I'm Actually Glad I Don't Drive

How old are you?

You live in NYC or something?

I don't see how that is possible for an adult.

There are other methods of getting around you know no matter where you are. I already mentioned that I take a bus and you can always walk and ride a bike.

You do if you live in Texas.
To get anywhere you almost have to have a car.

This is a legit question. It's Texas, don't people also ride horses there?
There are other methods of getting around you know no matter where you are. I already mentioned that I take a bus and you can always walk and ride a bike.

This is a legit question. It's Texas, don't people also ride horses there?
Hey that's all you man.

Not judging.

You do you.

The reason I ask is because i was stationed with a guy in Texas, from NYC.

The guy joined 'later' in life...he was a 26 year old airman...ancient by military measure...no license.

He said he never needed one living in the city.

Having been to NYC I can totally understand never needing one.
Hey that's all you man.

Not judging.

You do you.

The reason I ask is because i was stationed with a guy in Texas, from NYC.

The guy joined 'later' in life...he was a 26 year old airman...ancient by military measure...no license.

He said he never needed one living in the city.

Having been to NYC I can totally understand never needing one.

It's alright, I didn't think you meant for it to sound like that as you're not like that. :)
There are other methods of getting around you know no matter where you are. I already mentioned that I take a bus and you can always walk and ride a bike.

This is a legit question. It's Texas, don't people also ride horses there?

For fun yes.
They dont ride em to work.
The city of Houston is just shy of 100 miles at its widest.
I rode the bus when I was a youngster and it took me two hours to get to work when you could drive it in 30 minutes.
Things are just to spread out to make it possible in a lot of cases.
Not only that you cant jump on a bus to go fishing or hunting both of which are important to me.
You cant haul a trailer which I do frequently whether it's my SxS or the camper.
You also have to live in town to use the bus system,I moved out of town to avoid the bus routes that allows the undesirables to travel into your area.
For fun yes.
They dont ride em to work.
The city of Houston is just shy of 100 miles at its widest.
I rode the bus when I was a youngster and it took me two hours to get to work when you could drive it in 30 minutes.
Things are just to spread out to make it possible in a lot of cases.
Not only that you cant jump on a bus to go fishing or hunting both of which are important to me.
You cant haul a trailer which I do frequently whether it's my SxS or the camper.
You also have to live in town to use the bus system,I moved out of town to avoid the bus routes that allows the undesirables to travel into your area.

I DID mention that I also have rides from friends and family right? So I would still be fine if I lived in the middle of nowhere like that. I still ride in cars I just can't drive one.
It's alright, I didn't think you meant for it to sound like that as you're not like that. :)
I also had an uncle...the guy was a no joke genius...like 150 IQ...MENSA...the whole nine..

Very eccentric as high IQ people tend to be.

Never drove a day in his life.

Was petrified of cars.

My mother would drive him everywhere he needed to go.

It drove my father nuts.

"Man's a GD genius...he can't figure out how to drive a car?"
I DID mention that I also have rides from friends and family right? So I would still be fine if I lived in the middle of nowhere like that. I still ride in cars I just can't drive one.

I guess as long as your friends and family follow you to where you want to live it'd work.
Of course that would leave you stranded if your friends and family worked a full time job.
Driving is all about personal freedom and I would never ask my friends and family to be my chauffeur since you'd be intruding on their daily lives.
Over time they'd begin to resent you for relying on them for your every transportation need.
Had a guy I worked with that expected me to pick him up every morning and give him a ride home every evening.
I eventually told him no more rides.
I just don't trust myself behind the wheel as I would probably be too stressed out and too mentally stimulated.
You're all hopped up on Biden hate. You just need to lose that crap and calm down.
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I also had an uncle...the guy was a no joke genius...like 150 IQ...MENSA...the whole nine..

Very eccentric as high IQ people tend to be.

Never drove a day in his life.

Was petrified of cars.

My mother would drive him everywhere he needed to go.

It drove my father nuts.

"Man's a GD genius...he can't figure out how to drive a car?"

So?? Having a fear of driving is really understandable, one wrong move and you can die instantly. Now you see why I can't/don't do it. As long as your mother didn't have an issue with it though then it shouldn't have been any of your father's business.

I guess as long as your friends and family follow you to where you want to live it'd work.
Of course that would leave you stranded if your friends and family worked a full time job.
Driving is all about personal freedom and I would never ask my friends and family to be my chauffeur since you'd be intruding on their daily lives.
Over time they'd begin to resent you for relying on them for your every transportation need.
Had a guy I worked with that expected me to pick him up every morning and give him a ride home every evening.
I eventually told him no more rides.

1. My friends and family already know that I'm not capable of driving so they don't have a problem with it.
2. I guess there are just some places I really shouldn't live then since I can't do it.
3. Don't forget this isn't a matter of me not wanting to drive, this is a matter of I can't physically or mentally do it and handle it.

I am not normal. I have Asperger's and Depression. I have no job.

That is complete and utter nonsense! If you breathe air and bleed red then you're a regular human being just like the rest of us, you're just different as are we all. :)

You're all hopped up on Biden hate. You just need to lose that crap and calm down.

Lol that's cute, but no I just can't handle making split decisions and everything coming at me at once.
So?? Having a fear of driving is really understandable, one wrong move and you can die instantly. Now you see why I can't/don't do it. As long as your mother didn't have an issue with it though then it shouldn't have been any of your father's business.
Well, you gotta understand...my dad is a man's man.

Army infantry...and railroad guy for 25 years...

Women do not drive...the man does.

Like I remember one time I was dating this chick and we took her car over to the house.

So she drove, cause it was her car.

My dad is out in the front yard doing something when we pull up.

First thing out of his mouth.

"You tryin to tell me you're gay?"

She looked shocked and confused...but I knew what he was talking about.

To him, my uncle was a "candy ass", who was...

"So smart he is stupid."
That is complete and utter nonsense! If you breathe air and bleed red then you're a regular human being just like the rest of us, you're just different as are we all. :)
Thank you very much! I am sort of proud of my conditions -- Asperger's syndrome and Depression. I am not suffering, but I am different from most people. I am not a Normie.

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