Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

its worked in so much its reduced the crossing by close to 100% where it didnt exist before,,,

your problem seems to be your ignorance towards this fact,,,
Please. I live on the border. I know better. Provide a link to your claim.

Trump hasn't built any wall where it didn't exist before. You lose.
What existed previously was a wall built from surplus runway mats that anyone could climb over in 60 seconds. Trump has built some new wall and replaced the existing excuse for a wall.

And they are getting through this new magic wall just as simply as they got through the old one. Over, under and through.
Wrong. The facts show that border crossings go to almost zero wherever the wall exists.

Federal data show a far-less imposing wall than the one Trump envisions — a two-story corrugated metal fence first erected under the Bush administration — already has dramatically curtailed both illegal border crossings and crime in Texas’ sixth-largest city, which borders the high-crime Mexican city of Juarez.

In fact, the number of deportable illegal immigrants located by the US Border Patrol plummeted by more than 89 percent over the five-year period during which the controversial new fence was built, according to Homeland Security data I reviewed. When the project first started in 2006, illegal crossings totaled 122,261, but by 2010, when the 131-mile fence was completed from one end of El Paso out into the New Mexico desert, immigrant crossings shrank to just 12,251.

They hit a low of 9,678 in 2012, before slowly ticking back up to a total of 25,193 last year. But they’re still well below pre-fence levels, and the Border Patrol credits the fortified barrier dividing El Paso from Mexico for the reduction in illegal flows.
Liar. Everyone knows hordes of Central American Meemaw raper/killers stormed the border in October, 2018. Tens of thousands.
What part of "where the wall exists" didn't you understand, dumbass?
Please. I live on the border. I know better. Provide a link to your claim.

Trump hasn't built any wall where it didn't exist before. You lose.
What existed previously was a wall built from surplus runway mats that anyone could climb over in 60 seconds. Trump has built some new wall and replaced the existing excuse for a wall.

And they are getting through this new magic wall just as simply as they got through the old one. Over, under and through.
Wrong. The facts show that border crossings go to almost zero wherever the wall exists.

Federal data show a far-less imposing wall than the one Trump envisions — a two-story corrugated metal fence first erected under the Bush administration — already has dramatically curtailed both illegal border crossings and crime in Texas’ sixth-largest city, which borders the high-crime Mexican city of Juarez.

In fact, the number of deportable illegal immigrants located by the US Border Patrol plummeted by more than 89 percent over the five-year period during which the controversial new fence was built, according to Homeland Security data I reviewed. When the project first started in 2006, illegal crossings totaled 122,261, but by 2010, when the 131-mile fence was completed from one end of El Paso out into the New Mexico desert, immigrant crossings shrank to just 12,251.

They hit a low of 9,678 in 2012, before slowly ticking back up to a total of 25,193 last year. But they’re still well below pre-fence levels, and the Border Patrol credits the fortified barrier dividing El Paso from Mexico for the reduction in illegal flows.
Liar. Everyone knows hordes of Central American Meemaw raper/killers stormed the border in October, 2018. Tens of thousands.
What part of "where the wall exists" didn't you understand, dumbass?

its a fence not a wall - what part of that are you too stupid to understand .................
all ports of entry have a fence -

more than 52,000 migrants were taken into custody in September at U.S. ports of entry and between them, a decline of 18 percent from August.

so 52,000 arrests were made where the fence stood .

there aint gonna be no wall - deal with it.
It hasn't worked so far. Why should anyone believe it will work in the future?
It hasn't been tried so far.

Your wall doesn't work either. Over, under, and through. Concepts learned even before Kindergarten. Why should we waste money on such nonsense?
its worked in so much its reduced the crossing by close to 100% where it didnt exist before,,,

your problem seems to be your ignorance towards this fact,,,
Please. I live on the border. I know better. Provide a link to your claim.

Trump hasn't built any wall where it didn't exist before. You lose.
What existed previously was a wall built from surplus runway mats that anyone could climb over in 60 seconds. Trump has built some new wall and replaced the existing excuse for a wall.

And they are getting through this new magic wall just as simply as they got through the old one. Over, under and through.
The Great Wall of Trump might as well have been built out of butter
It hasn't been tried so far.

