Illinois Firearm Identification card ruled unConstitutional in state court....yes, this is correct.

No, most gun murders are not domestic violence you twit. If you have repeat gun offenders, and you keep letting them out in less than 3 are not dealing with the actual people who shoot people with guns....

Britain can't stop illegal guns from flooding the country, dittos Australia......they haven't figured anything out, they are just lucky that their social welfare states have taken so long to destroy the nuclear family.

The Centers for Disease Control....1.1 million defensive gun uses each year.

The Department of Justice....1.5 million defensive gun uses each year...

Yes, according to Kleck. I read his report. And I also know how he arrived at his data. He included all Cops and Military along with all Civilian Data. Then he presented it as Civilian Data only. The Cops and Military far outweigh the civilian encounters.

Your Justice Department shows that there were just over 400K people threatened or accosted with firearms in a given year. Using your figures, that would mean that those 400k+ people, each would have had to be accosted at lest 3 or more times in that given year. I would say that maybe they should receive the Darwin Award and be either allowed to have the bad guy just go ahead and get it over with or be locked up in a nut house as quickly as possible. The fruitcakes just keep coming back for more. You used the total reported victims, not just the firearms victims. Welcome to Klecks world of reporting.

Moron, neither of those sources is doofus. And Kleck with his number did not include the police or are just wrong.

Your sources, when researched, neither backs up your claims. Therefore, you used another source. And I recognize the source of your numbers and they originate from Kleck who has long since been discredited.

Again, moron, the Centers For Disease Control and the Department of Justice.....they both did research to refute Kleck's research and found out he was right.... the two numbers I posted are not Kleck's, you are a moron.

Kleck has never been discredited, as the numbers from the CDC and the Department of Justice show.....they both confirm what he found, you moron.

Kleck was found using a CDC report that was NEVER published. It never existed. He made it up. He refers to it but his links come back as 404, page not found every time. You have even tried to use that link and got the same results. Sorry, but I i can't give you another fruitcake medal until tomarrow since you can only get one per day. are mixing up two different things.....

Kleck did the original research in the 1990s.......last year he found the CDC research that they did after his research came out....and he reported on what they found, as they tried to hide what they found...

Here is what he found at the CDC when they hid their research...

What Do CDC's Surveys Say About the Frequency of Defensive Gun Uses? by Gary Kleck :: SSRN

In 1996, 1997, and 1998, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted large-scale surveys asking about defensive gun use (DGU) in four to seven states. Analysis of the raw data allows the estimation of the prevalence of DGU for those areas. Data pertaining to the same sets of states from the 1993 National Self-Defense Survey (Kleck and Gertz 1995) allow these results to be extrapolated to the U.S. as a whole. CDC’s survey data confirm previous high estimates of DGU prevalence, disconfirm estimates derived from the National Crime Victimization Survey, and indicate that defensive uses of guns by crime victims are far more common than offensive uses by criminals. CDC has never reported these results.
If restricting cars to 35mph or less saves ONE life, totally worth it. If outlawing abortions allows ONE baby to live, totally worth it. See how it works when your ox is being gored? Society places economic value on lives all the time.

Traffic would be a mess if we did that.. but never mind.

We've tried banning abortions. it failed.

On the other hand, gun control has worked in every country it's been tried in. THE REST OF THE WORLD HAS FIGURED THIS OUT.

Civilians don't need guns.
Why do you have to kill someone with a gun?

All you have to do is stop the criminal from committing whatever crime they were trying to commit

Just pointing a gun at someone is just as much an act of self defense as pulling the trigger

Yes, it's really believable that you gun nuts, who go around talking all day about how you is gonna shoot you one of those Darkies just like Zimmerman did, and that happy day comes when you can done shoots you a Darkie, and you all restrain yourselves millions of times...
No, most gun murders are not domestic violence you twit. If you have repeat gun offenders, and you keep letting them out in less than 3 are not dealing with the actual people who shoot people with guns....

