"i'm not worried, we'll get a speaker"GOP Rep James Comer says they cant yet elect house speaker because GOP are not puppets on a string like the Dems

We tried amnesty on 1986

Libs then made the same grand promises that you are making now

But rather than ending the illegal alien invasion it only got worse
All you know how to do is scapegoat in order to hide our own accountability. It's pathetic.
With a proper E-Verify employers can protect themselves from the sort of punishment you have in mind

If the database is very good it would catch a lot of cheaters

And I dont mind making the effort

But we need to close the border at the same time

And, we know you want to punish employers

But what about the workers?

Will biden turn them loose back on Americas streets?

But we need to close the border at the same time
You are definitely too stupid for intelligent debate. Close the borders to who? Us or them?
Maybe so in many - but not all - cases

But they do so at the expense of American citizens
Pretty sure the Americans are seeing plenty of expense from an economy without an adequate labor force and it only gets worse from here.

What you want isn’t possible. Sorry. Reality gets in the way.
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It would be an excellent thing to have those who whine about California leave. The biggest problem is the crowding.
which is why i left....to many people.....were i am at right now.....freeways hardly ever crowded....no graffiti.....almost paradise....
Eighty years of imperialism by the U.S., and you think American citizens are the victims? Say it ain't so.
I do see us as the victims now

If you want revenge dont bring it to me
Pretty sure the Americans are seeing plenty of expense from an economy without an adequate labor force and it only gets worse from here.

What you want isn’t possible. Sorry. Reality gets in the way.
I want America to be free of illegal aliens who flaunt our laws and lower our living standards
I want America to be free of illegal aliens who flaunt our laws and lower our living standards
Silly. Your living standard is going to be so much lower without immigrant labor. It already is happening. It’s going to get worse.
All you know how to do is scapegoat in order to hide our own accountability. It's pathetic.
Do you deny that libs promised that amnesty would solve the illegal alien problem?

They did and it didnt
Silly. Your living standard is going to be so much lower without immigrant labor. It already is happening. It’s going to get worse.
You keep mixing illiterate illegal aliens with college grads who have a proper visa

Dont you know the difference?
You keep mixing illiterate illegal aliens with college grads who have a proper visa

Dont you know the difference?
In terms of their ability to help the economy by performing labor, they’re both useful to us.
In terms of their ability to help the economy by performing labor, they’re both useful to us.
So were the slaves before emancipation

But the usefulness did not offset all the problems they caused

And its the same with your view of illegal aliens
So were the slaves before emancipation

But the usefulness did not offset all the problems they caused

And its the same with your view of illegal aliens
You’re just full of absurdities. Slaves were taken. Immigrants want to come here, often taking enormous risks to do so.

The problems are minuscule compared to the problems of an economy that is strangled by lack of labor.

Who’s going to pay for your entitlements when you retire?
You’re just full of absurdities. Slaves were taken. Immigrants want to come here, often taking enormous risks to do so.

The problems are minuscule compared to the problems of an economy that is strangled by lack of labor.

Who’s going to pay for your entitlements when you retire?
I dont care what the illegal aliens want

They werent invited and do not belong here

What will this country be with 50-100 million people who dont speak English and have no green card living here?

You are advocating national suicide
I dont care what the illegal aliens want

They werent invited and do not belong here

What will this country be with 50-100 million people who dont speak English and have no green card living here?

You are advocating national suicide
What will the country be like with 10 million fewer prime working age people?

That’s economic suicide.

Who is going to pay for your entitlements? You won’t answer.
What will the country be like with 10 million fewer prime working age people?

That’s economic suicide.

Who is going to pay for your entitlements? You won’t answer.
We dont need 50 million new illiterate welfare bums to fund American’s retirement
We dont need 50 million new illiterate welfare bums to fund American’s retirement
Of course we do. 100 million retired welfare bums aren’t cheap.

Lack of immigration is strangling the economy. The inflation we are currently seeing is just the start.
Of course we do. 100 million retired welfare bums aren’t cheap.

Lack of immigration is strangling the economy. The inflation we are currently seeing is just the start.

Literally none of your argument is true.

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