Your wall doesn't work either. Over, under, and through. Concepts learned even before Kindergarten. Why should we waste money on such nonsense?
its worked in so much its reduced the crossing by close to 100% where it didnt exist before,,,

your problem seems to be your ignorance towards this fact,,,
Please. I live on the border. I know better. Provide a link to your claim.

Trump hasn't built any wall where it didn't exist before. You lose.

its been posted many times,,not my fault you choose to remain ignorant,,,
I have not seen any links to the sections of brand new wall where none existed before. Please provide a link or you're just blowing lies out your ass.

Trump said last week that the wall is almost finished. It is so high tech that it is invisible.

Little known fact that he built one of those invisible fences they use for dogs.
His problem is in convincing Mexicans to wear shock collars
Let me ask.... do you think more... or less... or the same number would be crossing if there was absolutely not border whatsoever?

No one anywhere suggested that the number of illegal crossing would end up zero with the wall.

The number of illegal crossings from East to West Germany was not zero during that time, and the Soviets were shooting to kill those who crossed.

Well, let's see. You can cut a hole through it. You can tunnel under it. You can fly over it. You can boat around it, or you can ignore it all together, and just walk through the BP portal gate. In view of those facts, I would say that your $40 billion in taxes to build, and maybe a billion per year to maintain, will stop 5% of illegals.

Oh please. You seriously expect me to believe that it only stops 5% of illegals? Really? How many illegals have planes in the backyard, just waiting for when they decide to fly over the wall? How many have tunnel building experience, concrete, and digging machines to tunnel under the wall? How many do you see boating around it?

You are talking about cartels. Cartels could possibly have that much money and resources, but they are only going to do that with big ticket items that can recover the cost of resources they use. Namely drugs. The average immigrant isn't going to have enough money to make it worth a cartels time to tunnel under a wall.

Drugs do.

Most illegals are going to be stopped by a wall.

Remember the caravan? Did you see them hauling drilling machines in their caravan? No. Did you see them flying in planes? Of course not.


Andy, for Christ sake, have you ever flown in a plane? Did you have to buy one to do that? As for tunnels, did you have to dig the Eisenhower Tunnel in Denver in order to go through it. Jesus, guy use a little imagination.

I am baffled by this comment. I can't tell if you are mentally disabled, or are so partisan in your incompetence, that you actually believe what you are saying.

Drug smugglers are not going to start shuffling people through the tunnels. It's too risky. You lose that tunnel, and then you can't get your millions of dollars in drugs through.

Same with a plane. You are not going to fly 5 people in that tiny prop plane, who are going to give you $50 each in pesos, and risk losing the plane if you are caught, when you could be tossing $100,000 bags of drugs out to be picked up by someone already in the US, and flying back to Mexico before being caught.

We catch planes and tunnels routinely. How do you think you know about them enough to post about it here?
The open borders douchebags are just desperate to find any excuse to oppose building the wall.
It is not wall or no wall, it is the simple minded plan of Trump and his minions to build one wall across the entire border to keep the illegals out who are criminals and rapists. It is simple minded stupidity.
The problem requires a more complex solution. A barrier works in some areas and not in others. All illegals are not criminals and rapists so you cannot treat them as so. You need to have humane ways to deal with the different groups who come to our border for different reasons.

Too bad the drug smugglers and the human smugglers were not as dumb as you and the rest of the Trump minions. It would be a lot easier to keep them out. They are a big problem. Unfortunately they are substantially smarter than the Trump minions.
its worked in so much its reduced the crossing by close to 100% where it didnt exist before,,,

your problem seems to be your ignorance towards this fact,,,
Please. I live on the border. I know better. Provide a link to your claim.

Trump hasn't built any wall where it didn't exist before. You lose.

its been posted many times,,not my fault you choose to remain ignorant,,,
I have not seen any links to the sections of brand new wall where none existed before. Please provide a link or you're just blowing lies out your ass.

Trump said last week that the wall is almost finished. It is so high tech that it is invisible.

