Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

I am doing everything I can to prevent the immoral, unethical, narcissistic Donald Trump and his brainless minions, like you, from shitting on our flag.

A con man and a group of desperate stupid people are the biggest threat our nation has ever had.
The only thing Trump threatens is the leftwing gravy train.
Whiny old white men like you are looking for Trump to bring back unskilled manufacturing jobs from the 1950's so you do not have yo get off your lazy ass and train yourself in a skill of the 21st century. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with the right skills.
You are looking for Trump and his government to take care of you because you are to dam lazy to take care of yourself.
That is not conservatism, that is excusism. It is a bunch of old white men that do not have the balls to make the changes necessary to be a productive citizen of the 21st century.
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
I make well over 6 figures, moron.

You aren't recovering very well from just taking a big shit on every American who doesn't have a high paying profession. You also took a big shit on all those Mexicans who are taking their jobs.

You're a douchebag.
You really are a whiny, disgusting, woosy, POS. You are doing well in the USA. You have done so with illegals, Muslims, women, other minorities in the work force.
But 6 figures is not good enough for you. You want to pull kids from their mother's, cage those who are caught so you can make more.
What a greedy, selfish, SOB.
The more you expose yourself the more disgusting you get.
You are worse than 95% of the illegals that want to get into the USA.
Leave it to a bed wetting liberal parasite to cheer the destruction of US Taxpayer property by criminal trespassers.
Me? I'm loving every minute of it. I have a running list of every one of Trump & his Mob's screw ups. I also have a dart board out in my garage.. Guess who's mug covers the bullseye. It's one of those electronic ones & every time I nail Trump's puss it goes "ding dong"!
The only thing Trump threatens is the leftwing gravy train.
Whiny old white men like you are looking for Trump to bring back unskilled manufacturing jobs from the 1950's so you do not have yo get off your lazy ass and train yourself in a skill of the 21st century. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with the right skills.
You are looking for Trump and his government to take care of you because you are to dam lazy to take care of yourself.
That is not conservatism, that is excusism. It is a bunch of old white men that do not have the balls to make the changes necessary to be a productive citizen of the 21st century.
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
I make well over 6 figures, moron.

You aren't recovering very well from just taking a big shit on every American who doesn't have a high paying profession. You also took a big shit on all those Mexicans who are taking their jobs.

You're a douchebag.
You really are a whiny, disgusting, woosy, POS. You are doing well in the USA. You have done so with illegals, Muslims, women, other minorities in the work force.
But 6 figures is not good enough for you. You want to pull kids from their mother's, cage those who are caught so you can make more.
What a greedy, selfish, SOB.
The more you expose yourself the more disgusting you get.
You are worse than 95% of the illegals that want to get into the USA.

Dang, it must really suck in whatever third world country you live in.
The only thing Trump threatens is the leftwing gravy train.
Whiny old white men like you are looking for Trump to bring back unskilled manufacturing jobs from the 1950's so you do not have yo get off your lazy ass and train yourself in a skill of the 21st century. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with the right skills.
You are looking for Trump and his government to take care of you because you are to dam lazy to take care of yourself.
That is not conservatism, that is excusism. It is a bunch of old white men that do not have the balls to make the changes necessary to be a productive citizen of the 21st century.
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
I make well over 6 figures, moron.

You aren't recovering very well from just taking a big shit on every American who doesn't have a high paying profession. You also took a big shit on all those Mexicans who are taking their jobs.

You're a douchebag.
You really are a whiny, disgusting, woosy, POS. You are doing well in the USA. You have done so with illegals, Muslims, women, other minorities in the work force.
But 6 figures is not good enough for you. You want to pull kids from their mother's, cage those who are caught so you can make more.
What a greedy, selfish, SOB.
The more you expose yourself the more disgusting you get.
You are worse than 95% of the illegals that want to get into the USA.
Can you explain why I or any other American should suffer economically for the sake of foreigners that we've never met? Of course not, You just want to take a big fucking shit on us to you can win elections.

You a sleazy good-for-nothing douchebag.
Whiny old white men like you are looking for Trump to bring back unskilled manufacturing jobs from the 1950's so you do not have yo get off your lazy ass and train yourself in a skill of the 21st century. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with the right skills.
You are looking for Trump and his government to take care of you because you are to dam lazy to take care of yourself.
That is not conservatism, that is excusism. It is a bunch of old white men that do not have the balls to make the changes necessary to be a productive citizen of the 21st century.
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
I make well over 6 figures, moron.

