I'm back

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Glad to see you Save. :kissykissy2:

How you can actually like Bones is a mystery to me. Evil, rotten, obnoxious, hateful, stalker, addict to her pills. But...you must have more insight than I do because I can't stand the bitch. However, it did take me years to finally slap her sorry ass on iggie. She fooled me. Maybe she is fooling you too. Her response to you in this thread (yes, I looked) shows that could be the case.

I find that using the ignore makes being here much more pleasant. Use it instead of leaving again, ok?


I partially came back to check up on you.
Nice to see I trigger the same group of idiots I use to. Maybe we can up that count.
You were gone?

Better part of a year. Busy at work, defying governor Whitless' orders and generally making the world a better place.

. . . ah yes. . . there we see you. . . there in the mohawk. . . :heehee:

You're more correct than you might have guessed. I never owned a firearm before last year. Mrs. Liberty has a concealed carry permit now. I still have to take the class. Buying bullets is a job and a half. Glock 42, can use 380s.
The gun display at our local Fleet Farm is wiped out along with all the ammo.
Liberals are awesome gun sellers.

I hear Kamala Harris is going to confiscate all your guns and ammo

Q told me so

If Great Granpappy Joe and Kamala knew how many of those Covid checks were going to guns and ammo, they wouldn't be so quick to take that scheduled victory tour.

Somewhere in Sun Tsu's book on war, it probably says, "take their money and buy guns".. LOL....

Cant think of anything else expensive that I need to protect me from Covid.. A tube feed 20 gauge is a practical way to make sure everyone that comes to the porch is wearing a mask..
I will do what I want, when I want and you can deal with it as you will. The best thing this board can do is be a free speech zone period.

Having been on quite a few political forums over the years, I can honestly say this is one of the more open ones.

Still, there are rules. And rules need to be followed to insure everyone enjoys the forums.

Welcome back.
You were gone?

Better part of a year. Busy at work, defying governor Whitless' orders and generally making the world a better place.

Didn‘t realize you were gone.

Let me fill you in on what happened after you left.......Trump Lost
Tell the truth. Trump was defrauded.
Wrongwinger does not know what the word truth means,his nose stretches thousands of miles around the world.
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