Little known fact that he built one of those invisible fences they use for dogs.
His problem is in convincing Mexicans to wear shock collars

his drones all wear them-

if they dont lie for the fat sob :blowup:

adios mofo -
Then since you are afflicted with TDS you should be against open borders to deny Trump his cheap labor. Don't tell any of your Moon Bat buddies that you oppose open borders because they will call you a racist.
I am against open borders but a plan that is put together with critical thinking and consideration of the many different people who are trying to enter our country.
Not a plan based on stereotyping immigrants and based on hate because of the false claim that unemployed white males will have high paying jobs if we eliminate illegal work force.
The unemployed white males will be mowing lawns, working in slaughter houses, picking fruit, working in fields if illegals are stopped, but they will not do it.
Go after those who hire them.

I have a white guy who cuts my lawn. What is the problem?

Why that just UnMerican. How dare you deprive an illegal immigrant his job like that.

The problem is, we bag the illegal worker and let the company or individual off with a cross look and they just do it again and again. You want it to stop? Start by sending companies and individuals to prison for hiring them in the first place.

And don't give me that crap about the Employer doesn't know who is and who isn't a legal worker. There is a wink and a nod system in place. ......

1. Deport the illegal.

2. If it can be shown that the employer knew, then yes, the employer should also be punished.

These Moon Bats hate the idea of a wall only because Trump is doing it. They know that it is effective against most of the Illegal filth but they won't admit it because of the TDS mental illness.
The majority of illegals are not filth. A few are. But what do we do with the legal filth that are US citizens, like you?
It hasn't been tried so far.

Your wall doesn't work either. Over, under, and through. Concepts learned even before Kindergarten. Why should we waste money on such nonsense?
its worked in so much its reduced the crossing by close to 100% where it didnt exist before,,,

your problem seems to be your ignorance towards this fact,,,
Please. I live on the border. I know better. Provide a link to your claim.

Trump hasn't built any wall where it didn't exist before. You lose.
What existed previously was a wall built from surplus runway mats that anyone could climb over in 60 seconds. Trump has built some new wall and replaced the existing excuse for a wall.

And they are getting through this new magic wall just as simply as they got through the old one. Over, under and through.
Wrong. The facts show that border crossings go to almost zero wherever the wall exists.

Federal data show a far-less imposing wall than the one Trump envisions — a two-story corrugated metal fence first erected under the Bush administration — already has dramatically curtailed both illegal border crossings and crime in Texas’ sixth-largest city, which borders the high-crime Mexican city of Juarez.

In fact, the number of deportable illegal immigrants located by the US Border Patrol plummeted by more than 89 percent over the five-year period during which the controversial new fence was built, according to Homeland Security data I reviewed. When the project first started in 2006, illegal crossings totaled 122,261, but by 2010, when the 131-mile fence was completed from one end of El Paso out into the New Mexico desert, immigrant crossings shrank to just 12,251.

They hit a low of 9,678 in 2012, before slowly ticking back up to a total of 25,193 last year. But they’re still well below pre-fence levels, and the Border Patrol credits the fortified barrier dividing El Paso from Mexico for the reduction in illegal flows.

You are arguing it's easier to go around the wall. This is true but people will always be able to go around the wall. We can not build a wall around the United States. And if the easiest route is to go over the wall, over people will go. We have videos now of people streaming over a wall.
Some of us argue "enforce our current laws".
Arrest the employers of illegal labor
Why is that the only solution that leftwing douchebags support?
Costs less than a wall
Once illegal jobs dry up, there will be no reason to cross the border
It hasn't worked so far. Why should anyone believe it will work in the future?
It hasn't been tried so far.

Your wall doesn't work either. Over, under, and through. Concepts learned even before Kindergarten. Why should we waste money on such nonsense?
sure the wall works. why do you think it doesn't? strange, people build them around their properties for some reason with guarded gates. but they don't work. strange. millions of home owners are quite stupid then, right?
Arrest the employers of illegal labor
Why is that the only solution that leftwing douchebags support?
Costs less than a wall
Once illegal jobs dry up, there will be no reason to cross the border
It hasn't worked so far. Why should anyone believe it will work in the future?
It hasn't been tried so far.