You aren't recovering very well from just taking a big shit on every American who doesn't have a high paying profession. You also took a big shit on all those Mexicans who are taking their jobs.

You're a douchebag.
You really are a whiny, disgusting, woosy, POS. You are doing well in the USA. You have done so with illegals, Muslims, women, other minorities in the work force.
But 6 figures is not good enough for you. You want to pull kids from their mother's, cage those who are caught so you can make more.
What a greedy, selfish, SOB.
The more you expose yourself the more disgusting you get.
You are worse than 95% of the illegals that want to get into the USA.
Can you explain why I or any other American should suffer economically for the sake of foreigners that we've never met? Of course not, You just want to take a big fucking shit on us to you can win elections.

You a sleazy good-for-nothing douchebag.
You cannot reason with stupid.
There is a greater chance that you have gained economically from a "foreigner" than suffered economically from a "foreigner".
Have you ever traveled outside the US? Have you ever traveled outside your zip code?
Whiny old white men like you are looking for Trump to bring back unskilled manufacturing jobs from the 1950's so you do not have yo get off your lazy ass and train yourself in a skill of the 21st century. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with the right skills.
You are looking for Trump and his government to take care of you because you are to dam lazy to take care of yourself.
That is not conservatism, that is excusism. It is a bunch of old white men that do not have the balls to make the changes necessary to be a productive citizen of the 21st century.
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
I make well over 6 figures, moron.

You aren't recovering very well from just taking a big shit on every American who doesn't have a high paying profession. You also took a big shit on all those Mexicans who are taking their jobs.

You're a douchebag.
You really are a whiny, disgusting, woosy, POS. You are doing well in the USA. You have done so with illegals, Muslims, women, other minorities in the work force.
But 6 figures is not good enough for you. You want to pull kids from their mother's, cage those who are caught so you can make more.
What a greedy, selfish, SOB.
The more you expose yourself the more disgusting you get.
You are worse than 95% of the illegals that want to get into the USA.
Can you explain why I or any other American should suffer economically for the sake of foreigners that we've never met? Of course not, You just want to take a big fucking shit on us to you can win elections.

You a sleazy good-for-nothing douchebag.

Why? Because that's what business wants. Business gets what business wants.
Another bit of wisdom from a Trump minion. Comparing home security to border security. Very smart. Why do we need to reinvent the wheel.
Using Trump minion logic we could save money by putting invisible fence along the southern border. Then every illegal who comes to the border, we will put invisible fence collars on them and they will never get across the border.
you think they're animals, your point is noted. See, I just call them invaders and build a structure to keep them at their home.
The subtle satire and irony goes way over your brainless head. My comment was tongue in cheek.
But unfortunately the Trump administration with the support of minions like you are treating illegals including women and children as animals by seperating children from mothers and father and putting them all in cages.
That is reality. What is your thoughts about that reality.
not at all. we are treating them like invaders into our country. we give them room and board and meals. they should return to their homeland if they have issues with our hospitality. I don't see you lending a hand.
Trump is my leader, Trump defines my world, I will do whatever my great leader Donald Trump asks me to do, I dare not think for myself because it may not be lock step with our God Donald Trump.

Do you realize how pathetic you are?
trump is my president, and if he asked me to do something for this great nation, I would be delighted to help where I could. I see you'd prefer to shit on our flag. thanks.
Trump is not our flag or our country

When he puts his personal interests above that of the country, he deserves to be punished
We can not build a fence around the United States. We also know that it is not all that hard to go over our fence.
We only have to build the fence on the Southern border, and we can easily do that.

We all know that fences work. That's why you oppose them.

Oh, just stop it. We can't build the entire southern Mex/US border with a fence/wall. And a Fence/Wall by itself is worthless without the support it needs in electronics and boots on the ground neither which is available due to the Carny Side Show that Rump is doing.
Border Patrol has 20,000 people. More than enough to man the wall.

We can easily build a wall along the entire border.

That figure would be the total. Not the number that are on the border working as border patrol. That number is also made up of border patrol clean across the nation. It also includes the thousands currently working in the overloaded Detention Centers. And it includes the Administration people like stenos and ...... According to the Border Patrol, they have a dire shortage of Border Patrol that are patrolling the southern border.

