Im ready to curb gun murders. Lets work together

gang violence in inner is a rats next in the ghettos and no one wants to deal with the real issues of lack of education...lack of access to healthy foods or medical care....face it we treat them like animals and get all shocked when they act like animals....i dont just mean blacks here i mean anyone forced into that enviroment
not necessarily, you can enforce punishment for the use of a gun in a crime that would move the needle without all of what you wrote. shit start executing these gang thugs who have no respect for their own families and let's see what happens.
I live in the chicago area, and I stopped watching the news because it is the same shit different day broadcast. No one who lives in these gang infested areas will do what is needed due to fear of repercussion. It's cyclical and will not be resolved without tougher penalties for use of a crime with a gun.
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?
The last two times I've seen in depth discussions about curbing illegal guns, research and law enforcement ALL agree that gun registration is part of the answer so the gun can be traced and the owner who released it into the illegal market can be held accountable. Of course, combating gangs by stopping the cartels from entering the country is a good first step. Combating the MARKET for drugs is harder and something the Republicans have been extremely reluctant to spend money on. Investing in programs to keep kids busy and productive and OUT of gangs at age 12 or whatever, and finding ways to influence massive amounts of economic growth into cities with gang problems is another way. When selling drugs is the best paying job in the neighborhood, it's an impossible mission.

Gun registration is not part of the solution.....

Haynes v. United States Supreme court ruling states that felons are not required by law to register their illegal guns......

Gun registration is only desired by anti gunners because it removes a step in the proces of banning does nothing to stop gun crime or mass shootings.

The only solution...long prison sentences.
Long prison sentences just kick the can down the road. Strict prison sentences do not act as a deterrent. Criminals are impulsive; they act first and think later, if at all.
but it would still be a good solution, short term. And not infringe on innocent peoples rights.
I am not even sure it would be a decent short term... While we are locking them up more are growing up. My countr
Another point. Before making more "gun laws" enforce the ones we have, and deal with mental illness, which is rampant on the streets. Those things are going to be 1000x more effective than another law.
So you think that donnies EO giving the mentally ill the ability to arm themselves is dangerous?
what the fk does that even mean? you don't live in our world so take your stupid post and go home. If you don't know what happens in inner cities then you don't belong here.
Destroy criminals, gun problem solved. You commit a crime with a gun you are put to death. No appeals no delays, your dead.
and here we go with gun registration .....fuck that...i am sorry but just fuck that...its bad enough your damn gun permit registers that gun but i will be damn if i will go for a gun registry
well fk, Chicago had the strongest. The Strongest gun laws. Anyone mentioning gun laws is just a fking stupid libturd living in pretendland.
So because there is an exception in a city with great problems, all of the other data collected from all over the country doesn't matter?
and here we go with gun registration .....fuck that...i am sorry but just fuck that...its bad enough your damn gun permit registers that gun but i will be damn if i will go for a gun registry
well fk, Chicago had the strongest. The Strongest gun laws. Anyone mentioning gun laws is just a fking stupid libturd living in pretendland.
So because there is an exception in a city with great problems, all of the other data collected from all over the country doesn't matter?
son, you have no fking idea what you're even discussing here. You want to know why the gun laws changed in Chicago? A black man went to court and sued the city for the city not allowing him to protect himself and his family. Just go the fk away. your kind of solution got us here.
As a family of gun owners, hunters, skeet shooters. think maybe its on us to shame the idiot gun people, who needs a assault riffle to go get lunch? or strapping your gun on to go check out your local flea market. I don't want those ass wipes on my shooting range. go check out the numbers of people shooting them selfs or others because there not trained in the use of guns.
Destroy criminals, gun problem solved. You commit a crime with a gun you are put to death. No appeals no delays, your dead.
That does not help the root of the problem. It doesn't stop it from continually happening.
As a family of gun owners, hunters, skeet shooters. think maybe its on us to shame the idiot gun people, who needs a assault riffle to go get lunch? or strapping your gun on to go check out your local flea market. I don't want those ass wipes on my shooting range. go check out the numbers of people shooting them selfs or others because there not trained in the use of guns.
stoop, it ain't them doing all the killing. fk, I wish you libs would fking smarten up.
and here we go with gun registration .....fuck that...i am sorry but just fuck that...its bad enough your damn gun permit registers that gun but i will be damn if i will go for a gun registry
well fk, Chicago had the strongest. The Strongest gun laws. Anyone mentioning gun laws is just a fking stupid libturd living in pretendland.
So because there is an exception in a city with great problems, all of the other data collected from all over the country doesn't matter?
son, you have no fking idea what you're even discussing here. You want to know why the gun laws changed in Chicago? A black man went to court and sued the city for the city not allowing him to protect himself and his family. Just go the fk away. your kind of solution got us here.

