Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?

Get back to us when a caravan gets through.
small caravan got through this afternoon.

I'm sure you have a link, or is this just more of your made up BS?
No link. I made it up. But you dumbass Trump supporters believe all of made up BS lies, I figure you would believe my made up BS lie.
You believed the BS lies that someone cut through the wall using a saw-saw. lol
Your Messiah, Donald Trump had this to say.
"But no matter how powerful, you can cut through anything, in all fairness."
The president did not seem concerned about the possibility because "we have a lot of people watching" and "cutting is one thing, but it's easily fixed."
One of the reasons we did it the way we did it, it's very easily fixed. You put the chunk back in," he said, referring to the steel bollard fencing that the
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?

Get back to us when a caravan gets through.
small caravan got through this afternoon.

I'm sure you have a link, or is this just more of your made up BS?
No link. I made it up. But you dumbass Trump supporters believe all of made up BS lies, I figure you would believe my made up BS lie.

Yep, what a shock, ya gotta be a fricken liberal to believe any of your BS.
A criminal cut a hole in the wall of my house.

Welp, I might as well give up on the house & go live in the woods!

(I wonder if leftists will need me to explain the sarcasm) :dunno:
Did you spend $30 billion to make your house impenetrable?

Sorry Trump supporters, but throwing up a wall on our southern border is not as simple as "The Donald" made it it? And you didn't really think Mexico was going to pay for it, did you?

2 1/2 years later and what happened to the small parts that have been built? Smuggling gangs in Mexico have repeatedly sawed through new sections of President Trump’s border wall in recent months by using commercially available power tools, opening gaps large enough for people and drug loads to pass through, according to U.S. agents and officials with knowledge of the damage. I hate to say "I told you so" but.....

Smuggling gangs have sawed through new portions of Trump border wall: report

Smugglers in Mexico are sawing through new sections of Donald Trump's border wall

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. Whatever can be built by man, can be destroyed by him"

General George Armstrong Patton - 1942

The wall is doing better than democrats. :)

...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?

Get back to us when a caravan gets through.
small caravan got through this afternoon.

I'm sure you have a link, or is this just more of your made up BS?
No link. I made it up. But you dumbass Trump supporters believe all of made up BS lies, I figure you would believe my made up BS lie.
You believed the BS lies that someone cut through the wall using a saw-saw. lol
Since Mexico is paying for the wall we should insist on them paying for the highest quality wall possible. Not just a wall wall.
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?

Get back to us when a caravan gets through.
small caravan got through this afternoon.

I'm sure you have a link, or is this just more of your made up BS?
No link. I made it up. But you dumbass Trump supporters believe all of made up BS lies, I figure you would believe my made up BS lie.

Yep, what a shock, ya gotta be a fricken liberal to believe any of your BS.
What do you have to be to believe the most prolific liar in the history of the US Presidency, Donald Trump
Pictures of both the breached wall and an add for the saw have already been post on this thread. Do your own homework.
Nope. Not a real pic anyway.

You need a picture of people climbing a ladder? That technology is at least 9 months old. It was in all the papers.
Yes please. Show us how they get to the top and back to the ground (on the other side)on the same ladder.

Rope - Wikipedia

Yes, a new fangled invention that seems to be lost from your world. Somehow, that technology has been lost in your world since the year of from between 3500bc to 4500bc. I guess the sacking of the Library of Constantinople was more serious than I imagined.
Pregnant women and little kids are going to climb down a 40 foot rope? Have you ever tried to climb down a rope attached to a wall? Do you have any idea how hard it is?

Easier than climbing that makeshift ladder. They are motivated. Something you will NEVER understand.
Thats an article from 2014 you moron. How is this Trumps wall? :laugh:

Smugglers cut through border fence in Ariz.
You said you could not find one. There is one.
The point is, it can be done, and they seem to have a way to repair it.
So I say they can cut in at any time they want too. Over just tunnel under.

Just to play the Devil's Advocate, does anyone know that this wasn't an "inside job," where someone on OUR side cut and bent the beam just to make Trump's wall look bad for another MSM "bad Trump press" event? I mean, is there any video of the cutting through coming from Mexico? If not, then why is everyone assuming this is easily and cheaply done with widespread breaching?

I've done my share of cutting and sawing and I cannot believe these wall beams are not a mother to cut through, especially by a person who is poor, hungry, malnourished, barefoot, has walked hundreds of miles and is likely a woman or child. o_O

Anyone cutting that beam and getting it bent to the side is young enough, strong, healthy, and trained with enough of a skill-set that they should be looking for a job in Guatemala.

You seem to forget that these people are walking through the most dangerous desert environment in the USA, over 100 miles through cactus, intolerable heat, with no food or water. Compared to that, breaching a wall is child's play.
NO ONE not even our best special forces can walk through 100 miles of intolerably hot desert with no food or water. That would involve walking 33 miles a day that by the third day, YOU'D BE FUCKING DEAD Moron, much less having carried a big heavy saw then doing hard, strenuous work! THEN that only gets them into the USA and they have untold more miles to go with no food or water before they even get anywhere! And that assumes they are carrying nothing! Child's play???? Are these people some new breed of Supermen that have been genetically bred just for breaking into the United States? That is such total massive BULLSHIT I cannot believe you even suggested it. Don't assume I'M an idiot even as you make yourself out to be one! :auiqs.jpg:

Take a valium, Toob. I live down here at the border, and it is a several day walk to get to Tucson. Law enforcement finds over 200 dead per year. This is why I hand out water.