Everyone I've known whose died of gun violence was a domestic murder or a suicide. These gang members who shoot each other, really haven't met them, and I've lived in some gang infested areas.
You can kill people with just about anything

Yes, you can... with the right training.

Guns make it easy to kill people without training.

But we should totally tolerate 33,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries, 400,000 gun crimes and 27 BILLION in economic losses every year because some of you want to compensate for your "shortcomings".
It takes no training to bludgeon a person with a bat or to sink a chef's knife into their gut or to run them down with a car.

Most gun deaths are suicides and suicide is an absolute right. And gun laws won't stop gun crimes because most gun crimes are committed by people who are already barred from gun ownership

And who is suffering those economic losses?

Wow, what a statement. I might have agreed with you until the last part of your statement then you went off all fruitcaky on me. Around here, the gun crimes are done by people that have legally purchased guns and they, themselves can legally own firearms. Of course, a fraction of a second after they use them for gun violence, that can't be said. And there is a good chance they voted Republican in the last election. I guess a fraction of a second before they pulled that trigger, the converted to Democrat. Newsflash: Gun Violence doesn't know any partisan or who is legal or not. It just is. And because you keep blaming the "Other Side" nothing ever gets done. So enjoy your Award with it's nice and shiny Oak Leaf Clusters. You certainly earned it.
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Yes we all know that the only things that exist are those around you right? And FYI I don't give a shit if you agree with me. In fact it's no big deal if a retarded man who has to communicate with picture books agrees with anyone

Do illegal gun owners commit most gun crime?

They found that in approximately 8 out of 10 cases, the perpetrator was not a lawful gun owner but rather in illegal possession of a weapon that belonged to someone else.
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Why do you have to kill someone with a gun?

All you have to do is stop the criminal from committing whatever crime they were trying to commit

Just pointing a gun at someone is just as much an act of self defense as pulling the trigger

Yes, it's really believable that you gun nuts, who go around talking all day about how you is gonna shoot you one of those Darkies just like Zimmerman did, and that happy day comes when you can done shoots you a Darkie, and you all restrain yourselves millions of times...

OK where did I ever say that? Please quote the post.

And FYI I my mother was half "Darkie" you fucking racist
No, most gun murders are not domestic violence you twit. If you have repeat gun offenders, and you keep letting them out in less than 3 are not dealing with the actual people who shoot people with guns....

Everyone I've known whose died of gun violence was a domestic murder or a suicide. These gang members who shoot each other, really haven't met them, and I've lived in some gang infested areas.

And how many everyones is that exactly?

And most murders occur in urban areas where there are far fewer guns per person than in rural areas where there are more guns per person
OK where did I ever say that? Please quote the post.

You don't have to say it... you gun nuts are all about that. You treated Zimmerman like he was a national hero because he stalked and shot a black kid.

And how many everyones is that exactly?

And most murders occur in urban areas where there are far fewer guns per person than in rural areas where there are more guns per person

I live in an Urban area, and I've known three people who've died of gun violence.

Security doors, guards, metal detectors in our schools, active shooter drills. The rest of us have to live very different lives because of the 3% of you who need to compensate for your shortcomings.

Enough is enough. The rest of the world has figured this out.
OK where did I ever say that? Please quote the post.

You don't have to say it... you gun nuts are all about that. You treated Zimmerman like he was a national hero because he stalked and shot a black kid.

And how many everyones is that exactly?

And most murders occur in urban areas where there are far fewer guns per person than in rural areas where there are more guns per person

I live in an Urban area, and I've known three people who've died of gun violence.

Security doors, guards, metal detectors in our schools, active shooter drills. The rest of us have to live very different lives because of the 3% of you who need to compensate for your shortcomings.

Enough is enough. The rest of the world has figured this out.

How did I treat Zimmerman?

FYI I think Zimmerman was in the wrong. He manufactured the situation that resulted in him drawing his weapon.

So why don't you put away that broad brush of yours and grow the fuck up
How did I treat Zimmerman?

