Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

You aren't offering anyone a better way of life either.
Why am I obligated to offer foreigners a better way of life?

I explained why no one was walking around the wall in your backyard. There is nothing there for them. There is concerning the US in general.
You're thinking of JC. I don't have a wall around my backyard. I already demonstrated that going around the wall is several orders of magnitude more difficult and expensive.

You keep saying walls don't work, but all the available evidence shows that they do.

Migrants scale Arizona border wall, more than 100 gang members from El Salvador caught since October: Sources
That's not the wall that Trump is building. The one in the picture is only about 10 feet tall.

Trump isn't building squat.
NotYourBody is the one arguing that's it's easier to go around the wall, not me. And it's pure bullshit. The article he posted as evidence showed that trying to go by boat is much more dangerous and expensive.

Israel and Hungary reduced illegal border crossings to zero by building a wall/fence. That's all you need to say.

You simply don't want the problem do be solved. You aren't fooling anyone.

We can not build a fence around the United States. We also know that it is not all that hard to go over our fence.
We only have to build the fence on the Southern border, and we can easily do that.

We all know that fences work. That's why you oppose them.

Why is it you oppose enforcing our current employment laws?
I don't oppose it. I simply note that they aren't being enforced, and I see no reason to expect that they ever will be enforced.

And because of the reasons they aren't I'll never support a wall.

You oppose the wall because the immigration laws that you claim are the solution aren't being enforced?

Is that your conception of logic?

The reason they aren't being enforced is because leftwingers are scumbags.
We can not build a fence around the United States. We also know that it is not all that hard to go over our fence.
We only have to build the fence on the Southern border, and we can easily do that.

We all know that fences work. That's why you oppose them.

Why is it you oppose enforcing our current employment laws?
I don't oppose it. I simply note that they aren't being enforced, and I see no reason to expect that they ever will be enforced.

And because of the reasons they aren't I'll never support a wall.

You oppose the wall because the immigration laws that you claim are the solution aren't being enforced?

Is that your conception of logic?

The reason they aren't being enforced is because leftwingers are scumbags.

Trump is a left-wing scumbag?
was I supposed to? No one in our country is offering them a better life. We offer them an opportunity to make their own life better. you're a confused fk.

If you wish to make an argument with no difference, have at it.
I did! and you haven't provided anywhere where the fence or wall fails.

Trump just handed off 300 million because his FENCE got sawed through and climbed using ladders-

keep up or drop out.
How did that "hand off" 300 million? The cost of repairing the fence was probably less than $5000.


Trump to spend $300 million on “quality assurance” after border wall easily breached

Purely for public relations. They should have built a concrete wall. The bollard fence simply isn't as tough.
was I supposed to? No one in our country is offering them a better life. We offer them an opportunity to make their own life better. you're a confused fk.

If you wish to make an argument with no difference, have at it.
I did! and you haven't provided anywhere where the fence or wall fails.

Trump just handed off 300 million because his FENCE got sawed through and climbed using ladders-

keep up or drop out.
How did that "hand off" 300 million? The cost of repairing the fence was probably less than $5000.


Trump to spend $300 million on “quality assurance” after border wall easily breached

So, after 1400 posts, even Trump has admitted that the damn wall , as it is being built, is easily penetrated, SO, he is going to pay the Army Corp of Engineers $300 million to supervise building it. You remember the Corp of Engineers. Those are the guys who built the levees in New Orleans!



FENCE ^^^^^^^

ant no f'n WALL
And they are getting through this new magic wall just as simply as they got through the old one. Over, under and through.
Wrong. The facts show that border crossings go to almost zero wherever the wall exists.

Federal data show a far-less imposing wall than the one Trump envisions — a two-story corrugated metal fence first erected under the Bush administration — already has dramatically curtailed both illegal border crossings and crime in Texas’ sixth-largest city, which borders the high-crime Mexican city of Juarez.

In fact, the number of deportable illegal immigrants located by the US Border Patrol plummeted by more than 89 percent over the five-year period during which the controversial new fence was built, according to Homeland Security data I reviewed. When the project first started in 2006, illegal crossings totaled 122,261, but by 2010, when the 131-mile fence was completed from one end of El Paso out into the New Mexico desert, immigrant crossings shrank to just 12,251.

They hit a low of 9,678 in 2012, before slowly ticking back up to a total of 25,193 last year. But they’re still well below pre-fence levels, and the Border Patrol credits the fortified barrier dividing El Paso from Mexico for the reduction in illegal flows.

You are arguing it's easier to go around the wall. This is true but people will always be able to go around the wall. We can not build a wall around the United States. And if the easiest route is to go over the wall, over people will go. We have videos now of people streaming over a wall.

NotYourBody is the one arguing that's it's easier to go around the wall, not me. And it's pure bullshit. The article he posted as evidence showed that trying to go by boat is much more dangerous and expensive.