Then you are no better than a traitor aiding and abetting a bank robbery and should be charged with conspiring against the United States when you should be reporting these people instead so that LE can pick them up. I only wish I could be the judge to throw the book at you.
For those of you who have been totally absorbed into the Trump cult, I have said all I have to say, complete with picture of cut walls, and illegals crossing them with ladders. I am aware of the fact that you believe that Trump is building a magic wall that will stand unmolested for thousands of years. Your brains have been fried, scrambled, and reformed by the cult. You are a waste of time. Adios.

There is no Trump Cult. The only cult out there are the foaming mouth breathers like you who have sworn a 24/7 vigilance to his every tweet. The rest of us are just regular Americans interested in keeping our nation as our Founders intended which made us great for 200 years.
NO ONE not even our best special forces can walk through 100 miles of intolerably hot desert with no food or water.
Neato! But immigrants crossing the border dont all have to do this, so....

But kudos for arguing against the need for a wall. ;)

Kudos for arguing against mental health. It is a medical FACT that the body cannot go more than three days without water especially under the stressful conditions of trying to cross a hot desert, yet in your deranged, high school grad delusional low IQ mind you have them doing this easily AND walking 100 miles in the ht sun then cutting through steel and concrete with heavy power tools. Amazing Tardism. It is like you imbeciles will SAY and BE for ANYTHING so long as it is against common sense and the USA! It is simply STUNNING the amount of ignorance and poor education you Tards display too stupid to even know how ignorant you are! I can honestly expect better sense from an 8th grader than I get from talking to you, it makes me wonder what a person like you could actually do worthwhile for work? Do you even have a job? And who would hire you for what kind of work, door greeter at Walmart?!

NO ONE is crossing 100 miles of hot desert by foot in the sun without food, water and some kind of aid being provided them. The fact that you would even suggest otherwise permanently disqualifies you from serious conversation.
Yet there is not one tree cut down in that picture.
Well that settles it! They can cut through 4 inch steel, but not a tree. Got it.

So now the moron has them carrying TWO kinds of cordless saws across 100 miles of 105° desert with no food, no water, and clearing whole fields of thick woods to punch their way into the United States. :auiqs.jpg: Dang! Is there nothing these great people of yours cannot do?

Did you go the the page with the article? Just because some contractor was able to take out sections of the barrier does NOT MEAN it's as easy as a "$100 hand tool".. Which just falls into the category of WaPo fiction..

I'm SURE with multiple tools and MAYBE a truck with cooling water and 2 or 5 changes of blades and torches, you can cut those beams.. But once the ground sensors and other monitoring is part of the design, they just won't have the time to pull it off...
Nobody said it would be the end all be all you idiot. It’s a part of the solution. A necessary part. The other part is to cut off all sanctuary cities from federal dollars and locking up democrat politicians for turning these people loose and giving them welfare.
IMO Trump's rhetoric and current policies are F. U. B. R.

Can you name a president whose rhetoric and policies WEREN'T?
Nixon, Carter and Clinton had their own problems, but Trump outdoes all of them in spades.
How so? Is it because Trump is the most current in your memory? Is it because democrats make every day some new "scandal" for him? How is putting up a barrier to cut down on illegal immigration a "problem," much less anything to compare with Iran-Contra, the Iraq invasion, or Obama's mass ISIS JV team debacle that eventually killed and displaced millions of people?

"How so"?

  • His Lies
  • His propensity for Character Assassinations
  • His Lies
  • His Appointees
  • His Lies
  • His Border Policy
  • His Lies
  • His Foreign Policy
  • His Lies
  • His Domestic Policies
  • His Lies
  • His Trade Policy
  • His Lies
  • His Flip Flops
  • His Lies
  • His Hypocrisy
  • His Lies
  • His BFF Putin
  • His Lies
  • His Korean Policy
  • His Lies
  • His constant political rallies
  • His efforts to mislead the people
  • His attack on Journalism
  • His Lies
  • His attack on the DOJ
  • His Lies
  • His attack on our Allies
  • His Lies
  • His Attack on the Constitution.

^^^^^ Insight into a mental case.
I went through the entire thread and only found one picture, with no source linked, not posted by you:

View attachment 287850

Seems rather specious that these people are making cuts so high up you need a ladder to get to and rather than bending a beam, they are cutting enough to drive a truck through! And once they get through, the spot they chose is blocked by a field of trees on the other side!
That picture is from 2014. It isnt Trumps wall.

Even though the article says that it is Trump's prototype....

breaking news:
Trump defends border wall design after report smugglers are sawing through it
Haven't you embarrassed yourself enough?

Not at Meathead. Trump admits that it is true:

Trump defends border wall design after report smugglers are sawing through it

It would appear to me that YOU are the one who should be embarrassed.
again this never happened

Just amazing to look at all the Tards here and note the names of the people all foaming at the mouth hell bent on believing Trump's wall a TOTAL failure, a TOTAL waste of time and money and that someone without even a home, food, water or shelter can just easily cut through a steel and concrete wall and walk right in--- --- and they WANT them to succeed!

Did you go the the page with the article? Just because some contractor was able to take out sections of the barrier does NOT MEAN it's as easy as a "$100 hand tool".. Which just falls into the category of WaPo fiction..

I'm SURE with multiple tools and MAYBE a truck with cooling water and 2 or 5 changes of blades and torches, you can cut those beams.. But once the ground sensors and other monitoring is part of the design, they just won't have the time to pull it off...

Guys around the country are getting yelled at for buying $250 bucks worth of power tools.. you cant buy it for under $100 bucks

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