Your wall doesn't work either. Over, under, and through. Concepts learned even before Kindergarten. Why should we waste money on such nonsense?
sure the wall works. why do you think it doesn't? strange, people build them around their properties for some reason with guarded gates. but they don't work. strange. millions of home owners are quite stupid then, right?

Put a wall around your back yard. Will that keep people out?
Please. I live on the border. I know better. Provide a link to your claim.

Trump hasn't built any wall where it didn't exist before. You lose.
What existed previously was a wall built from surplus runway mats that anyone could climb over in 60 seconds. Trump has built some new wall and replaced the existing excuse for a wall.

And they are getting through this new magic wall just as simply as they got through the old one. Over, under and through.
Wrong. The facts show that border crossings go to almost zero wherever the wall exists.

Federal data show a far-less imposing wall than the one Trump envisions — a two-story corrugated metal fence first erected under the Bush administration — already has dramatically curtailed both illegal border crossings and crime in Texas’ sixth-largest city, which borders the high-crime Mexican city of Juarez.

In fact, the number of deportable illegal immigrants located by the US Border Patrol plummeted by more than 89 percent over the five-year period during which the controversial new fence was built, according to Homeland Security data I reviewed. When the project first started in 2006, illegal crossings totaled 122,261, but by 2010, when the 131-mile fence was completed from one end of El Paso out into the New Mexico desert, immigrant crossings shrank to just 12,251.

They hit a low of 9,678 in 2012, before slowly ticking back up to a total of 25,193 last year. But they’re still well below pre-fence levels, and the Border Patrol credits the fortified barrier dividing El Paso from Mexico for the reduction in illegal flows.
Liar. Everyone knows hordes of Central American Meemaw raper/killers stormed the border in October, 2018. Tens of thousands.
What part of "where the wall exists" didn't you understand, dumbass?
Did you miss the news reports of the raper/killers going over, under, and through those fences? The hordes? You know they did. Trump said they would.

Trump's big beautiful magic wall did not get built before the hordes stormed the border in November, 2018 and raper/killed all those Meemaws. How did you miss it?
Exactly. I live 7 miles from the busiest border crossing in the world where 100,000+ people cross per day. That's where illegal immigration is coming from and that's where our efforts should be focused. Not a stupid wall that can be cut with a $100 reciprocating saw or climbed with a rebar ladder and rope, or defeated in many other ways.

That's 4th grade level problem solving. We can do better.

REALLY?? Majority of illegal immigration is coming from day passes at an authorized border crossing? THat's a new story.. Call the WaPO and CBP....

If you are NOT on preapproved VISA or a day pass, you'll be processed under "amnesty"... And granted that's about 1/2 of the illegal volume.. But why would ANYONE with a winnable amnesty case choose to crash thru cartel thugs and smugglers and the desert to force their way in OUTSIDE of a legal border crossing?

That's the other 1/2 or more of the problem... And by logic and reason, it contains the folks with the MOST PROBLEMS that would prevent their applications at a CBP checkpoint...
Yes. The majority of illegal immigration comes from people over staying their visas. I don't have to tell WaPo, they already know. And so does Trump. It is not a new story for any but the stupidest of red state nutters.

For 7th Consecutive Year, Visa Overstays Exceeded Illegal Border Crossings
Wrong, it's not the majority. It's about 40%. So you believe the wall is a failure if even one person gets past it, but your plan is a great success if 60% get past it.

You're a dumbass, of course.
I like YOUR plan-don't even try. Why bother doing anything? It might not work good.
Where did I say "don't even try?" That's the Dim's plan.
Your're OK. That reply was for vandyshale or flatus ten or some silly goose.
REALLY?? Majority of illegal immigration is coming from day passes at an authorized border crossing? THat's a new story.. Call the WaPO and CBP....

If you are NOT on preapproved VISA or a day pass, you'll be processed under "amnesty"... And granted that's about 1/2 of the illegal volume.. But why would ANYONE with a winnable amnesty case choose to crash thru cartel thugs and smugglers and the desert to force their way in OUTSIDE of a legal border crossing?