Your buddy US Representative lied when he said that the number of Border Patrol has quadrupled since 2005. Actually, it's doubled.

Number of Border Patrol agents quadrupled since 2005?
The wall reduces the manpower required to control the border, dumbass.

Why, aren't you the sweet heart one now.

If that were the case (which it is) then the last roughly 270 miles of new wall construction would be of the todo list. But instead, Rump is doing his Side Show Carnie Acts and not getting the job done. Not one inch of new wall construction has been accomplished in the last 3 years. If you were to vote for someone that would "Build that Wall" you would be voting for someone other than Rump. Reduction on the number of available Border Patrol personnel in the areas without any border security at all is what has happened.

What that translates out to mean is that the bulk of the Border Patrol is being utilized in areas where the illegals aren't trying to sneak across the border. In fact, they get just feet inside the US and seek out Border Patrol so they can surrender to them to try and apply for Asylum. Meanwhile, in the unprotected areas, the drug mules and not so nice people are plying their trade. This emergency was created. And it was created by Rump's own campaign promises and the change in the policies of how people could apply for asylum. That change in Policy was directed towards Muslim Countries and Central American Countries just got caught in that web. Hence the creation of the "Caravans".

Yah, I know, your Orange Rump, Hannity and Rush all tell you that they were created by Obama but they weren't. Not in the thousands anyway. In the tens and hundreds, they did exist. And the US Immigration System was designed to handle that load and still have enough border patrol to effectively patrol the borders. And there was enough money to put a security Fencing in the high traffic areas. Was it perfect? No. But obviously it worked better than it does under the Rump dog and pony show. But in the last 3 years, the numbers of actual patrolling Border Patrols have gone down in the areas that need new border security construction. They are too busy playing Jailers and Nurse Maids to the thousands of Asylum Seekers that went feet dry.

The Immigration System is overloaded big time by a series of Dog and Pony acts and Carnie Side Shows. But those people are here now. And according to our laws in America, they do have certain rights. Yes, Shirley, even an Asylum Seeker awaiting legal disposition has rights in America. You remember America, don't you. I still do. Not only is there a shortage of actual people patrolling the border but there is a dire shortage of legal people including Judges and Lawyers to get the disposition of those people done on a timely and fair manner. There shouldn't be a catch and release program. There shouldn't be tent cities. There shouldn't be overcrowded facilities where people are sleeping on concrete floors. It should be a matter of Days to reach conclusion to whether they are granted asylum or are transported directly back to their countries of origin by "Immigration Air" or other methods. But not by dumping them back across the Mexican border so the entire cycle could start all over again.

You are caught up in the Dog and Pony show and the various Carnie Side Show Acts. Rump isn't doing his job. He's got you fixated on "Build the Wall" when he should be working on getting rid of the catch and release, months of incarceration, separation of children from families, and getting those people off the border in a safe and legal manner. And "Build the Wall" has little to do with it.

I think the reason that Rump's carnie side shows are quickly wearing off is that the main show had to get rid of the Elephants.
you think they're animals, your point is noted. See, I just call them invaders and build a structure to keep them at their home.
The subtle satire and irony goes way over your brainless head. My comment was tongue in cheek.
But unfortunately the Trump administration with the support of minions like you are treating illegals including women and children as animals by seperating children from mothers and father and putting them all in cages.
That is reality. What is your thoughts about that reality.
not at all. we are treating them like invaders into our country. we give them room and board and meals. they should return to their homeland if they have issues with our hospitality. I don't see you lending a hand.
Trump is my leader, Trump defines my world, I will do whatever my great leader Donald Trump asks me to do, I dare not think for myself because it may not be lock step with our God Donald Trump.

Do you realize how pathetic you are?
trump is my president, and if he asked me to do something for this great nation, I would be delighted to help where I could. I see you'd prefer to shit on our flag. thanks.
Trump is not our flag or our country

When he puts his personal interests above that of the country, he deserves to be punished

I think you are reading Elmer wrong. When I read his posts I detect extreme sarcasm.
I am doing everything I can to prevent the immoral, unethical, narcissistic Donald Trump and his brainless minions, like you, from shitting on our flag.

