I'm DONE Talking About The 2020 Election

Not sure how one both "moves on" from the theft of a presidential election we all know happened that is still being dug into with new findings by the day, yet at the same time we never forget and make sure it never happens again?

My lord, they spent far more time trying to crack the OJ Simpson case!
You're right, it's impossible to move on for those protesting the election result. There was no thought involved with this thread by the OP. Silly!
Not sure how one both "moves on" from the theft of a presidential election we all know happened that is still being dug into with new findings by the day, yet at the same time we never forget and make sure it never happens again?

It means that we still have it in the backs of our minds but we stop dwelling over what happened and hope that they can still fix things and that it won't ever happen again, but that's all we can do. As I said before, the democraps don't listen anyways, so what sense is there in trying to convince them when we already know we won't?
Because the crime hasn't been rectified.

I don't care what the Freaks in the Democrat Party talk about. They don't decide what I talk about
It’s true the crime has not been rectified but it’s silly at this point to keep posting evidence just watch these trolls deflect from it,there his so much mountains of evidence of the most massive vote fraud ever in the history of mankind,the whole world knows it and they can’t change thst,thst other counties realise it as well.

they can’t get around all the whistleblowers thst witnessed it first hand and how they were willing to testify knowing the penalty of perjury,they evade that everytime. They won’t address the evidence which there is mountains of and like I said,the whole world knows it,and they are on a deserted island with their lies there is no evidence,so it’s time to let it go at this point.

the fact they can’t got over their obsession of trump and keep talking about him long after him being out of office,speaks volumes how they are terrified of him coming back in 2024.otherwise they would not be so obsessed and terrified as they are STILL talking about him. :abgg2q.jpg:
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That's the ONLY part I agree with you on.

You mean Trump when he was talking about how the current tragedy with Ukraine should have never happened? What's wrong with that? And that's exactly my point. I think we should be more focused on the stuff that is happening now than what happened a couple of years ago.
Trump haters like him can’t comprehend that. :uhoh3:
Not sure how one both "moves on" from the theft of a presidential election we all know happened that is still being dug into with new findings by the day, yet at the same time we never forget and make sure it never happens again?

My lord, they spent far more time trying to crack the OJ Simpson case!
Simply put there is lots of work to be done to defeat the dems without the defeatism that is apparent with may on the right. Time to leave that pushcart of cheating narratives on the side of the road and get busy. Just disliking the dems is not enough, they need to be torn out root and stem.
Trump haters like him can’t comprehend that. :uhoh3:

TDS is always current, but yes thank you for post number twenty-three as that's the point I was trying to get a crossed. We could be posting new evidence until we're blue in the face (and I pretty much already have) but nothing is going to convince these libtards that our election was in fact stolen.
As I said, I might bring it up occasionally in an existing topic but it's apparent that there's constantly news coming out about it and it's pretty apparent that the election was stolen, so why continue posting about it when the stupid democraps won't believe it anyways? We've given them enough proof to fill a library, but yet they refuse to believe it so I just don't see the point anymore. :rolleyes:
:thankusmile: Yeah you ain’t kidding,could not have said it better myself.:thup:
I mean, I'm still following it a little bit, but I've even stopped reading stuff about it until something miraculously changes.
With you, the Democrats got their wish.
Thankfully others will carry on in exposing Democrat crimes
With you, the Democrats got their wish.
Thankfully others will carry on in exposing Democrat crimes

I'm still going to expose them for future crimes but they've already been exposed countless times and they know it,.. they just don't want to accept it and unless something miraculously changes there isn't anything else to say or do about it. It's just the way things are sadly and sooner or later you're just going to have to let it go.
I realize that there's new stuff that keeps coming out about it but the topic itself is old news. Either you're smart and believe that the election was stolen or you're stupid and you don't. As LA RAM FAN already made a point of saying,.. it's time to move on people. The same with all of the pandemic topics.
I disagree with the pandemic..........They went full NAZI on mandates and screwed a lot of Americans............We still feel the pain in every thing we buy from this BS.......

So I'm gonna call out the leftist for what they are now.............and pour salt in the wound when they cry about it..........Just how I am.
It means that we still have it in the backs of our minds but we stop dwelling over what happened and hope that they can still fix things and that it won't ever happen again, but that's all we can do. As I said before, the democraps don't listen anyways, so what sense is there in trying to convince them when we already know we won't?
Your problem is you can't fix, what isn't broken. Nobody can even tell us how it was done.
I'm still going to expose them for future crimes but they've already been exposed countless times and they know it,.. they just don't want to accept it and unless something miraculously changes there isn't anything else to say or do about it. It's just the way things are sadly and sooner or later you're just going to have to let it go.
:thankusmile::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:Indeed,otherwise you will become like the commie loving America hating Biden lovers who can’t let go over their obsession of trump and have to keep talking about him long after he is gone making thread after thread about him.they can’t let it go thst trump is long gone out of office,you don’t want to stoop to their level.why keep talking about it when the entire world knows election fraud took place? They are on a deserted island by themselves when they say there is no evidence.let them make fools out of themselves saying there was no evidence and making thread after thread about him.
No you're not.

When the Democrats gain seats in the House and Senate in the midterms, you'll bitch again about stolen elections.

I'll keep this topic tagged so that I can show you in 9 months.
No you're not.

When the Democrats gain seats in the House and Senate in the midterms, you'll bitch again about stolen elections.

I'll keep this topic tagged so that I can show you in 9 months.
This trollboy America hater is in denial mode that the Demonrats are on their way out. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: When it happens,He will come back and claim the republicans stole the elections is what will happen.:rofl:must suck being on thst deserted island he lives on sayimg there was no election fraud knowing the entire world says otherwise.:lmao:he is one of those trollboys with the logic I’m right and everybody else in the world is wrong.
You want to know how I know that democrats know that there was fraud? Because their best and ONLY argument is no there wasn't! Nothing to see here folks!

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