FYI I think Zimmerman was in the wrong. He manufactured the situation that resulted in him drawing his weapon.

So why don't you put away that broad brush of yours and grow the fuck up

Whatever, guy. Point is, he got off, the Right Wing Gun Nuts With Tiny Dicks cheered like they won the Superbowl.

SOme of us are just tired of you guys holding the rest of us hostage.
How did I treat Zimmerman?

FYI I think Zimmerman was in the wrong. He manufactured the situation that resulted in him drawing his weapon.

So why don't you put away that broad brush of yours and grow the fuck up

Whatever, guy. Point is, he got off, the Right Wing Gun Nuts With Tiny Dicks cheered like they won the Superbowl.

SOme of us are just tired of you guys holding the rest of us hostage.

Whatever , Little boy.

And the only one holding you hostage is you. Your tiny mind is your prison and there is no parole for STUPID
Whatever , Little boy.

And the only one holding you hostage is you. Your tiny mind is your prison and there is no parole for STUPID

Uh, no, when I have to walk past a security guard and three magnetically sealed doors to get to my desk, because we've designed our whole society around "What happens if an employee goes nuts and goes on a shooting spree", then we are all being held hostage.

This is what you gun nuts have made for the rest of us, when you insist that even the BARE MINIMUM like a FOID card is unconstitutional. "What, asking you if you are a crazy person or criminal? That's not what the Founding Slave Rapists wanted!!!!"
Whatever , Little boy.

And the only one holding you hostage is you. Your tiny mind is your prison and there is no parole for STUPID

Uh, no, when I have to walk past a security guard and three magnetically sealed doors to get to my desk, because we've designed our whole society around "What happens if an employee goes nuts and goes on a shooting spree", then we are all being held hostage.

This is what you gun nuts have made for the rest of us, when you insist that even the BARE MINIMUM like a FOID card is unconstitutional. "What, asking you if you are a crazy person or criminal? That's not what the Founding Slave Rapists wanted!!!!"

Funny I've never had to walk through any security for any job.

So if I think as small as you do that means no one has to because I don't

And where did I say an FOID was unconstitutional?

Don't fabricate things I have said so you can argue against them. That is childish
If restricting cars to 35mph or less saves ONE life, totally worth it. If outlawing abortions allows ONE baby to live, totally worth it. See how it works when your ox is being gored? Society places economic value on lives all the time.

Traffic would be a mess if we did that.. but never mind.

We've tried banning abortions. it failed.

On the other hand, gun control has worked in every country it's been tried in. THE REST OF THE WORLD HAS FIGURED THIS OUT.

Civilians don't need guns.

But if it saves one life, totally worth it is the point. You're willing to put everyone else's life at risk so you can feel good about something, but have excuses to defend something you don't want restricted. Obviously, "if it saves one life" is not a good rationale for setting public policy.
Why do you have to kill someone with a gun?

All you have to do is stop the criminal from committing whatever crime they were trying to commit

Just pointing a gun at someone is just as much an act of self defense as pulling the trigger

Yes, it's really believable that you gun nuts, who go around talking all day about how you is gonna shoot you one of those Darkies just like Zimmerman did, and that happy day comes when you can done shoots you a Darkie, and you all restrain yourselves millions of times...

That kind of thing is why it's hard to take you seriously about gun control.
No, most gun murders are not domestic violence you twit. If you have repeat gun offenders, and you keep letting them out in less than 3 are not dealing with the actual people who shoot people with guns....

Everyone I've known whose died of gun violence was a domestic murder or a suicide. These gang members who shoot each other, really haven't met them, and I've lived in some gang infested areas.

IOW, you've met them, they just weren't advertising the fact.
Yes, according to Kleck. I read his report. And I also know how he arrived at his data. He included all Cops and Military along with all Civilian Data. Then he presented it as Civilian Data only. The Cops and Military far outweigh the civilian encounters.