"While it's certainly true that a number of factors contribute to the high rates of gun violence in the U.S., a comparison of state laws versus rates of shooting deaths does show a correlation. The states that impose the most restrictions on gun users also have the lowest rates of gun-related deaths, while states with fewer regulations typically have a much higher death rate from guns."

The States With The Most Gun Laws See The Fewest Gun-Related Deaths
As a family of gun owners, hunters, skeet shooters. think maybe its on us to shame the idiot gun people, who needs a assault riffle to go get lunch? or strapping your gun on to go check out your local flea market. I don't want those ass wipes on my shooting range. go check out the numbers of people shooting them selfs or others because there not trained in the use of guns.
stoop, it ain't them doing all the killing. fk, I wish you libs would fking smarten up.
new to English? Smarten up bubba.
Lets get to the bottom of the pandemic of suicides and gang violence with guns.
I am ready to solve this issue!
We obviously cant stop suicides. We could take their gun, but it will still happen. But we could take the gun, and they can use a knife and slit their throat. Or throw themselves in front of a bus. Maybe that's better? So there goes the number one cause of gun murder.
Gang violence. Most of them use illegal guns. So how do we curb that?
I don't want to hear no bullshit about background checks on private transactions or limited magazines or the same worn out clichés the gun grabbers use on a daily basis. Id like to work on ACTUAL solutions instead of reducing liberties for the majority of the country.
Lets work and ACTUALLY figure out a solution!
Whos with me?
When there is no sanctity of life, even when a person is still in the womb, how can people outside of the womb show any sanctity either. Liberals kill 330,000 babies a year, in our out of the womb, far more than any gun murders.


Drama queen bullshit.
and here we go with gun registration .....fuck that...i am sorry but just fuck that...its bad enough your damn gun permit registers that gun but i will be damn if i will go for a gun registry
well fk, Chicago had the strongest. The Strongest gun laws. Anyone mentioning gun laws is just a fking stupid libturd living in pretendland.
So because there is an exception in a city with great problems, all of the other data collected from all over the country doesn't matter?
son, you have no fking idea what you're even discussing here. You want to know why the gun laws changed in Chicago? A black man went to court and sued the city for the city not allowing him to protect himself and his family. Just go the fk away. your kind of solution got us here.

"While it's certainly true that a number of factors contribute to the high rates of gun violence in the U.S., a comparison of state laws versus rates of shooting deaths does show a correlation. The states that impose the most restrictions on gun users also have the lowest rates of gun-related deaths, while states with fewer regulations typically have a much higher death rate from guns."

The States With The Most Gun Laws See The Fewest Gun-Related Deaths

that's all I hear in your post. you are clueless on a messageboard.
As a family of gun owners, hunters, skeet shooters. think maybe its on us to shame the idiot gun people, who needs a assault riffle to go get lunch? or strapping your gun on to go check out your local flea market. I don't want those ass wipes on my shooting range. go check out the numbers of people shooting them selfs or others because there not trained in the use of guns.
stoop, it ain't them doing all the killing. fk, I wish you libs would fking smarten up.
new to English? Smarten up bubba.
you are?

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