Israel and Hungary reduced illegal border crossings to zero by building a wall/fence. That's all you need to say.

You simply don't want the problem do be solved. You aren't fooling anyone.

We can not build a fence around the United States. We also know that it is not all that hard to go over our fence.
We only have to build the fence on the Southern border, and we can easily do that.

We all know that fences work. That's why you oppose them.

Oh, just stop it. We can't build the entire southern Mex/US border with a fence/wall. And a Fence/Wall by itself is worthless without the support it needs in electronics and boots on the ground neither which is available due to the Carny Side Show that Rump is doing.
The subtle satire and irony goes way over your brainless head. My comment was tongue in cheek.
But unfortunately the Trump administration with the support of minions like you are treating illegals including women and children as animals by seperating children from mothers and father and putting them all in cages.
That is reality. What is your thoughts about that reality.
not at all. we are treating them like invaders into our country. we give them room and board and meals. they should return to their homeland if they have issues with our hospitality. I don't see you lending a hand.
Trump is my leader, Trump defines my world, I will do whatever my great leader Donald Trump asks me to do, I dare not think for myself because it may not be lock step with our God Donald Trump.

Do you realize how pathetic you are?
trump is my president, and if he asked me to do something for this great nation, I would be delighted to help where I could. I see you'd prefer to shit on our flag. thanks.
I am doing everything I can to prevent the immoral, unethical, narcissistic Donald Trump and his brainless minions, like you, from shitting on our flag.

A con man and a group of desperate stupid people are the biggest threat our nation has ever had.
that statement alone is you opposing my right to be different than you. So it's actually you projecting your shit on our flag attitude. Once you can accept that I have a right in this country, you're just a fk, and will be a fk for your life.
I have no problem with a different view but when your views contradict our Constitution and the bill of rights, I have a big problem.
I am baffled by this comment. I can't tell if you are mentally disabled, or are so partisan in your incompetence, that you actually believe what you are saying.

Drug smugglers are not going to start shuffling people through the tunnels. It's too risky. You lose that tunnel, and then you can't get your millions of dollars in drugs through.

Same with a plane. You are not going to fly 5 people in that tiny prop plane, who are going to give you $50 each in pesos, and risk losing the plane if you are caught, when you could be tossing $100,000 bags of drugs out to be picked up by someone already in the US, and flying back to Mexico before being caught.

We catch planes and tunnels routinely. How do you think you know about them enough to post about it here?
The open borders douchebags are just desperate to find any excuse to oppose building the wall.
It is not wall or no wall, it is the simple minded plan of Trump and his minions to build one wall across the entire border to keep the illegals out who are criminals and rapists. It is simple minded stupidity.
The problem requires a more complex solution. A barrier works in some areas and not in others. All illegals are not criminals and rapists so you cannot treat them as so. You need to have humane ways to deal with the different groups who come to our border for different reasons.

Too bad the drug smugglers and the human smugglers were not as dumb as you and the rest of the Trump minions. It would be a lot easier to keep them out. They are a big problem. Unfortunately they are substantially smarter than the Trump minions.
No, it actually doesn't require a more complex solution, at least for border crossings. Whenever leftwingers don't want to solve a problem, they always say the solution is "complex."

The wall doesn't treat anyone like a rapist or a criminal, it simply keeps them out of the country.

What could be more humane than the wall?
You really cannot be this uneducated on what is going on at the border. You still have people applying for asylum. You have people who arer arrested for being in the US illegally. They need to be provided due process in a humane and efficient manner. That includes how they are detained and processed. The wall does not do that.

Simple minded is an understatement in describing Trump minions.
so you've been down there and seen it all huh?

ohhhhkay Francis.
No, I watch Fox news and they have reported on all I mentioned.
Put a wall around your back yard. Will that keep people out?
sure does. people walk by my house every mthr fking day and don't walk over it. none? Now, I must admit on one sunday about five years ago, a woman and her children did do a drive through. But I fking repaired the fence and no one's breached it since. perhaps you could name a wall that doesn't work. Ask nancy how her's works.

How about the one around the WH?

You aren't offering anyone a better way of life either.
was I supposed to? No one in our country is offering them a better life. We offer them an opportunity to make their own life better. you're a confused fk.

If you wish to make an argument with no difference, have at it.
I did! and you haven't provided anywhere where the fence or wall fails.

It fails because the lack of Boots on the Ground. Give a border jumper 10 minutes and it's up and over or through the best security fence in existence. Rump created a problem and then he's taken the boots on the ground and turned many of them into jailers and day care workers instead of getting them out into the field where they can respond to the breeches both from where the Fence/Wall and places where we really can't build a Security Fence/Wall. It's a Carny slight of hand act that needs to end. He does it to keep you off guard so you won't notice the rest of his side show. When are going to get tired of the Reality TV show.
Wrong. The facts show that border crossings go to almost zero wherever the wall exists.