A con man and a group of desperate stupid people are the biggest threat our nation has ever had.
The only thing Trump threatens is the leftwing gravy train.
Whiny old white men like you are looking for Trump to bring back unskilled manufacturing jobs from the 1950's so you do not have yo get off your lazy ass and train yourself in a skill of the 21st century. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with the right skills.
You are looking for Trump and his government to take care of you because you are to dam lazy to take care of yourself.
That is not conservatism, that is excusism. It is a bunch of old white men that do not have the balls to make the changes necessary to be a productive citizen of the 21st century.
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
I make well over 6 figures, moron.

You aren't recovering very well from just taking a big shit on every American who doesn't have a high paying profession. You also took a big shit on all those Mexicans who are taking their jobs.

You're a douchebag.
Oh please. Hating on low wage earners is a hallmark of the GOP. They hate poor folks. They dig at AOC for being a bartender on a daily basis.

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!
It's their own fault they are poor.
They are lazy!

Hypocrites, the lot of you.
Whiny old white men like you are looking for Trump to bring back unskilled manufacturing jobs from the 1950's so you do not have yo get off your lazy ass and train yourself in a skill of the 21st century. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with the right skills.
You are looking for Trump and his government to take care of you because you are to dam lazy to take care of yourself.
That is not conservatism, that is excusism. It is a bunch of old white men that do not have the balls to make the changes necessary to be a productive citizen of the 21st century.
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
I make well over 6 figures, moron.

You aren't recovering very well from just taking a big shit on every American who doesn't have a high paying profession. You also took a big shit on all those Mexicans who are taking their jobs.

You're a douchebag.
You really are a whiny, disgusting, woosy, POS. You are doing well in the USA. You have done so with illegals, Muslims, women, other minorities in the work force.
But 6 figures is not good enough for you. You want to pull kids from their mother's, cage those who are caught so you can make more.
What a greedy, selfish, SOB.
The more you expose yourself the more disgusting you get.
You are worse than 95% of the illegals that want to get into the USA.
Can you explain why I or any other American should suffer economically for the sake of foreigners that we've never met? Of course not, You just want to take a big fucking shit on us to you can win elections.

You a sleazy good-for-nothing douchebag.
Well why the hell should I care about you? I've never met you, and I never will meet you. You are not my friend or neighbor and you are a selfish mf from what I can see from your postings.

I'd rather help people who are fleeing from violence, or people who want to come here to work.

I'm not into protecting the lifestyles of selfish motherfuckers.
The only thing Trump threatens is the leftwing gravy train.
Whiny old white men like you are looking for Trump to bring back unskilled manufacturing jobs from the 1950's so you do not have yo get off your lazy ass and train yourself in a skill of the 21st century. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with the right skills.
You are looking for Trump and his government to take care of you because you are to dam lazy to take care of yourself.
That is not conservatism, that is excusism. It is a bunch of old white men that do not have the balls to make the changes necessary to be a productive citizen of the 21st century.
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
I make well over 6 figures, moron.

You aren't recovering very well from just taking a big shit on every American who doesn't have a high paying profession. You also took a big shit on all those Mexicans who are taking their jobs.

You're a douchebag.
Oh please. Hating on low wage earners is a hallmark of the GOP. They hate poor folks. They dig at AOC for being a bartender on a daily basis.

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!
It's their own fault they are poor.
They are lazy!

Hypocrites, the lot of you.
Oh bullshit. We have issues with lazy fks that don’t earn a wage and expect us to work for them. At least be accurate
I am doing everything I can to prevent the immoral, unethical, narcissistic Donald Trump and his brainless minions, like you, from shitting on our flag.

A con man and a group of desperate stupid people are the biggest threat our nation has ever had.
The only thing Trump threatens is the leftwing gravy train.
Whiny old white men like you are looking for Trump to bring back unskilled manufacturing jobs from the 1950's so you do not have yo get off your lazy ass and train yourself in a skill of the 21st century. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with the right skills.
You are looking for Trump and his government to take care of you because you are to dam lazy to take care of yourself.
That is not conservatism, that is excusism. It is a bunch of old white men that do not have the balls to make the changes necessary to be a productive citizen of the 21st century.
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
I make well over 6 figures, moron.

You aren't recovering very well from just taking a big shit on every American who doesn't have a high paying profession. You also took a big shit on all those Mexicans who are taking their jobs.

