Im ready to curb gun murders. Lets work together

How do we ban illegal guns?
I imagine illegal guns are already banned. Legislate an effective ban of handguns and military style semi-automatics, then buy them back, then confiscate them whenever they're seen.
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
The only way to curb illegal guns is to curb the number of guns in circulation, period. Legal guns get rerouted to criminals. Less legal guns, less guns get rerouted.
No, people kill people not firearms. Firearms do not make people into instant killers shit for brains.
Nothing but tired ass clichés.
You statist assholes don't want to fix shit. That is fucking OBVIOUS.
You clicked on this thread and left logic in the hallway
"banning guns and regulations will stop suicide and illegal guns DDDDEEEEEERRRRR"


When my kid was 14, he argued that way. "But you didn't convince me why I shouldn't play video games 14 hours a day! You just keep repeating the same old arguments!"

I'm pleased to say he's grown out of that.
then how will gun regulations curb suicide by gun and gang violence?

Gang guns don't just magically appear. Some are stolen, and some are bought through private transactions. Background checks for private transactions would cut down on those.

I honestly don't care about suicide. It's not murder.

By the way, you're framing the argument completely away from mass murderers, in which a sick or evil person inflicts death on several innocents in an short amount of time. I don't think there's as many innocent victims in gang violence. Generally it's bad people shooting at other bad people. Not that I want it to continue, but I think there are other victims more worth protecting.
And most are shipped in.I have read THOUSANDS are shipped in EVERY DAY. That's a lot of illegal guns that we couldn't legislate away. Food for thought.
Most mass murders are done by illegal guns. At least the big ones. MOST mass shootings are ALSO done by gang members. You just don't hear about them as much.

Please support both of those points with some evidence.
The problem is people like you don't understand what a military grade firearm is. And most if not all violent crime is committed by people using stolen firearms…
Ffs. I haven't mentioned stolen guns. You have no idea of my firearms experience. Bet I've spent more time on rifle ranges and trap grounds than you, not to mention having slaughtered thousands more animals than you.
Funny, a control freak like yourself always puts themselves on the pedestal.
Firearm related deaths are a non-issue in this country… because the source of the problem is people kill people not firearms
Yeah right. Nukes don't kill people, people kill people, not nukes. Ffs.

there are hundreds of thousands of nukes world wide...

when is the last time one went rogue and wiped out a city on it's own?i
or even one person?
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Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

We don't have to reinvent the wheel. Many other countries have their gun problem under control. Would we have to give up some of our privacy to achieve this goal, as they did in Japan? Yes, we would but Japan also has a zero percent murder rate. (The Japan lesson: Can America learn from the country that has almost zero gun deaths?)
But people give up their privacy willingly on Facebook and other internet sites every single day. So it wouldn't be a major shift.
there are hundreds of thousands of nukes word wide...

when is the last tome one went rogue and wiped out a city on it's own?

or even one person?
Never. Just like guns they don't kill people. That's why they don't have to be controlled.
you really value a cops life that low?
What are you talking about?
Ah. You're happy to have a firearms homicide rate 20 times that of other developed nations as the price of easy access to firearms. Fair enough. Rather you than me.
There are much bigger fish to fry...
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
How do we ban illegal guns?
I imagine illegal guns are already banned. Legislate an effective ban of handguns and military style semi-automatics, then buy them back, then confiscate them whenever they're seen.
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
The only way to curb illegal guns is to curb the number of guns in circulation, period. Legal guns get rerouted to criminals. Less legal guns, less guns get rerouted.
So you don't think we are getting illegal guns from overseas?
Is there a solution to curb gun circulation without infringing on rights of law abiding people?
I don't think so, TN. However, in a complex society, "rights" come with responsibilities. When our country has the highest gun homicide rate of all civilized nations, perhaps it is time for everyone to take some responsibility for the innocents that are shot every day.
Frivolous gun laws have never worked and will never work, people that think they do are stupid people...
How do we ban illegal guns?
I imagine illegal guns are already banned. Legislate an effective ban of handguns and military style semi-automatics, then buy them back, then confiscate them whenever they're seen.
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
The only way to curb illegal guns is to curb the number of guns in circulation, period. Legal guns get rerouted to criminals. Less legal guns, less guns get rerouted.
No, people kill people not firearms. Firearms do not make people into instant killers shit for brains.

It's true; usually the gun is the innocent bystander....

The problem is people like you don't understand what a military grade firearm is. And most if not all violent crime is committed by people using stolen firearms…
Ffs. I haven't mentioned stolen guns. You have no idea of my firearms experience. Bet I've spent more time on rifle ranges and trap grounds than you, not to mention having slaughtered thousands more animals than you.
Bet I've spent more time on rifle ranges and trap grounds than you,

and you haven't massacred hundreds of people?

are your guns defective?
I imagine illegal guns are already banned. Legislate an effective ban of handguns and military style semi-automatics, then buy them back, then confiscate them whenever they're seen.
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
The only way to curb illegal guns is to curb the number of guns in circulation, period. Legal guns get rerouted to criminals. Less legal guns, less guns get rerouted.
So you don't think we are getting illegal guns from overseas?
Is there a solution to curb gun circulation without infringing on rights of law abiding people?
I don't think so, TN. However, in a complex society, "rights" come with responsibilities. When our country has the highest gun homicide rate of all civilized nations, perhaps it is time for everyone to take some responsibility for the innocents that are shot every day.
Frivolous gun laws have never worked and will never work, people that think they do are stupid people...
I'm not talking "frivolous." If I didn't know it was completely unrealistic to expect, I'd be advocating for the Australia solution. I'm talking full out get-rid-of-the-fucking-things, nothing frivolous about it. However, thanks to our violent and gun loving cowboys, frivolous is all we can hope for.
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

As I've been yammering since literally the day I got here right between Jovan Belcher/Bob Costas and Sandy Hook --- it takes cultural change.

