"i'm not worried, we'll get a speaker"GOP Rep James Comer says they cant yet elect house speaker because GOP are not puppets on a string like the Dems

So you’re upset that Americans aren’t taking jobs for what you call “slave wages”?

The unemployment rate can’t go much lower. We don’t have the people to support what the economy demands. Simple economics. That’s going to drive up inflation. This is on you.
The reason shoeless mexicans are getting those jobs is because they will work for less

Keep them out of the job pool and employers will be forced to hire Americans

And employers will have to pay more than joe biben and the bleeding heart dems pay them to lay around on welfare doing nothing
The reason shoeless mexicans are getting those jobs is because they will work for less

Keep them out of the job pool and employers will be forced to hire Americans

And employers will have to pay more than joe biben and the bleeding heart dems pay them to lay around on welfare doing nothing
If there’s no Americans to hire, then the job is unfilled and the commerce doesn’t occur, limiting growth in the economy. What’s the unemployment rate? There aren’t unlimited amounts of Americans to employ.

Employers paying more for employees. Know what that causes? INFLATION!
If there’s no Americans to hire, then the job is unfilled and the commerce doesn’t occur, limiting growth in the economy. What’s the unemployment rate? There aren’t unlimited amounts of Americans to employ.

Employers paying more for employees. Know what that causes? INFLATION!
Once we close the illegal alien pipeline from mexico its time to force able bodied adults off the welfare gravy train
Employers paying more for employees. Know what that causes? INFLATION!
Yes, but its a good kind of inflation as Americans shift from welfare to work

Good for them and good for the country
Once we close the illegal alien pipeline from mexico its time to force able bodied adults off the welfare gravy train
You have a belief in an imaginary labor pool that doesn’t exist, let alone exist where it would be most economically advantageous. The “able bodied adults on welfare” can’t do what you want them to do, there’s not enough of them, and even without welfare they’re not going to do the jobs that migrants do.

Your policy is economically strangling and inflationary. This is on you. Lose-lose-lose.
Yes, but its a good kind of inflation as Americans shift from welfare to work

Good for them and good for the country
I don’t see any Republicans talking about good inflation is for the country, do you?

Of course not. All you do is blame Dems. You have no values.
I don’t see any Republicans talking about good inflation is for the country, do you?

Of course not. All you do is blame Dems. You have no values.
And yet libs come around all the time demanding that we raise the minimum wage

The left talks out of both sides of its mouth
And yet libs come around all the time demanding that we raise the minimum wage

The left talks out of both sides of its mouth
And you say that Americans need to continue to work for, what did you call it “slave wages” and so we can’t increase minimum wage.

Admit it. You don’t care whatsoever about lower class. You never have. Your platform tried to cut them down any chance you get.
And you say that Americans need to continue to work for, what did you call it “slave wages” and so we can’t increase minimum wage.

Admit it. You don’t care whatsoever about lower class. You never have. Your platform tried to cut them down any chance you get.
I said that you want mexicans to work for slave wages

And I’m still saying it
I said that you want mexicans to work for slave wages

And I’m still saying it
I don’t. I want them to work for no less than minimum wage which I want to double.

You want low inflation, growing economy, maintaining entitlements and low cost of living with little to no immigration. That’s impossible. The fact that it’s impossible escapes you and you blame others for the effects of the policies you’ve demanded.
I don’t. I want them to work for no less than minimum wage which I want to double.

You want low inflation, growing economy, maintaining entitlements and low cost of living with little to no immigration. That’s impossible. The fact that it’s impossible escapes you and you blame others for the effects of the policies you’ve demanded.
That would be what you just got through condemning - inflationary

Try to make up your mind what you want

You cant have it both ways
That would be what you just got through condemning - inflationary

Try to make up your mind what you want

You cant have it both ways
Unlikely. If you know anything about the jobs immigrants fall, they make that already. Limiting labor is an incredibly stupid thing to do to an economy. It’s shooting us in the foot.

But I don’t suppose someone like yourself is going to recognize that when we have to cut your Medicare and social security because we don’t have the tax base to support you.
Unlikely. If you know anything about the jobs immigrants fall, they make that already. Limiting labor is an incredibly stupid thing to do to an economy. It’s shooting us in the foot.

But I don’t suppose someone like yourself is going to recognize that when we have to cut your Medicare and social security because we don’t have the tax base to support you.
Do you really think illegal aliens living 30 to a household are paying taxes that American workers do not pay?

Do you really think they are paying more taxes than they cost in social services?

If so you are seriously misinformed
The reason shoeless Mexicans are getting those jobs is because they will work for less

Keep them out of the job pool and employers will be forced to hire Americans

And employers will have to pay more than joe Biden and the bleeding heart Dems pay them to lay around on welfare doing nothing

You mean the lazy Fks. that won't work if you double the pay? Please! You're living in a past era! This country's labor has turned into "lazy, slovenly looking a-#oles" that feel quite entitled to do nothing! :stir: :D:):dev3:
The problem is idiotic ideals. The mentality that it is victory or death. Anything less that total victory is defeat. It is idiocy.
Do you really think illegal aliens living 30 to a household are paying taxes that American workers do not pay?

Do you really think they are paying more taxes than they cost in social services?

If so you are seriously misinformed
They would if they were legal. It’s called amnesty.

Let’s have it your way where our economy is strangled by lack of labor. Where you can’t open a business because you can’t hire someone. Where you can’t renovate your kitchen because there’s no construction crews. Where you can’t go out to eat because there’s no cooks.

Don’t bitch to me when your benefits are cut because you left us no choice. We can’t support you in retirement after what you’ve done to our economy.
You mean the lazy Fks. that won't work if you double the pay? Please! You're living in a past era! This country's labor has turned into "lazy, slovenly looking a-#oles" that feel quite entitled to do nothing! :stir: :D:):dev3:
We need to reform welfare also and kick able bodied adults off welfare
Would that stop 2 million illegal aliens from entering through mexico each year?

I think it might grow to 3 or 4 million
I wish to comment too. Increase enforcement/punishment for those who hire illegals. Remove the incentive for coming to the U.S. They come for jobs. (I'm talking illegals, not refugees from violence)

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