Your Justice Department shows that there were just over 400K people threatened or accosted with firearms in a given year. Using your figures, that would mean that those 400k+ people, each would have had to be accosted at lest 3 or more times in that given year. I would say that maybe they should receive the Darwin Award and be either allowed to have the bad guy just go ahead and get it over with or be locked up in a nut house as quickly as possible. The fruitcakes just keep coming back for more. You used the total reported victims, not just the firearms victims. Welcome to Klecks world of reporting.

Moron, neither of those sources is doofus. And Kleck with his number did not include the police or are just wrong.

Your sources, when researched, neither backs up your claims. Therefore, you used another source. And I recognize the source of your numbers and they originate from Kleck who has long since been discredited.

Again, moron, the Centers For Disease Control and the Department of Justice.....they both did research to refute Kleck's research and found out he was right.... the two numbers I posted are not Kleck's, you are a moron.

Kleck has never been discredited, as the numbers from the CDC and the Department of Justice show.....they both confirm what he found, you moron.

Kleck was found using a CDC report that was NEVER published. It never existed. He made it up. He refers to it but his links come back as 404, page not found every time. You have even tried to use that link and got the same results. Sorry, but I i can't give you another fruitcake medal until tomarrow since you can only get one per day. are mixing up two different things.....

Kleck did the original research in the 1990s.......last year he found the CDC research that they did after his research came out....and he reported on what they found, as they tried to hide what they found...

Here is what he found at the CDC when they hid their research...

What Do CDC's Surveys Say About the Frequency of Defensive Gun Uses? by Gary Kleck :: SSRN

In 1996, 1997, and 1998, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted large-scale surveys asking about defensive gun use (DGU) in four to seven states. Analysis of the raw data allows the estimation of the prevalence of DGU for those areas. Data pertaining to the same sets of states from the 1993 National Self-Defense Survey (Kleck and Gertz 1995) allow these results to be extrapolated to the U.S. as a whole. CDC’s survey data confirm previous high estimates of DGU prevalence, disconfirm estimates derived from the National Crime Victimization Survey, and indicate that defensive uses of guns by crime victims are far more common than offensive uses by criminals. CDC has never reported these results.

One small problem. By the time Kleck was supposed to be using the CDC Data, Congress had already ordered CDC to stop all studies along those lines and no reports were ever produced. If you want to make me eat crow, provide the real CDC source from the GOV site. I am sure you can use influence to find it fairly easy if it exists. The problem is, it doesn't exist and never did. Using Kleck for an source is tantamount to conspiracy or lying.

Well, cupcake, you can remove all those bronze oak leaf clusters. In just 6 days, you made it to a Silver Leaf Cluster.


How did I treat Zimmerman?

FYI I think Zimmerman was in the wrong. He manufactured the situation that resulted in him drawing his weapon.

So why don't you put away that broad brush of yours and grow the fuck up

Whatever, guy. Point is, he got off, the Right Wing Gun Nuts With Tiny Dicks cheered like they won the Superbowl.

SOme of us are just tired of you guys holding the rest of us hostage.

Whatever , Little boy.

And the only one holding you hostage is you. Your tiny mind is your prison and there is no parole for STUPID

After a whole series of posts, you need to rethink about what you are typing. You are sounding remarkably like 2boy. Like the movie said, Don't type mad, Don't type mad.
If restricting cars to 35mph or less saves ONE life, totally worth it. If outlawing abortions allows ONE baby to live, totally worth it. See how it works when your ox is being gored? Society places economic value on lives all the time.

Traffic would be a mess if we did that.. but never mind.

We've tried banning abortions. it failed.

On the other hand, gun control has worked in every country it's been tried in. THE REST OF THE WORLD HAS FIGURED THIS OUT.

Civilians don't need guns.
You do realize your opinion, is just that your opinion?
No, most gun murders are not domestic violence you twit. If you have repeat gun offenders, and you keep letting them out in less than 3 are not dealing with the actual people who shoot people with guns....

Everyone I've known whose died of gun violence was a domestic murder or a suicide. These gang members who shoot each other, really haven't met them, and I've lived in some gang infested areas.

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