Throw laws at the problem and people who want to will go around those laws. Doesn't work. That's treating the symptom and ignoring the disease.

We hear of a Sandy Hook and we claim to be horrified. If that were true, if we truly were horrified, we wouldn't be living in a place where it would even occur to the Lanzas and the Klebolds and the Loughners and the Holmses to go out in public and emulate what they see on TV every night, what they see in every movie house, what they played with as kids. Because those would be horrifying too. We should be unable to watch a scene like that and then simply go to sleep as if nothing happened. We are a culture that worships guns and death and destruction and carnage, and that, the first step is to understand and acknowledge, is the disease.

You can never stop gun murder altogether. You can never stop cigarette smoking altogether either. But we drove the latter WAY down, not by throwing laws at it but by making it socially uncool. That's the direct approach.
EXCELLENT post, pogo. Thank you.
Are you referring to something like "social shaming?"

That's one manifestation. I'd point the crosshairs more at "social deprivation". IOW when some kid sees an AK or watches a hail of movie bullets mow people down and goes "wow, that's cool" --- the rest of us should force him to explain why. And confront it.
there are hundreds of thousands of nukes word wide...

when is the last tome one went rogue and wiped out a city on it's own?

or even one person?
Never. Just like guns they don't kill people. That's why they don't have to be controlled.
Just like guns they don't kill people.
YOu claim to have spent hundreds of hours on gun ranges,,,

How many people have you killed?
So seeing as gang members are the number two cause of high gun death, you want to ban guns form law abiding citizens. So, in essence, you aren't doing a goddamn thing about the actual problem?
The only way to curb illegal guns is to curb the number of guns in circulation, period. Legal guns get rerouted to criminals. Less legal guns, less guns get rerouted.
So you don't think we are getting illegal guns from overseas?
Is there a solution to curb gun circulation without infringing on rights of law abiding people?
I don't think so, TN. However, in a complex society, "rights" come with responsibilities. When our country has the highest gun homicide rate of all civilized nations, perhaps it is time for everyone to take some responsibility for the innocents that are shot every day.
Frivolous gun laws have never worked and will never work, people that think they do are stupid people...
I'm not talking "frivolous." If I didn't know it was completely unrealistic to expect, I'd be advocating for the Australia solution. I'm talking full out get-rid-of-the-fucking-things, nothing frivolous about it. However, thanks to our violent and gun loving cowboys, frivolous is all we can hope for.
All out firearm confiscation would mean millions on both sides dead, and then it would never work on top of the death of millions of people.
Excellent question.

I think the real hard core answer is to come down hard on the gangs and drug trade that produces the violence. How you do that without taking away Liberty is the $64 question.

Legalize cocaine, marijuana, crack, heroin and the whole she bang. Then you could buy your illicit drugs at Walmart for $5.99 instead paying hundreds of dollars to a thug. If you are hooked then you don't have to rob as many people to buy the drugs because it only costs $5.99. The clerk at Walmart wouldn't shoot you for seeing the transaction go down.

Make no mistake about it. Drugs are illegal on purpose. It has the opposite objective of keeping people safe. The objective is to make drug transactions as violent as possible. The violence of the drug trade makes competition highly unlikely. If you take the violence out of drugs then you take the profit out of it. Drugs are illegal on purpose. There are powerful people in your community that are making crazy money off of illegal drugs. You probably sit next to them in Sunday School. They are probably your local mechanic. They are probably members of your city council. They could even be your pastor. Duping the masses into advocating drug laws is a part of their business plan. If we rebelled against these thugs and legalized all illicit drugs then these thugs would be pissed off.
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

We don't have to reinvent the wheel. Many other countries have their gun problem under control. Would we have to give up some of our privacy to achieve this goal, as they did in Japan? Yes, we would but Japan also has a zero percent murder rate. (The Japan lesson: Can America learn from the country that has almost zero gun deaths?)
But people give up their privacy willingly on Facebook and other internet sites every single day. So it wouldn't be a major shift.
Guns are a constitutional right. How could we solve this without infringing on peoples rights?
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?

As I've been yammering since literally the day I got here right between Jovan Belcher/Bob Costas and Sandy Hook --- it takes cultural change.

Throw laws at the problem and people who want to will go around those laws. Doesn't work. That's treating the symptom and ignoring the disease.

We hear of a Sandy Hook and we claim to be horrified. If that were true, if we truly were horrified, we wouldn't be living in a place where it would even occur to the Lanzas and the Klebolds and the Loughners and the Holmses to go out in public and emulate what they see on TV every night, what they see in every movie house, what they played with as kids. Because those would be horrifying too. We should be unable to watch a scene like that and then simply go to sleep as if nothing happened. We are a culture that worships guns and death and destruction and carnage, and that, the first step is to understand and acknowledge, is the disease.

You can never stop gun murder altogether. You can never stop cigarette smoking altogether either. But we drove the latter WAY down, not by throwing laws at it but by making it socially uncool. That's the direct approach.
EXCELLENT post, pogo. Thank you.
Are you referring to something like "social shaming?"

That's one manifestation. I'd point the crosshairs more at "social deprivation". IOW when some kid sees an AK or watches a hail of movie bullets mow people down and goes "wow, that's cool" --- the rest of us should force him to explain why. And confront it.
That could lead to a long term dent in in the problem. Might take a while, but it would be worth the wait! Thank you!

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