That's the other 1/2 or more of the problem... And by logic and reason, it contains the folks with the MOST PROBLEMS that would prevent their applications at a CBP checkpoint...
Yes. The majority of illegal immigration comes from people over staying their visas. I don't have to tell WaPo, they already know. And so does Trump. It is not a new story for any but the stupidest of red state nutters.

For 7th Consecutive Year, Visa Overstays Exceeded Illegal Border Crossings
Wrong, it's not the majority. It's about 40%. So you believe the wall is a failure if even one person gets past it, but your plan is a great success if 60% get past it.

You're a dumbass, of course.
The wall is a stupid grade school idea. The money could be spent on much better technology. 21st century technology.

But Trump wants it because he operates at a 4th grade education level and thinks his magic wall is fun and he can put his name on it. It is big and beautiful and wonderful. And his uneducated cult members want him to have it because they love him and what he wants is all that matters.

Nothing else makes a lick of sense.
Good fences make good neighbors. Look at what our neighbors with the run of the place do-drugs, guns, sex slaves, illegals by the millions, and now a massacre. We need a wall-TO START WITH! With more 21st century tech to follow.
Yes, let's waste our money on a magic wall that is EASILY defeated. :113::113::113:
As opposed to not wasting our money on welfare and fake investigations.
Yes. The majority of illegal immigration comes from people over staying their visas. I don't have to tell WaPo, they already know. And so does Trump. It is not a new story for any but the stupidest of red state nutters.

For 7th Consecutive Year, Visa Overstays Exceeded Illegal Border Crossings
Wrong, it's not the majority. It's about 40%. So you believe the wall is a failure if even one person gets past it, but your plan is a great success if 60% get past it.

You're a dumbass, of course.
The wall is a stupid grade school idea. The money could be spent on much better technology. 21st century technology.

But Trump wants it because he operates at a 4th grade education level and thinks his magic wall is fun and he can put his name on it. It is big and beautiful and wonderful. And his uneducated cult members want him to have it because they love him and what he wants is all that matters.

Nothing else makes a lick of sense.
Good fences make good neighbors. Look at what our neighbors with the run of the place do-drugs, guns, sex slaves, illegals by the millions, and now a massacre. We need a wall-TO START WITH! With more 21st century tech to follow.
Yes, let's waste our money on a magic wall that is EASILY defeated. :113::113::113:

We would get the same results by putting up hundreds of "no trespassing" signs.
Not really-those losers can't read English, or any language probably.
Arrest the employers of illegal labor
Why is that the only solution that leftwing douchebags support?
Costs less than a wall
Once illegal jobs dry up, there will be no reason to cross the border
It hasn't worked so far. Why should anyone believe it will work in the future?
It hasn't been tried so far.

Your wall doesn't work either. Over, under, and through. Concepts learned even before Kindergarten. Why should we waste money on such nonsense?
sure the wall works. why do you think it doesn't? strange, people build them around their properties for some reason with guarded gates. but they don't work. strange. millions of home owners are quite stupid then, right?
Another bit of wisdom from a Trump minion. Comparing home security to border security. Very smart. Why do we need to reinvent the wheel.
Using Trump minion logic we could save money by putting invisible fence along the southern border. Then every illegal who comes to the border, we will put invisible fence collars on them and they will never get across the border.
Why is that the only solution that leftwing douchebags support?
Costs less than a wall
Once illegal jobs dry up, there will be no reason to cross the border
It hasn't worked so far. Why should anyone believe it will work in the future?
It hasn't been tried so far.

Your wall doesn't work either. Over, under, and through. Concepts learned even before Kindergarten. Why should we waste money on such nonsense?
sure the wall works. why do you think it doesn't? strange, people build them around their properties for some reason with guarded gates. but they don't work. strange. millions of home owners are quite stupid then, right?
Another bit of wisdom from a Trump minion. Comparing home security to border security. Very smart. Why do we need to reinvent the wheel.
Using Trump minion logic we could save money by putting invisible fence along the southern border. Then every illegal who comes to the border, we will put invisible fence collars on them and they will never get across the border.
you think they're animals, your point is noted. See, I just call them invaders and build a structure to keep them at their home.

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