Federal data show a far-less imposing wall than the one Trump envisions — a two-story corrugated metal fence first erected under the Bush administration — already has dramatically curtailed both illegal border crossings and crime in Texas’ sixth-largest city, which borders the high-crime Mexican city of Juarez.

In fact, the number of deportable illegal immigrants located by the US Border Patrol plummeted by more than 89 percent over the five-year period during which the controversial new fence was built, according to Homeland Security data I reviewed. When the project first started in 2006, illegal crossings totaled 122,261, but by 2010, when the 131-mile fence was completed from one end of El Paso out into the New Mexico desert, immigrant crossings shrank to just 12,251.

They hit a low of 9,678 in 2012, before slowly ticking back up to a total of 25,193 last year. But they’re still well below pre-fence levels, and the Border Patrol credits the fortified barrier dividing El Paso from Mexico for the reduction in illegal flows.

You are arguing it's easier to go around the wall. This is true but people will always be able to go around the wall. We can not build a wall around the United States. And if the easiest route is to go over the wall, over people will go. We have videos now of people streaming over a wall.

NotYourBody is the one arguing that's it's easier to go around the wall, not me. And it's pure bullshit. The article he posted as evidence showed that trying to go by boat is much more dangerous and expensive.

Israel and Hungary reduced illegal border crossings to zero by building a wall/fence. That's all you need to say.

You simply don't want the problem do be solved. You aren't fooling anyone.

We can not build a fence around the United States. We also know that it is not all that hard to go over our fence.
We only have to build the fence on the Southern border, and we can easily do that.

We all know that fences work. That's why you oppose them.

Oh, just stop it. We can't build the entire southern Mex/US border with a fence/wall. And a Fence/Wall by itself is worthless without the support it needs in electronics and boots on the ground neither which is available due to the Carny Side Show that Rump is doing.
Border Patrol has 20,000 people. More than enough to man the wall.

We can easily build a wall along the entire border.
You are arguing it's easier to go around the wall. This is true but people will always be able to go around the wall. We can not build a wall around the United States. And if the easiest route is to go over the wall, over people will go. We have videos now of people streaming over a wall.

NotYourBody is the one arguing that's it's easier to go around the wall, not me. And it's pure bullshit. The article he posted as evidence showed that trying to go by boat is much more dangerous and expensive.

Israel and Hungary reduced illegal border crossings to zero by building a wall/fence. That's all you need to say.

You simply don't want the problem do be solved. You aren't fooling anyone.

We can not build a fence around the United States. We also know that it is not all that hard to go over our fence.
We only have to build the fence on the Southern border, and we can easily do that.

We all know that fences work. That's why you oppose them.

Oh, just stop it. We can't build the entire southern Mex/US border with a fence/wall. And a Fence/Wall by itself is worthless without the support it needs in electronics and boots on the ground neither which is available due to the Carny Side Show that Rump is doing.
Border Patrol has 20,000 people. More than enough to man the wall.

We can easily build a wall along the entire border.

All paid for with tax cuts.
Trump is my leader, Trump defines my world, I will do whatever my great leader Donald Trump asks me to do, I dare not think for myself because it may not be lock step with our God Donald Trump.

Do you realize how pathetic you are?
trump is my president, and if he asked me to do something for this great nation, I would be delighted to help where I could. I see you'd prefer to shit on our flag. thanks.
I am doing everything I can to prevent the immoral, unethical, narcissistic Donald Trump and his brainless minions, like you, from shitting on our flag.

A con man and a group of desperate stupid people are the biggest threat our nation has ever had.
The only thing Trump threatens is the leftwing gravy train.
Whiny old white men like you are looking for Trump to bring back unskilled manufacturing jobs from the 1950's so you do not have yo get off your lazy ass and train yourself in a skill of the 21st century. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with the right skills.
You are looking for Trump and his government to take care of you because you are to dam lazy to take care of yourself.
That is not conservatism, that is excusism. It is a bunch of old white men that do not have the balls to make the changes necessary to be a productive citizen of the 21st century.
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
It hasn't been tried so far.

Your wall doesn't work either. Over, under, and through. Concepts learned even before Kindergarten. Why should we waste money on such nonsense?
sure the wall works. why do you think it doesn't? strange, people build them around their properties for some reason with guarded gates. but they don't work. strange. millions of home owners are quite stupid then, right?

Put a wall around your back yard. Will that keep people out?
sure does. people walk by my house every mthr fking day and don't walk over it. none? Now, I must admit on one sunday about five years ago, a woman and her children did do a drive through. But I fking repaired the fence and no one's breached it since. perhaps you could name a wall that doesn't work. Ask nancy how her's works.

