I'm DONE Talking About The 2020 Election

As I said, I might bring it up occasionally in an existing topic but it's apparent that there's constantly news coming out about it and it's pretty apparent that the election was stolen, so why continue posting about it when the stupid democraps won't believe it anyways? We've given them enough proof to fill a library, but yet they refuse to believe it so I just don't see the point anymore. :rolleyes:

The only thing apparent is that your blob got his ass kicked and you can't accept it.
You want to know how I know that democrats know that there was fraud? Because their best and ONLY argument is no there wasn't! Nothing to see here folks!
:thankusmile: You have noticed that as well huh.:abgg2q.jpg:

not only thst,you give them videos and links of hard facts and hard evidence, but instead of trying to refute it,like clockwork,they do this everytime l without fail. :scared1: they cannot stand toe to toe in a debate.if they debated like this in a court of law as they do here,the judge would say to them. Hey so and so,FJB presented her evidence to you,you are not saying anything or making a counter argument,if your not going to even try and refute her evidence or say anything,,this case is dismissed,FJB has won her case that vote fraud occurred.:biggrin:
It means that we still have it in the backs of our minds but we stop dwelling over what happened and hope that they can still fix things and that it won't ever happen again, but that's all we can do. As I said before, the democraps don't listen anyways, so what sense is there in trying to convince them when we already know we won't?

Who cares what the democrats listen to? I'm not in it for the democrats. I must get about an hour's worth of updates everyday on election news and investigations--- some people are spending a great deal of their lives and money digging deeper and deeper slowly unraveling the facts of what really happened in 2020. Not for some crazy hope that Trump will be reinstated, but to get to the guilty parties, and to expose the criminal underbelly behind our elections.

That is the only way any of us will ever stop a repeat of what they pulled on Trump. Maybe the only way he has a chance of getting reelected.
It means that we still have it in the backs of our minds but we stop dwelling over what happened and hope that they can still fix things and that it won't ever happen again, but that's all we can do. As I said before, the democraps don't listen anyways, so what sense is there in trying to convince them when we already know we won't?
:yes_text12: :thankusmile: Could not have said it better myself my friend, :thup: right now like you said,we need to be worried about the ukraine mess and our fellow comrade Canadian patriot convoy men in Canada,about their safety fighting for theirs and our freedom against these globalists tyrants,Donald trump is old news.something these Demoncrat lovers can’t let go and want to live in the past.:uhoh3:
Donald Trump is still important, but just not in every single topic and him "losing" the 2020 election is old news.
Simply put there is lots of work to be done to defeat the dems without the defeatism that is apparent with may on the right. Time to leave that pushcart of cheating narratives on the side of the road and get busy. Just disliking the dems is not enough, they need to be torn out root and stem.

I'd rather do BOTH. Keep the stolen election to the fore as the DRIVING MOTIVATION to kick democrat heiney up and down this November.
I realize that there's new stuff that keeps coming out about it but the topic itself is old news. Either you're smart and believe that the election was stolen or you're stupid and you don't. As LA RAM FAN already made a point of saying,.. it's time to move on people. The same with all of the pandemic topics.
Not me.
new old guy I guess............when I see him I'll give him the bird for ya.
No eagle1462010 it’s not a new guy,long time poster.Trust me,it’s a sock of toto.he has HUNDREDS of them he posts under here as do many Demoncrat posters as well.just tell him his gig is up and tell toro you know it’s him,
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I'm still going to expose them for future crimes but they've already been exposed countless times and they know it,.. they just don't want to accept it and unless something miraculously changes there isn't anything else to say or do about it. It's just the way things are sadly and sooner or later you're just going to have to let it go.
Exposed of what? Please provide documented evidence. If you cannot, you are a liar, and you are mentally sick. We will be waiting.

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