maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay—"

Now as far as "animals" you and your fellow idiots insist Trump used the word to describe all the illegals!

Trump: ‘Animals’ comment referred to MS-13 gang members​

Democrats responded angrily to the idea that Trump would call immigrants “animals.”

“When all of our great-great-grandparents came to America they weren’t ‘animals,’ and these people aren’t either,” tweeted Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).
Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Thursday afternoon told reporters he was referring to MS-13 gang members “who enter the country illegally and whose deportations are hamstrung by our laws.”

These are FACTS something you and your dumb ilk have never provided... anything!

Your understanding of the meaning of "facts" includes trumpy opinions and hysterical gibberish about a "surge" and a weak alibis for cult leader's hateful rhetoric and "trump never mentioned 'bleach,'" when he suggested its possible use internally? I guess that's why you chose to hiss and spit, rather than cite a specific from my post that you question. Are you going to point to something I said that you would like substantiated, or are you just going to caterwaul?

Oh, one more question. Do you have to bring your own thimble for your brainwashings?
Low-info Billo thinks the border problems are becuz "WE" shot down a pork stuffed border bill. Low-info Billo just swallows whatever the Democrats toss in the water.
Listen mother-fucker, the House shot down the border bill. That is a fact, fuckhead!
Listen mother-fucker, the House shot down the border bill. That is a fact, fuckhead!
Prove it! With something other than your stupidity!

The day President Joe Biden was inaugurated, he halted the construction of the border wall and began enacting a series of policies to incentivize historically massive levels of illegal immigration.
Since January 20, 2021, over 7 and a half million illegal migrants have crossed into our nation’s borders from over 160 countries, including at least 1.7 million known “got-aways,” and 250+ individuals on the terror watch list.

On May 11, 2023 House Republicans kept a major piece of their Commitment to America, when the Secure the Border Act (H.R. 2) passed with a vote of 219 in favor and 213 in opposition.

The Senate... controlled by Democrats...
With the border deal dead, the Senate attempted to advance a separate foreign aid package that would include only the funding for US allies outlined in the bipartisan bill.

But because all you can do is mouth stupid expletives, I'll explain what happened!
A) Passed by the GOP controlled House the Secure the Border Act (H.R. 2) passed with a vote of 219 in favor and 213 in opposition.
B) Failed to pass the Democrat controlled Senate was the original House bill.

So to simplify even more because you are so ignorant... THE HOUSE did NOT shoot down the bill... as you say" that is a fact, fuckhead!
The House passed the bill... the Democrat controlled SENATE "shot the bill down"... dumb ass no facts provided fuckhead!
Listen mother-fucker, the House shot down the border bill. That is a fact, fuckhead!
Well, Billo, there was already a Bill (HR2) that was passed a year ago and has been sitting
on Schumer's desk.
The one that is held up by the House is allowing 5,000 illegals a day to pass the border before they close the border.
Now, if you really think about it, we have laws on the books right now for protecting the border, and Biden is ignoring them.
What's to stop him from ignoring the proposed Bill being held up if it passed?
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Prove it! With something other than your stupidity!

The day President Joe Biden was inaugurated, he halted the construction of the border wall and began enacting a series of policies to incentivize historically massive levels of illegal immigration.
Since January 20, 2021, over 7 and a half million illegal migrants have crossed into our nation’s borders from over 160 countries, including at least 1.7 million known “got-aways,” and 250+ individuals on the terror watch list.

On May 11, 2023 House Republicans kept a major piece of their Commitment to America, when the Secure the Border Act (H.R. 2) passed with a vote of 219 in favor and 213 in opposition.

The Senate... controlled by Democrats...
With the border deal dead, the Senate attempted to advance a separate foreign aid package that would include only the funding for US allies outlined in the bipartisan bill.

But because all you can do is mouth stupid expletives, I'll explain what happened!
A) Passed by the GOP controlled House the Secure the Border Act (H.R. 2) passed with a vote of 219 in favor and 213 in opposition.
B) Failed to pass the Democrat controlled Senate was the original House bill.