You're a douchebag.
Oh he wants the illegals to take the citizens low wage earner job.
NotYourBody is the one arguing that's it's easier to go around the wall, not me. And it's pure bullshit. The article he posted as evidence showed that trying to go by boat is much more dangerous and expensive.

Israel and Hungary reduced illegal border crossings to zero by building a wall/fence. That's all you need to say.

You simply don't want the problem do be solved. You aren't fooling anyone.

We can not build a fence around the United States. We also know that it is not all that hard to go over our fence.
We only have to build the fence on the Southern border, and we can easily do that.

We all know that fences work. That's why you oppose them.

Why is it you oppose enforcing our current employment laws?
I don't oppose it. I simply note that they aren't being enforced, and I see no reason to expect that they ever will be enforced.

And because of the reasons they aren't I'll never support a wall.
I do, so what now? does your want trump mine? or do the quantities of wants trump the other's? See Trump won. His quantity was higher. Beat him and make your want the main one. it's really quite simple. why do you wish to stop mine outside an election?
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
I make well over 6 figures, moron.

You aren't recovering very well from just taking a big shit on every American who doesn't have a high paying profession. You also took a big shit on all those Mexicans who are taking their jobs.

You're a douchebag.
You really are a whiny, disgusting, woosy, POS. You are doing well in the USA. You have done so with illegals, Muslims, women, other minorities in the work force.
But 6 figures is not good enough for you. You want to pull kids from their mother's, cage those who are caught so you can make more.
What a greedy, selfish, SOB.
The more you expose yourself the more disgusting you get.
You are worse than 95% of the illegals that want to get into the USA.
Can you explain why I or any other American should suffer economically for the sake of foreigners that we've never met? Of course not, You just want to take a big fucking shit on us to you can win elections.

You a sleazy good-for-nothing douchebag.
Well why the hell should I care about you? I've never met you, and I never will meet you. You are not my friend or neighbor and you are a selfish mf from what I can see from your postings.

I'd rather help people who are fleeing from violence, or people who want to come here to work.

I'm not into protecting the lifestyles of selfish motherfuckers.
Ditto? I'm still waiting for who is president. and how that man got there.

BTW, I don't care about your butt being sore.
We only have to build the fence on the Southern border, and we can easily do that.

We all know that fences work. That's why you oppose them.

Oh, just stop it. We can't build the entire southern Mex/US border with a fence/wall. And a Fence/Wall by itself is worthless without the support it needs in electronics and boots on the ground neither which is available due to the Carny Side Show that Rump is doing.
Border Patrol has 20,000 people. More than enough to man the wall.

We can easily build a wall along the entire border.

That figure would be the total. Not the number that are on the border working as border patrol. That number is also made up of border patrol clean across the nation. It also includes the thousands currently working in the overloaded Detention Centers. And it includes the Administration people like stenos and ...... According to the Border Patrol, they have a dire shortage of Border Patrol that are patrolling the southern border.

Your buddy US Representative lied when he said that the number of Border Patrol has quadrupled since 2005. Actually, it's doubled.

Number of Border Patrol agents quadrupled since 2005?
The wall reduces the manpower required to control the border, dumbass.

Why, aren't you the sweet heart one now.

If that were the case (which it is) then the last roughly 270 miles of new wall construction would be of the todo list. But instead, Rump is doing his Side Show Carnie Acts and not getting the job done. Not one inch of new wall construction has been accomplished in the last 3 years. If you were to vote for someone that would "Build that Wall" you would be voting for someone other than Rump. Reduction on the number of available Border Patrol personnel in the areas without any border security at all is what has happened.

What that translates out to mean is that the bulk of the Border Patrol is being utilized in areas where the illegals aren't trying to sneak across the border. In fact, they get just feet inside the US and seek out Border Patrol so they can surrender to them to try and apply for Asylum. Meanwhile, in the unprotected areas, the drug mules and not so nice people are plying their trade. This emergency was created. And it was created by Rump's own campaign promises and the change in the policies of how people could apply for asylum. That change in Policy was directed towards Muslim Countries and Central American Countries just got caught in that web. Hence the creation of the "Caravans".