How about the one around the WH?

You aren't offering anyone a better way of life either.
was I supposed to? No one in our country is offering them a better life. We offer them an opportunity to make their own life better. you're a confused fk.
---------------------------------- a better life is permissible though I don't really care . Course that better life should be built in their own 'Mexican and OTM kennels'
20,000 should be 50,000.
-------------------------------------- AND Soldiers and fully armed USA Soldiers 'INIT--------------------------------------- AND on the USA side of the Border 'INIT' ,
Last edited:
You are arguing it's easier to go around the wall. This is true but people will always be able to go around the wall. We can not build a wall around the United States. And if the easiest route is to go over the wall, over people will go. We have videos now of people streaming over a wall.

NotYourBody is the one arguing that's it's easier to go around the wall, not me. And it's pure bullshit. The article he posted as evidence showed that trying to go by boat is much more dangerous and expensive.

Israel and Hungary reduced illegal border crossings to zero by building a wall/fence. That's all you need to say.

You simply don't want the problem do be solved. You aren't fooling anyone.

We can not build a fence around the United States. We also know that it is not all that hard to go over our fence.
We only have to build the fence on the Southern border, and we can easily do that.

We all know that fences work. That's why you oppose them.

Oh, just stop it. We can't build the entire southern Mex/US border with a fence/wall. And a Fence/Wall by itself is worthless without the support it needs in electronics and boots on the ground neither which is available due to the Carny Side Show that Rump is doing.
Border Patrol has 20,000 people. More than enough to man the wall.

We can easily build a wall along the entire border.

That figure would be the total. Not the number that are on the border working as border patrol. That number is also made up of border patrol clean across the nation. It also includes the thousands currently working in the overloaded Detention Centers. And it includes the Administration people like stenos and ...... According to the Border Patrol, they have a dire shortage of Border Patrol that are patrolling the southern border.

Your buddy US Representative lied when he said that the number of Border Patrol has quadrupled since 2005. Actually, it's doubled.

Number of Border Patrol agents quadrupled since 2005?
NotYourBody is the one arguing that's it's easier to go around the wall, not me. And it's pure bullshit. The article he posted as evidence showed that trying to go by boat is much more dangerous and expensive.

Israel and Hungary reduced illegal border crossings to zero by building a wall/fence. That's all you need to say.

You simply don't want the problem do be solved. You aren't fooling anyone.

We can not build a fence around the United States. We also know that it is not all that hard to go over our fence.
We only have to build the fence on the Southern border, and we can easily do that.

We all know that fences work. That's why you oppose them.

Oh, just stop it. We can't build the entire southern Mex/US border with a fence/wall. And a Fence/Wall by itself is worthless without the support it needs in electronics and boots on the ground neither which is available due to the Carny Side Show that Rump is doing.
Border Patrol has 20,000 people. More than enough to man the wall.

We can easily build a wall along the entire border.

That figure would be the total. Not the number that are on the border working as border patrol. That number is also made up of border patrol clean across the nation. It also includes the thousands currently working in the overloaded Detention Centers. And it includes the Administration people like stenos and ...... According to the Border Patrol, they have a dire shortage of Border Patrol that are patrolling the southern border.

Your buddy US Representative lied when he said that the number of Border Patrol has quadrupled since 2005. Actually, it's doubled.

Number of Border Patrol agents quadrupled since 2005?
The wall reduces the manpower required to control the border, dumbass.
trump is my president, and if he asked me to do something for this great nation, I would be delighted to help where I could. I see you'd prefer to shit on our flag. thanks.
I am doing everything I can to prevent the immoral, unethical, narcissistic Donald Trump and his brainless minions, like you, from shitting on our flag.

A con man and a group of desperate stupid people are the biggest threat our nation has ever had.
The only thing Trump threatens is the leftwing gravy train.
Whiny old white men like you are looking for Trump to bring back unskilled manufacturing jobs from the 1950's so you do not have yo get off your lazy ass and train yourself in a skill of the 21st century. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with the right skills.
You are looking for Trump and his government to take care of you because you are to dam lazy to take care of yourself.
That is not conservatism, that is excusism. It is a bunch of old white men that do not have the balls to make the changes necessary to be a productive citizen of the 21st century.
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
I make well over 6 figures, moron.

You aren't recovering very well from just taking a big shit on every American who doesn't have a high paying profession. You also took a big shit on all those Mexicans who are taking their jobs.

You're a douchebag.
LefTard Logic:
“How fucking stupid of us to build walls and fences around jails and prisons...I mean, fuck, people escape all the time so they can’t make any sense. What a waste of money.” dumbmotherfuckers!

Only a Deplorable would compare apples and oranges. But there you go. Exhibit A why a moron is in the WH. A large percentage of them who voted for him...are morons...<shrug>...

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