So to simplify even more because you are so ignorant... THE HOUSE did NOT shoot down the bill... as you say" that is a fact, fuckhead!
The House passed the bill... the Democrat controlled SENATE "shot the bill down"... dumb ass no facts provided fuckhead!
You're right, the Senate blocked the bill after they were initially for it. The bill was proposed by a Republican and had bipartisan support until Trump said no. House Republicans fell in line and the Senate Republicans flipped.

It was the strongest border bill in decades and you fuckers shot it down! Whether the bill was shot down in the Senate or the House, it was shot down by Republicans. So you have only yourselves to blame.
Well, Billo, there was already a Bill (HR2) that was passed a year ago and has been sitting
on Schumer's desk.
The one that is held up by the House is allowing 5,000 illegals a day to pass the border before they close the border.
Now, if you really think about it, we have laws on the books right now for protecting the border, and Biden is ignoring them.
What's to stop him from ignoring the proposed Bill being held up if it passed?
Weren't you a mod?
You're right, the Senate blocked the bill after they were initially for it. The bill was proposed by a Republican and had bipartisan support until Trump said no. House Republicans fell in line and the Senate Republicans flipped.

It was the strongest border bill in decades and you fuckers shot it down! Whether the bill was shot down in the Senate or the House, it was shot down by Republicans. So you have only yourselves to blame.
Simplicity is not the forte of Democrats! They think ONLY in terms of how they can promote their agenda.
The GOP House passed a simple bill to do the following which included resuming Trump's Wall building to prevent more illegals.
BUT the Demos knew if they conflated issues, Illegals, Israel, Ukraine it would cause problems with GOP because again... the premise was as the House bill name was:H.R.2 - Secure the Border Act of 2023!
NO mention of Ukraine, Israel, in the House bill... But you dumb shits in Senate including some GOP... recognizing without the border the Name of the bill means nothing.. and with funding for Ukraine, Israel... it also negated the simplicity of the bill!

BUT the primary reason the Democrat controlled Senate didn't agree was this:

U.S. House passes bill to reinstate Trump-era immigration policies • Georgia Recorder
Such a totally dumb reason!
Now some really dumb people blame the GOP for the Senate rejection... really?
Here are some facts...if you dumb dems have the patiences to read and maybe understand!

Trump Didn’t Kill the Senate Border Security Deal — the Deal's Provisions Did​

What I can tell you, however, is that the Senate bill would have done little to improve border security or reduce illegal immigration into the United States.
There’s good reason to believe, even, that it would have increased illegal immigration across the southern border.
The most important point to understand is that the Senate bill did not even attempt to address the known pull factors for illegal immigration across the southern border. These pull factors include, principally, the near-guarantee of release into the United States after apprehension by a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officer.
The Biden administration policy, on its own, created a new pull factor for illegal migration.
Third, the Senate bill tried to spend another $1.29 billion on the flawed Alternatives to Detention (ATD) program and provide nearly $7 billion in funding to NGOs and state or local governments to provide housing, transportation, medical care, and other services to migrants, and even foreign governments, as my colleagues Jessica Vaughan and Jon Feere explained in early February. In short, the bill would have expanded what we sometimes call the “illegal immigration industrial complex.” Nothing about this is border security. Rather, it was designed to streamline illegal immigration and obscure the crisis from American voters.

By Elizabeth Jacobs on February 27, 2024
Simplicity is not the forte of Democrats! They think ONLY in terms of how they can promote their agenda.
The GOP House passed a simple bill to do the following which included resuming Trump's Wall building to prevent more illegals.
BUT the Demos knew if they conflated issues, Illegals, Israel, Ukraine it would cause problems with GOP because again... the premise was as the House bill name was:H.R.2 - Secure the Border Act of 2023!
NO mention of Ukraine, Israel, in the House bill... But you dumb shits in Senate including some GOP... recognizing without the border the Name of the bill means nothing.. and with funding for Ukraine, Israel... it also negated the simplicity of the bill!