Yah, I know, your Orange Rump, Hannity and Rush all tell you that they were created by Obama but they weren't. Not in the thousands anyway. In the tens and hundreds, they did exist. And the US Immigration System was designed to handle that load and still have enough border patrol to effectively patrol the borders. And there was enough money to put a security Fencing in the high traffic areas. Was it perfect? No. But obviously it worked better than it does under the Rump dog and pony show. But in the last 3 years, the numbers of actual patrolling Border Patrols have gone down in the areas that need new border security construction. They are too busy playing Jailers and Nurse Maids to the thousands of Asylum Seekers that went feet dry.

The Immigration System is overloaded big time by a series of Dog and Pony acts and Carnie Side Shows. But those people are here now. And according to our laws in America, they do have certain rights. Yes, Shirley, even an Asylum Seeker awaiting legal disposition has rights in America. You remember America, don't you. I still do. Not only is there a shortage of actual people patrolling the border but there is a dire shortage of legal people including Judges and Lawyers to get the disposition of those people done on a timely and fair manner. There shouldn't be a catch and release program. There shouldn't be tent cities. There shouldn't be overcrowded facilities where people are sleeping on concrete floors. It should be a matter of Days to reach conclusion to whether they are granted asylum or are transported directly back to their countries of origin by "Immigration Air" or other methods. But not by dumping them back across the Mexican border so the entire cycle could start all over again.

You are caught up in the Dog and Pony show and the various Carnie Side Show Acts. Rump isn't doing his job. He's got you fixated on "Build the Wall" when he should be working on getting rid of the catch and release, months of incarceration, separation of children from families, and getting those people off the border in a safe and legal manner. And "Build the Wall" has little to do with it.

I think the reason that Rump's carnie side shows are quickly wearing off is that the main show had to get rid of the Elephants.
Total complete bullshit, of course.
OP is a HOAX and I just proved it....leftist suckers are a dime a dozen and that's overpay.
We can not build a fence around the United States. We also know that it is not all that hard to go over our fence.
We only have to build the fence on the Southern border, and we can easily do that.

We all know that fences work. That's why you oppose them.

Why is it you oppose enforcing our current employment laws?
I don't oppose it. I simply note that they aren't being enforced, and I see no reason to expect that they ever will be enforced.

And because of the reasons they aren't I'll never support a wall.
I do, so what now? does your want trump mine? or do the quantities of wants trump the other's? See Trump won. His quantity was higher. Beat him and make your want the main one. it's really quite simple. why do you wish to stop mine outside an election?

What you want is irrelevant. Those who can, won't .
The only thing Trump threatens is the leftwing gravy train.
Whiny old white men like you are looking for Trump to bring back unskilled manufacturing jobs from the 1950's so you do not have yo get off your lazy ass and train yourself in a skill of the 21st century. There are plenty of jobs out there for those with the right skills.
You are looking for Trump and his government to take care of you because you are to dam lazy to take care of yourself.
That is not conservatism, that is excusism. It is a bunch of old white men that do not have the balls to make the changes necessary to be a productive citizen of the 21st century.
Thanks for showing your contempt for all the Americans who don't have a profession that requires a 4-year diploma. I hope the Democrat nominee expresses similar sentiments.
You are dumber than I thought. There are many jobs in demand in the 21st century that do not require a 4 year degree. Many trades are increasing in demand. Healthcare jobs that do not require a 4 year degree. You can become proficient in coding without a 4 year degree.
If you got off your lazy ass and looked you would know. But it is easier to blame illegals, including women and children, Muslims, Democrats, all minorities as the reason things are not going your way.
Do something instead of making excuses and expecting the con man, Trump, to come through with his lies on what he will do for you.
I make well over 6 figures, moron.

You aren't recovering very well from just taking a big shit on every American who doesn't have a high paying profession. You also took a big shit on all those Mexicans who are taking their jobs.

You're a douchebag.
Oh please. Hating on low wage earners is a hallmark of the GOP. They hate poor folks. They dig at AOC for being a bartender on a daily basis.

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!
It's their own fault they are poor.
They are lazy!

Hypocrites, the lot of you.
You obviously haven't been following too closely. ElmerMudd is the one doing the hating on lower income Americans and illegal aliens. He's the one making insulting comments about them. He got caught, and now he is furiously back peddling.

Nothing could be more obvious than the fact that importing low wage labor from foreign countries drives American wages down. Only a douchebag would deny it.

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