BUT the primary reason the Democrat controlled Senate didn't agree was this:

U.S. House passes bill to reinstate Trump-era immigration policies • Georgia Recorder

U.S. House passes bill to reinstate Trump-era immigration policies • Georgia Recorder
Such a totally dumb reason!
You are so full of shit, you fucking racist! You make a big fucking deal over a non-issue. Why? Because you are a fucking racist!
You make a big fucking deal over a non-issue. Why? Because you are a fucking racist!
Again... you have no idea but you make assumptions about me! So your extreme knowledge of everything to the degree you have to prove NOTHING including the statement that "you are a fucking racist."
What do you know about me? I maybe part American Indian. I maybe black, or Asian or Mexican.
But see congratulations again... you are living proof of my point of view that some people (like you..) are so ill-informed that you are truly a sad human being.
Again... you have no idea but you make assumptions about me! So your extreme knowledge of everything to the degree you have to prove NOTHING including the statement that "you are a fucking racist."
What do you know about me? I maybe part American Indian. I maybe black, or Asian or Mexican.
But see congratulations again... you are living proof of my point of view that some people (like you..) are so ill-informed that you are truly a sad human being.
How many posts have you made about migrants? Why? What is your issue with people of color? The biggest majority of people complaining about brown people and our border are Trump and white nationalists. Trump and these groups are racist. And you support these groups.

2 + 2 = 4.
How many posts have you made about migrants? Why? What is your issue with people of color? The biggest majority of people complaining about brown people and our border are Trump and white nationalists. Trump and these groups are racist. And you support these groups.

2 + 2 = 4.
My relatives were LEGAL immigrants. They came from Ukraine legally claiming asylum.
They followed the naturalization process takes on average, 18 months to 24 months to complete the naturalization process and become a U.S. citizen.
Step 1: Application for naturalization. ...
Step 2: Biometrics appointment. ...
Step 3: Citizenship interview and exam.
Step 4: Oath of Allegiance.
LEGALLY! So why the hell do the estimated 11.4 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States allowed?
AGAIN AND AGAIN... I'm not a racist... I'm not 100% White! But I like my naturalized citizen relatives find it totally unfair
that these 11.4 plus million are allowed into the USA ILLEGALLY!
If they break that simple law, they've already done a criminal action, hence they don't have anything to lose by doing additional illegal activities like killing, robbing, squatting, rape, you name it they've done it!
NOTE again more FACTS!!!


nder Trump the average decline per 2018 21%, in 2019 36% and 2020 43%...
BUT under Biden... 2021 saw 341% increase of individuals with criminal convictions 2022... 12% increase, and in
2023 27%.

Now when Biden tells illegals...
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

What would be the affect? According to the above table.
My relatives were LEGAL immigrants. They came from Ukraine legally claiming asylum.
They followed the naturalization process takes on average, 18 months to 24 months to complete the naturalization process and become a U.S. citizen.
Step 1: Application for naturalization. ...
Step 2: Biometrics appointment. ...
Step 3: Citizenship interview and exam.
Step 4: Oath of Allegiance.
LEGALLY! So why the hell do the estimated 11.4 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States allowed?
AGAIN AND AGAIN... I'm not a racist... I'm not 100% White! But I like my naturalized citizen relatives find it totally unfair
that these 11.4 plus million are allowed into the USA ILLEGALLY!
If they break that simple law, they've already done a criminal action, hence they don't have anything to lose by doing additional illegal activities like killing, robbing, squatting, rape, you name it they've done it!
NOTE again more FACTS!!!

View attachment 928571
nder Trump the average decline per 2018 21%, in 2019 36% and 2020 43%...
BUT under Biden... 2021 saw 341% increase of individuals with criminal convictions 2022... 12% increase, and in
2023 27%.

Now when Biden tells illegals...
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

What would be the affect? According to the above table.

They all contribute to local economies.
That is a good thing.
How many posts have you made about migrants? Why? What is your issue with people of color? The biggest majority of people complaining about brown people and our border are Trump and white nationalists. Trump and these groups are racist. And you support these groups.

2 + 2 = 4.
No illegal alien migrants should be allowed in the US

And that includes asylum seekers till they have been vetted

Meaning remain in mexico while they wait for a visa even if it takes years

As for legal immigration it should be limited to outstanding candidates with education and skills that enrich the country irregardless of skin color.

Meaning merit based immigration only plus the wives and children

But no other relatives

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